Kerry nailed Rand Paul

And there are several conflicting reports on who used those chemical weapons. So again, you have no proof. You have hearsay.

In other words, you're in it for the boot licking. If this was a Romney administration, you'd be having a full blown meltdown tantrum over it.

It is astounding how stupid some people are, just mind boggling. The mass media says: "be an armchair isolationist", so the drones fall right into places with ready-made lines: "this is not our war!" and "let them fight it out, we need to take care of our own problems!" and other simple-minded tripe.

Do you have any fucking clue how sarin gas works, and how it has to be VERY carefully mixed en route to the bombing site or it will evaporate and become unusable?

The technology, skills and delivery systems for sarin gas are WAY beyond what the rebels or jihadists can accomplish. The SG has to be kept in liquid form, inserted into delivery canisters, then mixed with other elements within the canisters en route, right before being delivered in a payload.

The rockets carrying SG have to be multi-compartmental, with balanced mixing and perfectly-milled parts. This is not something the jihadists or rebels can perform, do you understand? Only highly trained personnel in lab-like conditions, with an assembly line process to insert the chemicals into the rockets can do this, especially in the numbers of rockets fired into the two different, far apart sections of Damascus into which they were sent.

The rebels lack the quantities of SG, the lab conditions, the rocket delivery systems, etc. If they could do this, why the fuck would they have waited 3 years to do so?

To anyone with brains or knowledge of chem warfare, it is laughable that anyone is trying to put this on some psychotic muslims screaming allahu akbar.

Uh huh. Yeah, sure. That's way rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey, right? Because they don't have the capabilities....

Anyway, the only tripe I see is yours. Show us the proof of Assad's guilt or go sit in the corner with Jake and G5000 until you can produce it.
Uh huh. Yeah, sure. That's way rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey, right? Because they don't have the capabilities....

Anyway, the only tripe I see is yours. Show us the proof of Assad's guilt or go sit in the corner with Jake and G5000 until you can produce it.

You're so fucking stupid its hilarious.

Do you understand the difference between a liquid and a gas?

The only way to effectively deliver sarin gas is to very carefully mix it with other chemicals and then quickly fire it in special canisters. The process to do this is beyond the rebels' abilities, idiot - it has to be done by professionals in near lab conditions.

ANYONE can hold a container with LIQUID sarin gas, for it to be used as a weapon since it quickly evaporates it must be mixed with other chemicals and then delivered into the target area. If the mix is off, the liquid, which turns to gas very quickly, will not be effective.

For a mass scale attack of this size, the measurements and dilusion process would have had to have been perfect, which the rebels could not achieve.

They do not have the conditions in the field to have mixed that many canisters to have covered such a large area.

If you have no brains and don't want to think, I get it.
Kerry didn't nail Rand. Objectively, Rand kind of poked the weak spots in the Obama case and tweaked the arrogant former Senator John F'n Lurch Kerry in the process.

If we do not "act" against Assad, according to Lurch, Assad WILL do it again.

Maybe. Maybe not.

But if we do lob in some missiles and even if we temporarily "degrade" the Assad military capacity, unless there is a rgegime change there (allegedly NOT our objective) then what makes Lurch or anybody else think that Assad will not simply get resupplied and reconstituted?

The better question, Secretary Lurch, is if we DO lob in missiles, will that PREVENT Assad from doing "it" again?

And there is no credible reason to believe it will UNLESS it turns the civil war against his regime into a route and he loses that war and his hold on power forever.

So, perhaps the subtext is really that we ARE seeking "regime change" but for some reason don't want to say so?

And one more thing. If it does cause Assad and his regime to topple, is THAT going to put the U.S. in a good position? Better than we were before we intervened? Or worse? Because, let's say it again, if Assad is OUT, we kind of already know who is likely to be "in." Don't we?

I would argue that going in there is more reason for Assad to use chemical weapons.

Assads two main goals are as follow:

1) Stay alive
2) Stay in power

Once we enter the war, Assad has every reason to use chemical weapons to attack his enemies. Because the biggest deterrent was our claim that we would go in there if he used them.

Without that deterrent, we have to remember his goals. He has to realize that the only way he stays alive and in power is if he far more agress with both the rebels and us.

If any of you think this is going to stop the use of chemical weapons, i think you are very short sighted here.
Uh huh. Yeah, sure. That's way rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey, right? Because they don't have the capabilities....

Anyway, the only tripe I see is yours. Show us the proof of Assad's guilt or go sit in the corner with Jake and G5000 until you can produce it.

You're so fucking stupid its hilarious.

Do you understand the difference between a liquid and a gas?

The only way to effectively deliver sarin gas is to very carefully mix it with other chemicals and then quickly fire it in special canisters. The process to do this is beyond the rebels' abilities, idiot - it has to be done by professionals in near lab conditions.

ANYONE can hold a container with LIQUID sarin gas, for it to be used as a weapon since it quickly evaporates it must be mixed with other chemicals and then delivered into the target area. If the mix is off, the liquid, which turns to gas very quickly, will not be effective.

For a mass scale attack of this size, the measurements and dilusion process would have had to have been perfect, which the rebels could not achieve.

They do not have the conditions in the field to have mixed that many canisters to have covered such a large area.

If you have no brains and don't want to think, I get it.

And what evidence do you have that the rebels don't have the capability to mix the gas?

You can say the rebels don't have the capacity to do it all you want. The problem is just saying it isn't evidence.
Uh huh. Yeah, sure. That's way rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey, right? Because they don't have the capabilities....

Anyway, the only tripe I see is yours. Show us the proof of Assad's guilt or go sit in the corner with Jake and G5000 until you can produce it.

You're so fucking stupid its hilarious.

Do you understand the difference between a liquid and a gas?

The only way to effectively deliver sarin gas is to very carefully mix it with other chemicals and then quickly fire it in special canisters. The process to do this is beyond the rebels' abilities, idiot - it has to be done by professionals in near lab conditions.

ANYONE can hold a container with LIQUID sarin gas, for it to be used as a weapon since it quickly evaporates it must be mixed with other chemicals and then delivered into the target area. If the mix is off, the liquid, which turns to gas very quickly, will not be effective.

For a mass scale attack of this size, the measurements and dilusion process would have had to have been perfect, which the rebels could not achieve.

They do not have the conditions in the field to have mixed that many canisters to have covered such a large area.

If you have no brains and don't want to think, I get it.

Riiiggghhhttt. So, that's why the rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey.
And there are several conflicting reports on who used those chemical weapons. So again, you have no proof. You have hearsay.

In other words, you're in it for the boot licking. If this was a Romney administration, you'd be having a full blown meltdown tantrum over it.

It is astounding how stupid some people are, just mind boggling. The mass media says: "be an armchair isolationist", so the drones fall right into places with ready-made lines: "this is not our war!" and "let them fight it out, we need to take care of our own problems!" and other simple-minded tripe.

Do you have any fucking clue how sarin gas works, and how it has to be VERY carefully mixed en route to the bombing site or it will evaporate and become unusable?

The technology, skills and delivery systems for sarin gas are WAY beyond what the rebels or jihadists can accomplish. The SG has to be kept in liquid form, inserted into delivery canisters, then mixed with other elements within the canisters en route, right before being delivered in a payload.

The rockets carrying SG have to be multi-compartmental, with balanced mixing and perfectly-milled parts. This is not something the jihadists or rebels can perform, do you understand? Only highly trained personnel in lab-like conditions, with an assembly line process to insert the chemicals into the rockets can do this, especially in the numbers of rockets fired into the two different, far apart sections of Damascus into which they were sent.

The rebels lack the quantities of SG, the lab conditions, the rocket delivery systems, etc. If they could do this, why the fuck would they have waited 3 years to do so?

To anyone with brains or knowledge of chem warfare, it is laughable that anyone is trying to put this on some psychotic muslims screaming allahu akbar.

Uh huh. Yeah, sure. That's way rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey, right? Because they don't have the capabilities....

Anyway, the only tripe I see is yours. Show us the proof of Assad's guilt or go sit in the corner with Jake and G5000 until you can produce it.

How'd they get caught with "gas"?

Uh huh. Yeah, sure. That's way rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey, right? Because they don't have the capabilities....

Anyway, the only tripe I see is yours. Show us the proof of Assad's guilt or go sit in the corner with Jake and G5000 until you can produce it.

You're so fucking stupid its hilarious.

Do you understand the difference between a liquid and a gas?

The only way to effectively deliver sarin gas is to very carefully mix it with other chemicals and then quickly fire it in special canisters. The process to do this is beyond the rebels' abilities, idiot - it has to be done by professionals in near lab conditions.

ANYONE can hold a container with LIQUID sarin gas, for it to be used as a weapon since it quickly evaporates it must be mixed with other chemicals and then delivered into the target area. If the mix is off, the liquid, which turns to gas very quickly, will not be effective.

For a mass scale attack of this size, the measurements and dilusion process would have had to have been perfect, which the rebels could not achieve.

They do not have the conditions in the field to have mixed that many canisters to have covered such a large area.

If you have no brains and don't want to think, I get it.

And what evidence do you have that the rebels don't have the capability to mix the gas?

You can say the rebels don't have the capacity to do it all you want. The problem is just saying it isn't evidence.

There are several problems with "rebels" having the chemicals.

First off it has to be stored somewhere. Then you need a delivery system.

Neither thing is easy. And none of the rebel groups seems all that organized.

Why, exactly, do you think that chemical weapons have almost never been used by terrorists?
Riiiggghhhttt. So, that's why the rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey.

For the 4th time shi-for-brains: ANYONE CAN POSSESS sarin gas in liquid form; it has a very short shelf life and could have been used for watering lawns after just a few weeks or months, the way the Germans had designed it.

To use as an airborne weapon (gas form), is far more difficult and needs professional skills in lab-like conditions.

At this point, either educate yourself or fuck off, you're trolling is wasting space here.
It is astounding how stupid some people are, just mind boggling. The mass media says: "be an armchair isolationist", so the drones fall right into places with ready-made lines: "this is not our war!" and "let them fight it out, we need to take care of our own problems!" and other simple-minded tripe.

Do you have any fucking clue how sarin gas works, and how it has to be VERY carefully mixed en route to the bombing site or it will evaporate and become unusable?

The technology, skills and delivery systems for sarin gas are WAY beyond what the rebels or jihadists can accomplish. The SG has to be kept in liquid form, inserted into delivery canisters, then mixed with other elements within the canisters en route, right before being delivered in a payload.

The rockets carrying SG have to be multi-compartmental, with balanced mixing and perfectly-milled parts. This is not something the jihadists or rebels can perform, do you understand? Only highly trained personnel in lab-like conditions, with an assembly line process to insert the chemicals into the rockets can do this, especially in the numbers of rockets fired into the two different, far apart sections of Damascus into which they were sent.

The rebels lack the quantities of SG, the lab conditions, the rocket delivery systems, etc. If they could do this, why the fuck would they have waited 3 years to do so?

To anyone with brains or knowledge of chem warfare, it is laughable that anyone is trying to put this on some psychotic muslims screaming allahu akbar.

Uh huh. Yeah, sure. That's way rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey, right? Because they don't have the capabilities....

Anyway, the only tripe I see is yours. Show us the proof of Assad's guilt or go sit in the corner with Jake and G5000 until you can produce it.

How'd they get caught with "gas"?


Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists ? reports ? RT News

I realize you're pretty stupid. Hopefully you can read. If this messenger is shoot worthy in your pea brain. Google it yourself and find another messenger to attack.
There are several problems with "rebels" having the chemicals.

First off it has to be stored somewhere. Then you need a delivery system.

Neither thing is easy. And none of the rebel groups seems all that organized.

Why, exactly, do you think that chemical weapons have almost never been used by terrorists?

If I am in complete agreement with this poster - whom with I would generally not even agree if they said water is wet - the point must be true.

But I think we are trying to explain algebra to a 3 year old; it doesn't matter how much we dumb it down, this trolling ass is not going to concede a thing. It is called an "AGENDA".
Uh huh. Yeah, sure. That's way rebels got caught with Sarin gas in Turkey, right? Because they don't have the capabilities....

Anyway, the only tripe I see is yours. Show us the proof of Assad's guilt or go sit in the corner with Jake and G5000 until you can produce it.

How'd they get caught with "gas"?


Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists ? reports ? RT News

I realize you're pretty stupid. Hopefully you can read. If this messenger is shoot worthy in your pea brain. Google it yourself and find another messenger to attack.

And you just take their word for it? They are not even from your country but you believe them over your elected officials. Amazing.
I realize you're pretty stupid. Hopefully you can read. If this messenger is shoot worthy in your pea brain. Google it yourself and find another messenger to attack.

Asshole, NO ONE is denying they may have had SG in canister/liquid form, what you are too stupid to grasp is that you cannot just take these cans and drop or fire them onto people as a weapon, it does not work that way.

Are you trying to be an idiot?
Rand Paul is leaving a trail of evidence on his lack of foreign policy accumen

It will come back to haunt him when he runs for president
Rand Paul is leaving a trail of evidence on his lack of foreign policy accumen

It will come back to haunt him when he runs for president

Hardly matters. You folks would just make it all up even if he were the wisest foreign relations and foreign policy genius in the history of the Republic.
Rand got spanked. But don't believe your lieing eyes.

Rand got spanked if you agree completely with the administration that we should follow through with some sort of police action against Assad's regime. If you disagree with that point from the beginning, then you would not see this as Rand getting spanked because he did not.

I support this administration in most things but not this. BTW, I don't doubt that Assad's people used chemical weapons against their own people, but that does not mean we need to police them and every other country out there. We gain absolutely nothing by going through with some sort of military action.
And what evidence do you have that the rebels don't have the capability to mix the gas?

You can say the rebels don't have the capacity to do it all you want. The problem is just saying it isn't evidence.

Ah, an adult just walked in, with a reasonable question.

Because, having over 15 years of military experience being trained and dealing with such weapons, the conditions on the battlefield of syria would not allow the rebels or jihadists to be able to perform the mixing and insertion of the mixed toxins into rocket-capable/ launchable canisters, let alone in the quantity needed to devastate an area as large as the two distinct regions of Damascus that were hit. Well over a hundred rockets, each mixed with still-active SG in its liquid state (cold - not room temperature, to prevent its evaporation), then mixed with other ingredients, and then inserted into the rocket-canisters so that it will maintain its integrity after being fired and heated quickly by the rocket and friction. The rebels do not possess the skills, field conditions, equipment, lab environment, refridgeration equipment, quantity of rockets, and mixing tools, on the battlefield, it really is not that hard to understand.
I realize you're pretty stupid. Hopefully you can read. If this messenger is shoot worthy in your pea brain. Google it yourself and find another messenger to attack.

Asshole, NO ONE is denying they may have had SG in canister/liquid form, what you are too stupid to grasp is that you cannot just take these cans and drop or fire them onto people as a weapon, it does not work that way.

Are you trying to be an idiot?

So Turkey arrested them and said they planned to use it to attack with? Is that Turkey's way of "playing joke, putting pee pee in our coke"?

Yeah, they were concerned these rebels might do nothing with the chemicals. So they arrested them.... retard.
And what evidence do you have that the rebels don't have the capability to mix the gas?

You can say the rebels don't have the capacity to do it all you want. The problem is just saying it isn't evidence.

Ah, an adult just walked in, with a reasonable question.

Because, having over 15 years of military experience being trained and dealing with such weapons, the conditions on the battlefield of syria would not allow the rebels or jihadists to be able to perform the mixing and insertion of the mixed toxins into rocket-capable/ launchable canisters, let alone in the quantity needed to devastate an area as large as the two distinct regions of Damascus that were hit. Well over a hundred rockets, each mixed with still-active SG in its liquid state (cold - not room temperature, to prevent its evaporation), then mixed with other ingredients, and then inserted into the rocket-canisters so that it will maintain its integrity after being fired and heated quickly by the rocket and friction. The rebels do not possess the skills, field conditions, equipment, lab environment, refridgeration equipment, quantity of rockets, and mixing tools, on the battlefield, it really is not that hard to understand.

I believe you. No really, i do. I'll take your word for it. You Obama, Kerry and the rest of the "say so" crowd.

What a fuckin' jokester. Here are my credentials. I said the rebels dont have that equipment. I SAID SO! :lmao:

So Turkey arrested them and said they planned to use it to attack with? Is that Turkey's way of "playing joke, putting pee pee in our coke"? Yeah, they were concerned these rebels might do nothing with the chemicals. So they arrested them.... retard.

This is like grade school t-ball against the NY Yankees.

Idiot, how many times does this have to be explained to you, ANYONE could have the liquid sarin in their possession. They could have been arrested for 1,000 other reasons, and sarin has a short shelf life.

That they were arrested with the chemical does not mean they had either the knowledge nor the ability to use it. Rebels have over run many SAA bases, so it is not surprising they may have captured some chemicals.

If the syrian army and regime were so worried about the rebels having the knowledge and skills to use them, why hasn't syria been handing out gas masks, protective clothing, and atropine to its citizens under their control?

Oh that's right - because they know the crap that the rebels have captured is likely already chemically useless, or have no means to use it as a weapon :eusa_whistle:

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