Kerry nailed Rand Paul

There's plenty of proof.

I will give Rand Paul a little credit in unlike the other bozos in the Republican party that voted for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, he really would have opposed both. He's consistently been against intervention.

However, he's been soft soaping that stance ever since he's been looking to become President.

That ought to stop.

If there is plenty of proof, where is it?

Some things you dont have the security level to see and are above your pay grade. Your elected officials make that decision for you.

Extra bread for you comrade Assclapias.

View attachment $sheeple.bmp
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One thing about radical left wing democrats like Kerry is that they don't embarrass easy even when they "voted against it before they voted for it". Kerry must have had some plastic surgery done. He has the same swollen vacant look as Joan Rivers.
"More money for education and healthcare, food stamps and housing, infrastructure and and and.... just after I'm done with another war I started."

Love, Obama

Glad Obama got us out of Iraq, exactly on Bush''s time table.... Too bad for Obama the Iraq Government wouldn't let us stay there, like Obama was trying to do, lol.
Forward Progressives ? Can?t Stand Rand Paul? Then Watch John Kerry Absolutely Embarrass Him Over Syria

This is what happens when a man who’s using his position in Congress to stage a future presidential run meets a man who’s simply speaking the truth.

[ame=]John Kerry Scolds Rand Paul on Syria 'We Don't Want to Go to War' Sep 3 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

Don't bother whining about the source unless you can prove it didn't happen.

Don't bother huh? that's what we say about all your threads..

don't bother it's another yawner


but we know a few of you oh so tolerant whiners of how Republicans aren't being "CIVIL" love all the Democrats who are just plain old rude, jerks and jackasses
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If there is plenty of proof, where is it?

Some things you dont have the security level to see and are above your pay grade. Your elected officials make that decision for you.

Extra bread for you comrade Assclapias.

:lol: That was pretty clever there. I take it you are unfamiliar with security clearances and "need to know" policies? You would be amazed at the stuff that goes on the American public has no clue about and would result in complete gridlock if it had to be debated. Thats why you elect officials you can trust to make the right decisions for you. All the other BS is just grandstanding for political gain.
Rand is right. There is no proof Assad is guilty.

There's plenty of proof.

I will give Rand Paul a little credit in unlike the other bozos in the Republican party that voted for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, he really would have opposed both. He's consistently been against intervention.

However, he's been soft soaping that stance ever since he's been looking to become President.

That ought to stop.

Rand Paul is as immutable as a politician gets - like his dad! His reputation alone belittles Kerry who like his boss, articulate, but articulation coulpled with whimsical political expediency is not convincing at all; he is not credible! After seeing Obama's detachment, and disparity from his rhetoric to realization - one should beware of silver tongues by now!

Paul comes across as both articulate, and honest - definately a man of integrity which always wins the day. :eusa_whistle: :lol: :cuckoo:
Rand Paul is a complete fool. His one and only job is to oppose Obama. It doesn't matter what the issue is, if Obama is for it, Paul is against it. The best thing that could happen to the Senate would be for Rand Paul to get run over by a bus. Screw that little schmuck. John Kerry ripped him apart. Good.

Some things you dont have the security level to see and are above your pay grade. Your elected officials make that decision for you.

Extra bread for you comrade Assclapias.

:lol: That was pretty clever there. I take it you are unfamiliar with security clearances and "need to know" policies? You would be amazed at the stuff that goes on the American public has no clue about and would result in complete gridlock if it had to be debated. Thats why you elect officials you can trust to make the right decisions for you. All the other BS is just grandstanding for political gain.

So we dont need proof of guilt. We'll go on say so.

Definitely extra bread crumbs for you.
Extra bread for you comrade Assclapias.

:lol: That was pretty clever there. I take it you are unfamiliar with security clearances and "need to know" policies? You would be amazed at the stuff that goes on the American public has no clue about and would result in complete gridlock if it had to be debated. Thats why you elect officials you can trust to make the right decisions for you. All the other BS is just grandstanding for political gain.

So we dont need proof of guilt. We'll go on say so.

Definitely extra bread crumbs for you.

Pretty simple. I you dont want the responsibility of doing the job let the person you elected to do the job speak for you.
God DAMN it.

The case against Assad is quite clear.

That does NOT answer the questions about what (if anything) we should or might do about it.

However, to deny that the proof is crystal clear is a non starter.

I believe the proper questions are: (1) IF we take it now as a given (which I do) that Assad and his regime used the chemical weapons to slaughter so many of his own innocent civilian population, what is the proper response of the United States? And, (2) what is the justification for that response?
This is what happens when a man who’s using his position in Congress to stage a future presidential run meets a man who’s simply speaking the truth.

If someone can provide me with the precise credentials a total piece of shit like rand paul has for being in the senate, I'd love to see them. No wonder this shitbag is so defensive against attacking syria, like assad he thinks because of who his father is, he's also entitled to be in power.

That I am actually on the same page as kerry in this situation - a man I've despised for years - is proof positive that the US should obliterate the assad fake regime/mafia gang.

Rand is over the age of 30 and was elected by the State of Kentucky. Since the requirements are he be 30 or over and be elected by the people of a state, he more than qualifies, as would any other person the people of Kentucky chose to represent them.
:lol: That was pretty clever there. I take it you are unfamiliar with security clearances and "need to know" policies? You would be amazed at the stuff that goes on the American public has no clue about and would result in complete gridlock if it had to be debated. Thats why you elect officials you can trust to make the right decisions for you. All the other BS is just grandstanding for political gain.

So we dont need proof of guilt. We'll go on say so.

Definitely extra bread crumbs for you.

Pretty simple. I you dont want the responsibility of doing the job let the person you elected to do the job speak for you.

What's pretty simple, is that you are a full lbown Statists. You believe whatever your "leaders" tell you. Without demanding any proof. You will simply go along like a good little pleb.

That's all fine adn good. But that doesn't mean the rest of us don't have to demand proof of guilt and ask the tougher questions. In this case, there are lots of conflicting reprots on who is guilty of the use of chimcal weapons. And hearsay from known liars isn't going to cut it.

Furthermore, it's devastatingly obvious to anyone with two working brains cells that this Syrian intervention hasn't a single thing at all to do with the use of chemical weapons.

LOLberals have terrible poker faces when it comes to war. You should vote for more Bush type neocons if you're leg tingles for war so badly.

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