Kerry Promises To Help Illegal Aliens

Originally posted by Big D
Anything would be better then that sack of shit Bush.

Ah so you know who these two psychopaths are? Have you broken bread with them? I mean Rich lives quite close to you.
Originally posted by OCA
Ah so you know who these two psychopaths are? Have you broken bread with them? I mean Rich lives quite close to you.
Like I said:

Originally posted by Big D
Anything would be better then that sack of shit Bush.
should be for this nation but that's not where they are at.....
It is indeed pitiful to see our politicians grovel like a beaten pig with the hispanic vote... There is NO WAY amnesty will be provided... I mean no way as in over my dead body as in civil war...
Any American president who would offer amnesty is asking for outright civil war... Bush should shut the hell up about it..

If the Mexicans want TEMPORARY work visas that is one thing but FORCING the US to open it's border to allow Mexicans in is a usurptation of soverienty that is unacceptable... War is a possibility with this issue...
Originally posted by phadras
should be for this nation but that's not where they are at.....
It is indeed pitiful to see our politicians grovel like a beaten pig with the hispanic vote... There is NO WAY amnesty will be provided... I mean no way as in over my dead body as in civil war...
Any American president who would offer amnesty is asking for outright civil war... Bush should shut the hell up about it..

If the Mexicans want TEMPORARY work visas that is one thing but FORCING the US to open it's border to allow Mexicans in is a usurptation of soverienty that is unacceptable... War is a possibility with this issue...

Warv over this will never happen. Americans today don't have half the intestinal fortitude that they did back in the 1860's. The people will roll over and take it just like they do with gay marriage etc. etc.
My statement points this out... Many, I'd say most, Americans agree with me on the issue of illegal immigration.... It's merely a matter of a politician or group having enough courage to say "No mas" to the mass Mexican invasion... Trust me on this one amnesty of illegals will not happen... period....
Originally posted by OCA
Warv over this will never happen. Americans today don't have half the intestinal fortitude that they did back in the 1860's. The people will roll over and take it just like they do with gay marriage etc. etc.


Roll over?

-Or should it be "Bend over"?
Originally posted by phadras
My statement points this out... Many, I'd say most, Americans agree with me on the issue of illegal immigration.... It's merely a matter of a politician or group having enough courage to say "No mas" to the mass Mexican invasion... Trust me on this one amnesty of illegals will not happen... period....

Listen Americans today are weak, we get more upset about a 50 cent raise on ATM fees than we do about income tax percentage hikes or hidden gas taxes or politicians giving theirselves midnight pay raises. What makes you think that your neighbor is going to shoot his neighbor over illegal immigration?

If Bush is reelected he will attempt to push through an amnesty program, this is common knowledge, now whether it passes or not is another matter, but I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that if it does pass there will be no shooting war. Oh there will be a lot of pissing and moaning but much like the gays in SF and Massachusets the furor will die out within a few months, its just the way we are now.
Originally posted by NewGuy

Roll over?

-Or should it be "Bend over"?

Hehe bend over!

Man this is American politics, its messed up on both sides of the aisle but I don't see it changing anytime soon, do you?
Originally posted by OCA
Hehe bend over!

Man this is American politics, its messed up on both sides of the aisle but I don't see it changing anytime soon, do you?


My new battle cry:

"Impeach them ALL!!!!!"
Originally posted by OCA
Listen Americans today are weak, we get more upset about a 50 cent raise on ATM fees than we do about income tax percentage hikes or hidden gas taxes or politicians giving theirselves midnight pay raises. What makes you think that your neighbor is going to shoot his neighbor over illegal immigration?

Your notion of America's entrenched apathy is wrong. We can change, and we will. Improvement is possible.
Just like affirmative action will someday go, so will other bad things, like evil.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Your notion of America's entrenched apathy is wrong. We can change, and we will. Improvement is possible.
Just like affirmative action will someday go, so will other bad things, like evil.

Point me to a sign RWA, point me to a sign.
He would have to point you to my prophecy thread.

There ain't much else!

You're right. It would seem that Bush has done his share of pandering to the illegal aliens, too. And I think he's paid for that. I believe his numbers went down after that--he's stayed away from it since then.

It's very convenient that now both Kerry and Bush have had their finger in the illegal alien pie--so it certainly won't be a topic they'll debate. That disgusting, because it's a huge issue--and if the government doesn't stop illegal immigration, our children, grandchildren and future generations will suffer for it.

Illegals are flooding schools, hospitals, etc. and siphoning away tax dollars in record numbers. This must be stopped.

I know some people who used to live in southern California--they returned recently and said it's a "pit." Just a shambles. Does anybody know about this? Apparently businesses are moving out of there--hope the "Governator" can help. At least he prevented illegals from getting driver's licenses.

Check out
Originally posted by softwaremama
You're right. It would seem that Bush has done his share of pandering to the illegal aliens, too. And I think he's paid for that. I believe his numbers went down after that--he's stayed away from it since then.

It's very convenient that now both Kerry and Bush have had their finger in the illegal alien pie--so it certainly won't be a topic they'll debate. That disgusting, because it's a huge issue--and if the government doesn't stop illegal immigration, our children, grandchildren and future generations will suffer for it.

Illegals are flooding schools, hospitals, etc. and siphoning away tax dollars in record numbers. This must be stopped.

I know some people who used to live in southern California--they returned recently and said it's a "pit." Just a shambles. Does anybody know about this? Apparently businesses are moving out of there--hope the "Governator" can help. At least he prevented illegals from getting driver's licenses.

Check out
What you write here is perfectly correct.

I am from southern California and I go back about 2-3 times a year and everytime it looks worse and it is ALL due to hispanics.

Check this out:
Welcome to what may be the first state of post-American America. This is an America that would not be recognized by previous generations. It is America as the Third World. It is a knockoff America made in a Tijuana maquiladora by tequila sotted laborers who saw too many repeats of scenes of Rick's Cafe in Casablanca and who then imported the whole mess to California on their wet backs across the smelly sewer filled Tijuana River. It is America as shifty eyed little brown people, all on the make and take, who eye others for signs of weakness and opportunity. "Pssst, wanna buy some (fill in the blank) drugs, porno, hot watches, stolen cars? No problem, Amigo."

Need medical insurance? Don't be silly, that's for the old people, the white suckers. Just go to any hospital when you're sick, and the old people, the white citizens, will pay for your visit. Need food? Go to the charities. Need clothes. The charities will help. Auto insurance? That's for the gringos, Senor. Tiny rips in the fabric that is the American society are now turning into major tears in California. What started as a little "compassionate" wink and nod to illegal aliens has now grown into a major rotting of the soul of America. A Third World mentality has now become institutionalized in California as U.S. citizens are made into second class citizens to non-citizens by their own public officials who vote for their non-citizen Mexican cousins over American citizens.

And as this lawless world encroaches further and further into the formerly nice towns and cities of post-American America in California, we see the Father Knows Best and the Leave it to Beaver families of pre-post-American America--the wide eyed and apple cheeked European-Americans who still try to live the old myths and who because of this, deny the new reality--move further and further away into new suburban communities. "Oh, we're not moving because we don't like the people moving into our old neighborhoods," they beam, with pasted on idiot's smiles. "We just found this really nice home with the extra room we needed." And, sadly, many of those who are moving, have even deluded themselves into thinking that's why they're moving. Their conscious minds have often blocked out the real reasons why they're moving, because they can't stand the thought that they will, themselves, then evidence "racism" and "xenophobia" which they so often preach against, without even knowing why, other than it is the latest PTA rage. So, they move out of their browning old neighborhoods and into all white (except for a token this and that) brand new planned communities. Then, from those insulated locations behind the gates and next to the golf courses they often continue to rail against people who are just like them except these others have decided to fight the problems head on and try to reverse the downward spiral and destruction of this nation.
Originally posted by Big D
New Guy writes this like it is a good thing? You are right about one thing, illegal aliens are why today we have a huge "identity theft" problem.

Myths and lies of illegal immigration

Because the pro-illegal alien lobby has a bottomless pit of money and can hire PR people to spin (and fabricate) anything any way, there are an undue number of myths and lies that the public (and many politicians) has bought into. The FACTS are:

1. It is NOT racist to call these people "illegal aliens" In fact, "illegal aliens" is the only term used in federal laws and regulations to describe criminals (and they ARE criminals) who come into our country illegally. They are not illegal immigrants, not undocumented immigrants, not migrant workers, and not day laborers - they're ILLEGAL ALIENS.

2. Mexico is NOT a poor country. It has the fifth richest economy in the world, and by sending its teeming masses to our country, that status keeps on rising. Mexico has more resources per square mile than the U.S. and plenty of money to take care of its own people. Why should the taxpayers of this country subsidize Mexico's corruption?

3. Illegal aliens are NOT necessarily coming here to work. Lou Dobbs recently reported that 33 percent of our prison population is now comprised of non-citizens. Plus, 36 to 42 percent of illegal aliens are on welfare. So, for a good proportion of these people, the American dream is crime and welfare, not coming here to work.

4. Illegal aliens are NOT doing work Americans won't do. What jobs won't Americans do? In most states, Americans still clean their own houses, do their own landscaping, clean hotel rooms, work in restaurants and fast food places, paint houses, DO CONSTRUCTION WORK, work in airports, etc. - just like we have the past 200 years before "our" government allowed these people to invade our country. There are 18 million Americans who cannot find a job, so illegal aliens who are coming here to work do so at peril to American workers.

5. Illegal aliens absolutely do not contribute more than they cost. Certainly the millions in prison and on welfare aren't contributing a dime to our economy, and the ones who are working often are paid in cash with no deductions for taxes at all. The ones who use fraudulent social security numbers and qualify to pay taxes and social security have so many deductions for dependents that they pay little if any taxes. We have seen them pay less than $100 in taxes and get back $4,000 refunds (thanks to earned income tax credits and multiple dependents). The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the average Mexican illegal alien costs U.S. taxpayers a whopping $55,000 each. Some bargain, eh?

6. The economy does NOT depend on illegal aliens. Sure, greedy CEOs (making $50 to $150 MILLION a year) and business owners depend on illegal aliens, but due to #3, #4 and #5 above, the only thing illegal aliens are contributing to is the collapse of our economy and making the rich richer.

7. Without illegal aliens, the price of agricultural products and other goods and services will NOT soar. The definitive study on this subject is the University of Iowa's "How Much Is That Tomato?" The study concludes that 'since labor is such a small component of the end-price of agricultural products (which includes price to the growers, transportation costs, processing /storage costs, grocers' profit, etc.), using minimum wage workers instead of illegal aliens would increase prices of agricultural products by approximately 3 percent in the summer and 4 percent in the winter ... hardly the making of $10 heads of lettuce, $25 hamburgers, $1,000 per night Days Inn hotel rooms like the pro-illegal alien lobby claims.

8. Consumers are NOT benefiting from lower labor costs. Again, it's CEOs and business owners who benefit from taxpayer subsidies for their illegal alien workers. The Big Three automakers say they moved so many jobs to Mexico because their labor costs are 80 percent less than in America. Anybody notice the price of new cars spiraling downward under NAFTA?

So, before you believe the prevalent pack of lies perpetuated by the illegal alien lobby, which makes billions off this government-sanctioned criminal activity, ask yourself who's saying this garbage and look at what they have to gain. Whose side are you on, and what are YOU doing to save your state and country from this evil?


I never thought I would hear myself day this of Bid D, but great post!

Now D, tell us how to get the judges to play fair. When I lived in CA, and Prop. 187 was passed by like 67% of the vote, it was over ruled (by the 9th I believe), citing it as unconsitutional.

I agree because the operative word here is "ILLEGAL", aline is not an issues as long as they come into the country legally.
Originally posted by HGROKIT

I never thought I would hear myself day this of Bid D, but great post!

Now D, tell us how to get the judges to play fair. When I lived in CA, and Prop. 187 was passed by like 67% of the vote, it was over ruled (by the 9th I believe), citing it as unconsitutional.

I agree because the operative word here is "ILLEGAL", aline is not an issues as long as they come into the country legally.
I too voted for Prop. 187, the judges were just a pawn for big business and the government.

Thats when I knew it was time to leave.
Says Big D:
"I am from southern California and I go back about 2-3 times a year and everytime it looks worse and it is ALL due to hispanics...
Welcome to what may be the first state of post-American America."

Sorry to hear it's all true. Can America really be this PC at its own expense? Duh! I wonder when Americans will start waking up and want this problem dealt with.

Anybody interested in political action on this, check out:
Originally posted by softwaremama

Can America really be this PC at its own expense?
Stick around this board and you will meet a few that are just that.

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