Kerry Urges Public Shaming to Enforce Climate Agreement


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Meanwhile, Kerry owns five luxury mansions, a 76 ft yacht, a private jet, an SUV.....

Tom Nelson: Five luxury homes, 76-foot yacht, SUV, and a private jet: John Kerry models the lifestyle of a liberal who allegedly believed James Hansen's 1988 carbon dioxide warning

When those screaming it's a crisis start acting like its a crisis themselves, then I'll start listening.

From what I've read so far, "shaming" is the only mechanism availible to "enforce" the provisions of this agreement.

It is comforting though, that they could only come up with made up solution to a made up problem.
He should know. he's been one of our laughing stock idiots bringing shame down on US ALL in this country. and then you have his Master leading the Charge that thug, Obama.

Even Billy Clintons blowjob doesn't compare to this administration

I've never been more ashamed and embarrassed by this bunch of jesters, liars and fools

I'd like to slap some of these Elitist snobs

'Kerry Urges Public Shaming to Enforce Climate Agreement'

I can't be shamed by made-up 'B$' by hypocrites who refuse to adhere to the same standards they demand everyone else but themselves be held to.

Hey John, Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!

The Chinese have always been vulnerable to public shaming. I expect a complete about face by January.
Risk of global warming v. risk of attempting to shame me. You got to look at the likely outcomes here.
Since shaming now I guess is the norm from the liberals. We could start shaming women about to get an abortion. Would that be okay with the liberals on here. Saving innocent lives is a good thing.
Since shaming now I guess is the norm from the liberals. We could start shaming women about to get an abortion. Would that be okay with the liberals on here. Saving innocent lives is a good thing.
Shaming anyone about what goes against the Liberal agenda is ok. You are obviously a Conservative and therefore must be saved from yourself. Let the Shaming begin! Bring on the 'Spanish Inquisition' (Monty Python version of course - comfy chair, soft pillows, tea.. - as Liberals don't believe in waterboarding or anything of the sort).

Besides, it's not the 'shaming' that gets you - it's the ramming of minority-supported legislation into laws in the middle of the night against the majority will of the people that does it.

Since shaming now I guess is the norm from the liberals. We could start shaming women about to get an abortion. Would that be okay with the liberals on here. Saving innocent lives is a good thing.

good one. and we already know how they would react. Just look at them taking PP side when the videos came out.
LOL The first moon bat that tries to "shame me" will get laughed at. Stupid left tards

depending on the mood I'm in. they might get more than that. dumb people who would go follow the advice of these snobs politicians. they need to find someone with some honor and morals to worship, instead of these slick talking liar HYPOCRITE politicians.
I cannot be shamed into believing or participating in a scam. Won't happen because I have a brain and I use it.
Sounds like a treaty, needs to be confirmed by the Senate. Of course China has to abide by it and every other developed nation. Then there is the little matter of no proof man has any impact on the Earth's natural cycle of heating and cooling...
Notice how the Moonbats in the AGWCult Crick Old Rocks mamooth all came onboard to highlight Kerry's utter and total hyprocacy

wow I missed it. they have to be making money off the scam in my book, to come in here pushing it off on us as if it's the Gospel we all better follow or THE SKY is going to burn us to hell and back. and then if that doesn't take us down, the oceans will drown us.

this is how I picture them


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