Kerry was never on the boat

congress authorized and funded iraq and afghanistan, Bush did not "declare war" on either of those nations. Presidents cannot declare war, only congress can do that.

We agree that going into those countries the way we did was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about how it happened.

Congress gave Bush a gun.

But it was Bush that pulled the trigger.

You need to stop lying about how it happened.
Old Kerry loves his boat almost as much as he loved the PBRs in VietNam.......I can't stand that clown.
(i wish you had not referred to him as a clown, that is giving clowns a bad name :up: )
Most conservatives can't stand American Heroes.

They generally spit on those who shed blood for this nation. So your feelings are understandable.

Kerry is not a hero. He lied about what he did in Viet Nam and then showed contempt for this country. he is a traitor, not a hero.

AMEN brother, i was in the Tonkin Gulf helping cover his ass, while he was getting band aid purple hearts and other medals he did NOT deserve, then lied about throwing them over the WH fence.., what a scum :suck: he is ! :up:
congress authorized and funded iraq and afghanistan, Bush did not "declare war" on either of those nations. Presidents cannot declare war, only congress can do that.

We agree that going into those countries the way we did was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about how it happened.

Congress gave Bush a gun.

But it was Bush that pulled the trigger.

You need to stop lying about how it happened.

Yes, thats the way it works, the POTUS is the CIC. Congress authorizes and funds the action and the POTUS executes it.

YOU said that Bush declared war------that is a lie.
congress authorized and funded iraq and afghanistan, Bush did not "declare war" on either of those nations. Presidents cannot declare war, only congress can do that.

We agree that going into those countries the way we did was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about how it happened.

Congress gave Bush a gun.

But it was Bush that pulled the trigger.

You need to stop lying about how it happened.

Yes, thats the way it works, the POTUS is the CIC. Congress authorizes and funds the action and the POTUS executes it.

YOU said that Bush declared war------that is a lie.

And the drone program the left has grown to love.
It's none of your business where the Sec'y of State is minute by minute.

Find something else to cry about.

thats not the issue. The issue is that the obama administration lied about it. another in a long series of lies to the american people.

There is no issue. It's one more fake issue on the long list of fake issues manufactured by the rightwing propaganda machine.
congress authorized and funded iraq and afghanistan, Bush did not "declare war" on either of those nations. Presidents cannot declare war, only congress can do that.

We agree that going into those countries the way we did was a stupid waste of lives and money, but you need to stop lying about how it happened.

Congress gave Bush a gun.

But it was Bush that pulled the trigger.

You need to stop lying about how it happened.

Libs always try to pull this shit.
Bush got us into two illegal wars.
Like he did this all by his lonesome.

Democrats voted for it and were all for use of force.
Then when Bush does what the Democrats approved.
Then they want no part of it when the war wasn't over in 5 minutes.

All the Libs do is lie about how we got there.
And why not? just look at the low information voters in the Democrat party.
They believe whatever the WH communication department that is MSNBC tells them.
It's none of your business where the Sec'y of State is minute by minute.

Find something else to cry about.

thats not the issue. The issue is that the obama administration lied about it. another in a long series of lies to the american people.

There is no issue. It's one more fake issue on the long list of fake issues manufactured by the rightwing propaganda machine.

You seem to care about Bush's lies but not Kerry's. Why ?
Why assume that it is a deliberate lie? How about it was just an innocent mistake by the spokesperson who put out the original statement since they did not know that Kerry was on his boat when the crisis erupted. Would you prefer that the spokespersons always stipulate precisely that the Secretary was in the men's room when he received the call that there was an international crisis brewing in the ME?

This is yet another manufactured "red meat" issue designed to inflame those who hate the present administration. Try using a little perspective instead allowing yourself to be manipulated in this patently obvious manner.

No, actually what people should be tired of is the lying. OK the spokeperson didn't know so they made up a lie. They could have said they didn't know but that isn't the liberal way. The Pesident said that the "police acted stupidly" without knowing the facts. The President and Rice said that Benghazi was over a video long after everyone else knew that was nothing but BS.

So no, it is not manufactured. This administration has a clear record on making claims without checking the facts. They can't seem to come to terms with the fact that they may just not know everything, or at least they won't admit the same.

I guess the way you wish to wiggle out of this is to say that the spoke person didn't intentionally lie they just said something they didn't know was true, and BTW it wasn't true.

So ignore just another example of how this administration handles the truth if that makes you feel better.

Did the spokesperson say that Kerry was NOT on his boat? If he did then that is a lie. If he didn't then at best you can allege a "lie of omission". However this endless chorus of fabricated "outrages" wears thin and then no one pays any attention. It is the "cry wolf" syndrome.

OK, I know reading links is time consuming but from the link is the following quote:

But the State Department said Kerry was not aboard a boat on Wednesday and has spent the day working the phones on Egypt. "Since his plane touched down in Washington at 4 a.m., Secretary Kerry was working all day and on the phone dealing with the crisis in Egypt," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. "He participated in the White House meeting with the president by secure phone and was and is in non-stop contact with foreign leaders, and his senior team in Washington and Cairo. Any report or tweet that he was on a boat is completely inaccurate."

So what says you now? One thing at least, our State Department personnel were kept safe, unlike Benghazi.
Why is this administrations first reaction to lie about literally everything?

Because they know that those on the right will point out their lies and the loyalists liberals will do their best to make the right look foolish for expecting them not to lie.
This is the type of thing that makes me feel a sharp disconnect when people ask me why I don't believe the government when it tells me something.

Secretary of State Kerry was spotted on his boat by a CBS producer during the upheavel in Egypt a couple of days ago. Personally, I don't have a problem with it, I am sure he had secure communications available to talk to everyone who needed to be in contact with him, but someone who works for him had a major problem. Rather than talking about how Kerry is always in touch with the State Department, and always available to the President, he decided to deny it ever happened.

Kerry phones into Egypt meeting -

It took them 2 days to admit the truth admit they lied.

John Kerry on his boat during Egypt upheaval, State Dept. concedes - CBS News

If the first instinct of the government is to lie about something that is perfectly innocent, why should anyone believe them when they are talking about something that isn't innocent?

Old Kerry loves his boat almost as much as he loved the PBRs in VietNam.......I can't stand that clown.

Most conservatives can't stand American Heroes.

They generally spit on those who shed blood for this nation. So your feelings are understandable.

...and kerry gets swift boated again....dang

ya that kerry never earned nothing on his own, had to marry a rich conservatives wife's widow to get it.
Most conservatives can't stand American Heroes.

They generally spit on those who shed blood for this nation. So your feelings are understandable.


That is a pack of lies! You must have meant to insert "liberals" instead of "conservatives!" Conservatives are far more patriotic generally than senseless libs!

Kerry led the "spitters" when he got back! Scary Kerry and Hanoi Jane, what a pair!:eek:
Some of Kerry's medals were awarded by himself to himself! Wrong and improper! He did ok over there, but he exaggerated. His photo coming out of the jungle was set up for future aspirations.

Kerry and Hanoi Jane cost us and S. VietNam many, many lives.
It is really much better for John Kerry to be on his boat where he can do no damage than on the job and fucking things up as usual.
(i wish you had not referred to him as a clown, that is giving clowns a bad name :up: )
Most conservatives can't stand American Heroes.

They generally spit on those who shed blood for this nation. So your feelings are understandable.

Kerry is not a hero. He lied about what he did in Viet Nam and then showed contempt for this country. he is a traitor, not a hero.

AMEN brother, i was in the Tonkin Gulf helping cover his ass, while he was getting band aid purple hearts and other medals he did NOT deserve, then lied about throwing them over the WH fence.., what a scum :suck: he is ! :up:

I sincerely apologize to clowns the world over. Kerry is the personification of REMF. But what the hell? He's a "hero". He came up from the rear, rode a PBR for a day or two, got a splinter in his finger and got a Purple Heart. Hell, I'm surprised they didn't give the poseur a Bronze Star for his "heroism".
Kerry is not a hero. He lied about what he did in Viet Nam and then showed contempt for this country. he is a traitor, not a hero.

AMEN brother, i was in the Tonkin Gulf helping cover his ass, while he was getting band aid purple hearts and other medals he did NOT deserve, then lied about throwing them over the WH fence.., what a scum :suck: he is ! :up:

I sincerely apologize to clowns the world over. Kerry is the personification of REMF. But what the hell? He's a "hero". He came up from the rear, rode a PBR for a day or two, got a splinter in his finger and got a Purple Heart. Hell, I'm surprised they didn't give the poseur a Bronze Star for his "heroism".

No, they gave him a Bronze Star, a Silver Star and three purple hearts all in four months. But PCFs were dangerous business. Not defending him just stating fact.
This is the type of thing that makes me feel a sharp disconnect when people ask me why I don't believe the government when it tells me something.

Secretary of State Kerry was spotted on his boat by a CBS producer during the upheavel in Egypt a couple of days ago. Personally, I don't have a problem with it, I am sure he had secure communications available to talk to everyone who needed to be in contact with him, but someone who works for him had a major problem. Rather than talking about how Kerry is always in touch with the State Department, and always available to the President, he decided to deny it ever happened.

But the State Department said Kerry was not aboard a boat on Wednesday and has spent the day working the phones on Egypt. "Since his plane touched down in Washington at 4 a.m., Secretary Kerry was working all day and on the phone dealing with the crisis in Egypt," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. "He participated in the White House meeting with the president by secure phone and was and is in non-stop contact with foreign leaders, and his senior team in Washington and Cairo. Any report or tweet that he was on a boat is completely inaccurate."

Kerry phones into Egypt meeting -

It took them 2 days to admit the truth admit they lied.

"While he was briefly on his boat on Wednesday, Secretary Kerry worked around the clock all day including participating in the President's meeting with his national security council," said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, naming a series of Egyptian and international officials Kerry had spoken with on Wednesday.

John Kerry on his boat during Egypt upheaval, State Dept. concedes - CBS News

If the first instinct of the government is to lie about something that is perfectly innocent, why should anyone believe them when they are talking about something that isn't innocent?

not sure why this is a problem with anyone its not like he dont have a cell phone or two. Dont like kerry much but he does do his job well hear he visted the middle east more times in the past four months then hillary ever did.

The problem is that they lied about it. They could have just been honest in the first place and explained that he could easily be contacted if need be. The state dept. lied and it seems the lies flow easily from Washington. That is unacceptable. They probably lied because they thought it wouldn't sound good to tell the truth. Great point in the OP that if they lie about small things, they will certainly lie about the bigger things. Difference is that with the really serious stuff, they won't correct themselves a few days later.
No, actually what people should be tired of is the lying. OK the spokeperson didn't know so they made up a lie. They could have said they didn't know but that isn't the liberal way. The Pesident said that the "police acted stupidly" without knowing the facts. The President and Rice said that Benghazi was over a video long after everyone else knew that was nothing but BS.

So no, it is not manufactured. This administration has a clear record on making claims without checking the facts. They can't seem to come to terms with the fact that they may just not know everything, or at least they won't admit the same.

I guess the way you wish to wiggle out of this is to say that the spoke person didn't intentionally lie they just said something they didn't know was true, and BTW it wasn't true.

So ignore just another example of how this administration handles the truth if that makes you feel better.

Did the spokesperson say that Kerry was NOT on his boat? If he did then that is a lie. If he didn't then at best you can allege a "lie of omission". However this endless chorus of fabricated "outrages" wears thin and then no one pays any attention. It is the "cry wolf" syndrome.

OK, I know reading links is time consuming but from the link is the following quote:

But the State Department said Kerry was not aboard a boat on Wednesday and has spent the day working the phones on Egypt. "Since his plane touched down in Washington at 4 a.m., Secretary Kerry was working all day and on the phone dealing with the crisis in Egypt," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. "He participated in the White House meeting with the president by secure phone and was and is in non-stop contact with foreign leaders, and his senior team in Washington and Cairo. Any report or tweet that he was on a boat is completely inaccurate."

So what says you now? One thing at least, our State Department personnel were kept safe, unlike Benghazi.

Thank you for providing the quote. You are correct. That is a lie.
Most conservatives can't stand American Heroes.

They generally spit on those who shed blood for this nation. So your feelings are understandable.

We demand our "heroes" be recognized by their fellow Troop, not by their own version of events. Kerry wrote his own after-action reports, asking for awards he neither earned or deserved. He is the epitome of a ticket-puncher, a puffed up cartoon of a soldier, a leftist dirtbag who later called those of us who did our jobs without fanfare, barbarians. He was rightfully Swiftboated and denied what his goal all along was to be....Commander in Chief of a military he despised. And dingos like you call him a "hero" for it when he should have been horsewhippped and deported.
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