Ketangi Jackson

You can keep repeating your lie as much as you want but it won’t change the fact that Biological Men ( Transgender Women) have a very strong edge over biological women Re; Size, build, Muscle tone in spite of hormone treatment, larger lung 🫁 capacity, etc. etc. Please tell us about the Transgender Men competing with biological men in ANY sport. I’m waiting. You can’t name any
You know, for liberals who pretend to be all about “women’s rights” and making sure women aren’t robbed of opportunities they deserve, they sure are willing to throw the young women who have trained all their lives in a sport right under a bus and rob them of college scholarships and Olympic medals.
What a crock--Bitch doesn't follow the law and bitch ignores federal guidelines letting pedophiles out where they can and certainly have harmed more children. Bitch also been overturned on a regular basis. Bitch ain't qualified to be a judge anywhere much less on the supreme court.
She not only follows the law. She schooled all the Republicans in sentencing guidelines that THEY fail to change. She handed none other than Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Tom "Milquetoast White" Cotton their balls when they tried to suggest otherwise.

What is it with you members of Alt-Right Nation and your obsession with children? One would say.."you're not right". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
I already did in another thread and told you Lia Thomas herself lost a race to a trans male athlete. I'll provide the link I did in the other thread here.
Yes you did. Many thought it was thrown because of the negative publicity. Even Kaitlyn Jenner said men have a UNFAIR physical advantage over a BIOLOGICAL WOMAN 👩. Give me ONE example of a TRANSGENDER MAN competing against a BIOLOGICAL MALE . Only a Moron would believe a biological Male does not have a overall unfair advantage
Yes you did. Many thought it was thrown because of the negative publicity. Even Kaitlyn Jenner said men have a UNFAIR physical advantage over a BIOLOGICAL WOMAN 👩. Give me ONE example of a TRANSGENDER MAN competing against a BIOLOGICAL MALE . Only a Moron would believe a biological Male does not have a overall unfair advantage
I provided you with a link of examples of trans men doing just that.
Yup, she’s thinking wow.…..if leftists can exclude all whites and all men from positions I apply to, I too can get a prestigious job even though I am far from the best qualified!
Well, you can claim that that proud daughter is thinking whatever. That's on you, poster Lisa.
But, every parent I know would be immensely flattered, pleased, an humbled if a daughter looked at them in such a prideful manner as we see in the picture.
It would be nice to think poster Lisa that one or more of the children in your life ....have a similar pride in their parent.

What a crock--Bitch doesn't follow the law and bitch ignores federal guidelines... Bitch also been overturned on a regular basis. Bitch ain't qualified to be a judge......
Bitch ain't qualified---she protects pedophiles, ignores the laws, and has been overturned numberous times..... Bitch shouldn't be a judge anywhere.

The poster 'Turtlesoup' has, I believe, hinted at being a female herself in prior postings.
I don't know if she is or not.
But, in my opinion, using the word "bitch" to describe a wife and working mother of two with 10 years on the Federal bench ....well, using the word "bitch" 6 times in two short paragraphs tells us more about the envy and sense of grievance of poster Turtlesoup, than it does the nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

So.....good poster 'Turtlesoup'.....take a good look at the posted picture of the daughter looking at her Mom.
You may or may not have been privileged to have such a relationship....either giving as a daughter or receiving as a Mom. No matter,......however, I would suggest that daughter does not share your view that her Mom is a "bitch".
Yes you did. Many thought it was thrown because of the negative publicity. Even Kaitlyn Jenner said men have a UNFAIR physical advantage over a BIOLOGICAL WOMAN 👩. Give me ONE example of a TRANSGENDER MAN competing against a BIOLOGICAL MALE . Only a Moron would believe a biological Male does not have a overall unfair advantage
Trans Men winning scholarships, being picked over biological men for a particular team, in a professional sport aside Biological Men???? Biological men don’t have a overwhelming overall advantage ? ASSHOLE 😆 😂
I think understand why Jackson is Biden Supreme Diversity pick. It's all somehow connected...

As a judge, she help empowering abortion, specifically the "late term partial birth abortion". We don't have to get into debate "are they babies, or not", because they're definitely babies she empowered to get killed, and as attorney she also worked to kill the 1st Amendment... or shall we say... abort the 1st Amendment? It sounds more progressive.

When it comes to judging people not based on the content of their character, but rather on the color of their skin, judge Jackson seems to be all about "critical race theory", while pretending she's not when confronted about it. She sits on the board of the school that recommends the books teaching CRT to the young kids that attend the school. One of the books suggest that babies are being racist. Well, the problem of babies being racist can be solved if we could just kill all the babies before they are born, then we'll have no more infantile racism. That would again create another problem, because if we kill all the babies, then there wont be any kids for the pedophiles to commit heinous crimes against.

The Biden's most qualified skin color to govern against our Constitution. I am not biologist, so I am having hard time to determine if Jackson is a woman or not. Only difference, if she doesn't know what woman is, how is she going to interpret the 19th Amendment? If part time judge, and full time communist can't define a woman, then she won't know who to guarantee the right to vote to. When you think of it, Biden is not biologist neither, but he nominated a woman, who can't define what the woman is. If she can't define women, how is she going to define our laws?
What a crock--Bitch doesn't follow the law and bitch ignores federal guidelines letting pedophiles out where they can and certainly have harmed more children. Bitch also been overturned on a regular basis. Bitch ain't qualified to be a judge anywhere much less on the supreme court.

GOP Sen. Collins says she’ll back Jackson for Supreme Court

By MARY CLARE JALONICK47 minutes ago
GOP Sen. Collins says she'll back Jackson for Supreme Court

I've decided I'm also a black female who is only attracted to hot white females.

Now you cannot refuse to recognize me as the ruler of the universe.

i recognize you're a poorly educated douche, & that's about it.

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