Ketangi Jackson

Your own link says nothing about these women not being able to give birth.
Swyer syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by the failure of the sex glands (i.e., testicles or ovaries) to develop. Swyer syndrome is classified as a disorder of sex development (DSD), which encompasses any disorder in which chromosomal, gonadal or anatomic sex development is abnormal. Girls with Swyer syndrome have an XY chromosomal makeup (as boys normally do) instead of an XX chromosomal makeup (as girls normally do). Despite having the XY chromosomal makeup, girls with Swyer syndrome look female and have functional female genitalia and structures including a vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes.
With an implanted fertilized egg these women can indeed give birth. So let's recap. They XY chromosomes (which you said were how we identify men from women) can be found according to your own link in women who have female genitalia and that my link says can give birth. You've failed spectacularly at being able to biologically define men from women. Care to try again?
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Your own link says nothing about these women not being able to give birth.

With an implanted fertilized egg these women can indeed give birth. So let's recap. They XY chromosomes (which you said were how we identify men from women) can be found according to your own link in women who have female genitalia and that my link says can give birth. You've failed spectacularly at being able to biologically define men from women. Care to try again?
Thank you again for displaying your stupidity! They do NOT have ovaries. 👍
Thank you again for displaying your stupidity! They do NOT have ovaries. 👍
And yet they have working uteruses and vaginas so there's nothing stopping them from having fertilized eggs implanted and then giving birth. Also let's keep in mind again that these are people with XY chromosomes who you said were how we identify men so according to you men can have vaginas and give birth. That's brilliant! 😄
Your own link says nothing about these women not being able to give birth.

With an implanted fertilized egg these women can indeed give birth. So let's recap. They XY chromosomes (which you said were how we identify men from women) can be found according to your own link in women who have female genitalia and that my link says can give birth. You've failed spectacularly at being able to biologically define men from women. Care to try again?
And yet they have working uteruses and vaginas so there's nothing stopping them from having fertilized eggs implanted and then giving birth. Also let's keep in mind again that these are people with XY chromosomes who you said were how we identify men so according to you men can have vaginas and give birth. That's brilliant! 😄
You forget something Moron. They do not have Male gonads, they can’t get anyone pregnant, and they are classified as women; not men.
You forget something Moron. They do not have Male gonads, they can’t get anyone pregnant, and they are classified as women; not men.
They can get pregnant just not from their own eggs because they have none, hence the fertilized egg being implanted in their working uteruses and yes they are classified as women despite having XY chromosomes which means your original answer for how you would biologically identify a man is bunk.
OK, You Moron
A Person who has XX chromosomes vs XY. That’s for starters. Maybe your Mother can answer the rest of your question 🙋‍♂️
Care to try again, Short Bus or are you ready to concede biology is a little more complex then you originally envisioned when you were talking shit about Judge Jackson?
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They can get pregnant just not from their own eggs because they have none, hence the fertilized egg being implanted in their working uteruses and yes they are classified as women despite having XY chromosomes which means your original answer for how you would biologically identify a man is bunk.

Care to try again, Short Bus or are you ready to concede biology is a little more complex then you originally envisioned when you were talking shit about Judge Jackson?
Somehow I doubt very much if she knew about this syndrome which ONLY effects 1 out of 80,000. Are you now claiming that’s why she wouldn’t answer the question?
If that were the case, lol 😂 all she had to do was explain why she couldn’t give a more defensive answer. Wait,,,,, Her excuse; Poor in biology? I guess she doesn’t know about that syndrome after all. 🤔
Somehow I doubt very much if she knew about this syndrome which ONLY effects 1 out of 80,000. Are you now claiming that’s why she wouldn’t answer the question?
If that were the case, lol 😂 all she had to do was explain why she couldn’t give a more defensive answer. Wait,,,,, Her excuse; Poor in biology? I guess she doesn’t know about that syndrome after all. 🤔
Who gives a flying fuck what you doubt, you can't even differentiate between a man and woman biologically. 😄
Neither can you. If you can read, pick up a biology book 📕 🤗
Exactly fucktard. I can read, took you quite a few tries though. Seems you finally understand how silly it for fucktard Republicans to ask Judge Jackson to define a man and woman biologically. That isn't her field. Of course we all know this isn't about biology, it's about the hate bigots have for trans individuals. You clowns want to use biology to hide behind your hateful insistence to call trans women men and vice versa because according to you clowns they aren't real women or men, except you morons can't even scientifically define what real women or men are. It isn't a stance in the name of science it's a stand in the name of hatred and bigotry like it always is with you clowns. None of these arguments fool anybody except other morons and that's exactly what your side has become. A collection of hateful morons.
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LOL, the lib goes right for the radist accusation. I am pointing out that fact that when the majority of blacks are admitted to programs because they are black, then it calls into question whether any individual black earned her place. Odds are, she did not.

The libs need to stop applying racist standards when selecting people for high positions - and for sure not proudly bragging about it! Biden came right out and said NO WHITEYS would be considered, just as he said NO WHITEYS for VP. And look where that got us - a mediocre person who made her way through life by benefit of advantages being given her because she is black.

Please stop being such a racist. We should not be selecting people due to their skin color.
Qualification standards have been lowered, or completely removed, in order to shoehorn blacks into loads of positions for which they could never otherwise qualify based on merit. This includes schools, colleges and universities, politics (everywhere), and sadly, top jobs in major corporations.

The country is certain to suffer greatly because we no longer have the strongest intellects in places where they are sorely needed. The rest of the world is driving forward following their best and brightest. Meanwhile the U.S. has set itself on a path of decline, simply to satisfy the least productive, least patriotic, and biggest whiners and troublemakers in our society.

Look at VP Harris. She's a fucking nightmare. Pray that nothing happens to BLM-owned, Biden, before he's thrown out of office in '24.
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Exactly fucktard. I can read, took you quite a few tries though. Seems you finally understand how silly it for fucktard Republicans to ask Judge Jackson to define a man and woman biologically. That isn't her field. Of course we all know this isn't about biology, it's about the hate bigots have for trans individuals. You clowns want to use biology to hide behind your hateful insistence to call trans women men and vice versa because according to you clowns they aren't real women or men, except you morons can't even scientifically define what real women or men are. It isn't a stance in the name of science it's a stand in the name of hatred and bigotry like it always is with you clowns. None of these arguments fool anybody except other morons and that's exactly what your side has become. A collection of hateful morons.
It’s not HER field you ASSHOLE?? You mean she doesn’t know she’s a woman? She’s a mother of two kids. Like it or not, a Transgender Women is BIOLOGICALLY a man. Please tell us why they have to take hormone treatments, have surgery if that’s their choice, etc. and Vice Versa. The problem with you DEMORAT S is that you don’t believe in honest debate. If they don’t share your opinion they’re a racist, homophobe, etc
It’s not HER field you ASSHOLE?? You mean she doesn’t know she’s a woman? She’s a mother of two kids. Like it or not, a Transgender Women is BIOLOGICALLY a man. Please tell us why they have to take hormone treatments, have surgery if that’s their choice, etc. and Vice Versa. The problem with you DEMORAT S is that you don’t believe in honest debate. If they don’t share your opinion they’re a racist, homophobe, etc
If you want to honestly debate then recognize when we use terms like she or woman that these are not biological declarations. As you yourself learned over the course of our discussion biology isn't too clear on that fact. These words are what we use to socially identify one another, not biologically. Socially you don't want to respect the wishes of Trans individuals and you want to hide behind biology to validate that lack of respect but biology doesn't validate your bigotry. If you can't give a biologically consistent answer on how to identify men from women then your bigotry has no objective basis. That's how debate works you clown. Your arguments must be proven and if you want to argue trans people aren't real men and women then you need to be able to tell us what real men and women are and you can't.
Hey Jackoffnotrades, why don’t you post for the forum who was the first to nominate a black female for the SC? Then post who voted against her and who was one of the most vocal against her. While you’re at it post what year that was.
Make sense....otherwise, hint..I'm laughing at YOU! :auiqs.jpg:
Step back from the bong.
Make sense....otherwise, hint..I'm laughing at YOU! :auiqs.jpg:
Step back from the bong.
You didn’t answer that poster‘s question. Who first nominated a black female justice, and who voted against her? And who was the most vocal - thus racist, I assume - against her?
If you want to honestly debate then recognize when we use terms like she or woman that these are not biological declarations. As you yourself learned over the course of our discussion biology isn't too clear on that fact. These words are what we use to socially identify one another, not biologically. Socially you don't want to respect the wishes of Trans individuals and you want to hide behind biology to validate that lack of respect but biology doesn't validate your bigotry. If you can't give a biologically consistent answer on how to identify men from women then your bigotry has no objective basis. That's how debate works you clown. Your arguments must be proven and if you want to argue trans people aren't real men and women then you need to be able to tell us what real men and women are and you can't.
You don’t want to accept the fact that even though Psychologically Trans people may feel they are one sex physically they are not. Take Kaitlyn Genner for example. Physically and hormonally she was born a male whether you and other DELUSIONAL DEMOCRATS want to admit it or not . You probably see nothing wrong with Transgender women competing in sports against biological women in spite of the fact that Transgender women have certain advantages ( something she is against. Do you HONESTLY believe she could have been a Olympics Gold Metal Winner competing in the sports she did if she were a Genetic Female? Morally and emotionally bankrupt people like you don’t know the difference
You didn’t answer that poster‘s question. Who first nominated a black female justice, and who voted against her? And who was the most vocal - thus racist, I assume - against her?
I don't care. Since the question has nothing to do with my post.
Got it now, hack?
The daughter's look says it all.
Wouldn't all Moms....or Dads.....want such a look of pride and admiration from their kids?

I don't care. Since the question has nothing to do with my post.
Got it now, hack?
IOW, the answer shows that it is the DEMOCRATS who firsr objected to a black female as SCOTUS, and you avoided the question because it shows where the true racists‘ lie - in the party of “Obama is a clean black” Biden.

Got it now, hypocrite?

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