Ketangi Jackson

1 in 80,000 WOMEN. But they are biological WOMEN
Agree; But the ASSHOLE wanted to know about possible “ exceptions” so I brought that up as a example
If that individual wanted to compete with other women on a professional team for example, there MIGHT be heated debate about it
I'm asking for you opinion you moron, are people with xy chromosomes and vaginas men or women?
Refer to my other post Re; a Medical condition MORON. How many people do you know with Male chromosomes and biological women??
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Agree; But the ASSHOLE wanted to know about possible “ exceptions” so I brought that up as a example
If that individual wanted to compete with other women on a professional team for example,

Refer to my other post Re; a Medical condition MORON. How many people do you know with Male chromosomes and biological women??
Quantity isn't the issue you clown and telling me its a medical condition is a cowardly dodge. Are people with xy chromosomes and vaginas men or women? You've spent all this time complaining about judge Jackson differing to biologists that I figured you had answers to these basic biological questions.
After watching Ketangi Jackson answer questions posed to her by senators I can say she is no Coney Barrett. Supreme Court Justice Barrett was very precise in her answers to questions posed to her in her confirmation hearings. I agree with Justice Barrett when she says that the Constitution should be interpreted as it is written and the laws should be applied as they are written. When one senator complained that some laws would harm people if the laws were strictly enforced Coney Barrett answered him telling him .If you don't like the law change it that is your job senator. I am not going to do your job for you.
Barrett couldn't list the five rights in the 1st Amendment. :heehee:
People with this condition are FEMAL but INFIRTILE. Natures way of solving the problem

Spontaneous menstruation has been reported in people with Swyer syndrome . While people with Swyer syndrome typically have functional female genitalia and structures including a vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes, they typically do not have ovaries and are therefore infertile.
Girls with Swyer syndrome have an XY chromosomal makeup (as boys normally do) instead of an XX chromosomal makeup (as girls normally do). Despite having the XY chromosomal makeup, girls with Swyer syndrome look female and have functional female genitalia and structures including a vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes.
Girls with Swyer syndrome have an XY chromosomal makeup (as boys normally do) instead of an XX chromosomal makeup (as girls normally do). Despite having the XY chromosomal makeup, girls with Swyer syndrome look female and have functional female genitalia and structures including a vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes.
The quote calls them girls and yet ILOVEISRAEL said people with xy chromosomes are boys. What gives?
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She went on to Harvard College, from which she graduated magna cum laude in 1992,

and Harvard Law School, graduating cum laude in 1996.

She spent the year between college and law school as a reporter and researcher at Time magazine in New York.

In the 17 years following her graduation from law school, Jackson held a variety of legal jobs.

She attained three federal clerkships,

worked at four elite law firms,

and served two stints with the Sentencing Commission.

From 1996 to 1997, Jackson served as a clerk to U.S District Judge Patti Saris, a Massachusetts judge appointed by President Bill Clinton.

She followed that clerkship with a second one, for Judge Bruce Selya, appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit by President Ronald Reagan, from 1997 to 1998.

Jackson then snagged a highly sought-after spot as an associate at Miller Cassidy Larroca & Lewin, a Washington litigation boutique that later merged with Baker Botts, a Texas-based firm.

A promotion to the country’s “second-highest court”

The D.C. Circuit is often dubbed the “second-highest court in the land” because of the many high-profile cases that it hears and because it has served as a launching pad for several Supreme Court justices. Among the current justices, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh all served on the D.C. Circuit before being nominated to the Supreme Court, as did the late Justices Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

her mid-career decision to spend two years as a public defender
. In fact, the last justice with significant experience representing criminal defendants was Justice Thurgood Marshall, who retired in 1991.

In 2005, Jackson became an assistant federal public defender in Washington, D.C. At her 2021 confirmation hearing, Jackson drew “a direct line” between her work as a public defender and her later work as a trial judge.

As a public defender, Jackson argued in the D.C. Circuit, including before some of the judges who would later become her colleagues.

Jackson left Miller Cassidy after a year for a third clerkship, this time at the Supreme Court as a clerk for Breyer.

When her clerkship ended, Jackson became an associate in the Boston office of a large law firm, Goodwin Procter.

Jackson left Goodwin Procter in 2002 to become an associate at the firm then known as the Feinberg Group, now known as Feinberg Rozen.

In 2007, Jackson returned to private practice one last time. She became “of counsel” – a designation for lawyers who are neither associates nor partners – in the Washington office of Morrison & Foerster, a large San Francisco-based law firm. For three years, Jackson was part of the firm’s appellate litigation group, working on cases in the Supreme Court and in state and federal appeals courts around the country.

n 2010, she returned to the Sentencing Commission after Obama nominated her to serve as vice chair of the commission. The Senate confirmed her for the position by unanimous consent.

A federal district judgeship

In September 2012, Obama nominated Jackson to serve as a U.S. district judge in Washington, D.C. Although the Senate held hearings in December, it did not act on her nomination before the 112th Congress adjourned at the beginning of January. Obama nominated Jackson again on Jan. 4, 2013, and the Senate confirmed her by a voice vote in March.

A promotion to the country’s “second-highest court”

Jackson was confirmed on June 14, 2021, by a vote of 53-44. Three Republicans – Susan Collins of Maine, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska – joined all Democrats in voting for her.

Profile of a potential nominee: Ketanji Brown Jackson - SCOTUSblog

Her qualifications far surpass those of Barrett and Kavanaugh and even Gorsuch. She’s one of the most qualified nominees to the Supreme Court EVER.
The racism and sexism in this thread is truly disgusting. Those of you expressing such things are both stupid and deplorable.
For the liberals who can't identify a man or woman 😄

The biological sex of an adult skeleton can be determined with 95% accuracy by measuring the hip bones alone, 83% accuracy by the skull, and 80% accuracy by the long bones (femur & tibia). WOMENS ELBOWS AND SHOULDERS are slightly different from men's

Her qualifications far surpass those of Barrett and Kavanaugh and even Gorsuch. She’s one of the most qualified nominees to the Supreme Court EVER
Declaring nonsense doesn't make it true. Care to elaborate? I'm guessing if Biden's caretakers chose it, it must believe killing an unwanted baby is a "right" the federal government must protect. That violates the Constiturion and everyone knows it
No Moron. In order to give birth one has to have a Uterus, Fallopian Tubes, Eggs that are capable of being fertilized, etc. Maybe 🤔 your Mom can explain it to you 👍
Did your mother teach you to read? Mine did. It's why I know from that link that women born with xy chromosomes, vaginas and uteruses can indeed give birth.
The quote calls them girls and yet ILOVEISRAEL said people with xy chromosomes are boys. What gives?
Thank you demonstrating your a MORON.
Did your mother teach you to read? Mine did. It's why I know from that link that women born with xy chromosomes, vaginas and uteruses can indeed give birth.
Thanks for proving you’re a MORON. The individuals with that Medical Condition do NOT have a uterus so they CANNOT give birth
She will be confirmed in a walk. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if a few Republicans vote for her. Not one of the showboating Republicans has managed to lay a glove on her.
You don't think she can be objective because she's black. Period. Your only solution is for the nominee to be white. End of story.

She's in. Like it or not. :)

Hey Jackoffnotrades, why don’t you post for the forum who was the first to nominate a black female for the SC? Then post who voted against her and who was one of the most vocal against her. While you’re at it post what year that was.

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