Ketangi Jackson

what about hermaphrodites?

why are hermaphrodites usually assigned 'female' & surgery performed at a very young age? because it's an easier procedure. too many times that has happened & later in life, that person identifies as male. why? because genitalia, although a huge factor, is not the only factor. the brain & it's circuitry also enters into it.

she's not qualified because she doesn't fit yer standards.

seems the frat boy & certainly not the handmaid weren't qualified either
She’s not qualified because she can’t answer a basic question that a child can
So what would a person born with xy chromosomes and a vagina be?

Also I love how you morons always start off so confident. 😆
A freak
Can you show us one of these

Seriously though, they are FEMALE

Girls with Swyer syndrome have an XY chromosomal makeup (as boys normally do) instead of an XX chromosomal makeup (as girls normally do). Despite having the XY chromosomal makeup, girls with Swyer syndrome look female and have functional female genitalia and structures including a vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes
No need to freak out scared little cuck, it's only nature and science and nature is rarely as binary as you cowards desperately need it to be.

More Women Than Expected Are Genetically Men
Live your fantasy life. The rest of the world KNOWS if you are born male, you are not a female. The only real freaks are leftists. Funny you'd call me a "cuck" when I know the difference between a man and a woman. You Biden voters accept Bidens cast of freaks
Live your fantasy life. The rest of the world KNOWS if you are born male, you are not a female. The only real freaks are leftists. Funny you'd call me a "cuck" when 8 know the difference between a man and a woman. You Biden voters accept Bidens cast of freaks
That's what I thought clown. 😆 Lash out in anger now because science and nature are more complex then your little ignorant white wing mind can handle. 😆
She’s not qualified because she can’t answer a basic question that a child can

she wasn't asked a legal question.

you know.... the thing the hearings are supposta be about, but instead turned into a bad performance by rw nutters who ran to their twitter feed after each hearing to get the latest tweets from the cult?
That's what I thought clown. 😆 Lash out in anger now because science and nature are more complex then your little ignorant white wing mind can handle. 😆
Nobody thinks you won this you idiot. You axed for a definition and you got the scientific definition.

No amount of leftist strutting will change that. The war on women leftists only drive the sane away from your freakish party of misfits. You cannot keep a political party going pa during to the 1 in a thousand freaks. But please keep trying 😄
Nobody thinks you won this you idiot. You axed for a definition and you got the scientific definition.
I posted a scientific article that blew that explanation out of the water and instead of an intellectual counter point you lashed out like an angry child. I don't need to declare I won, but from your bitch like response it's pretty clear I did. 😁
No amount of leftist strutting will change that. The war on women leftists only drive the sane away from your freakish party of misfits. You cannot keep a political party going pa during to the 1 in a thousand freaks. But please keep trying 😄
The Democratic Party keeps increasing its popular vote count on the GOP. You deplorable mutants haven't won a majority of American votes on a national scale since 2004. I guess adding and subtracting is just another one of those simple things you can't do like discern a man from a woman. 😆
she wasn't asked a legal question.

you know.... the thing the hearings are supposta be about, but instead turned into a bad performance by rw nutters who ran to their twitter feed after each hearing to get the latest tweets from the cult?
If she can't identify the color of the sky, she ain't qualified.

If she/it can't tell you if water is wet, she/it ain't qualified.

Does it know if it is a man or woman? If so, how is it sure?

From now on I must refer to this creature as it

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