Ketangi Jackson

You leftists who are in favor of racial bias need to get new material. Stats show that of black admits, two out of three would have been rejected under the more stringent white standards.

Itā€™s the leftists who think blacks are inferior and therefore need special favors. I saw a black woman begging outside Target, next to the sign advertising ā€œhelp wantedā€ for $17/hr and remarked to my friend that she could apply for a job. My liberal friend answered that sheā€™s probably too illiterate to complete an application.

Nope, I got my job despite the fact that I was a straight white female. This was a liberal place, and they gave first dibs to blacks and gays. The fact that I was hired despite my ā€œwhitenessā€ was testament to my skills and proven experience.

Did I say you werenā€™t? The worst anti-white racists are the self-loathing whites on the leff. Youā€˜d be singing a different tune if YOUR kid with a 3.8 and stellar MCATs was rejected from med school and a black kid with a 3.3 and OKish MCAT got in in his place.

I donā€™t believe that either. Thatā€™s why we should abolish AA and let everyone compete regardless of race.

Itā€˜s time for the racists on the left to admit that blacks can do just as well as other minorities, like Asians and Jews, and stop the AA policies to give people they feel are inferior a special hand-up.

me thinks ^^^ the lady ^^^ doth protest too much.

lol - you voted for donny. that tells me all there is to know about y-o-u.
me thinks ^^^ the lady ^^^ doth protest too much.

lol - you voted for donny. that tells me all there is to know about y-o-u.
1) And you voted for Biden and call anyone who is opposed to racisr policies a racist, and that tell me everything I need to know about you.

2) And guess what? When decent, fair-minded people are accused of raxism unjustly, they object! You know that. But thatā€™s what you leftists do - accuse your political opponents of horrible things. What Dems did to Kavanaugh was the worst example.

3) And why are you still holding yourself up a superior for voting for Dementia Joe? The country and now the world is in a much worse place because of him. You think itā€™s a POSITIVE that you voted for him? That right there tells me youā€˜re an arrogant, intolerant, clueless leftist so convinced that heā€™s better than people who disagree with him that youā€™re beyond all hope.
Yet you can't debate the substance of her post. Because you can't win


i've been debating & she's a racist moron who only got her job (if even true) based on her being a female. & only because she's a female.
Yet you can't debate the substance of her post. Because you can't win
Thank you! He comes out with a nasty and false accusation of racism, as leftists have been doing for years, and when I explain why that is false, he just says I protest his hateful, nasty accusation too much.

He didnā€™t debate the substance, though, as you point out.
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i've been debating & she's a racist moron who only got her job (if even true) based on her being a female. & only because she's a female.
Thatā€™s not true, as Iā€™ve said. Iā€™m far from a moron and got my job despite my being a white female. I got it because I had real talent in my field and a long track record of success.

These days, whites have to be significantly better than blacks (or gays, where I worked - they really bent over for them, you should excuse the expression) to get hired for any job. Where I was, I saw whites rejected in favor of minority candidates repeatedly.
1) And you voted for Biden and call anyone who is opposed to racisr policies a racist, and that tell me everything I need to know about you.

i am calling you a racist not because you are against AA. i don't favor AA either. you kinda overlooked that statement, didn't you.... but rather you said the ODDS are that bbbbbbblacks getting into ivy league schools are innately unqualified.

you also CONveniently overlooked my statement re: clarence thomas.

he MUSTA been admitted into yale cause he was a darkey, right, lisa?

2) And guess what? When decent, fair-minded people are accused of raxism unjustly, they object!

you were rightfully accused based on yer own words.

You know that. But thatā€™s what you leftists do - accuse your political opponents of horrible things. What Dems did to Kavanaugh was the worst example.

why did 4500 tips to the FBI about brett get redirected to the whitehouse & then was squashed?

btw - did gorsuch, brett, & the handmaid get questioned about their SATs? why not?

3) And why are you still holding yourself up a superior for voting for Dementia Joe?

you mean me & 8,000,000 other people that included (R)s?

The country and now the world is in a much worse place because of him.


You think itā€™s a POSITIVE that you voted for him?

don't forget NATO.

That right there tells me youā€˜re an arrogant, intolerant, clueless leftist so convinced that heā€™s better than people who disagree with him that youā€™re beyond all hope.

lol ... i'm female ....

just like y-o-u.
Thank you! He comes out with a nasty and false accusation of racism, as leftists have been doing for years, and when I explain why that is false, he just says I protest his hateful, nasty accusation too much.

He didnā€™t debate the substance, though, as you point out.

she did answer - she said she was not a biologist, but if the legality surrounding gender identity were to come b4 her.... she would listen to all arguments & decide from there.

funny how the performance artist ms marsha, a female - also called griswold v connecticut
' constitutionally unsound '

do you that case?

that's the case where the SC ruled that married couples can obtain birth control WITHOUT GOVERNMENT PERMISSION.

she was against that ruling. what a nutjob. she's trying to peddle herself as a 'constitutionalist ' ...

funny though, that the original constitution didn't even recognize her as an individual with all the protections afforded by the document.

lol ... so there is that. btw - i believe the highly qualified jackson is gonna get confirmed.

so deal with it.
ā€œ She was not a biologist ā€œ but she has a uterus, vagina, got her cycle every month, has kids and she has to take a course in biology? Does that mean unless everyone takes a course we are confused šŸ˜? Never said she wouldnā€™t be confirmed. Said she was not qualified šŸ¤”
i am calling you a racist not because you are against AA. i don't favor AA either. you kinda overlooked that statement, didn't you.... but rather you said the ODDS are that bbbbbbblacks getting into ivy league schools are innately unqualified.

you also CONveniently overlooked my statement re: clarence thomas.

he MUSTA been admitted into yale cause he was a darkey, right, lisa?

you were rightfully accused based on yer own words.

why did 4500 tips to the FBI about brett get redirected to the whitehouse & then was squashed?

btw - did gorsuch, brett, & the handmaid get questioned about their SATs? why not?

you mean me & 8,000,000 other people that included (R)s?


don't forget NATO.

lol ... i'm female ....

just like y-o-u.
I never said blacks were innately unqualified, you GD liar! I said that two out of three get in view AA. That means I acknowledge that one out of three got in due to their own innate abilities.

Now I tired of arguing with a leftist female (I should have guessed - they are the worst) who unfairly labels decent people racists when they are not. Itā€™s a hateful nasty thing you people do, and the worst of it is - you know it isnā€™t true! You are just so infuriated that people use their own minds and disagree with your politics thatā€™s it your way of heaping verbal abuse on them. You really do need to grow the F uo.
ā€œ She was not a biologist ā€œ but she has a uterus, vagina, got her cycle every month, has kids and she has to take a course in biology?

what about hermaphrodites?

Does that mean unless everyone takes a course we are confused šŸ˜?

why are hermaphrodites usually assigned 'female' & surgery performed at a very young age? because it's an easier procedure. too many times that has happened & later in life, that person identifies as male. why? because genitalia, although a huge factor, is not the only factor. the brain & it's circuitry also enters into it.

Never said she wouldnā€™t be confirmed. Said she was not qualified šŸ¤”

she's not qualified because she doesn't fit yer standards.

seems the frat boy & certainly not the handmaid weren't qualified either
I never said blacks were innately unqualified, you GD liar!

yes you did. you: the ODDS are they got in cause they are black. 1/3 are qualified, but 2/3 just cannot be because they're BBBBBBBLACK.

I said that two out of three get in view AA. That means I acknowledge that one out of three got in due to their own innate abilities.

ooooooOOOoooo was ^^^ that ^^^ supposta prove the opposite of what you meant?

Now I tired of arguing with a leftist female (I should have guessed - they are the worst)

i'm hurt.

who unfairly labels decent people racists when they are not. Itā€™s a hateful nasty thing you people do, and the worst of it is - you know it isnā€™t true!

if it wasn't, you wouldn't be having a hissy fit over what you said.

words have meanings. words have consequences.

You are just so infuriated that people use their own minds and disagree with your politics thatā€™s it your way of heaping verbal abuse on them. You really do need to grow the F uo.

i'm not the one stroking out over what clearly struck a nerve.
yas you did. you: the ODDS are they got in cause they are black.

ooooooOOOoooo was ^^^ that ^^^ supposta prove the opposite of what you meant?

i'm hurt.

if it wasn't, you wouldn't be having a hissy fit over what you said.

words have meanings. words have consequences.

i'm not the one stroking out over what clearly struck a nerve.
Do you hope the black man on the Supreme Court dies too?
Do you hope the black man on the Supreme Court dies too?

no, but his impeachment & removal would be just fine.

why do you demean & diminish what jews went thru in WW2 by sporting a swastika on the (D) mascot with no real tangible reason other than your ignorance?
yes you did. you: the ODDS are they got in cause they are black. 1/3 are qualified, but 2/3 just cannot be because they're BBBBBBBLACK.

ooooooOOOoooo was ^^^ that ^^^ supposta prove the opposite of what you meant?

i'm hurt.

if it wasn't, you wouldn't be having a hissy fit over what you said.

words have meanings. words have consequences.

i'm not the one stroking out over what clearly struck a nerve.
For the last time, saying the odds are they got in because they are black is not racist when stats show that two out of three would have been rejected if they were white. Look up what ā€œoddsā€ means in the dictionary.

As for the rest of your nasty diatribe - you are clearly enjoying heaping verbal abuse on a decent, kind, thoughtful, and fair-minded woman simply because she points out the unfair racism behind AA - I didnā€™t bother to read.

You are a nasty, disgusting leftist - the likes of whom I avoid IRL. Iā€™m not going to waste anymore time on such a hateful nasty person like you.
Do you hope the black man on the Supreme Court dies too?
Thatā€™s the thing, isnā€™t it? Leftists go around calling other people racist when they themselves say the most horrific things about blacks. (And donā€™t get me started on what they say about Jews. OMG. For people who purport to be against bigotry, they are the worst offenders.)
Thatā€™s the thing, isnā€™t it? Leftists go around calling other people racist when they themselves say the most horrific things about blacks. (And donā€™t get me started on what they say about Jews. OMG.

you are saying that to someone who literally has a swastika as part of his avatar?

how clueless can you get?

For people who purport to be against bigotry, they are the worst offenders.)

did george soros tell you that?
After watching Ketangi Jackson answer questions posed to her by senators I can say she is no Coney Barrett. Supreme Court Justice Barrett was very precise in her answers to questions posed to her in her confirmation hearings. I agree with Justice Barrett when she says that the Constitution should be interpreted as it is written and the laws should be applied as they are written. When one senator complained that some laws would harm people if the laws were strictly enforced Coney Barrett answered him telling him .If you don't like the law change it that is your job senator. I am not going to do your job for you.

Ketanji is the sum of everything wrong with the modern democrat Party.

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