Ketangi Jackson

Thomas and Kavanaugh are scumbags because there were clear and legitimate accusations of sexual assault and bad behavior in general. You didn't hear any of those allegations being made about Roberts, or Alito, or Gorsuch...or hell, even Rehnquist or Kennedy (waaaay....back). You had other legitimate conservative options to choose from (hell, ACB was on Trump's short list). The moment those accusations popped up, Bush Sr and Trump should have cut bait and moved on to the next option.
You lost your argument at “clear and legitimate accusations of assault”. Laughing at a hair on a Coke can and accusing someone of assault at a party where the accused wasn’t even in attendance hardly qualify as clear and legitimate.
You lost your argument at “clear and legitimate accusations of assault”. Laughing at a hair on a Coke can and accusing someone of assault at a party where the accused wasn’t even in attendance hardly qualify as clear and legitimate.
Yeah, if that's what you took out of those hearings you weren't paying attention. There was way more.
But I don't expect anything less from a true believer.
Durbin cut off the question because Cruz was campaigning for 2022 and 2024. She already addressed sentencing guidelines and gave an appropriate answer. What Cruz did was abhorrent. But typical for the alt-right.

And that, my friend, is the Republican party and the ideology of conservatism in a nutshell. Empty and devoid of both new ideas...and integrity. Congrats, you people have become the cancers we all thought you were going to be.

Oh..pssst..she's gonna get confirmed. :)
Durbin cut off the question because Cruz was campaigning for 2022 and 2024. She already addressed sentencing guidelines and gave an appropriate answer. What Cruz did was abhorrent. But typical for the alt-right.

And that, my friend, is the Republican party and the ideology of conservatism in a nutshell. Empty and devoid of both new ideas...and integrity. Congrats, you people have become the cancers we all thought you were going to be.

Oh..pssst..she's gonna get confirmed. :)

You are confused Moon Bat.

Cruz is allowed to ask any question he wants, just like the Democrat scum running for President did to Trump's nominees.

Just typical of the Democrats being chickenshit little turds. They can't stand the truth.

This stupid corrupt Negro bitch is a terrible nominee picked for racist reasons by racist Democrats.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Cruz is allowed to ask any question he wants, just like the Democrat scum running for President did to Trump's nominees.

Just typical of the Democrats being chickenshit little turds. They can't stand the truth.

This stupid corrupt Negro bitch is a terrible nominee picked for racist reasons by racist Democrats.
He wasn't asking questions. He was giving a stump speech to galvanized alt-right and right wing base for the 2022 midterms and 2024 general.

She's competent and qualified to sit on the bench.
And there's NOTHING Republicans can do to prevent her confirmation.
He wasn't asking questions. He was giving a stump speech to galvanized alt-right and right wing base for the 2022 midterms and 2024 general.

She's competent and qualified to sit on the bench.
And there's NOTHING Republicans can do to prevent her confirmation.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Every fucking Senator on that Committee gives speeches. He was shut down because the Democrat scum didn't like that he was making the filthy ass affirmative action Negro bitch look bad.

Remember the speeches that The Ho gave when the bitch was running for President and she was questioning Kavanaugh? Also, that hateful Booker Negro and that asshole Klobuchar?

Stupid uneducated Moon Bats like you may not remember but America does.
Yeah, if that's what you took out of those hearings you weren't paying attention. There was way more.
But I don't expect anything less from a true believer.
Oh, you want to talk way more? You mean when Thomas’ accuser was so appalled at the public hair joke she followed him to the next agency to work for him again? In the case of Kavanaugh’s accuser, you mean how she could not produce one witness in an entire party to corroborate what she said happened? It also didn’t help Kavanaugh’s accuser that she could not remember the house address or counter Kavanaugh’s claim he was on vacation. Both accusers had nothing but their axes to grind with men that refused them and now was a chance to get even with them by serving as tools for the Democrat attack dogs.
That's fine. Enjoy 50 years of her on the court.

Now hopefully the news about Clarence Thomas being in the hospital pans-out and he dies. Then Biden can pack another Liberal judge who is young on the SCOTUS. There will be no stopping us this time.
You are a disgusting racist - hoping a black person dies!
It's funny that a bunch of undereducated GOP goat ropers on USMB are telling Jackson she's not qualified.

And I guess Matt Gaetz should love her given his history with minors.
You are a disgusting racist - hoping a black person dies!
Democrats and liberals are allowed to smear Blacks that don’t agree with them and not be subject to the wide array of what they define as racism. Yet if you or I criticize a Black politician, we are the racist.
Oh, you want to talk way more? You mean when Thomas’ accuser was so appalled at the public hair joke she followed him to the next agency to work for him again? In the case of Kavanaugh’s accuser, you mean how she could not produce one witness in an entire party to corroborate what she said happened? It also didn’t help Kavanaugh’s accuser that she could not remember the house address or counter Kavanaugh’s claim he was on vacation. Both accusers had nothing but their axes to grind with men that refused them and now was a chance to get even with them by serving as tools for the Democrat attack dogs.
Your voracious defense of two indefensible scumbags is telling. Again, there were plenty of other good conservative candidates to choose from...for both Presidents. One stuck with the scumbag because, at the time, even Democrats were patriarchal. The other?, choose the person that was just like him...when he had his eventual third choice was on his short list. :)

Deal with it.
Your voracious defense of two indefensible scumbags is telling. Again, there were plenty of other good conservative candidates to choose from...for both Presidents. One stuck with the scumbag because, at the time, even Democrats were patriarchal. The other?, choose the person that was just like him...when he had his eventual third choice was on his short list. :)

Deal with it.
They only meet the “scumbag” definition according to your criteria. Deal with it.
I don’t know that she had to resort to Affirmative Action at all.

a lot of so called ' (R)s ' & rw pundit nutters are dog whisteling just that & those who cannot critically think for themselves because their moldy ol' MAGAt caps are squeezing their ' brains ' too tight.

And as you correctly note, even if it assisted her admission, she still had to do the work. My own belief is that she is perfectly well qualified.

well ^^^ that ^^^ is refreshing.

My concern is more about whether she will engage in Constitutional Law analysis by relying on what the Constitution says and actually intends OR whether she is more likely to make judicial determinations based on partisan political notions and feelings.

Police chiefs back Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court​

The International Association of Chiefs of Police

Police chiefs back Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court

Fraternal Order of Police is ‘reassured’ by Biden’s SCOTUS pick​

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who comes from a police family, would “treat issues related to law enforcement fairly and justly,” said FOP

President Patrick Yoes
Mar 1, 2022
Fraternal Order of Police is ‘reassured’ by Biden’s SCOTUS pick
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Harvard is really overrated---they did the whole affirmative action thing early on lowering standards that even brain dead druggies could get in and win undeserved awards if they were the right color. See druggy Obama who doesn't even know 1st year law. Now Jackson, and I know of atleast several dozen more. Harvard has an agenda...

& yet the SC pick has 2 degrees, worked for several law firms, clerked for a SC justice, AND has the endorsement of at least two police unions.

but, please .... by all means ... do drone on.


obama was also taught constitutional law, so you are on the wrong side of the actual facts with that one too.

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