Ketangi Jackson

IOW, the answer shows that it is the DEMOCRATS who firsr objected to a black female as SCOTUS, and you avoided the question because it shows where the true racists‘ lie - in the party of “Obama is a clean black” Biden.

Got it now, hypocrite?
Again, nothing to do with what I posted. And your claim is patently false. That's why I'm not dignifying it with an answer.
You don’t want to accept the fact that even though Psychologically Trans people may feel they are one sex physically they are not.
Underlying that argument is the assumption that you are able to objectively discern one sex from the other and we've already established that you can not. I will accept facts when you can prove they are indeed facts.
Take Kaitlyn Genner for example. Physically and hormonally she was born a male whether you and other DELUSIONAL DEMOCRATS want to admit it or not .
Not entirely. See studies of the brains of trans people shows that their brain patterns more closely resemble that of their chosen sex so there are physical and biological explanations for the way they feel and who's to say that doesn't make them real men or women? If we can't clearly identify men and women through chromosomes or sex organs (because as we've discovered they can come in all manner of combinations) then why are trans women any less of a woman than a person born with XY chromosomes and a vagina or a person with XX chromosomes and a vagina?
You probably see nothing wrong with Transgender women competing in sports against biological women in spite of the fact that Transgender women have certain advantages ( something she is against.
People are born with all sorts of advantages. Michael Phelps is double jointed and his ankles bend more than his rivals allowing him to mimic the flipper like movements of dolphins more than other swimmers likewise his double joined elbows allow him to gain more thrust through the water. Then there's the fact that his body produces about half the lactic acid as the average person which means he recovers quicker from large exertions of energy. Should these biological gifts have prevented him from competing? I have no chance of beating LeBron James in basketball, is it a fair game because we're both men?
Do you HONESTLY believe she could have been a Olympics Gold Metal Winner competing in the sports she did if she were a Genetic Female?
Kate Ledecky's time in the 500 meter freestyle is a full ten seconds quicker than Lia Thomas's.
Morally and emotionally bankrupt people like you don’t know the difference
This is the crux of the problem. You people think this is a moral issue, hell you think morality is objective and probably that it comes from God.
That's fine. Enjoy 50 years of her on the court.

Now hopefully the news about Clarence Thomas being in the hospital pans-out and he dies. Then Biden can pack another Liberal judge who is young on the SCOTUS. There will be no stopping us this time.
and this is our collective problem.

"no stopping us"
"us" is ALL OF US. this one sided mindset is bullshit.
Underlying that argument is the assumption that you are able to objectively discern one sex from the other and we've already established that you can not. I will accept facts when you can prove they are indeed facts.

Not entirely. See studies of the brains of trans people shows that their brain patterns more closely resemble that of their chosen sex so there are physical and biological explanations for the way they feel and who's to say that doesn't make them real men or women? If we can't clearly identify men and women through chromosomes or sex organs (because as we've discovered they can come in all manner of combinations) then why are trans women any less of a woman than a person born with XY chromosomes and a vagina or a person with XX chromosomes and a vagina?

People are born with all sorts of advantages. Michael Phelps is double jointed and his ankles bend more than his rivals allowing him to mimic the flipper like movements of dolphins more than other swimmers likewise his double joined elbows allow him to gain more thrust through the water. Then there's the fact that his body produces about half the lactic acid as the average person which means he recovers quicker from large exertions of energy. Should these biological gifts have prevented him from competing? I have no chance of beating LeBron James in basketball, is it a fair game because we're both men?

Kate Ledecky's time in the 500 meter freestyle is a full ten seconds quicker than Lia Thomas's.

This is the crux of the problem. You people think this is a moral issue, hell you think morality is objective and probably that it comes from God.
People are born with all kinds of advantages. The FEMALE BASKETBALL 🏀 Player being held in Russia 🇷🇺 is almost 7 Feet!! Does she have a advantage over her teammates? Of course! That’s just life. However to argue that a Transgender Female is the “ same” as a genetic female with no advantages is ignorant and to call people who object to those competing in female sports is ignorant, vile, and sexist. That’s what the DEMOCRATS stand for.👍
People are born with all kinds of advantages. The FEMALE BASKETBALL 🏀 Player being held in Russia 🇷🇺 is almost 7 Feet!! Does she have a advantage over her teammates? Of course! That’s just life. However to argue that a Transgender Female is the “ same” as a genetic female with no advantages is ignorant and to call people who object to those competing in female sports is ignorant, vile, and sexist. That’s what the DEMOCRATS stand for.👍
I didn't say they had no advantages, I made an argument that advantages were not non starters and you couldn't come up with a decent intelligent counter so you reached for name calling instead. Maybe try being less transparent. 😄
I didn't say they had no advantages, I made an argument that advantages were not non starters and you couldn't come up with a decent intelligent counter so you reached for name calling instead. Maybe try being less transparent.
I didn't say they had no advantages, I made an argument that advantages were not non starters and you couldn't come up with a decent intelligent counter so you reached for name calling instead. Maybe try being less transparent. 😄
People are born with all kinds of advantages. The FEMALE BASKETBALL 🏀 Player being held in Russia 🇷🇺 is almost 7 Feet!! Does she have a advantage over her teammates? Of course! That’s just life. However to argue that a Transgender Female is the “ same” as a genetic female with no advantages is ignorant and to call people who object to those competing in female sports is ignorant, vile, and sexist. That’s what the DEMOCRATS stand for.👍
I didn't say they had no advantages, I made an argument that advantages were not non starters and you couldn't come up with a decent intelligent counter so you reached for name calling instead. Maybe try being less transparent. 😄
You’re the one who said people were born with advantages ASSHOLE ! A Transgender women with a XY is the same as a Genetic Female with a XX? Basic body built, muscle in spite of hormones, greater lung capacity, etc are somehow dismissed? Please tell us why a Transgender Female has to undergo Hormone Therapy, can’t bear children, etc.
You’re the one who said people were born with advantages ASSHOLE !
I did say that, not sure why that should enrage you. 😄
A Transgender women with a XY is the same as a Genetic Female with a XX? Basic body built, muscle in spite of hormones, greater lung capacity, etc are somehow dismissed? Please tell us why a Transgender Female has to undergo Hormone Therapy, can’t bear children, etc.
Let try this again Short Bus. No two people are the same. We are all born with advantages and disadvantages to one another. XY women and XX women are the same in that they are both women, that's it. Lia Thomas has some physical advantages to other women and women like Katie Ledecky have had advantages over her. Such is life.
I did say that, not sure why that should enrage you. 😄

Let try this again Short Bus. No two people are the same. We are all born with advantages and disadvantages to one another. XY women and XX women are the same in that they are both women, that's it. Lia Thomas has some physical advantages to other women and women like Katie Ledecky have had advantages over her. Such is life.
Let’s try this again DumbAss. Lia Thomas is not a woman. She was born a man and because of that she will always have unfair advantages over her teammates in spite of her Hormonal Treatment
Can you honestly see a Transgender Man being picked for a top Men’s Sports team ; professional, college, or even High School?
Let’s try this again DumbAss. Lia Thomas is not a woman.
Dipshit, we've been over this. If you want to claim she isn't a woman you have to be able to give a consistent answer for what a woman is and as we've established repeatedly that you can't.
She was born a man and because of that she will always have unfair advantages over her teammates in spite of her Hormonal Treatment
Can you honestly see a Transgender Man being picked for a top Men’s Sports team ; professional, college, or even High School?
What makes some advantages more unfair than others? As I said Michael Phelps' body produces half the lactic acid than normal which gives him an advantage over other swimmers. Is that unfair? Try and fail to define unfair in the same way you tried and failed to define a woman.

And there are elite trans male athletes. Just because you've never heard of them doesn't men they don't exist. In fact a trans male swimmer who hasn't started transitioning yet beat Lia Thomas.
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They’ve finally released the list of challengers for Ubangi Jackson’s SCOTUS nomination…

He wasn't asking questions. He was giving a stump speech to galvanized alt-right and right wing base for the 2022 midterms and 2024 general.

She's competent and qualified to sit on the bench.
And there's NOTHING Republicans can do to prevent her confirmation.
What a crock--Bitch doesn't follow the law and bitch ignores federal guidelines letting pedophiles out where they can and certainly have harmed more children. Bitch also been overturned on a regular basis. Bitch ain't qualified to be a judge anywhere much less on the supreme court.
& yet the SC pick has 2 degrees, worked for several law firms, clerked for a SC justice, AND has the endorsement of at least two police unions.

but, please .... by all means ... do drone on.


obama was also taught constitutional law, so you are on the wrong side of the actual facts with that one too.
Bitch ain't qualified---she protects pedophiles, ignores the laws, and has been overturned numberous times. Whatever you are babbling about is meaningless when compared to the facts- Bitch shouldn't be a judge anywhere. She is an affirmative action marxist hire---who isn't qualified.
Again, nothing to do with what I posted. And your claim is patently false. That's why I'm not dignifying it with an answer.
Calm down, JerkOff. She was considered for the position but not nominated for a SCOTUS Associate Justice seat. However, racist Alzheimer victim Joe Biden did filibuster her nomination for a federal judge position.
Dipshit, we've been over this. If you want to claim she isn't a woman you have to be able to give a consistent answer for what a woman is and as we've established repeatedly that you can't.

What makes some advantages more unfair than others? As I said Michael Phelps' body produces half the lactic acid than normal which gives him an advantage over other swimmers. Is that unfair? Try and fail to define unfair in the same way you tried and failed to define a woman.

And there are elite trans male athletes. Just because you've never heard of them doesn't men they don't exist. In fact a trans male swimmer who hasn't started transitioning yet beat Lia Thomas.
As I have explained before just as One Example; That female basketball player with the XX Chromosomes has a Natural advantage being almost 7 feet. Such as life. Michael Phelps body produces half the lactic acid. Those are the breaks. Those are Natural occurrences. So Phelps competes against other Males and he wins
To suggest that a Transgender Female and biological Female are “ equal” and biological men do not have a advantage over women is a Moron and mentally challenged 🤗
As I have explained before just as One Example; That female basketball player with the XX Chromosomes has a Natural advantage being almost 7 feet. Such as life. Michael Phelps body produces half the lactic acid. Those are the breaks. Those are Natural occurrences. So Phelps competes against other Males and he wins
To suggest that a Transgender Female and biological Female are “ equal” and biological men do not have a advantage over women is a Moron and mentally challenged 🤗
This is a strawman you keep repeating but no matter how often you repeat it it will never be true. I never said anyone was equal, quite the opposite in fact. I said we were all born with advantages and disadvantages to one another. But the advantages trans athletes have, if they have any (Katie Ledecky's time are still faster than Lia Thomas') are just as natural Michael Phelps'. If you want to argue their advantages are unnatural do so honestly and stop trying to put words in my mouth.
This is a strawman you keep repeating but no matter how often you repeat it it will never be true. I never said anyone was equal, quite the opposite in fact. I said we were all born with advantages and disadvantages to one another. But the advantages trans athletes have, if they have any (Katie Ledecky's time are still faster than Lia Thomas') are just as natural Michael Phelps'. If you want to argue their advantages are unnatural do so honestly and stop trying to put words in my mouth.
You can keep repeating your lie as much as you want but it won’t change the fact that Biological Men ( Transgender Women) have a very strong edge over biological women Re; Size, build, Muscle tone in spite of hormone treatment, larger lung 🫁 capacity, etc. etc. Please tell us about the Transgender Men competing with biological men in ANY sport. I’m waiting. You can’t name any
You can keep repeating your lie as much as you want but it won’t change the fact that Biological Men ( Transgender Women) have a very strong edge over biological women Re; Size, build, Muscle tone in spite of hormone treatment, larger lung 🫁 capacity, etc. etc. Please tell us about the Transgender Men competing with biological men in ANY sport. I’m waiting. You can’t name any
I already did in another thread and told you Lia Thomas herself lost a race to a trans male athlete. I'll provide the link I did in the other thread here.

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