Kevin Cramers praises Trump for saving soldiers' lives by allowing Kurd slaughter

Were we prepared to stay there and fight the Turks, given the fact that the Turks seem to be committed to coming across the border and establishing this militarized zone with or without our staying there?” he continued.

It's true. Erdogan would have run our guys over like he was Zhukov coming through the Fulda Gap. Really. That's why Trump had to take his calls before the invasion. Trump had no choice to fold like a porn star.

All that was necessary to stop the invasion was for the Kurds to send a contingent to Erdogan promising to stop the guerrilla warfare on the border. In the absence of that effort why would an American soldier's life be worth such lazy political policy?

The Kurds had blown up their last school bus as far as Erdogan was concerned.

except for trump got a call saying the turkish troops were coming.

Had trump done nothing, everyone of you ignorant mthr fkers would have chasitised his ass for not pulling out after getting that call. you are all in a position that anything trump does is wrong. I have a straight line and options 1 and 2 only, either option is wrong according to you all. so, no point in discussing it anymore. go about your hateful day, must suck to be in that condition for your life. I only try and be a dick once in awhile. you're full time.
No, no,no. Trump should not be making decisions of such magnitude without talking to his military and state department.
Erdgeron, Putin, Kim Jong Un know how use Trump by showering him with praise.
Trump then takes the advice of Erdgeron, Putin and others over the advice of our military, state department, CIA, FBI.
How can people be as absolutely stupid as you and the other minions.
Trump exists by taking advantage of stupid people like you. Putin, Erdgeron, Kim Jong Un are making their nations greater by taking advantage of an extremely vain Donald Trump.
I am sorry to hear you have faulty dick as you explained it is part time. Another dickless Trump supporter.
Turkey would not attack if American soldiers were still deployed with the Syrian Kurd's.
Erdogan called Trump and played him like a fine fiddle.
Another example of Trump's minions backing a horrific decision Trump made. Trump said he could shoot someone and his supporters would defend him.
Trump's biggest foreign policy blunder.
Assad's troops are allying with the Syrian Kurd's. ISIS fighters are escaping. Russia and Iran gain further advantage. The US, the European Union and NATO lose.
Thank you Donald Trump.
So if it was so important why is NATO doing nothing? Why is Germany or some other European country not stepping in? Why is some Middle East country not stepping up to the plate? The Trurks were going to invade no matter what so how many of our young people were you willing to sacrifice?
Funny how many think that war is such a great entertainment until they have to be personally involved.
Trump just anounced he is redeploying soldiers to northern Syria. He is such an idiot. He makes a mess then trys backtracking and makes a bigger mess. He cannot declare bankruptcy and get out of a mess like he did in the private sector.
The question still remains if it is so important why is no one else intervening? They are part of NATO. Why are they not being held accountable by them?

Suddenly being the worlds police force is fine?
This move was made without consulting our NATO partners. He could have used the threat of pulling out of Syria to get help from NATO. It is too late now. The barn door has been opened

Why is this our issue? It looks like NATO doesn't care one way or the other.

Because the Kurds spent the last several years fighting isis for us. They also held around 10 thousand isis fighters in captivity.

Those isis fighters are now free.

That's why it's our issue.
except for trump got a call saying the turkish troops were coming.

Had trump done nothing, everyone of you ignorant mthr fkers would have chasitised his ass for not pulling out after getting that call. you are all in a position that anything trump does is wrong. I have a straight line and options 1 and 2 only, either option is wrong according to you all. so, no point in discussing it anymore. go about your hateful day, must suck to be in that condition for your life. I only try and be a dick once in awhile. you're full time.
No, no,no. Trump should not be making decisions of such magnitude without talking to his military and state department.
Erdgeron, Putin, Kim Jong Un know how use Trump by showering him with praise.
Trump then takes the advice of Erdgeron, Putin and others over the advice of our military, state department, CIA, FBI.
How can people be as absolutely stupid as you and the other minions.
Trump exists by taking advantage of stupid people like you. Putin, Erdgeron, Kim Jong Un are making their nations greater by taking advantage of an extremely vain Donald Trump.
I am sorry to hear you have faulty dick as you explained it is part time. Another dickless Trump supporter.
Turkey would not attack if American soldiers were still deployed with the Syrian Kurd's.
Erdogan called Trump and played him like a fine fiddle.
Another example of Trump's minions backing a horrific decision Trump made. Trump said he could shoot someone and his supporters would defend him.
Trump's biggest foreign policy blunder.
Assad's troops are allying with the Syrian Kurd's. ISIS fighters are escaping. Russia and Iran gain further advantage. The US, the European Union and NATO lose.
Thank you Donald Trump.
So if it was so important why is NATO doing nothing? Why is Germany or some other European country not stepping in? Why is some Middle East country not stepping up to the plate? The Trurks were going to invade no matter what so how many of our young people were you willing to sacrifice?
Funny how many think that war is such a great entertainment until they have to be personally involved.
Trump just anounced he is redeploying soldiers to northern Syria. He is such an idiot. He makes a mess then trys backtracking and makes a bigger mess. He cannot declare bankruptcy and get out of a mess like he did in the private sector.
The question still remains if it is so important why is no one else intervening? They are part of NATO. Why are they not being held accountable by them?

Suddenly being the worlds police force is fine?
This move was made without consulting our NATO partners. He could have used the threat of pulling out of Syria to get help from NATO. It is too late now. The barn door has been opened
So now you want us to be apart of NATO, you want us to sacrifice how many young lives.

Admit it you could care less what happens in Syria. You could care less about any of it. This is just something to kick Trump over.
Absolutely not.
It was both Obama's and Trump's goal to defeat ISIS mainly for the good of the USA, plus the whole world.
The defeat of ISIS was mainly because of joint operations with USA and Kurd's. The US provided expertise and equipment while Kurd's provided the majority of fighters. Over 10,000 Kurd's were killed. If we did not have the help of the Kurd's in fighting ISIS many more Americans would have lost their lives.
We owe the Kurds much more than we owe Afghanistan and Iraq. Pull our troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Were we prepared to stay there and fight the Turks, given the fact that the Turks seem to be committed to coming across the border and establishing this militarized zone with or without our staying there?” he continued.

It's true. Erdogan would have run our guys over like he was Zhukov coming through the Fulda Gap. Really. That's why Trump had to take his calls before the invasion. Trump had no choice to fold like a porn star.

All that was necessary to stop the invasion was for the Kurds to send a contingent to Erdogan promising to stop the guerrilla warfare on the border. In the absence of that effort why would an American soldier's life be worth such lazy political policy?

The Kurds had blown up their last school bus as far as Erdogan was concerned.

Not true. The terrorists are the Kurdish Workers Party mainly based in Turkey. The Syrian Kurd's are 21 million strong. There may be some who support KWP but through the urging of US have been pulling away from KWP.
Recently, the Syrian Kurd's pulled back from the their closest outposts to the Turkey border.
This is all about Trump acted on an impulse while talking with Erdogan and not requesting more input from his military and state department.
No, no,no. Trump should not be making decisions of such magnitude without talking to his military and state department.
Erdgeron, Putin, Kim Jong Un know how use Trump by showering him with praise.
Trump then takes the advice of Erdgeron, Putin and others over the advice of our military, state department, CIA, FBI.
How can people be as absolutely stupid as you and the other minions.
Trump exists by taking advantage of stupid people like you. Putin, Erdgeron, Kim Jong Un are making their nations greater by taking advantage of an extremely vain Donald Trump.
I am sorry to hear you have faulty dick as you explained it is part time. Another dickless Trump supporter.
So if it was so important why is NATO doing nothing? Why is Germany or some other European country not stepping in? Why is some Middle East country not stepping up to the plate? The Trurks were going to invade no matter what so how many of our young people were you willing to sacrifice?
Funny how many think that war is such a great entertainment until they have to be personally involved.
Trump just anounced he is redeploying soldiers to northern Syria. He is such an idiot. He makes a mess then trys backtracking and makes a bigger mess. He cannot declare bankruptcy and get out of a mess like he did in the private sector.
The question still remains if it is so important why is no one else intervening? They are part of NATO. Why are they not being held accountable by them?

Suddenly being the worlds police force is fine?
This move was made without consulting our NATO partners. He could have used the threat of pulling out of Syria to get help from NATO. It is too late now. The barn door has been opened
So now you want us to be apart of NATO, you want us to sacrifice how many young lives.

Admit it you could care less what happens in Syria. You could care less about any of it. This is just something to kick Trump over.
Absolutely not.
It was both Obama's and Trump's goal to defeat ISIS mainly for the good of the USA, plus the whole world.
The defeat of ISIS was mainly because of joint operations with USA and Kurd's. The US provided expertise and equipment while Kurd's provided the majority of fighters. Over 10,000 Kurd's were killed. If we did not have the help of the Kurd's in fighting ISIS many more Americans would have lost their lives.
We owe the Kurds much more than we owe Afghanistan and Iraq. Pull our troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Good lets do that. Oh but the crazy left don't want that either. They want blood.
Why should we be the worlds police force? Why should our people die? If you want a shooting war with Turkey what does it matter if we pull out of other places? We can just send them to the new war.
All of this Prog Socialist tripe about anti war agendas since the 1960's and now they spout like Atilla the Hun!

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