Kevin McCarthy Booted Out Of Speakership For Colluding With Democrats

For Republicans, shutting down the government had nothing to do with ‘fiscal responsibility.’

It had to do with creating more chaos, wrecking the economy, and lying about it being President Biden’s ‘fault.’

McCarthy kept that from happening, now he’s paying the price.

Lunatic alert. Buffon posting above ^^^^^^^^^^^^ yeah. you, you dumb OX.
Did you hear about the couple who rented a car and after their baby crawled on its floor.. I guess putting his/her fingers in the mouth as babies do

the child died.


I've heard these stories more than once. But why do I talk to a dim.. they don't care about human life..
Unless they are Minority / LGBTQPN
Don't they need to have an IQ higher than 50?
which would count out The Fire Alarm puller and Maxine Watters and Sheila Jackson Lee and any members of the Squad
Right , after ( 175k Americans die in next 14 months from Fentanyl )( 8-13 Million Illegals / Visa Overstayers / Refugees / Getaways swarm in during Xiden’s Watch ) ( Crime goes Stratospheric ) ( China goes on a rampage in the Pacific ) ( The economy craters ) ...

If you succeed in nominating Trump he will drag the entire Republican ticket down and you will lose the House. You barely have a majority now.
He went arm in arm with Donna Brazille to the Swearing in of the Corpse who was put into office thru massive Election Fraud in 2020. Nary a peep outa the idiot.

I didn't know that. I can't be expected to know everything!

I COULD watch more news than I do at this time.. and part of me wants to. The only problem is, I have other things to do and since no one seems to value my viewpoint much anyhow...

It doesn't make sense for me to watch more news than I already do (I mostly watch at night). I mean, you know... things are a little weird these days, and I was deeply disturbed about Life in America long before.. phony Trump indictments... border insanity aka Invasion.
If you succeed in nominating Trump he will drag the entire Republican ticket down and you will lose the House. You barely have a majority now.

So what would be different? Bunch of DEMwitted loons continuing bankruptcy or a phony fag from CA lying and Bankrupting the country. What part of $33T don't you get dummy?
Should have but you know why. Infested with RINO DEM garbage like you. Paul Ryan and John Boner types. The House needs a cleanup.

Like me? Odd, I support Gaetz argument on the debt. It's the only thing I agree with him on but I've argued for years to address the debt.

So, say again?
No. Spending will need to come up differently. Not spending on Continuing $33T resolution or Omnibus Obiden BS since 2008. If not now? WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think you read your posts before posting them. Are you saying that.. well, again, I am not well educated on exactly how
Congress does things, but in any case, are you saying that the CR was not about cutting anything that was done in (or after) 2008 bills?

I mean, I just don't know what you're saying
colluding w/ Ds?

How the hell does anything get done in Congress w/o working w/ Ds, esp when the Rs only have something like a 5 person majority?

I'm sorry but this story needs further elaboration for yours truly to understand why McC was ousted. I tend to think he did what he felt he COULD do and now those always-untrustworthy Ds who voted for the CR are stabbing him in the back, is the way I look at things...

And I don't know..maybe there's some info that will change my mind RE Gaetz ??

But at this time, I can't stand him

I am not the only one calling him Narcissist either
Pelosi had the same 5 seat majority McCarthy come this didn't happen with her?
I didn't know that. I can't be expected to know everything!

I COULD watch more news than I do at this time.. and part of me wants to. The only problem is, I have other things to do and since no one seems to value my viewpoint much anyhow...

It doesn't make sense for me to watch more news than I already do (I mostly watch at night). I mean, you know... things are a little weird these days, and I was deeply disturbed about Life in America long before.. phony Trump indictments... border insanity aka Invasion.

I don't watch any news but maybe a line here and there from here or GP headlines. I saw it somewhere.

GOP Rep. Steve Scalise (La.) has invited former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Donna Brazile to be his guest to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday.

“I thought it would be a good show of unity,” Scalise told The Advocate. “It’s important we all focus on trying to bring the country back together. We all need to play a role in trying to achieve that.”

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