Kevin McCarthy Booted Out Of Speakership For Colluding With Democrats

I'm sorry but what happened today was wrong, wrong, wrong.

McCarthy was elected by a strong majority of Republicans and a strong majority gave him a vote of confidence. If he is removed as Speaker it should be via a vote of Republicans. He should not be removed by a small group however righteous they may think they are who were aided and abetted by unified and very self-serving Democrats.

The very public chaos and infighting this created could very likely cost us any chance to retake the White House and Senate next year and could very well cost us the House.
Republicans are wrong, wrong, wrong.

McCarthy was voted out by Republicans angry that a government shutdown was avoided; a shutdown Republicans wanted to crash the economy and spread chaos for some perceived partisan gain.
AHAHAHAHA suck it you RINO assholes. About damn time someone in Congress grew a spine. $33 TRILLION in debt HELLO earth to morons in Congress.
I could be wrong... wish I understood the intricate workings of Congress better, but based on what I know or strongly suspect, there was nothing McC could really do. In hindsight, maybe he wishes he had done something differently. The Ds voted for his CR but then voted, every single one against him being speaker. Surely, he knew what treacherous a-holes they are?

Just the fact that ALL of those lowlifes voted against him

seems like all the info we need to let us know what happened... AND how wrong it was/is
Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC-10) is now the acting speaker. He has all the powers of an elected speaker of the House and was hand-picked by McCarthy as speaker pro tempore in January.
Some of us are undecided on the possible benefits of another US civil war.

Biden is now the world's loose cannon that could sink all ships if he rolls completely out of control.

Civil war is much more desirable if the Biden cannon can't be chained down soon!

you’re not going to do shit, boy.
No he didn't....That's why he got de-jobbed.
You are one stupid little shit. Here is some advice, if you don't know what the fawk you are talking about, KEEP YOUR FLIPPIN MOUTH SHUT.

Leave you with a couple of quotes, starting with this one.

McCarthy told reporters. "And you know what? If I have to risk my job for standing up for the American public, I will do that."

Look, I don't like the man. I think he is an opportunistic prick. But that right there, well the man has honor, flippin HONOR. And from where I come from, that goes a long damn way. Sorry it isn't like that in your neck of the woods. And standing up for the American people, I thought that was their fawking job.

"We should never have been in this position in the first place. Just a few months ago, Speaker McCarthy and I reached a budget agreement to avoid precisely this type of manufactured crisis," Biden said in a statement after the vote. "House Republicans tried to walk away from that deal by demanding drastic cuts that would have been devastating for millions of Americans. They failed."

What is it with these dipshit Congressional Magatards? Gaetz, Boebert, MTG, Bishop from North Carolina. Evidently, they have came to the conclusion that their constituents have an average IQ of 70. Pretty sure you fit right in. Look, I understand all about bread and circus, but at this point, it is all circus and no damn bread.
Chip Roy would be my pick.

Gaetz suggests Scalise or Emmer....

Looks like Trump might not be such a fan of this, even though Gaetz says otherwise...

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