Kevin McCarthy Claims "Q-on" Ignorance After Denouncing It Last Year

Ever notice how the only people talking about "Q" are libtards?

No not really - Trumpettes are all Q. Not all of them KNOW they are Q - But they repeat the conspiracy theories verbatim.
You don't even know what it is....LMFAO
So Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) believes in conspiracy theories before she enters public office and a bunch of people who, while in office, believed and acted on conspiracy theories about Trump & Russia that were blatantly and obviously false and used their political offices to pursue the absurd and baseless conspiracy theories and did actual & real harm and injury to the nation by their insane belief in these ludicrous conspiracy theories, have the brazen gall to punish Rep Greene.
The QAnon garbage is fantasy. The Russian interference is fact.

And claims of no longer believing the QAnon garbage ring hollow.

Appears that Twit reinstated her - But bet not for long. Here she is only a few days ago calling anyone who opposes Rump a "pedo" - Trust me, she still believes in Q and continues to speak in his code.

If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

Kevin is such a fucking weasel. His defense of MTG and lying claim of "Q-on" ignorance is reason enough that he should NEVER hold the job of minority leader - Let alone Speaker. :mad:

This has nothing to do with Rep. Greene at all, it has to do with the people of the 14th Congressional District and whether they should be allowed to have congressional representation. Or if they should be disenfranchised as Biden's Minions are suggesting because they are Deplorable Chumps clinging to their Holy Bibles and firearms?

The solution, which is obvious to Rep. McCarthy if not to you, is that yes they do have a right to effective representation.
They are being represented. Q lover MTG hasn't been kicked out.
Here's an interview the day after the Rump Riot in which she tells the rabid right British Trumpette that "it was a hard thing we did yesterday, but I wouldn't have done anything different" :icon_rolleyes:

*Go to six minutes in - Watching the entire 7 minutes might cause one to hurl - BIGLY

At the white house and after Trump told us to peaceably walk to the capitol we did....we walked right by the capitol and didn't stop we wanted to get back to our hotel...saw nothing about "qanon"...and none of you can even tell me what it is....
Can you quote where Trump said "peacably?"

I distinctly remember and heard him say "fight", a fight is never peaceable.

The word "peaceably" escaped his orange fish lips over TWO HOURS after his riot started.
It looked and sounded like a hostage video. Someone finally informed him that he was directly complicit.
Liar....I was there when Trump said it....
Then show us in the transcript of his speech (rant?) when he said "peaceable. And don't look now, but you just admitted that you were there. Perhaps a contact to the FBI is in order.
At the white house and after Trump told us to peaceably walk to the capitol we did....we walked right by the capitol and didn't stop we wanted to get back to our hotel...saw nothing about "qanon"...and none of you can even tell me what it is....
Can you quote where Trump said "peacably?"

I distinctly remember and heard him say "fight", a fight is never peaceable.

The word "peaceably" escaped his orange fish lips over TWO HOURS after his riot started.
It looked and sounded like a hostage video. Someone finally informed him that he was directly complicit.
Liar....I was there when Trump said it....
Did you wear the official Qaanon shirt? I heard it was all the rage at the Dump rallies.

Next to the Q Shamin and MTG aka "Q-Bitch" - This Q-Kook might be my next favorite
Like most Trumpettes, this loony bird looks real bright don't he? :laugh:

Ever notice how the only people talking about "Q" are libtards?

No not really - Trumpettes are all Q. Not all of them KNOW they are Q - But they repeat the conspiracy theories verbatim.
You don't even know what it is....LMFAO
So Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) believes in conspiracy theories before she enters public office and a bunch of people who, while in office, believed and acted on conspiracy theories about Trump & Russia that were blatantly and obviously false and used their political offices to pursue the absurd and baseless conspiracy theories and did actual & real harm and injury to the nation by their insane belief in these ludicrous conspiracy theories, have the brazen gall to punish Rep Greene.
The QAnon garbage is fantasy. The Russian interference is fact.

And claims of no longer believing the QAnon garbage ring hollow.

Appears that Twit reinstated her - But bet not for long. Here she is only a few days ago calling anyone who opposes Rump a "pedo" - Trust me, she still believes in Q and continues to speak in his code.

The dems just handed Green about 75 million thanks for that...donations to her exploded yesterday....
Ever notice how the only people talking about "Q" are libtards?

No not really - Trumpettes are all Q. Not all of them KNOW they are Q - But they repeat the conspiracy theories verbatim.
You don't even know what it is....LMFAO
So Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) believes in conspiracy theories before she enters public office and a bunch of people who, while in office, believed and acted on conspiracy theories about Trump & Russia that were blatantly and obviously false and used their political offices to pursue the absurd and baseless conspiracy theories and did actual & real harm and injury to the nation by their insane belief in these ludicrous conspiracy theories, have the brazen gall to punish Rep Greene.
The QAnon garbage is fantasy. The Russian interference is fact.

And claims of no longer believing the QAnon garbage ring hollow.

Appears that Twit reinstated her - But bet not for long. Here she is only a few days ago calling anyone who opposes Rump a "pedo" - Trust me, she still believes in Q and continues to speak in his code.

The dems just handed Green about 75 million thanks for that...donations to her exploded yesterday....

So.....details....did you go inside the Capitol? Are you one of those who defecated in the Rotunda?
Ever notice how the only people talking about "Q" are libtards?

No not really - Trumpettes are all Q. Not all of them KNOW they are Q - But they repeat the conspiracy theories verbatim.
You don't even know what it is....LMFAO
By all means...tell us

McCarthy is pretending to not know...
I don't know...its a liberal democrat fund raising scam....they have to scare their voters into they create monsters for you to fear....but none of you can tell me what it is....
Sure. It's a Chinese menu of batshit (mostly rightwing) conspiracy theories...mostly centered around a secret Satanic "deep state" cult of Dems, Jews, the MSM, Hollywood big shots and others (pretty much anyone you want to defame). Various claims of "good guys" or "white hats" are supposedly sprinkled into government and , these groups who will "rise up" and behead, hang imprison or whatever...the bad guys.

The word "awakening" means some kind of shit...related to the rising?

Their secret mantra is "where we go one we go all" or "WWGOWGA"

Do I have the basics? I know I left out the baby stealing...blood drinking ...and the lizards...

Don't forget "frazzledrip" :laughing0301:

You have probably never heard of Frazzledrip. Most people haven’t heard of Frazzledrip, or QAnon, or perhaps even Pizzagate. But on YouTube, there are hundreds of videos, each with thousands of views, dedicated to a conspiracy theory alleging that a former presidential candidate (Hillary) ripped a child’s face off and wore it as a mask. And there’s markedly little YouTube, or Google, or even Congress seem able to do about it.​
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

Kevin is such a fucking weasel. His defense of MTG and lying claim of "Q-on" ignorance is reason enough that he should NEVER hold the job of minority leader - Let alone Speaker. :mad:

This has nothing to do with Rep. Greene at all, it has to do with the people of the 14th Congressional District and whether they should be allowed to have congressional representation. Or if they should be disenfranchised as Biden's Minions are suggesting because they are Deplorable Chumps clinging to their Holy Bibles and firearms?

The solution, which is obvious to Rep. McCarthy if not to you, is that yes they do have a right to effective representation.
They are being represented. Q lover MTG hasn't been kicked out.
What's Qanon?....and why does it scare you so much?...
I watched a three part series on Qanon and still...I'm not sure what it is....
its just a liberal democrat boogie man they hyped up to get their lemmings riled up and out to vote.....
So basically, the republican voting base are so easily manipulated and lack any critical thinking skills that a bunch of Democrats can make them look like fools following QAnon??

So to recap...QAnon is something Liberals hyped up to get Republican lemmings riled up to it....

Reality is....QAnon, much like the John Birch society is something CONSERVATIVES use to get their based riled up because their policies they use fear instead; like they have always done
The dems just handed Green about 75 million thanks for that...donations to her exploded yesterday....
Great. I'm sure she will spend it talking about issues, and not repeat another Qanon talking point.
She will use it to get re elected and when she does it will be a majority GOP house....and then its Maxine Waters AOC that little terrorist bitch in a dirty head scarf and Pelosi's time to be removed from committee's....
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

Kevin is such a fucking weasel. His defense of MTG and lying claim of "Q-on" ignorance is reason enough that he should NEVER hold the job of minority leader - Let alone Speaker. :mad:

This has nothing to do with Rep. Greene at all, it has to do with the people of the 14th Congressional District and whether they should be allowed to have congressional representation. Or if they should be disenfranchised as Biden's Minions are suggesting because they are Deplorable Chumps clinging to their Holy Bibles and firearms?

The solution, which is obvious to Rep. McCarthy if not to you, is that yes they do have a right to effective representation.
They are being represented. Q lover MTG hasn't been kicked out.
What's Qanon?....and why does it scare you so much?...
Continuing to act stupid will only make us believe that it wasn't an act
I watched a three part series on Qanon and still...I'm not sure what it is....
its just a liberal democrat boogie man they hyped up to get their lemmings riled up and out to vote.....
So basically, the republican voting base are so easily manipulated and lack any critical thinking skills that a bunch of Democrats can make them look like fools following QAnon??

So to recap...QAnon is something Liberals hyped up to get Republican lemmings riled up to it....

Reality is....QAnon, much like the John Birch society is something CONSERVATIVES use to get their based riled up because their policies they use fear instead; like they have always done
Its an easy decision to be a patriot....
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

Kevin is such a fucking weasel. His defense of MTG and lying claim of "Q-on" ignorance is reason enough that he should NEVER hold the job of minority leader - Let alone Speaker. :mad:

This has nothing to do with Rep. Greene at all, it has to do with the people of the 14th Congressional District and whether they should be allowed to have congressional representation. Or if they should be disenfranchised as Biden's Minions are suggesting because they are Deplorable Chumps clinging to their Holy Bibles and firearms?

The solution, which is obvious to Rep. McCarthy if not to you, is that yes they do have a right to effective representation.
They are being represented. Q lover MTG hasn't been kicked out.
What's Qanon?....and why does it scare you so much?...
Continuing to act stupid will only make us believe that it wasn't an act
I pegged you for stupid years ago....
keep it up dems we will own the house and senate in two years....
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

Kevin is such a fucking weasel. His defense of MTG and lying claim of "Q-on" ignorance is reason enough that he should NEVER hold the job of minority leader - Let alone Speaker. :mad:

This has nothing to do with Rep. Greene at all, it has to do with the people of the 14th Congressional District and whether they should be allowed to have congressional representation. Or if they should be disenfranchised as Biden's Minions are suggesting because they are Deplorable Chumps clinging to their Holy Bibles and firearms?

The solution, which is obvious to Rep. McCarthy if not to you, is that yes they do have a right to effective representation.
They are being represented. Q lover MTG hasn't been kicked out.
What's Qanon?....and why does it scare you so much?...
Continuing to act stupid will only make us believe that it wasn't an act
I pegged you for stupid years ago....
Says the person who claims to not know what QAnon was...

But was deep throating every conspiracy QAnon pushed...on this very message board....

Yea, you are stupid...
Are you Jewish?
Why? Does that matter to you?
Liar....I was there when Trump said it....
First I've ever seen still haven't told me what it is....
If you were there you saw LOTS of Q shirts and flags and all sorts of shit and that makes you a liar.

Yep! :rolleyes-41:



3 long did it take you to find them...Buuuuaaaaahahahaha...hey just what is Q? one seems to know....

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