Kevin McCarthy for Speaker —The Definition of Insanity

There was no hate offensive from the DNC.

You guys got Gingriched-up in 1996 and decided to start down this misogynistic, nationalistic path and the result was that you've won exactly one popular vote since 1992.

I mean really...can you tell us anything you guys have been "for" in the last 20 years?
Does America really want another like Boehner or Ryan as Speaker?
Is there an elected Congress person who can herd the cats of a Republican Congress in the right direction?
It's well past the time to read the 'handwriting on the wall'. American voters cannot continue to allow politicians (democrat or republican) to 'get away' with lying and misleading the public.
Stop and take a look at what's happening to our country.
McCarthy is nothing positive for the party.

Here's the thing, you have 200 or so sane Republicans being held hostage by 20 or so loons.
I remember when your side thought Ryan was the Bee's Knees, until he actually had to accept reality that Obama was still President and Democrats controlled the Senate.

What the sane Republicans need to do is marginalize the nuts, not encourage them.

Kevin McCarthy for Speaker

The Definition of Insanity

If Republicans want different results they need to

stop doing the same thing over and over

1 Jan 2023 ~~ By Peggy Ryan

The big political news right now is the coming election for Speaker of the House. Current House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, is fighting for his political life. But why isn’t Kevin a lock for Speaker if
That’s McCarthy all right. But hold on. Some of our conservative heroes/heroines support Kevin. Shouldn't we trust their judgement?
Well, there’s his record, his past actions and positions that aren’t exactly in-line with conservatives.

This fake conservatism is something the Founders warned against​

1. McCarthy’s shown that he’s amenable to deep state projects or at least won’t block them.​
2. He threw President Trump under the bus for the January 6th hoax. Told colleagues that he’d “recommend Trump’s resignation”, publicly said on the House floor that Trump “bears responsibility” for the mayhem.​
3. He’s pledged he won’t impeach Biden.​
4. He raised money for establishment candidates over MAGA and fumbled the 2022 elections at the goal line.​
And the list goes on.
Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism”. ~ George Washington
Not this time. Steve Cortes, is acting like an abused wife or in this case husband. Yeah, Steve’s been hard on Kevin in the past, screamed to the rooftops that Kevin’s not fit to be Speaker. Yet he now says we’re better off with the devil we know. Kevin has changed, aligning with the people, shifting to the right. This is the bully telling his battered spouse the abuse will never happen again, they’ve changed.
he’s already in the position of minority leader?
For those who argue it’s OK under Kevin, could be worse, I say it could also be better. Maybe we will get another Nancy Pelosi but at least we will have fought for what we believe instead of hoping McCarthy will come around, will make things right this time.
If We the People want to take back our country, we must have the courage to disrupt the current power structure, to fight for our Republic. If our Congress is to truly represent us then they must listen to us, respect our wishes.
For those who support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker, know that you’re advocating for what’s always been done, telling the people to suck it up one more time because this time Kevin McCarthy will work for the people; this time will be different.
If Republicans want different results they need to stop doing the same thing over and over. They need to take different paths, make different decisions, stop all the political calculations and just do what’s right for the people. It’s not too much to ask, it’s why they got elected.

Does America really want another like Boehner or Ryan as Speaker?
Is there an elected Congress person who can herd the cats of a Republican Congress in the right direction?
It's well past the time to read the 'handwriting on the wall'. American voters cannot continue to allow politicians (democrat or republican) to 'get away' with lying and misleading the public.
Stop and take a look at what's happening to our country.
McCarthy is nothing positive for the party.
They should recruit Donald Trump for Speaker. He would shape America's future well. I heard the issues last night on Hannity, and the fury with which the spokeswoman butted in on his questions with answers to questions he didn't ask told me the 20 have zero intention of helping the Republican party in any way. They got elected on Republican scores to the best of my knowledge, and now they're demanding everything they want over what the American people want. She came across as the least trustworthy person in the Republican Party. I don't even know her name, except for she is Trouble.
Here's the thing, you have 200 or so sane Republicans being held hostage by 20 or so loons.
I remember when your side thought Ryan was the Bee's Knees, until he actually had to accept reality that Obama was still President and Democrats controlled the Senate.

What the sane Republicans need to do is marginalize the nuts, not encourage them.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The loons are Democrats and RINOs that have been growing the size of the filthy ass government for the last 70 years with tremendous debt, high taxation, destructive regulations and turning the once great US into a welfare state complete with millions of Illegals flooding into the country.

For instance, how insane is it to hire 70K new IRS agents to be used to weaponize the Federal government to punish opposition groups to the Swamp like The Worthless Negro did with the Tea Party?

How insane is is to pass an almost two trillion dollar spending bill when this country is over $31 Trillion in debt and have massive inflation and the only things they really needed to fund was Defense and few other minor things?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results and that is exactly what the Democrats and RINOs are trying to do now. Continuing with the failed government that do stupid things like pass massive spending bills with worthless pork and funding special interest groups like the Environmental Wackos, welfare Negroes and even foreign welfare queens. Even foreign countries are sucking at the teats that Democrats and RINOs are offering up.

The members of the Freedom Caucus aren't making "hostages" to anyone. To say that they are just shows your stupidity. They are adhering to the rules of the House. They are great Patriots that are not going to let the Democrats and RINO dipshits to continue with the insanity that have fucked up this country so bad. They are great American heroes that are fighting against the Democrats and RINOs turning this country into a debt ridden oppressive Socialist Shithole. They are the good guys. The villains are the filthy Democrats and the weak minded RINOs that kiss the ass of the Democrats, like McCarthy.

Most of the time when the Democrats do something really dumb that fucks up this country they are aided either directly or indirectly with the help of the RINOs. The Freedom Caucus wants that to stop. Good for them!.

The problem with dumbass confused greedy insane Moon Bats like you is that you don't think anything is wrong with the US being a Socialist Shithole. You want that to continue expecting different results and that is insane. That is your dream.
The members of the Freedom Caucus aren't making "hostages" to anyone. To say that they are just shows your stupidity. They are adhering to the rules of the House. They are great Patriots that are not going to let the Democrats and RINO dipshits to continue with the insanity that have fucked up this country so bad. They are great American heroes that are fighting against the Democrats and RINOs turning this country into a debt ridden oppressive Socialist Shithole. They are the good guys. The villains are the filthy Democrats and the weak minded RINOs that kiss the ass of the Democrats, like McCarthy.

Go cash your disability check, Cleetus..and the grownups will get the work done.
We have been doing just fine without you assholes fucking everything up like this speaker bullshit voting.

It's exactly why Mitch McConnell made the budget deal. Because you fuckups would fuck everything up.

McConnell wanted that new bridge in Kentucky but didn't actually want to pay for it. That's not doing fine. You and Mitch love your free stuff don't you?
Maybe the 10th time will be the charm.


Twice as many voted for Donalds in this last vote.

I would love to see the left's heads spinning is we get a Black conservative for House Speaker. :laughing0301:
Biden gets shit done. The Republican party is the do nothing party.
The House GOP seems hellbent upon electing a namby-pamby pantywaist with no convictions or self-respect.

They have an odd definition of leadership.
Twice as many voted for Donalds in this last vote.

I would love to see the left's heads spinning is we get a Black conservative for House Speaker.
The only way that could happen is if Democrats, en masse, suddenly voted for Donalds.

The Cry Baby Republicans would all wee wee themselves!
As a Maoist/DSA Democrat Leftist, why are you so enthusiastic to have Kevin McCarty as Speaker of the house?
Why not Scalise, Jordan, Biggs, Greene, Granger, or McCaul. Tere are many that can fill the bill.

Because she is a POS.

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