Kevin McCarthy Hands The Detonator To The Bomb Throwers

Let’s be clear. Going after Hunter Biden has nothing to do with Congressional oversight.

The Mueller investigation was, again, the DoJ. Not Congress.
/——-/ It’s comical how you try and compartmentalize what is a coordinated attack. You clowns even bragged how the NY AG was going after Trump’s people so they couldn’t get a presidential pardon from Trump. So, keep playing your stupid little word game. You don’t fool anyone. And Hunter is in the hot seat now,
/——-/ It’s comical how you try and compartmentalize what is a coordinated attack. You clowns even bragged how the NY AG was going after Trump’s people so they couldn’t get a presidential pardon from Trump. So, keep playing your stupid little word game. You don’t fool anyone. And Hunter is in the hot seat now,
Again, this is about Congress.

Congress doesn’t have unlimited powers. Investigating Hunter Biden has nothing to do with their duties as legislators.
You realize the Trump Org is currently undergoing trial for criminal tax fraud at this very moment?S
So this makes #49. Meh, let me know when there is anything of consequence. Trials mean nothing. Convictions. You and the democrats are woefully short on those in spite of wasting a shit load of tax payer dollars.
So this makes #49. Meh, let me know when there is anything of consequence. Trials mean nothing. Convictions. You and the democrats are woefully short on those in spite of wasting a shit load of tax payer dollars.
Here’s the conviction already in the bag.

You realize the Trump Org is currently undergoing trial for criminal tax fraud at this very moment?

Probably not. Your media overlords keep you naive and stupid.

The judge already threw the case out. moron.
Can you morons not tell the difference between the NY AG and Congress?

God you’re a bunch of illiterate losers.
Seems your post #185, is sourcing aNY state court in lower Manhattan of someone close to Trump. In addition to not being Trump, it also isn't congress. Try again illiterate loser.
When did I say it was Trump?

My problem is illiterate morons like you.
Yeah, and the same can and has been said about Epstein and Clinton. Nope, Epstein isn't Clinton either. When you get to the third lap around your empty head, maybe you'll tire and go to bed.
I was merely correcting one of your illiterate moron brethren who claimed that there was no case against Trump Org.
Weisselberg isn't Trump either. Businesses are taken to court daily if you are unaware. It usually, as in this case has nothing to do with the owner of the company as he has very little if anything to do with the day to day operations. Run along.
Weisselberg isn't Trump either. Businesses are taken to court daily if you are unaware. It usually, as in this case has nothing to do with the owner of the company as he has very little if anything to do with the day to day operations. Run along.
You can try to downplay it all you want, I don’t care. It just makes you look sad that you’re making excuses for these frauds.

I didn’t even bring up Trump Org. Your illiterate moron brethren die and then they couldn’t even get the story straight because conservative media never tells them the truth that would upset the narrative.

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