Kevin McCarthy Was Going to ASK TRUMP TO RESIGN After Jan 6th Insurrection

LOL, You asked for proof, I gave it to you. That video, btw, is a widely circulated one. Only a lying orange douche-bag worshiper would claim not to have seen it.

Thanks for proving you are lying SOB. And, since you like videos... here ya go...

Nah. . . I don't watch TEE VEE or participate in psychological mind operations. If you want to believe in that garbage, or even manufacture it? Feel free. I know what to trust.

Reality. You still haven't linked me to any texts of folks saying they were planning on hanging the VP, nor have you shown me which folks were planning on doing that, just a doctored video, with the noise of supposedly some folks chanting over images of a mob of people saying they were going to. . BUT? NO ONE THAT MOB WAS ACTUALLY DOING THAT CHANTING!!! I do have eyes you know. :rolleyes:

That sound chanting could have been edited in to that video. I didn't see anyone in that video chanting it. ..

I have no names, nor do we have the name of the person that filmed and released that video. Nor do we have any indictments for something that is clearly a crime.

So, keep up your gas-lighting, you might convince yourself, and maybe some other partisans, but I am immune to Deep Fakes.

Until I have something SOLID, like a positive identity of who was actually chanting that, or taking the video? Nope, it just a psyop propaganda campaign of lies. I have seen the corporate and government press tell WAY too many lies over the past couple decades to be suckered in by something as easy to fake as that.

They are an AstroTurfed group by Soros, USAID, and the CIA.

They will be there for whenever the Deep State needs them, it is part of closing down an open society. The folks that do this have done it in many nations, hell, they did it in Ukraine, they can do it here. . .
I know, they did do it here, it didn't work, and they keep trying.



Whenever global elites need them, agitators can be motivated, propagandized, and paid to cause trouble.

View attachment 635138

I know that too.

A week before the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of the Proud Boys, issued an unusual message to his crew.

In a Dec. 29, 2020, post on Parler, Tarrio called on gang members to “turn out in record numbers” on Jan. 6, but this time “with a twist.” He continued: “We will not be wearing our traditional Black and Yellow. We will be incognito and we will be spread across downtown DC in smaller teams.”

hat same day, the head of a Florida Proud Boys chapter, Joe Biggs, issued his own Parler post highlighting the importance of “blending in” on Jan. 6.

“You won’t see us,” he wrote. “We are going to smell like you, move like you, and look like you. The only thing we’ll do that’s us is think like us! Jan 6th is gonna be epic.”

By then, another far-right, extremist group, the Oath Keepers, was also preparing for Jan. 6. Two days before the riot, the group’s founder and leader, Stewart Rhodes, posted a statement on the Oath Keeper’s website.

It is CRITICAL that all patriots who can be in DC get to DC to stand tall in support of President Trump’s fight to defeat the enemies foreign and domestic who are attempting a coup, through the massive vote fraud and related attacks on our Republic. … [W]e will also have well armed and equipped QRF [quick reaction force] teams on standby, outside DC, in the event of a worst case scenario, where the President calls us up as part of the militia to assist him inside DC.
Nah. . . I don't watch TEE VEE or participate in psychological mind operations. If you want to believe in that garbage, or even manufacture it? Feel free. I know what to trust.

Reality. You still haven't linked me to any texts of folks saying they were planning on hanging the VP, nor have you shown me which folks were planning on doing that, just a doctored video, with the noise of supposedly some folks chanting over images of a mob of people saying they were going to. . BUT? NO ONE THAT MOB WAS ACTUALLY DOING THAT CHANTING!!! I do have eyes you know. :rolleyes:

That sound chanting could have been edited in to that video. I didn't see anyone in that video chanting it. ..

I have no names, nor do we have the name of the person that filmed and released that video. Nor do we have any indictments for something that is clearly a crime.

So, keep up your gas-lighting, you might convince yourself, and maybe some other partisans, but I am immune to Deep Fakes.

Until I have something SOLID, like a positive identity of who was actually chanting that, or taking the video? Nope, it just a psyop propaganda campaign of lies. I have seen the corporate and government press tell WAY too many lies over the past couple decades to be suckered in by something as easy to fake as that.

In other words, you are a moron? Yeah, we got that narrative.

We had wing-nuts terrorizing the Capitol, chanting slogans, brandishing weapons, and damaging properties. We had legislatures hiding under desks in fear of their lives. The VP had to be escorted under armed protection by the secret service.

But hey, those are just facts and we all know facts are anathema to trumptards. :itsok:
I know, they did do it here, it didn't work, and they keep trying.

View attachment 635926

I know that too.

A week before the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of the Proud Boys, issued an unusual message to his crew.

In a Dec. 29, 2020, post on Parler, Tarrio called on gang members to “turn out in record numbers” on Jan. 6, but this time “with a twist.” He continued: “We will not be wearing our traditional Black and Yellow. We will be incognito and we will be spread across downtown DC in smaller teams.”

hat same day, the head of a Florida Proud Boys chapter, Joe Biggs, issued his own Parler post highlighting the importance of “blending in” on Jan. 6.

“You won’t see us,” he wrote. “We are going to smell like you, move like you, and look like you. The only thing we’ll do that’s us is think like us! Jan 6th is gonna be epic.”

By then, another far-right, extremist group, the Oath Keepers, was also preparing for Jan. 6. Two days before the riot, the group’s founder and leader, Stewart Rhodes, posted a statement on the Oath Keeper’s website.

It is CRITICAL that all patriots who can be in DC get to DC to stand tall in support of President Trump’s fight to defeat the enemies foreign and domestic who are attempting a coup, through the massive vote fraud and related attacks on our Republic. … [W]e will also have well armed and equipped QRF [quick reaction force] teams on standby, outside DC, in the event of a worst case scenario, where the President calls us up as part of the militia to assist him inside DC.
IMO? Both sides are run by the oligarchs. Having a thug caste, either from the left, or the right, is how the elites close down a free society.

10 steps.jpg
No, he is right. If you have ever been involved, or done any research on how TEE VEE and movie are produced? You would vomit.
Correct those aren't news or journalism, they are opinion shows.


TEE VEE is NOT reality.
It isn't when people can't tell the difference between reality and fiction.
Correct those aren't news or journalism, they are opinion shows.

View attachment 636412

It isn't when people can't tell the difference between reality and fiction.
Why didn't CNN use actual text file to show these were actual texts. Did Hannity t
Correct those aren't news or journalism, they are opinion shows.

View attachment 636412

It isn't when people can't tell the difference between reality and fiction.
I will believe this narrative, when Hannity cops to those texts, and when the establishment tells me how they were obtained?

Did Hannity just give them to CNN? Part of me doubts that, the other part of me suspects that is what happened. Well? How did CNN get them. . . before I just accept at face value everything that is going on is real, tell me how they know all this?


I looked, I can come up with no explanation, so. . . I am not going to accept the establishment's paradigm, until they EXPLAIN how they wove it, and how the weaving is at all Constitutional and not as much breaking the law as those riots were.


The whole circus seems to be just there to manipulate folks.
Why didn't CNN use actual text file to show these were actual texts. Did Hannity t

I will believe this narrative, when Hannity cops to those texts, and when the establishment tells me how they were obtained?
Like Trump, if they were FAKE, Trump's son would be suing him.
Did Hannity just give them to CNN? Part of me doubts that, the other part of me suspects that is what happened. Well? How did CNN get them. . . before I just accept at face value everything that is going on is real, tell me how they know all this?
Some people actually do investigative journalism.

I looked, I can come up with no explanation, so. . . I am not going to accept the establishment's paradigm, until they EXPLAIN how they wove it, and how the weaving is at all Constitutional
How can news clips be unconstitutional?
and not as much breaking the law as those riots were.
No shit, they were illegal, that's why over 10,000 people were arrested.
No one on the left is saying they weren't or calling for their release, it was a setup by the alphabet government agencies, blaming republicans for them, calling them patriots, or encouraging them, as republicans did on January 6th and prior.

The whole circus seems to be just there to manipulate folks.
Adam Schiff :
“It’s a demonstration of how would-be autocrats like Donald Trump come to power. It's on the backs of people like Kevin McCarthy, who don't have the courage of their convictions who are unwilling to speak the truth”
Pretty funny, from the Liar-in-Chief.

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