Kevin McCarthy Was Going to ASK TRUMP TO RESIGN After Jan 6th Insurrection


Everyone that looked at that "gallows prop." could see that there is no way it was functional. . .

. . . and you have yet to link to any indictments of folks that planned to hang him. . . so, no one but idiots believe yoar propaganda. . .


Talking about stupid... what do think this chanting is about?

Again, fool, when you post multiple links in support of your contention but then none of them actually do... that makes you a moron who doesn't know how to defend his statements.

Get it now? No? Read it a few times. Watch the video a few times and when you are done... do it all over again. Eventually, you will get it. Good luck. :itsok:
Nobody lies as much as Trump & his goon squad led by McCarthy.
Transcript of the call from McCarthy to Trump the morning after this story broke:

"Mr. President, first let me say that the election was rigged. And you're very smart. And you're tall and very healthy. And you're the smartest person I've ever known. Everyone loves you. You are very loved by everyone. And did I mention that you're very smart?"


Everyone that looked at that "gallows prop." could see that there is no way it was functional. . .

. . . and you have yet to link to any indictments of folks that planned to hang him. . . so, no one but idiots believe yoar propaganda. . .


Maybe you or another one of Trump's asseater's should have given it a dry run to see it it's "functional"
It's especially harious when they furiously Google for something resembling evidence, over a year after having gobbled up the big lie. Intellectual fraud, in broad daylight.
We saw the election stolen before our very eyes. Trump was winning at bed time, then ballots mysteriously appeared out of nowhere after midnight to give Biden the win.
“Kevin McCarthy is a liar and a traitor. This is outrageous. And that is really the illness that pervades the Republican leadership right now. They say one thing to the American public and something else in private. They understand that it is wrong what happened, an attempt to overthrow our government. And that the Republicans instead want to continue to try to figure out how to make the 2020 election different instead of spending their energy on how it is that we go forward in order to build an economy, in order to make this country work better for the people who sent us to Washington. Shame on Kevin McCarthy.” - Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren
Adam Schiff :
“It’s a demonstration of how would-be autocrats like Donald Trump come to power. It's on the backs of people like Kevin McCarthy, who don't have the courage of their convictions who are unwilling to speak the truth”
McCarthy is back on the kiss ass trail again after he was caught with his pants down talking against the Right's savior.
McCarthy is kinda dishonest.Whoever built him { tinkered around with his backbone }
left a few screws loose.I don't have a lot of faith of faith in guys like that.
I mean,we have other examples to follow.How John Boehner came aboard the Obama
train too willingly.Granted he grew up dirt poor in Ohio.Grew up living in his Dads
Bar { atop their home and swept floors }.
Took a likin' to the good life.getting suntanned in Florida,many rounds of
gold and then expensive wines.He was tailor-made for being a sell-out.
Paul Ryan was a little more honorable.Better at being sneaky.

"I'm seriously thinking of having that conversation with him tonight" said Kevin McCarthy about CALLING TRUMP TO ASK HIM ABOUT RESIGNING. Damning new phone records come out showing Kevin McCarthy talking to Liz Cheney. WOW.


McCarthy: I was going to ask Trump to resign. Then I got high ...

they weren't leaked. they were obtained by the Jan 6th commission by a subpoena.
Which is NOT any Congressional Hearing.Just some Made-up Commission.
No authority to actually issue subpoenas.
The bill that was proposed that created the Commission did not
pass the necessary 60 vote threshhold.It passed with 54 senators
in favor and 35 Senators voting against.
It's a " 9-11 TYPE Commission ".
For that Commission to have authority to Issue subpoenas,it requires
Agreement between the Chair and the Vice-chair.Or a vote by a
majority of the Commision members { 10 }.
Under the original proposal { 7 democrat appointments and 4 republican
appointments } would have given Democrats the Unilateral power to
issue subpoenas.
There are only 2 Republican appointments.
McCarthy's picks { Including Jim Jordan } were never finalized.
Pelosi would not allow Jim Jordan and Jim Banks on her
" 9-11 Style Committee " citing " the Integrity oif the Probe ".
Jordan was right to complain earlier this year on the Laura Ingraham
10pm angle.Citing " The Jan. 6th Committee has altered evidence and
lied to the american people about pertinent information. "
Talking about stupid... what do think this chanting is about?

Again, fool, when you post multiple links in support of your contention but then none of them actually do... that makes you a moron who doesn't know how to defend his statements.

Get it now? No? Read it a few times. Watch the video a few times and when you are done... do it all over again. Eventually, you will get it. Good luck. :itsok:

Sorry, I did not see anyone in that video actually shouting, nor do I know who took this video.

I don't trust that narrative, nor do I trust you.

I ask again, WHO has been indicted for threatening to hang the VP? Certainly if this paradigm is true? There must be some record of it. . . It must be in texts, there must be some video of who was organizing such a plot?

You can't expect me to believe this garbage.

Who took this video, do you really expect me to take this seriously when that STATE is not taking it seriously?

Which is NOT any Congressional Hearing.Just some Made-up Commission.
No authority to actually issue subpoenas.
The bill that was proposed that created the Commission did not
pass the necessary 60 vote threshhold.It passed with 54 senators
in favor and 35 Senators voting against.
It's a " 9-11 TYPE Commission ".
For that Commission to have authority to Issue subpoenas,it requires
Agreement between the Chair and the Vice-chair.Or a vote by a
majority of the Commision members { 10 }.
Under the original proposal { 7 democrat appointments and 4 republican
appointments } would have given Democrats the Unilateral power to
issue subpoenas.
There are only 2 Republican appointments.
McCarthy's picks { Including Jim Jordan } were never finalized.
Pelosi would not allow Jim Jordan and Jim Banks on her
" 9-11 Style Committee " citing " the Integrity oif the Probe ".
Jordan was right to complain earlier this year on the Laura Ingraham
10pm angle.Citing " The Jan. 6th Committee has altered evidence and
lied to the american people about pertinent information. "
None of this means anything in regards to whether the tapes are real or not.
Sorry, I did not see anyone in that video actually shouting, nor do I know who took this video.

I don't trust that narrative, nor do I trust you.

I ask again, WHO has been indicted for threatening to hang the VP? Certainly if this paradigm is true? There must be some record of it. . . It must be in texts, there must be some video of who was organizing such a plot?

You can't expect me to believe this garbage.

Who took this video, do you really expect me to take this seriously when that STATE is not taking it seriously?

LOL, You asked for proof, I gave it to you. That video, btw, is a widely circulated one. Only a lying orange douche-bag worshiper would claim not to have seen it.

Thanks for proving you are lying SOB. And, since you like videos... here ya go...

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