Kevin Spacey cleared of sexually assaulting four men

What was kept from the jury ?

I didn't follow the pig's trial. Even if I had, I wouldn't necessarily be privy to every bit of evidence, discovery or motions. I can only assume you know this and just choose to be a rollicking twit.

Prove nothing was kept from the jury.
At least in this case, simple rules of Anglo-Saxon Common Law applied and mere allegations unsupported by real evidence did not prevail. Hopefully, this trend will continue.
Are you denying he is gay?

He may be gay. But when he said he was gay the first time, it was right after these allegations came out and some felt he was just saying that as if it would somehow cross out his being a predator.
That's what a leftist court in the UK said.

In the 1950's, a British court ruled that Liberace was heterosexual you know.
You have no idea what political persuasion the Jury was. You do not even know their names.

Basically Spacey is Gay so for the likes of you he must be guilty.
Disgusting. I didn't think anyone could sink as low as you just did. If you truly believe murdering two people in cold blood is a less serious offense than a sexual assault, you're a despicable piece of shit.
I say at least he hasn't been found to be a sexual abuser and you go right into "defend the orange sexual abuser" mode at lightning speed. ;)

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