Key inflation cause: Republican policy

Drilling isn't production you dolt. Drilling is exploration. Production increased as the wells drilled under Obama came fully online for production.

Why do you persist in proving your abject stupidity by calling covid the "Faucci Flu". It makes me realize how hopelessly stupid you truly are.

Production didn't drop because of Democrats, you fool. It dropped because people stopped driving and demand fell through the floor. People were working from home - no daily commute. Travel for business or pleasure, pretty much ended. Every storage tank in America was full to bursting with gas no one was buying. That's why the price dropped to below $2 a gallon.

See prior posts about drilling on private land, and drilling on public land. Biden cancelled the auctions in the Alaskan Wilderness because nobody wanted to buy a lease up there. Add permafrost, winter, and dealing with environmentalists as good and valid reasons why nobody wanted to drill on a game preserve in Alaska.
You need holes to produce oil, you raving moron. Under Trump we got to over 400,000 per month.
You elected Republicans in Virginia. Sucks to be you. You have the cheapest gas in the first world, and you are energy independent thanks to the Obama/Biden Administration, and all you can do is bitch about it. What ungrateful turds Republicans truly are.
We were energy independent under Barry Hussein?

Every system can always be improved, and coming out of covid, things are in tough shape. Compared to the the USA, where you deal with mountains of paperwork, preapprovals, and co-pays, we're literally laughing at you. It also puts the lie to the idea that liberals never criticize the government or anything it does.

Canadians hold their governments accountable in ways Americans never do. When Brian Mulroney's Progressive Conservatives signed the free trade deal, we ENDED the party. They got 3 seats in the next election. That's how you punish a party.

46% of Americans voted for Trump's reelection. That's insane.
Your Fauci Flu death rate is about the same as the US rate, Simp.

I thought your system was much better. What happened?
You don't have state gas taxes??? Yes you do. 26 cents per gallon:

Perhaps if you got a clue, you would know that all crude oil prices in the USA are tied to the world crude oil price set by OPEC. So if the rest of the world is paying a higher price for crude oil, so are American refineries, and that price increase is passed along to consumers.

The ignorance of conservative posters on this board as to how segments of the economy work, is disheartening. FOX News does a pitiful job of informing you dolts.
States with the highest gas tax are all run by Dimwingers, Dumbass.
Inflation is caused by few things:
(1) Federal Deficit causing the printing of money devaluing our currency:
The GOP might have spent a lot, but it is nothing compared to the spend happy Demorats. The biggest cause of inflation at the moment was all the free money handed out during the pandemic and unnecessary and criminal lockdowns. Those were Demorat caused.

(2) Increasing cost of business: Dems are the pass more regulations and place more red tape them Demorats. This costs companies more to produce the same goods and services, which get passed onto the business. Easiest measuring stick is the CEO rating the red states as easiest to do business in and the blue states specifically CA, NY, NJ and IL as the worst.

(3) Demorat War on Fossil Fuels:
Energy costs are part of the bottomline. They power the machines and powerplants and directly adds to the cost of transporting the products to market. The increase in prices has directly increases cots. We can only call you a complete liar for trying to claim gas price increases are GOP caused problem. We know you don't believe it, because it is not true. During Trump's term we went from an importer of oil and natural gas to a exporter. Biden's first bonehead move was to shut down the Keystone Pipeline, which was a easy and low cost way to get Canadian oil. While claiming they have all these permits to give for new drilling they make it very hard and costly to get those permits. They talk about shutting down oil and fracking (aka natural gas), so business won't invest in new technology or infratructure. They won't allow any new nuclear power plants. The increase in gas and electricity prices are ENTIRELY A DEMORAT CAUSED PROBLEM.

The Demorats are SOLELY responsible for inflation and you have zero integrity and honor for arguing to the opposite
Are you suggesting that Joe top up the reserve NOW, while prices are still so high???? Since prices are coming down, shouldn't he wait until prices and production have normalized, and they refill the strategic reserves at the lower prices?

Given the amount of oil it will take to refill those strategic reserves, doesn't it risk seeing prices rise again, to take that much oil out of the marketplace to refill those reserves?
Remember when Schumer was gloating about Dimwingers stopping Trump from filling it up ar $25/bbl?
Inflation is caused by few things:
(1) Federal Deficit causing the printing of money devaluing our currency:
The GOP might have spent a lot,

Spending a lot is still spending a lot. You can't condemn those who spend even more while trying to deflect from those who spent a lot.

7.8 trillion in new debt under Trump in 4 years.
You can't just flip a switch and replace all the immigration system that Trump dismantled.

Or any of the other massive systemic changes Trump undertook to dismantle the federal government.
Trump didn’t dismantle anything. He was getting illegal immigration under control.

You really have no clue about ANYTHING regarding the USA.

Why not sit down, STFU, and butt out.
States with the highest gas tax are all run by Dimwingers, Dumbass.
Oh. Must be time to give ya a checkin on Biden prices! Under $3 near me.


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