Keyes: Gun Control Is Part Of A Plan To Kill Hundreds Of Thousands


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
The politicians that one may think represents them are really working for the Zionist bankers who own the Federal Reserve banking system that brought communism to Russia, and is attempting to communize the world.

Gun control is not about saving the children, or saving any else for that matter. History warns us of how hundreds of millions of innocent people are killed by rogue communist governments after so-called gun control is implemented. The main stream (communist) media has never mentioned why all the empty concentration camps are now all across America, or the millions empty coffins stored here in America.

Awake up: we have a rogue government brought about by design though debt by the Zionist bankers who profit from murder and war. The murders committed by people who have fallen victim to mind altering (so-called legal drugs) in comparison to the murders committed by governments is like comparing a ocean with a small lake. Communism and the people who invented and taught communism to others are responsible for many millions of murders. These are the animals one needs to arm themselves against, and the threat is real! These bankers who are the communist, and have proven to commit hundreds of millions of murders if the opportunity presents itself though weakness/gun control.

The very tools one needs for self preservation against their tyranny is what they are trying so hard to ban.
Remember our politicians are bribed, secret society members, and enormous liars. These useful idiots are people one cannot at all trust. (especially Obama who is indeed a closet communist.)

LINK: Keyes: Gun Control Is Part Of A Plan To Kill Hundreds Of Thousands | XRepublic
LINK: Overpopulation code name for Mass Murder
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The politicians that one may think represents them are really working for the Zionist bankers who own the Federal Reserve banking system that brought communism to Russia, and is attempting to communize the world.

Gun control is not about saving the children, or saving any else for that matter. History warns us of how hundreds of millions of innocent people are killed by rogue communist governments after so-called gun control is implemented. The main stream (communist) media has never mentioned why all the empty concentration camps are now all across America, or the millions empty coffins stored here in America.

Awake up: we have a rogue government brought about by design though debt by the Zionist bankers who profit from murder and war. The murders committed by people who have fallen victim to mind altering (so-called legal drugs) in comparison to the murders committed by governments is like comparing a ocean with a small lake. Communism and the people who invented and taught communism to others are responsible for many millions of murders. These are the animals one needs to arm themselves against, and the threat is real! These bankers who are the communist, and have proven to commit hundreds of millions of murders if the opportunity presents itself though weakness/gun control.

The very tools one needs for self preservation against their tyranny is what they are trying so hard to ban.
Remember our politicians are bribed, secret society members, and enormous liars. These useful idiots are people one cannot at all trust. (especially Obama who is indeed a closet communist.)

LINK: Keyes: Gun Control Is Part Of A Plan To Kill Hundreds Of Thousands | XRepublic
LINK: Overpopulation code name for Mass Murder

There is no escape from it, we're going to have to live (or die) through it.

I will trust in the Lord for my strength and salvation, there is no other who can comfort me.

Jesus said,"In this world you will have trouble, but fear not, for I have overcome the world."
We do not have a rogue government, the jewish bankers do not want to enslave you.

The bankers certainly are not communist.

It is just amazing that someone can say this kind of crazy bullshit without presenting any evidence to back it up and other monkeys chime right in with the chimp OP.

The more amazing thing is it has not been moved to the rubber room.
The most disturbing thing about the above post isn't that he fears the BANKSTERS' CABAL (I do too) it's that he insists that it is a JEWISH conspiracy.

The other somewhat less disturbing thing about this post is that Octoldit thinks that theft by banksterism is some kind of communist plot.

What we have running the world now is not communism, neither is it capitalism.

It's theft, folks. It's a grand conspiracy between our governments and the BANKSTERS. TARP cost the American publis 14 TRILLION dollars in the last five years or so

None of the people who received this corporate welfare believes in the tenents of communism OR capitalism.

How anyone can miss that continues to mystify me.
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That was one stupid post. Apparently, the guy has no earthly idea what communism is. All he knows is that "bad guys = communists."

We do not have a rogue government, the jewish bankers do not want to enslave you.

The bankers certainly are not communist.

It is just amazing that someone can say this kind of crazy bullshit without presenting any evidence to back it up and other monkeys chime right in with the chimp OP.

The more amazing thing is it has not been moved to the rubber room.

No lack of evidence exist.

The abundance of evidence would block all daylight it's so enormous.

LINK: Be not deceived "Communist" Gun-Control is the beginning of overt war on Americans

LINK: NWO : Front for Cabalist Jewish Tyranny -
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The politicians that one may think represents them are really working for the Zionist bankers who own the Federal Reserve banking system that brought communism to Russia, and is attempting to communize the world.

Gun control is not about saving the children, or saving any else for that matter. History warns us of how hundreds of millions of innocent people are killed by rogue communist governments after so-called gun control is implemented. The main stream (communist) media has never mentioned why all the empty concentration camps are now all across America, or the millions empty coffins stored here in America.

Awake up: we have a rogue government brought about by design though debt by the Zionist bankers who profit from murder and war. The murders committed by people who have fallen victim to mind altering (so-called legal drugs) in comparison to the murders committed by governments is like comparing a ocean with a small lake. Communism and the people who invented and taught communism to others are responsible for many millions of murders. These are the animals one needs to arm themselves against, and the threat is real! These bankers who are the communist, and have proven to commit hundreds of millions of murders if the opportunity presents itself though weakness/gun control.

The very tools one needs for self preservation against their tyranny is what they are trying so hard to ban.
Remember our politicians are bribed, secret society members, and enormous liars. These useful idiots are people one cannot at all trust. (especially Obama who is indeed a closet communist.)

LINK: Keyes: Gun Control Is Part Of A Plan To Kill Hundreds Of Thousands | XRepublic
LINK: Overpopulation code name for Mass Murder

There is no escape from it, we're going to have to live (or die) through it.

I will trust in the Lord for my strength and salvation, there is no other who can comfort me.

Jesus said,"In this world you will have trouble, but fear not, for I have overcome the world."

Rev 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
The politicians that one may think represents them are really working for the Zionist bankers who own the Federal Reserve banking system that brought communism to Russia, and is attempting to communize the world.

Gun control is not about saving the children, or saving any else for that matter. History warns us of how hundreds of millions of innocent people are killed by rogue communist governments after so-called gun control is implemented. The main stream (communist) media has never mentioned why all the empty concentration camps are now all across America, or the millions empty coffins stored here in America.

Awake up: we have a rogue government brought about by design though debt by the Zionist bankers who profit from murder and war. The murders committed by people who have fallen victim to mind altering (so-called legal drugs) in comparison to the murders committed by governments is like comparing a ocean with a small lake. Communism and the people who invented and taught communism to others are responsible for many millions of murders. These are the animals one needs to arm themselves against, and the threat is real! These bankers who are the communist, and have proven to commit hundreds of millions of murders if the opportunity presents itself though weakness/gun control.

The very tools one needs for self preservation against their tyranny is what they are trying so hard to ban.
Remember our politicians are bribed, secret society members, and enormous liars. These useful idiots are people one cannot at all trust. (especially Obama who is indeed a closet communist.)

LINK: Keyes: Gun Control Is Part Of A Plan To Kill Hundreds Of Thousands | XRepublic
LINK: Overpopulation code name for Mass Murder

Let's assume that you are 100% right.

Realistically, does an armed citizenry organize to challenge this cabal?

It's obviously going to take more than guns to take down this (or almost any other) government.

Revolutions take organization.

I'm asking you to think like a cold blooded revolutionary, now, instead of a hotheaded patriot

You don't need to tell me why you want to do this, (you've made that very clear) but rather how one takes all that pent up anger, and turn it into a populist force cabable of dealing with the government?

The above questions are exactly why I have little confidence that a well armed citizen population putting down a rogue government like the one you described above.

Popular revolutions may LOOK spontaneous, but behind the scenes, and long before the people take to the streets, there is ALWAYS a dedicated minority that has planned the revolution, found funding for that revoltion, and can take charge and direct the the angry mobs of citizens into effective action.

Now, I do not doubt there are various groups trying to do that.

Most of them, I also very little doubt, are already compromised.

And then too, there's always the question of how to organize in the case where the revolution happened and toppled government, too.

Again, a disorganized armed citizenry is not ENOUGH to create a post-revoltuionary government.

I'm not challenging your assumption, here, Oct.

I am asking you to think further than you immediate anger and explain to us how you take that energy and turn it into an operable plan.
The politicians that one may think represents them are really working for the Zionist bankers who own the Federal Reserve banking system that brought communism to Russia, and is attempting to communize the world.

Gun control is not about saving the children, or saving any else for that matter. History warns us of how hundreds of millions of innocent people are killed by rogue communist governments after so-called gun control is implemented. The main stream (communist) media has never mentioned why all the empty concentration camps are now all across America, or the millions empty coffins stored here in America.

Awake up: we have a rogue government brought about by design though debt by the Zionist bankers who profit from murder and war. The murders committed by people who have fallen victim to mind altering (so-called legal drugs) in comparison to the murders committed by governments is like comparing a ocean with a small lake. Communism and the people who invented and taught communism to others are responsible for many millions of murders. These are the animals one needs to arm themselves against, and the threat is real! These bankers who are the communist, and have proven to commit hundreds of millions of murders if the opportunity presents itself though weakness/gun control.

The very tools one needs for self preservation against their tyranny is what they are trying so hard to ban.
Remember our politicians are bribed, secret society members, and enormous liars. These useful idiots are people one cannot at all trust. (especially Obama who is indeed a closet communist.)

LINK: Keyes: Gun Control Is Part Of A Plan To Kill Hundreds Of Thousands | XRepublic
LINK: Overpopulation code name for Mass Murder

Alan Keyes? Jeezus, I thought he'd be in some psych ward somewhere by now.
We do not have a rogue government, the jewish bankers do not want to enslave you.

The bankers certainly are not communist.

It is just amazing that someone can say this kind of crazy bullshit without presenting any evidence to back it up and other monkeys chime right in with the chimp OP.

The more amazing thing is it has not been moved to the rubber room.

No lack of evidence exist.

The abundance of evidence would block all daylight it's so enormous.

LINK: Be not deceived "Communist" Gun-Control is the beginning of overt war on Americans

LINK: NWO : Front for Cabalist Jewish Tyranny -

I found a new avatar for you, but please let the cat go free, it is too smart to be held down by you


And you are welcome!
If one thinks that what is happening at the top eschelons of our government and society are a communist plot?

You clearly don't have a clue what communism is, or what the people in charge are really doing, either.


That'll better arm you as a citizen patriot than all the guns in the world.
The politicians that one may think represents them are really working for the Zionist bankers who own the Federal Reserve banking system that brought communism to Russia, and is attempting to communize the world.

Gun control is not about saving the children, or saving any else for that matter. History warns us of how hundreds of millions of innocent people are killed by rogue communist governments after so-called gun control is implemented. The main stream (communist) media has never mentioned why all the empty concentration camps are now all across America, or the millions empty coffins stored here in America.

Awake up: we have a rogue government brought about by design though debt by the Zionist bankers who profit from murder and war. The murders committed by people who have fallen victim to mind altering (so-called legal drugs) in comparison to the murders committed by governments is like comparing a ocean with a small lake. Communism and the people who invented and taught communism to others are responsible for many millions of murders. These are the animals one needs to arm themselves against, and the threat is real! These bankers who are the communist, and have proven to commit hundreds of millions of murders if the opportunity presents itself though weakness/gun control.

The very tools one needs for self preservation against their tyranny is what they are trying so hard to ban.
Remember our politicians are bribed, secret society members, and enormous liars. These useful idiots are people one cannot at all trust. (especially Obama who is indeed a closet communist.)

LINK: Keyes: Gun Control Is Part Of A Plan To Kill Hundreds Of Thousands | XRepublic
LINK: Overpopulation code name for Mass Murder

Let's assume that you are 100% right.

Realistically, does an armed citizenry organize to challenge this cabal?

It's obviously going to take more than guns to take down this (or almost any other) government.

Revolutions take organization.

I'm asking you to think like a cold blooded revolutionary, now, instead of a hotheaded patriot

You don't need to tell me why you want to do this, (you've made that very clear) but rather how one takes all that pent up anger, and turn it into a populist force cabable of dealing with the government?

The above questions are exactly why I have little confidence that a well armed citizen population putting down a rogue government like the one you described above.

Popular revolutions may LOOK spontaneous, but behind the scenes, and long before the people take to the streets, there is ALWAYS a dedicated minority that has planned the revolution, found funding for that revoltion, and can take charge and direct the the angry mobs of citizens into effective action.

Now, I do not doubt there are various groups trying to do that.

Most of them, I also very little doubt, are already compromised.

And then too, there's always the question of how to organize in the case where the revolution happened and toppled government, too.

Again, a disorganized armed citizenry is not ENOUGH to create a post-revoltuionary government.

I'm not challenging your assumption, here, Oct.

I am asking you to think further than you immediate anger and explain to us how you take that energy and turn it into an operable plan.

Who knows if there is any person is capable of helping you with your confused state of mind. You need to be addressing these questions to Hilliary and Obama's paid terrorist mercenaries that were paid to ransack Libya and causing all the problems in Syria.

Was it not Bush who said we don't negotiate with terrorist?

Yet Hilliary Clinton as secretary for the Obama administration is paying three mercenary terrorist groups millions in American tax dollars to try and overthrow Assad in Syria.

The trillion dollar irony is the that same “Al Quida” whose leader that was said to “Ben Ladin”, was allegedly hunted by our besieged government has now proven itself to be a total fabrication and undeniable act of treason.

Ask Obama and the former secretary of state if they are recruiting the most cold blooded revolutionaries, and the most hot blooded traitors to destroy their own lands and people to satisfy the Israeli lush for blood shed and violence.

Finally after all the enormous lies put forth by the communist media and all the silent Benedict Arnold politicians we now find our so-called representatives knew all along that Al Quida was created by the American C.I.A. to destroy peace and freedom here to America and across the world.

Ask your terrorist buddies in Syria if they have a post revolutionary plan since the Israeli's used them to become paid murderers who are now hunted by the Syrian Government, and the newly formed militia's helping Assad to preserve their regime and totally defeat all the dog terrorist traitors.

Not one...not two...but our dual purpose Secretary of state is bankrolling three terrorist groups in Syria.
The terrorism has also spread to Mali, and through AFRICOM our rogue government that the Israeli's are attempting to overthrow is sponsoring terrorism in at least 35 countries just like they sponsored terrorism here in the United States on September 11 2001.

Ask people from all the countries plagued by Obama's drone attacks who the real terrorist are? You must think Americans don't know the real reason the Zionist media and politicians want gun control so desperately.

9-11 now has proven to Americans how the lying traitors “within the Government” work so hard to conceal their treason hoping be bring even more Israeli terrorism to Americans, and this is precisely we have a full blown media war against the 2nd Amendment.

The communist main stream media never speaks of tyranny, only gun confiscation.

The massacres rogue government commit in the absence of preparation for government terrorism cannot be understated. Hundreds of millions innocent people die when people believe in their communist schemes and lies. How can one possibly equate 200 contrived murders, with 200 million governmental murders?

Don't be fooled the Zionist media are enormous liars!

Try and use your backward reverse psychology on someone that is clueless about those responsible for terrorism all over the world.

Perception makes a big difference in clearly seeing things right in front of you. You may pretend no tyranny exists, however the facts speak louder than words. “A tyrant is, what a tyrant does”, and using this simple principle the oppressive, despotic, and unjust control over peoples and governments does not restrict one's perception of tyranny.

In these modern times corruption has increased and things are more complex, and to limit tyranny to a single individual is outdated. The tyrant has no respect for any law other then his own law, and uses various means of coercion to adversely effect the lives of those that stand against the their evil corruption.

Tyrants eliminate laws that pertain to the common good and switch them with corrupt laws that increases their power over it's victims if allowed to do so. In a effort to consolidate power, tyrants create conflict, they play political parties against each other, they destroy families, promote fear, and are the masters of deception.

One prime example of tyranny for all to see is creating laws designed to turn the American military against the American people. Do you still want to suggest that no tyranny exist?

“The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 was intended “to limit the powers of local governments and law enforcement agencies from using federal military personnel to enforce the laws of the land.” (Wikipedia) The Act requires that the order for Army personnel to maintain “law and order” must originate from the U.S. Constitution or by another, subsequent Act of Congress. There is no provision for the Executive branch to issue such orders.
Under the NDAA, the President would have the authority to order the military to pick up and imprison U.S. citizens anywhere in the world and hold them without being charged with a crime. Guantanamo-like prison camps would be established to hold civilians, including U.S. citizens, who have demonstrated traits of domestic terrorism, such as owning guns, buying gold, or donating to charities.”

You still want to pretend corruption such as this is not indicative of a tyrant?

In these modern days things are a little more complex and such abuses of authority seek to conceal itself in the background while the public relations peons (politicians) follow the orders of the tyrant.

That is to say the word tyrant is not restricted to a single person. The label tyrant placed on the Federal Reserve banking system working in conjunction with their corporations and secret societies removes all doubt or confusion as to what defines tyrant in these last days before the wicked are removed from the face of the earth, and banished to the bowels of hell forever.

To bring things into sharp focus consider what happened on September 11 2001 the tyrant had the means to tell the world (through the communist news media) that a hijacked aircraft slammed into the pentagon. However it was quite obvious that the wreckage of a huge jumbo jet was not at the crime scene. The stunning Irony is not one American politician of all those elected to govern the American people said 'nothing” about the colossal 9-11 lie being perpetrated throughout all the world.

“Not one” American politician denied the fact that no 767 aircraft hit the Pentagon! Not one politician denied the fact that explosives were planted within the twin towers before the elaborate aircraft stunts. Not one politician publicly acknowledged the fact that no visible jumbo jet wreckage was found in Pennsylvania...Why, because of their obedience and subservience not to the oath they took to uphold the Constitution, but to the International Zionist bankers. To further broaden one's perception of a tyrant and view this tyrant as a nation look no further than the Israeli nation.

After murdering 3,000+ innocent Americans, and exposing thousands more to cancerous dust on 9-11 the tyrant used Americans to murder hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's based on the false pretense they themselves created. The politicians knew all this and said absolutely nothing.

They sent American soldiers into war for the Zionist and exposed them to depleted uranium right along with those they accused of taking part in the 9-11 disaster. American families are left grieving for members of their families killed and maimed for life physical and mentally by wars fought for the Israeli's.

This tyranny in and of itself is second to none in the annals of history, but this very nation with at least a thousand years of debt bailed the very banking cabal that destroyed America with debt is total capitulation by the politicians, and subservience to Israel not America.

Ones 2nd amendment rights is now what the sellout communist politicians (seeking to please the Israeli's) want to take from Americans. One can see on a daily basis all the toxins sprayed in the air over our cities and towns as if they give a rat ass about our health by offering us (poison) flu shots. It seems to these tyrants Americans are not dying fast enough with all the toxins now placed in the air, food, and water.

With all the cancer commercials that flood the television airwaves it's no secret that the slow kill agenda is real. The scheme clearly pushed through the mainstream media is now geared toward mass murder. For the record Stalin the Jew murdered more than 40 million innocent people, and the Communist Chinese murdered more than 60 million.

Anyone that thinks the gun confiscation campaign all over the media is about saving children is clueless about what happens when rogue governments disarm the people. Their is no Constitution or rule of law without the second amendment.

Don't let the dis-information Zionist agents deceive you.
If one thinks that what is happening at the top eschelons of our government and society are a communist plot?

You clearly don't have a clue what communism is, or what the people in charge are really doing, either.


That'll better arm you as a citizen patriot than all the guns in the world.

Apparently you still have not got pass marx, lenin, and engels definition of communism

You try reading different books.
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If one thinks that what is happening at the top eschelons of our government and society are a communist plot?

You clearly don't have a clue what communism is, or what the people in charge are really doing, either.


That'll better arm you as a citizen patriot than all the guns in the world.

But that would take all the fun out of being crazy.

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