Keystone Pipeline debate symbolic of what's wrong with American politics

Did the Supreme Court make the right decision in Kelo vs New London

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I have always felt the Keystone Pipeline was both used as a means for politicians to make symbolic arguments, but also for the citizens of the United States to see on both sides, how incredibly awful our public servants truly are. Between republicans lying about the number of jobs the project will create and lying about defending private property rights at all costs, to democrats lying about how the pipeline could be radically terrible in regards to climate change while ignoring that the tar sands oil would move on unsafe rail systems regardless, both sides have showed their true colors in this argument.
This column I wrote goes more in-depth, I urge everyone to read it:
Keystone pipeline debate symbolic of American politics - Collegiate Times Opinion

Let me know what your thoughts, comments and questions are. I was hoping this could start a debate on Keystone as well as the Kelo vs New London decision, which i strongly disagree with.

As I shared on Google+

An interesting and informative viewpoint

I don't agree with it but you certainly did your homework.

My viewpoint. Stopping the pipeline is not going to stop production in Canada. As you pointed out, it will go to market by rail if the pipeline isn't completed. And, because our politicians are putting it on hold, Canadians are constructing a pipeline to the west coast for shipment overseas.

That means lots of jobs and revenues being lost here in the USA.

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