Keystone Pipeline should not be built according to Bectel Inspector

A former inspector on the original Keystone pipeline is sounding the alarm over TransCanada’s plans for the Keystone XL.

Mike Klink, a former Bechtel employee who surveyed the first Keystone pipeline, says he raised numerous concerns during construction that went ignored.

The first Keystone carries tar sands oil from Alberta to refineries in the Midwest, while the XL would extend that route to the Gulf Coast. Writing in Nebraska’s Lincoln Journal Star, Klink describes a number of safety and design flaws, including cheap foreign steel, weak foundations and rigged safety tests.

He concludes: "I am coming forward because my kids encouraged me to tell the truth about what was done and covered up... I am not telling you we shouldn’t build pipelines. We just should not build this one."

Klink says Bechtel fired him for voicing his complaints.

While this may be true about the existing pipeline, that doesn't mean the new one would be built as haphazardly.
A former inspector on the original Keystone pipeline is sounding the alarm over TransCanada’s plans for the Keystone XL.

Mike Klink, a former Bechtel employee who surveyed the first Keystone pipeline, says he raised numerous concerns during construction that went ignored.

The first Keystone carries tar sands oil from Alberta to refineries in the Midwest, while the XL would extend that route to the Gulf Coast. Writing in Nebraska’s Lincoln Journal Star, Klink describes a number of safety and design flaws, including cheap foreign steel, weak foundations and rigged safety tests.

He concludes: "I am coming forward because my kids encouraged me to tell the truth about what was done and covered up... I am not telling you we shouldn’t build pipelines. We just should not build this one."

Klink says Bechtel fired him for voicing his complaints.
Some employees who are fired come back and shoot people. This one just came back to make sure the 22,000 people who would have a job if this shovel-ready project goes through don't have Christmas dinner next year.

Why is it his dissenting opinion is not included in two major studies in the industry that say this is a viable, a good, and an environmentally safe project?

Disgruntled employees don't tell you everything they know. They tell you everything that will cause you to hate the employer before you know all of the facts.

This project needs to be weighed in a reasonable light. The vast majority of other qualified reviewers found this to be a good project.

So you are saying that he was pissed before being fired or after?
"Disgruntled worker" is a shelter of many sins....

Just a dissin term nothing else.
So we should ignore the 2 Multi Million Dollar 3 Year long studies that say it should be built, and take the 1 of one "former" Inspector?

But the "former" inspect agrees with Obama. And Obama is an expert in everything.
A former inspector on the original Keystone pipeline is sounding the alarm over TransCanada’s plans for the Keystone XL.

Mike Klink, a former Bechtel employee who surveyed the first Keystone pipeline, says he raised numerous concerns during construction that went ignored.

The first Keystone carries tar sands oil from Alberta to refineries in the Midwest, while the XL would extend that route to the Gulf Coast. Writing in Nebraska’s Lincoln Journal Star, Klink describes a number of safety and design flaws, including cheap foreign steel, weak foundations and rigged safety tests.

He concludes: "I am coming forward because my kids encouraged me to tell the truth about what was done and covered up... I am not telling you we shouldn’t build pipelines. We just should not build this one."

Klink says Bechtel fired him for voicing his complaints.
Some employees who are fired come back and shoot people. This one just came back to make sure the 22,000 people who would have a job if this shovel-ready project goes through don't have Christmas dinner next year.

Why is it his dissenting opinion is not included in two major studies in the industry that say this is a viable, a good, and an environmentally safe project?

Disgruntled employees don't tell you everything they know. They tell you everything that will cause you to hate the employer before you know all of the facts.

This project needs to be weighed in a reasonable light. The vast majority of other qualified reviewers found this to be a good project.

Qualified reviewers? How would we know?

How about liars for hire? Conflicts of interest?
The business way is to hire people who have the best history of creating safe construction projects, Merrill. Their findings are in favor of the pipeline. They're up against those who would "just say no" to the pipeline who have no professional construction project experience whatever.

"TransCanada has agreed to a long list of safety conditions suggested by the Federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration." ~ Editorial, U.S. should build Keystone Oil Pipeline.

Obama screws this one around for a few more weeks, and China has already petitioned the Canadians for their cheap oil based on agreements the present administration wouldn't dream of offering.

I don't think it would be good to give Obama and his supporters bicycle-paddle boats and let them pedal to Hawaii next time he wants to go on a vacation. And I think he will get there for many years based on oil-petroleum fueled airplanes.

If he keeps on jumping up and down in his puerile playpen against the oil and gas industry, I could change my viewpoint.

Democrats give a ladies man the Oval Office, he screws in it. Then they push and give it to a Socialistic bastard, because he is black, and he uses it to throw bullshit racist charges against innocent men and women, plus destroy banks and businesses in reality when he tells you how "concerned" he is for businesses. And you buy it all.

The rest of us do not necessarily buy what Obama and his special interest kill-business groups are selling.

Keep it up, and they'll have us living in caves following castration purges of people stereotypes they don't like--namely, all white folks.

And guess what. Obama will never give up making YOU and ME pay for his jet-fueled trips, Gas-hog armed vehicles and energy-guzzling residences for the rest of his life. You watch.
So we should ignore the 2 Multi Million Dollar 3 Year long studies that say it should be built, and take the 1 of one "former" Inspector?

But the "former" inspect agrees with Obama. And Obama is an expert in everything.

He is a former inspector and should know more about the situation than anyone on here or even the president.

Of course if he is lying he should be castrated.
So we should ignore the 2 Multi Million Dollar 3 Year long studies that say it should be built, and take the 1 of one "former" Inspector?

But the "former" inspect agrees with Obama. And Obama is an expert in everything.

He is a former inspector and should know more about the situation than anyone on here or even the president.

Of course if he is lying he should be castrated.
And if The Lightbringer had said he wanted this project, you'd never have heard of this guy.
But the "former" inspect agrees with Obama. And Obama is an expert in everything.

He is a former inspector and should know more about the situation than anyone on here or even the president.

Of course if he is lying he should be castrated.
And if The Lightbringer had said he wanted this project, you'd never have heard of this guy.

That is perhaps true, perhaps not.
We will never know now.

I would however trust the opinion of a working class technical type over a politician or corporate spokesman any day.
Where was Mike Klink when Obama approved the construction of the Alberta Clipper pipeline just two years ago?

From the U.S. Department of State Website:

Approval of the permit sends a positive economic signal, in a difficult economic period, about the future reliability and availability of a portion of United States’ energy imports, and in the immediate term, this shovel-ready project will provide construction jobs for workers in the United States.

U.S. Department of State

450,000 barrels per day, 326 miles across North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
There was no EPA. There was no OSHA.
But there is now, plus dozens more alphabet soup agencies who are going to inspect the shit out of this pipeline before, during and after it gets placed in the ground.


Thanks for quoting my only took me 15-20 minutes to compose and key it:

In the 1950's I was a process operator at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant(ORGDP) also known as K-25.

Uranium 238 contains .7% of uranium 235 as it appears in nature. We took the mined material, flourinated it, heated the UO2F2 compound and fed it into a 4400 stage cascade as UF6, uranium hexaflouride (Process Gas...PG)which was pumped upstream through tubes with microscopic holes by a slightly increased factor and gradually separated the isotope from the uranium 238 which flowed downstream through the tubes by the same factor.

The monel steel pipes in that process were hundreds of miles long and some big enough for a normal si ed man to stand inside. Some of the converters were as big as a small house.There were five process buildings, K-25, K-27, K-29, K31 and the largest (K-33) was two stories with a partial basement, stood 83 ft. tall and covered about 32 acres. The K-33 facility, on the cell floor contained 640 GE or Westinghouse electric motors ranging in HP from 2000 to 3500. At it's peak the plant used as much electric power as the city of Chicago. The entire AEC(DOE) nation wide used 10% of all the generated power in the United States. At the time construction was finished K-33 was the third largest steel edifice in the world running third behind the Eifel Tower and the Empire State Building. There was no EPA. There was no OSHA. The safety department consisted of about twelve people and the only thing I ever saw them do was investigate lost time accidents and pass out safety awards every time we got more than a million manhours without a lost time accident.

The light green powder was everywhere. The odor of flourine(F2) and clourinetriflouride(CLF3) hanged heavy around the entire complex and on some days when the atmosphere was still and heavy we would get a sore throat from just breathing ambient air around the plants. There was a storage facility for Hydrogen Flouride(HF) and we had a tank farm for it's storage that if breached would have killed a swath of people two miles wide all the way to the east coast of the United States.

I tracked that kind of stuff home on the bottom of my street shoes to the carpet where my infant children were crawling and thank goodness through a fluke of being caught in a reduction in force worked there less than ten years.

So far the DOL has approved payment in excess of six billion dollars in claims to the families...often the survivors of employees of the Oak Ridge complexes who came up with every kind of rare cancer and ailment known to man and some which had never been heard of before. Employees who worked in K-1420, the decontamination facility could be recogni ed by a slight yellow complexion known among all employees as the 1420 tan. One of my close friends, Dave XXXXX worked there and during surgery at Erlanger hospital in Chattanooga the folks who worked up the diagnostics declared that he had a form of cancer which at that time only six other cases in the history of cancer records had been observed. He died while he was still in his forties.

The ORGDP is being dismantled and destroyed as we speak. Some heritage groups tried to make the "U" building, K-25 a national monument because that's where the uranium isotope which was used in the "Little Boy" bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945 originated but even the concrete foundations had absorbed so much toxin and radiation that they're having to break everything up into pieces, treat it and bury it.

Companies have always done whatever is necessary for a profitable bottom line, What would lead anyone to believe it's any different now
He is a former inspector and should know more about the situation than anyone on here or even the president.

Of course if he is lying he should be castrated.
And if The Lightbringer had said he wanted this project, you'd never have heard of this guy.

That is perhaps true, perhaps not.
We will never know now.

I would however trust the opinion of a working class technical type over a politician or corporate spokesman any day.
What about all the other working-class technical types who said the project is safe?
Where was Mike Klink when Obama approved the construction of the Alberta Clipper pipeline just two years ago?

From the U.S. Department of State Website:

Approval of the permit sends a positive economic signal, in a difficult economic period, about the future reliability and availability of a portion of United States’ energy imports, and in the immediate term, this shovel-ready project will provide construction jobs for workers in the United States.

U.S. Department of State

450,000 barrels per day, 326 miles across North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

And what is the status of that project?

The XL pipeline would allow the US consumers to be bypassed and the Canadian oil to be exported.
Where was Mike Klink when Obama approved the construction of the Alberta Clipper pipeline just two years ago?

From the U.S. Department of State Website:

Approval of the permit sends a positive economic signal, in a difficult economic period, about the future reliability and availability of a portion of United States’ energy imports, and in the immediate term, this shovel-ready project will provide construction jobs for workers in the United States.

U.S. Department of State

450,000 barrels per day, 326 miles across North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

And what is the status of that project?

The XL pipeline would allow the US consumers to be bypassed and the Canadian oil to be exported.
Well, according to some of you folks here, the end result is the same- namely- it WON'T drive down gasoline prices. Oh and temporary jobs, making the industry wealthier, blah blah.

Keep in mind that the U.S. runs a 9 million barrel PER DAY deficit on crude oil.
Either import it from Canada (which is important because Obama said it is) or import it from unstable unfriendy countries (which is bad because Obama said it's bad).
There was no EPA. There was no OSHA.
But there is now, plus dozens more alphabet soup agencies who are going to inspect the shit out of this pipeline before, during and after it gets placed in the ground.

I'm sorry to tell you, but if we back out of our scheduled agreement with the Canadians, they are already talking to the Chinese about diverting their pipelines west to the coast to ship to China.

If Obama decides he doesn't want to do this true shovel-ready project, the American people are the ones who will be paying for his severe faux pas. In the meantime, he will be jetting around the skies of the world for the duration of his life on fossil fuels.

He already has two communist countries in the Gulf of Mexico to take over the rigs Obama cancelled out on American companies.

His idea of putting people to work is to create millions more government jobs and giving the lot of them to only Americans who voted Democrats.

He's setting heinous precedents, and he needs to get a pink slip pronto.
The Obama Administration's decision to delay this shovel-ready, environmentally approved construction project more has just put too much pressure on the Canadians who have in the past been loyal trade, economic, and just good neighbors to us over here. I don't think a year's delay is wise at all. Look what he's already caused: Canada's trade vision shifts beyond the United States.

I'm sick of politicians who know absolutely and completely nothing about business. By cutting off the Canadians, Obama is forcing them to do business with China.

Obama's decision to screw the Gulf American oil industry at all costs has opened our waters to two Communist countries who will be happy to take away our oil in their own less-supervised rigs than ours.

The man just can't deal with a crisis and creates several where there were none.
I'm sorry to tell you, but if we back out of our scheduled agreement with the Canadians, they are already talking to the Chinese about diverting their pipelines west to the coast to ship to China.
Yup. And then they'll refine it and turn right around and sell it to us at a premium. And it will make every single thing you buy exponentially more expensive. And we'll have to buy it from them, because the radical environmentalists don't want us drilling here.
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Obama's administration isn't transparent, but he sure is.
What a loony hypocrite.

And folks who oppose this pipeline that have absolutely no problem with the existing polluting practices of agriculture, and the existing massive agriculture exports- hypocrites one and all.

It's petrophobia.
A former inspector on the original Keystone pipeline is sounding the alarm over TransCanada’s plans for the Keystone XL.

Mike Klink, a former Bechtel employee who surveyed the first Keystone pipeline, says he raised numerous concerns during construction that went ignored.

The first Keystone carries tar sands oil from Alberta to refineries in the Midwest, while the XL would extend that route to the Gulf Coast. Writing in Nebraska’s Lincoln Journal Star, Klink describes a number of safety and design flaws, including cheap foreign steel, weak foundations and rigged safety tests.

He concludes: "I am coming forward because my kids encouraged me to tell the truth about what was done and covered up... I am not telling you we shouldn’t build pipelines. We just should not build this one."

Klink says Bechtel fired him for voicing his complaints.

So which do you think is MORE damaging to the environment:
1,000,000 barrels spilling in the ocean from a supertanker OR
3,000 barrels (amount of oil traveling one mile of the 2,147 miles) spilling on land generally within reach of the interstate and controlled by GPS monitors AND
given the worst spill occurred with the Alyeska 700,000 barrels per day pipeline's worst and longest spill leaked 16,000 barrels in 21 hours or 761 barrels per hour.February 15, 1978, when an unknown individual blew a 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) hole in it at Steele Creek!

Please where is the common sense in this!

The OIL is going to be transported.
Either by supertanker carrying 1 million barrels each day to China
OR 700,000 barrels to the USA by buried pipe!
Which do you think is more likely to have a spill AND when a spill occurs which will spill more AND which will damage MORE of the environment???

NOT ONE of you Keystone critics has yet ANSWERED that question!
Please you try!
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The USA does not need more oil from anywhere it is a polluter. The USA should be using its' own oil.

Any oil spill is unacceptable because oil kills.

The fiscal conservative thinkers realize this is a lose lose lose deal:

1. It's expensive

2. It pollutes and kills if spills = tax dollar bailouts

3.We don't need it - let Canada run its' own polluting industries = pollution is expensive
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Obama's administration isn't transparent, but he sure is.
What a loony hypocrite.

And folks who oppose this pipeline that have absolutely no problem with the existing polluting practices of agriculture, and the existing massive agriculture exports- hypocrites one and all.

It's petrophobia.

"And folks who oppose this pipeline that have absolutely no problem with the existing polluting practices of agriculture, and the existing massive agriculture exports- hypocrites one and all. "

And you are nuts. We are the clean thinkers. WE promote organic and/or chemical free growing practices.

May I suggest you move from your cave?

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