Khalid Sheik Mohammed: "I Gave A Lot Of False Information" To Make Torture Stop

After reading the replies on this thread, the proof is overwhelming that right wingers are consumed and totally controlled by FEAR...the strongest human EMOTION...It drives everything they do...

It also proves they believe people are basically EVIL, but it is really self reflection...

One right winger called for killing EVERYONE and, women, children and even dogs...

THAT is called genocide...the methods of a Hitler or Pol Pot...

You right wingers are free to have your opinion, but PLEASE don't try to EVER claim that fascism is leftist...

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.

You asked the question, and then answer it in the manner you would like it answered. Quite an advanced debating technique.

Bet your put-away is "so are you."

It's interrogation, not torture.

Here's torture. You get to watch the news on September eleventh, and see your brother or sister or wife or husband or father or mother make the decision between being burned to death or jumping to certain death.

Every day of your life you get to remember that sight. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Everytime the phone rings you anticipate that loved one on the other end of the phone line. But then you remember.

Every day.

That's torture.

And if torture is required to save the life of even one honest, hard working human, than rather than worry about what a rationalizationist, like yourself, thinks about me, then hand me the car battery and jumper cable.

So you answered it. 9/11 made the difference for you. You changed your view on waterboarding because of 9/11. You allowed those cowards in the airplanes to dictate your beliefs.:clap2:

An unfortunate characteristic of our liberal brethren is the inability to see beyond the “feel good” self-pat-on-the-back attempt at moral superiority, a childlike “can’t we all just get along.”

Never is this flaw more evident than when we attempt to confront evil. Liberals, it seems, are unable to recognize evil, and therefore are psychologically unable to deal with it.
We see this in our left-leaning friends ability to identify with the victimizer, but not the victim. We see it in the consoling of the drug abusing, law breaking criminal, but detachment from the recipient of their criminality.

Our great leaders have all understood this, and each dealt with evil in ways outside of our Constitutional methods.

Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus in 1861 and 1862. The Peace Democrats, also called copperheads, publicly criticized Lincoln's belief that violating the U.S. Constitution was required to save it as a whole.

Franklin Roosevelt opened the mail, censored the press and built internment camps (Executive Order No. 9066 in December 1941.)

When the threat of evil had been emasculated, the infractions to our civility were removed, and we returned to the way of life that we exemplified. (See Ex-parte Milligan).

And those on the left, like yourself, returned to carping about how terrible our leaders were.
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An unfortunate characteristic of our liberal brethren is the inability to see beyond the “feel good” self-pat-on-the-back attempt at moral superiority, a childlike “can’t we all just get along.”

Never is this flaw more evident than when we attempt to confront evil. Liberals, it seems, are unable to recognize evil, and therefore are psychologically unable to deal with it.
We see this in our left-leaning friends ability to identify with the victimizer, but not the victim. We see it in the consoling of the drug abusing, law breaking criminal, but detachment from the recipient of their criminality.

Our great leaders have all understood this, and each dealt with evil in ways outside of our Constitutional methods.

Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus in 1861 and 1862. The Peace Democrats, also called copperheads, publicly criticized Lincoln's belief that violating the U.S. Constitution was required to save it as a whole.

Franklin Roosevelt opened the mail, censored the press and built internment camps(Executive Order No. 9066 in December 1941.)

When the treat of evil had been emasculated, the infractions to our civility were removed, and we returned to the way of life that we exemplified.(See Ex-parte Milligan).

And those on the left, like yourself, returned to carping about how terrible our leaders were.

The SAME liberal bashing occurred in the 1920's in led to fascism...

Translation...because liberals are NOT consumed and controlled by FEAR and because liberals don't believe people are basically EVIL; liberals need to LEARN how to BE consumed and controlled by FEAR and to SEE that people are basically EVIL...
An unfortunate characteristic of our liberal brethren is the inability to see beyond the “feel good” self-pat-on-the-back attempt at moral superiority, a childlike “can’t we all just get along.”

Never is this flaw more evident than when we attempt to confront evil. Liberals, it seems, are unable to recognize evil, and therefore are psychologically unable to deal with it.
We see this in our left-leaning friends ability to identify with the victimizer, but not the victim. We see it in the consoling of the drug abusing, law breaking criminal, but detachment from the recipient of their criminality.

Our great leaders have all understood this, and each dealt with evil in ways outside of our Constitutional methods.

Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus in 1861 and 1862. The Peace Democrats, also called copperheads, publicly criticized Lincoln's belief that violating the U.S. Constitution was required to save it as a whole.

Franklin Roosevelt opened the mail, censored the press and built internment camps(Executive Order No. 9066 in December 1941.)

When the treat of evil had been emasculated, the infractions to our civility were removed, and we returned to the way of life that we exemplified.(See Ex-parte Milligan).

And those on the left, like yourself, returned to carping about how terrible our leaders were.

The SAME liberal bashing occurred in the 1920's in led to fascism...

Translation...because liberals are NOT consumed and controlled by FEAR and because liberals don't believe people are basically EVIL; liberals need to LEARN how to BE consumed and controlled by FEAR and to SEE that people are basically EVIL...

Let me help you out. Which way did you come in? Oh, that was too simple.

But it's the childllike simplicity of your rant, complete with cap letters, that leads one to use those silly one-liners. Bet you'd rather be posting with big fat crayons.

There is no liberal bashing here, but of course, liberals see any criticism as 'bashing.' Didn't you see my reference to liberals as our brethren?

No, it was a history lesson. Are you going to claim that Lincoln and FDR are fascists?

Now, pay attention, this is not government school: you're actually meant to learn something. Conservatives recognize the threat, confront evil in an efficacious manner, in this case enhanced interrogation, and thus defeat it.

We are "NOT consumed and controlled by FEAR ," we recognize that some people are evil, and need to be treated differently than those who are, like yoursef, misguided, or good folks, who should be protected.

Here you have exemplified an important flaw in liberals:
"A Liberals axiom is that harmony is natural, a misreading of human nature. It should be remembered that when Woodrow Wilson asked Georges Clemenceau, prime minister of France, “Don’t you believe that all men are brothers,” Clemenceau replied “Yes- Cain and Abel.” The result of this belief is that country’s defenses are lowered by liberals, as represented by the Church Committee hearings, the Pike committee, the Torricelli Amendments, all of which tied the hands of the intelligence community, and made it necessary for the Bush Administration to use enhanced interrogation methods. And, of course, the liberal community raged that we were not treating terrorists like our brothers. To gain an understanding of human nature, consider reading The Naked Ape, by DesmondMorris. "

Did you read carefully?
Good, now fold your paper, number one to five, and no erasing and no crossing out. Good luck. If you pass, we may be able to move you out of the remedial,er, liberal class.
Khalid Sheik Mohammed: "I Gave A Lot Of False Information" To Make Torture Stop



For all the attention that the Bush administration torture memos have been receiving over past month, those documents pale in comparison to the revelations documented in the leaked 40-page report issued by the International Committee for the Red Cross following two rounds of private interviews it held with the 14 "high value detainees" held at Guantanamo Bay.

If you want to know what our country did to those detainees -- especially Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah, and Rahim al-Nashiri (all three were waterboarded and suffered the worst treatment) -- then read the Red Cross report. It will leave you with a very sickening feeling about the depths to which President Bush and Vice President Cheney were willing to go to try to justify its disastrous war in Iraq (while the detainees were providing ample information during FBI interrogations about the 9/11 plot, the torture apparently began as they sought evidence about the non-existent al-Qaida/Iraq link) and how we morphed into the very monsters that we once condemned when it came to the actions of other nations.

This guy's a liar and a murderer. He'll say whatever he thinks will get him over at the time.

Anyone who wants to believe him because they still have to rant about Bush who is SO last year, last administration, time to get over it and move on up to 2009 with the most of the rest of us, is a political retard and a hack.
After reading the replies on this thread, the proof is overwhelming that right wingers are consumed and totally controlled by FEAR...the strongest human EMOTION...It drives everything they do...

It also proves they believe people are basically EVIL, but it is really self reflection...

One right winger called for killing EVERYONE and, women, children and even dogs...

THAT is called genocide...the methods of a Hitler or Pol Pot...

You right wingers are free to have your opinion, but PLEASE don't try to EVER claim that fascism is leftist...

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.

You mean the left wingers. You are so afraid that the world will see us as the bad guys if we use harsh interrogation techniques that you're willing to sacrifice innocent American lives in order to treat terrorists with the kid gloves you believe they deserve. What part of 'jihad' don't you understand?
An unfortunate characteristic of our liberal brethren is the inability to see beyond the “feel good” self-pat-on-the-back attempt at moral superiority, a childlike “can’t we all just get along.”

Never is this flaw more evident than when we attempt to confront evil. Liberals, it seems, are unable to recognize evil, and therefore are psychologically unable to deal with it.
We see this in our left-leaning friends ability to identify with the victimizer, but not the victim. We see it in the consoling of the drug abusing, law breaking criminal, but detachment from the recipient of their criminality.

Our great leaders have all understood this, and each dealt with evil in ways outside of our Constitutional methods.

Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus in 1861 and 1862. The Peace Democrats, also called copperheads, publicly criticized Lincoln's belief that violating the U.S. Constitution was required to save it as a whole.

Franklin Roosevelt opened the mail, censored the press and built internment camps(Executive Order No. 9066 in December 1941.)

When the treat of evil had been emasculated, the infractions to our civility were removed, and we returned to the way of life that we exemplified.(See Ex-parte Milligan).

And those on the left, like yourself, returned to carping about how terrible our leaders were.

The SAME liberal bashing occurred in the 1920's in led to fascism...

Translation...because liberals are NOT consumed and controlled by FEAR and because liberals don't believe people are basically EVIL; liberals need to LEARN how to BE consumed and controlled by FEAR and to SEE that people are basically EVIL...

Let me help you out. Which way did you come in? Oh, that was too simple.

But it's the childllike simplicity of your rant, complete with cap letters, that leads one to use those silly one-liners. Bet you'd rather be posting with big fat crayons.

There is no liberal bashing here, but of course, liberals see any criticism as 'bashing.' Didn't you see my reference to liberals as our brethren?

No, it was a history lesson. Are you going to claim that Lincoln and FDR are fascists?

Now, pay attention, this is not government school: you're actually meant to learn something. Conservatives recognize the threat, confront evil in an efficacious manner, in this case enhanced interrogation, and thus defeat it.

We are "NOT consumed and controlled by FEAR ," we recognize that some people are evil, and need to be treated differently than those who are, like yoursef, misguided, or good folks, who should be protected.

Here you have exemplified an important flaw in liberals:
"A Liberals axiom is that harmony is natural, a misreading of human nature. It should be remembered that when Woodrow Wilson asked Georges Clemenceau, prime minister of France, “Don’t you believe that all men are brothers,” Clemenceau replied “Yes- Cain and Abel.” The result of this belief is that country’s defenses are lowered by liberals, as represented by the Church Committee hearings, the Pike committee, the Torricelli Amendments, all of which tied the hands of the intelligence community, and made it necessary for the Bush Administration to use enhanced interrogation methods. And, of course, the liberal community raged that we were not treating terrorists like our brothers. To gain an understanding of human nature, consider reading The Naked Ape, by DesmondMorris. "

Did you read carefully?
Good, now fold your paper, number one to five, and no erasing and no crossing out. Good luck. If you pass, we may be able to move you out of the remedial,er, liberal class.

That's the history lesson?

Childlike? A child is unaware of consequences. That's why they can't cross the street until they are aware that cars are dangerous...

And, you just stepped in front of a speeding semi...SPLAT!!!

Torture and abuse by Americans at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo led directly to a large increase in American casualties in Iraq and has been the major recruiting tool of al Qaeda...Bush turned hundreds of terrorists into thousands...

Says WHO? Someone that was there, and interrogated prisoners in Iraq...

I learned in Iraq that the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Our policy of torture was directly and swiftly recruiting fighters for al-Qaeda in Iraq. The large majority of suicide bombings in Iraq are still carried out by these foreigners. They are also involved in most of the attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. It's no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse. The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans.

Then, you use Georges Clemenceau to drive home your point...WOW!

French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau was a major voice behind the Treaty of Versailles. It was Clemenceau and France that were much more aggressive and demanded the treaty be punitive. The result of HIS beliefs led to Nazi Germany and World War II...

Gosh, STILL no supporting EVIDENCE from TECH_ESQ, eh? HOLY SHIT! NO WAI!


I wonder who has more insight to TORTURE... The poster fucking child for POWs in Viatnam, JOHN MCCAIN, and a former SEAL, JESSE VENTURA, or some impotent little cock gobbler keyboard soldjah like Tech and his little Labia Majora-bearer Godboy... HMMmmmm.. thats a tough fucking question right there. I bet an hour full of torture could make both of them insist that they are personally full of shit.. and that the sky is purple and the earth is flat and that martian weather is nice during the winter for snowbird traveling...
Gosh, STILL no supporting EVIDENCE from TECH_ESQ, eh? HOLY SHIT! NO WAI!


I wonder who has more insight to TORTURE... The poster fucking child for POWs in Viatnam, JOHN MCCAIN, and a former SEAL, JESSE VENTURA, or some impotent little cock gobbler keyboard soldjah like Tech and his little Labia Majora-bearer Godboy... HMMmmmm.. thats a tough fucking question right there. I bet an hour full of torture could make both of them insist that they are personally full of shit.. and that the sky is purple and the earth is flat and that martian weather is nice during the winter for snowbird traveling...

I fully agree Shogun, McCain knows better than anyone how effective torture is, and he will tell you straight up that everyone breaks. Its very effective.
Gosh, STILL no supporting EVIDENCE from TECH_ESQ, eh? HOLY SHIT! NO WAI!


I wonder who has more insight to TORTURE... The poster fucking child for POWs in Viatnam, JOHN MCCAIN, and a former SEAL, JESSE VENTURA, or some impotent little cock gobbler keyboard soldjah like Tech and his little Labia Majora-bearer Godboy... HMMmmmm.. thats a tough fucking question right there. I bet an hour full of torture could make both of them insist that they are personally full of shit.. and that the sky is purple and the earth is flat and that martian weather is nice during the winter for snowbird traveling...

I fully agree Shogun, McCain knows better than anyone how effective torture is, and he will tell you straight up that everyone breaks. Its very effective.

Will he also tell us that torture is EFFECTIVE and a useful method of collecting intel? Clearly, you didn't watch the video above since you don't seem to comprehend John's take on torture. Effective, my ass. What is EFFECTIVE about making you admit that you killed Sharon Tate under duress?
After reading the replies on this thread, the proof is overwhelming that right wingers are consumed and totally controlled by FEAR...the strongest human EMOTION...It drives everything they do...

It also proves they believe people are basically EVIL, but it is really self reflection...

One right winger called for killing EVERYONE and, women, children and even dogs...

THAT is called genocide...the methods of a Hitler or Pol Pot...

You right wingers are free to have your opinion, but PLEASE don't try to EVER claim that fascism is leftist...

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.

You mean the left wingers. You are so afraid that the world will see us as the bad guys if we use harsh interrogation techniques that you're willing to sacrifice innocent American lives in order to treat terrorists with the kid gloves you believe they deserve. What part of 'jihad' don't you understand?

You do know that the "world seeing us as bad guys" is problematic, right? Considering we have relations with most of the world and the more people who hate us, the more people who will try to fly planes into our buildings?
Let me ask a rational question:

If 9/11 had not occured, would you consider waterboarding torture? I dare say that, even though you won't admit it, everyone on this board would have considered it torture, hands down. What changed? We allowed the cowardly terrorist who flew their planes into buildings to redefine out moral standing on torture.

So, if you do support waterboarding now, you allowed the terrorist to win...your mind.


You asked the question, and then answer it in the manner you would like it answered. Quite an advanced debating technique.

Bet your put-away is "so are you."

It's interrogation, not torture.

Here's torture. You get to watch the news on September eleventh, and see your brother or sister or wife or husband or father or mother make the decision between being burned to death or jumping to certain death.

Every day of your life you get to remember that sight. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Everytime the phone rings you anticipate that loved one on the other end of the phone line. But then you remember.

Every day.

That's torture.

And if torture is required to save the life of even one honest, hard working human, than rather than worry about what a rationalizationist, like yourself, thinks about me, then hand me the car battery and jumper cable.

So you disagree with the Japanese who got convicted for torture after waterboarding Americans? Why don't you go and defend them, and speak out about their right to waterboard Americans and how its not torture?

If we, as Americans torture, what exactly gives us the right, other than naked self-interested preservation, to be outraged when people fly planes into our buildings? What wrong have they done, objectively, to try to destroy a nation that tortures? When you acquiese to torture, you give up your wrong to talk about the evils of others. If you acquiese to torture, YOU are evil, and hence when you talk about others being evil, you must include yourself in that.
After reading the replies on this thread, the proof is overwhelming that right wingers are consumed and totally controlled by FEAR...the strongest human EMOTION...It drives everything they do...

It also proves they believe people are basically EVIL, but it is really self reflection...

One right winger called for killing EVERYONE and, women, children and even dogs...

THAT is called genocide...the methods of a Hitler or Pol Pot...

You right wingers are free to have your opinion, but PLEASE don't try to EVER claim that fascism is leftist...

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.

You mean the left wingers. You are so afraid that the world will see us as the bad guys if we use harsh interrogation techniques that you're willing to sacrifice innocent American lives in order to treat terrorists with the kid gloves you believe they deserve. What part of 'jihad' don't you understand?

You do know that the "world seeing us as bad guys" is problematic, right? Considering we have relations with most of the world and the more people who hate us, the more people who will try to fly planes into our buildings?
And when the nations of the world need help the most...the first country they go to is the "bad guys", so go drink some of that Kool-Aid. FYI...Most of the world doesn't see us as the "bad guys".
Let me ask a rational question:

If 9/11 had not occured, would you consider waterboarding torture? I dare say that, even though you won't admit it, everyone on this board would have considered it torture, hands down. What changed? We allowed the cowardly terrorist who flew their planes into buildings to redefine out moral standing on torture.

So, if you do support waterboarding now, you allowed the terrorist to win...your mind.


You asked the question, and then answer it in the manner you would like it answered. Quite an advanced debating technique.

Bet your put-away is "so are you."

It's interrogation, not torture.

Here's torture. You get to watch the news on September eleventh, and see your brother or sister or wife or husband or father or mother make the decision between being burned to death or jumping to certain death.

Every day of your life you get to remember that sight. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Everytime the phone rings you anticipate that loved one on the other end of the phone line. But then you remember.

Every day.

That's torture.

And if torture is required to save the life of even one honest, hard working human, than rather than worry about what a rationalizationist, like yourself, thinks about me, then hand me the car battery and jumper cable.

So you disagree with the Japanese who got convicted for torture after waterboarding Americans? Why don't you go and defend them, and speak out about their right to waterboard Americans and how its not torture?

If we, as Americans torture, what exactly gives us the right, other than naked self-interested preservation, to be outraged when people fly planes into our buildings? What wrong have they done, objectively, to try to destroy a nation that tortures? When you acquiese to torture, you give up your wrong to talk about the evils of others. If you acquiese to torture, YOU are evil, and hence when you talk about others being evil, you must include yourself in that.

Google "Japanese waterboarding"...see if you can find the difference between our methods, and their method on waterboarding. Just sayin...
After reading the replies on this thread, the proof is overwhelming that right wingers are consumed and totally controlled by FEAR...the strongest human EMOTION...It drives everything they do...

It also proves they believe people are basically EVIL, but it is really self reflection...

One right winger called for killing EVERYONE and, women, children and even dogs...

THAT is called genocide...the methods of a Hitler or Pol Pot...

You right wingers are free to have your opinion, but PLEASE don't try to EVER claim that fascism is leftist...

It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.

You mean the left wingers. You are so afraid that the world will see us as the bad guys if we use harsh interrogation techniques that you're willing to sacrifice innocent American lives in order to treat terrorists with the kid gloves you believe they deserve. What part of 'jihad' don't you understand?

You do know that the "world seeing us as bad guys" is problematic, right? Considering we have relations with most of the world and the more people who hate us, the more people who will try to fly planes into our buildings?

The world doesn't see us as bad guys, that's more liberal-speak. You need that for your justification against harsh interrogation techniques. All this concern for the human rights of terrorists . . . . where's you concern for the human rights of innocent Americans slaughtered by these guys?
Let me ask a rational question:

If 9/11 had not occured, would you consider waterboarding torture? I dare say that, even though you won't admit it, everyone on this board would have considered it torture, hands down. What changed? We allowed the cowardly terrorist who flew their planes into buildings to redefine out moral standing on torture.

So, if you do support waterboarding now, you allowed the terrorist to win...your mind.


You asked the question, and then answer it in the manner you would like it answered. Quite an advanced debating technique.

Bet your put-away is "so are you."

It's interrogation, not torture.

Here's torture. You get to watch the news on September eleventh, and see your brother or sister or wife or husband or father or mother make the decision between being burned to death or jumping to certain death.

Every day of your life you get to remember that sight. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Everytime the phone rings you anticipate that loved one on the other end of the phone line. But then you remember.

Every day.

That's torture.

And if torture is required to save the life of even one honest, hard working human, than rather than worry about what a rationalizationist, like yourself, thinks about me, then hand me the car battery and jumper cable.

So you disagree with the Japanese who got convicted for torture after waterboarding Americans? Why don't you go and defend them, and speak out about their right to waterboard Americans and how its not torture?

If we, as Americans torture, what exactly gives us the right, other than naked self-interested preservation, to be outraged when people fly planes into our buildings? What wrong have they done, objectively, to try to destroy a nation that tortures? When you acquiese to torture, you give up your wrong to talk about the evils of others. If you acquiese to torture, YOU are evil, and hence when you talk about others being evil, you must include yourself in that.

Didn't the 'torture' of the bad guys take place after they flew those planes into the buildings? Harsh interrogation techniques are a means of self-defense for the U.S. Well, they were.
Gosh, STILL no supporting EVIDENCE from TECH_ESQ, eh? HOLY SHIT! NO WAI!


I wonder who has more insight to TORTURE... The poster fucking child for POWs in Viatnam, JOHN MCCAIN, and a former SEAL, JESSE VENTURA, or some impotent little cock gobbler keyboard soldjah like Tech and his little Labia Majora-bearer Godboy... HMMmmmm.. thats a tough fucking question right there. I bet an hour full of torture could make both of them insist that they are personally full of shit.. and that the sky is purple and the earth is flat and that martian weather is nice during the winter for snowbird traveling...

I fully agree Shogun, McCain knows better than anyone how effective torture is, and he will tell you straight up that everyone breaks. Its very effective.

Will he also tell us that torture is EFFECTIVE and a useful method of collecting intel? Clearly, you didn't watch the video above since you don't seem to comprehend John's take on torture. Effective, my ass. What is EFFECTIVE about making you admit that you killed Sharon Tate under duress?

I think we are in agreement once again. There is nothing effective about making someone admit they murdered Sharon Tate. Why would anyone waste their time doing that when we already know who murdered her?

Instead of making random people admit things we know they didnt do, the better use of torture is to interrogate terrorists to find out what thier plans are.
Will he also tell us that torture is EFFECTIVE and a useful method of collecting intel?

When McCain was first captured, all he gave them was his name, rank and serial number. After they started torturing him, he told them anything they wanted to know, so he is very well aware that its effective for collecting intel. Everyone with half a brain knows that.
You mean the left wingers. You are so afraid that the world will see us as the bad guys if we use harsh interrogation techniques that you're willing to sacrifice innocent American lives in order to treat terrorists with the kid gloves you believe they deserve. What part of 'jihad' don't you understand?

You do know that the "world seeing us as bad guys" is problematic, right? Considering we have relations with most of the world and the more people who hate us, the more people who will try to fly planes into our buildings?

The world doesn't see us as bad guys, that's more liberal-speak. You need that for your justification against harsh interrogation techniques. All this concern for the human rights of terrorists . . . . where's you concern for the human rights of innocent Americans slaughtered by these guys?

Really? The world doesn't see us as bad guys?

Released in 07

A 47-nation survey finds global public opinion increasingly wary of the world's dominant nations and disapproving of their leaders. Anti-Americanism is extensive, as it has been for the past five years

Pew Global Attitudes Project: Summary of Findings: Global Unease With Major World Powers

Congratulations on a bucketful of fail.

And we can prevent terrorist attacks by doing other things other than torturing. 9/11 only happened because of massive fuckups on a lot of levels. Instead of freaking the fuck out and destroying our American values, how bout we fix the things that were broken.

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