Khizr Khan is a Shameless Disgrace who DISHONORED His Son AND Trump is a Complete MORON!!!

"He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time."

Jeez, look a who's posting pard. Don't be such a sap.

Regarding Trump's own draft dodging:

Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

How the presidential candidate avoided combat
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

As for your little sought after religious war, question the simple bait:

Terrorism Expert: Since 9/11, Only 33 Deaths From Muslim Terrorism Vs. 150,000 Deaths From Murders

Charles Kurzman, a University of North Carolina professor of sociology, is the author of a new book titled The Missing Martyrs: Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists. Seeking to “failed so dismally” because they have been unable to attract large numbers — particularly Muslim American recruits — to their cause.

Muslim American terrorist plots have killed since 9/11 — since the 3,000 killed on 9/11 — have killed 33 individuals in the United States since that time. Over that same period of time, there have been more than 150,000 murders in the United States, or 14 or 15,000 murders every year. Muslim American terrorism, then, has been a very small, very low percentage of the overall violence in the United States.
Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America

We agree. And so do most Americans. Indeed – as we’ve previously documented – you’re more likely to die from brain-eating parasites, alcoholism, obesity, medical errors, risky sexual behavior or just about anything other than terrorism.

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.


Deaths From Gun Violence vs. Terrorism, in One Chart

Hey fucko 49 people alone were killed in the terrorist attack in Orlando.

The vast vast number of unjustified homicide are by illegal guns by gang members. Which are compromised of two other groups liberal protect you our detriment: illegal aliens and out of control black youth.

Do the math pookie, does it get us up to 150,000?

No he is as dishonest as you are and his source doesn't include sources that are obviously terrorist attacks that they don't include like Fort Hood and the DC sniper.

Actually, they do include Ft. Hood. They don't include the DC Sniper because that wasn't terrorism.
Love it when Conservatives attack Gold Star parents

Time to ramp up the hate machine you started with Cindy Shehan

Absolute you can attack them as you can attack Sheehan. Both dishonor their children memory.

He talked nothing about radical Islam and it's threat he bastardized his son's memory for political gain. He should be ashamed of himself. And yes we can attack him for the utter piece of shit he is!!!

You put yourself in the spotlight like that for political gain, then you are fair game.

Yep, and the Kahns came to the US 36 years ago, terrorism wasn't much on the radar at that time.
The Kahns actually did pay a high price in having their son taken from them.

Trump tried to say that he's also "sacrificed" by building things and creating jobs. Exactly how is that a "sacrifice"? does Trumps sacrifices even come close to the Kahns?
Terrorism Expert: Since 9/11, Only 33 Deaths From Muslim Terrorism Vs. 150,000 Deaths From Murders

Your point is well made, but that number was calculated before Orlando and San Bernadino.

SO the number is closer to 100 dead from "Terrorists" vs. 150,000 garden variety murders.

Nice catch, thanks, still ....

Any still your source is dishonest as you.

Why don't you construct a sentence here and perhaps you'll have a point this time.

I present my point in the OP and you presented faux statistics. There is no reason to respond to that.
Terrorism Expert: Since 9/11, Only 33 Deaths From Muslim Terrorism Vs. 150,000 Deaths From Murders

Your point is well made, but that number was calculated before Orlando and San Bernadino.

SO the number is closer to 100 dead from "Terrorists" vs. 150,000 garden variety murders.

Nice catch, thanks, still ....

Any still your source is dishonest as you.

Why don't you construct a sentence here and perhaps you'll have a point this time.

I present my point in the OP and you presented faux statistics. There is no reason to respond to that.

uh huh, sure pard.
"He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time."

Jeez, look a who's posting pard. Don't be such a sap.

Regarding Trump's own draft dodging:

Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

How the presidential candidate avoided combat
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

As for your little sought after religious war, question the simple bait:

Terrorism Expert: Since 9/11, Only 33 Deaths From Muslim Terrorism Vs. 150,000 Deaths From Murders

Charles Kurzman, a University of North Carolina professor of sociology, is the author of a new book titled The Missing Martyrs: Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists. Seeking to “failed so dismally” because they have been unable to attract large numbers — particularly Muslim American recruits — to their cause.

Muslim American terrorist plots have killed since 9/11 — since the 3,000 killed on 9/11 — have killed 33 individuals in the United States since that time. Over that same period of time, there have been more than 150,000 murders in the United States, or 14 or 15,000 murders every year. Muslim American terrorism, then, has been a very small, very low percentage of the overall violence in the United States.
Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America

We agree. And so do most Americans. Indeed – as we’ve previously documented – you’re more likely to die from brain-eating parasites, alcoholism, obesity, medical errors, risky sexual behavior or just about anything other than terrorism.

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.


Deaths From Gun Violence vs. Terrorism, in One Chart

Hey fucko 49 people alone were killed in the terrorist attack in Orlando.

The vast vast number of unjustified homicide are by illegal guns by gang members. Which are compromised of two other groups liberal protect you our detriment: illegal aliens and out of control black youth. a native American citizen.
I don't think the father disgraced himself. In fact i think he handled everything quite well. Leftists are entitled to have & express feelings too when their children die.

Donald Trump would do well to SHUT HIS BIG FUCKING MOUTH. Jumping on this man, A NOBODY, shows us that Trump has no limits.

And by the way, I support a ban on all Muslim immigration

his child died in war 12 years ago-----he did not express feelings of mourning----he DECIDED that he has "SUFFERED" more than another person whom he does
not even know. His action was aggressive, rude and vulgar
Yes...we get it. You've made it abundently clear that you think of the Khans, INCLUDING their hero son, as somehow LESS.

LESS? of course----from YOUR POV-------equal is LESS
--very Islamic of you------ you would make an excellent
You don't think the Khans are equal.....and it shows.
Yep, and the Kahns came to the US 36 years ago, terrorism wasn't much on the radar at that time.

True enough. 36 years ago, we didn't stick our dicks into the Mideast Beehive and complain about getting stung.

Today we take the side of the Zionists over the rest of the region and we arm a bunch of factions - Saddam, Bin Laden, the Rebels in Libya - who eventually come back and bite us in the ass.

Maybe it's time to rethink what we are doing over their instead of trying to claim their Bronze Age Superstitions are somehow worse than OUR bronze Age superstitions.
No he is as dishonest as you are and his source doesn't include sources that are obviously terrorist attacks that they don't include like Fort Hood and the DC sniper.

Actually, they do include Ft. Hood. They don't include the DC Sniper because that wasn't terrorism.

Yea the media pushed the bullshit about it being his wife, yet they ignored his jihad writings, jihad preaching and the fact that act was a classic terrorism case.
Yea the media pushed the bullshit about it being his wife, yet they ignored his jihad writings, jihad preaching and the fact that act was a classic terrorism case.

except most of the shooting was done by his accomplice, Malvo, who wasn't a Muslim.

again, I always find it amusing that you think John Mohammed was a "Terrorist" and James Holmes isn't.

How the fuck does that work?
Yea the media pushed the bullshit about it being his wife, yet they ignored his jihad writings, jihad preaching and the fact that act was a classic terrorism case.

except most of the shooting was done by his accomplice, Malvo, who wasn't a Muslim.

again, I always find it amusing that you think John Mohammed was a "Terrorist" and James Holmes isn't.

How the fuck does that work?

When did I ever claim James Holmes was not a terrorist?
Yea the media pushed the bullshit about it being his wife, yet they ignored his jihad writings, jihad preaching and the fact that act was a classic terrorism case.

except most of the shooting was done by his accomplice, Malvo, who wasn't a Muslim.

again, I always find it amusing that you think John Mohammed was a "Terrorist" and James Holmes isn't.

How the fuck does that work?

When did I ever claim James Holmes was not a terrorist?

He wasnt. He was just a nut.
Yes the limp dick liberal parade the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier and tried to say "see we need to allow the so called Muslim refugees into this country, we found a good one." Doesn't matter that he is 1 of 3 million. Doesn't matter studies show 80% of mosques in America preach support of Jihad, antiamericanism, antisemitism and support of Sharia law. Doesn't matter what is happening in Europe, which is our future when Muslims start to make more of our population.

Uh, guy, your racist rant is a bit silly.

First, you need to stop pretending that what the Jews want is good for America...if the Jews have a problem with the Muslims, THAT'S NOT MY PROBLEM.

The only reason why the Europeans are having a problem now is because they aren't used to the kind of daily violence we have in this country. A mass shooting is a new hting for them.

Did the limp dick liberals notice that the disgrace didn't condemn radical Islam that killed his son, nope he went on a shameless and dishonorable attack on Trump. Did anyone notice that he didn't condemn Bill Clinton as a draft dodger. He didn't condemn Hillary who never serve. Why didn't condemn Hillary for destabilizing Libya and allowing the rise of ISIS? He is like all Muslim assholes, they preach propaganda about their dangerous cult that seeks to dominate the West. Brie a figurehead or radical Islam.

Bill and Hillary weren't calling for excluding CITIZENS from the country because of their religion. That is your boy Trump. Trump who dodged the draft in Vietnam, mocked a Vietnam POW, and then called for excluding people from the country based on their race and ethnicity- even though you are going to find a lot of Hispanics and Muslims at Arlington...

And Yea you Muslim ignorant asshole, Trump is sacrificing. No he hasn't made the ultimate sacrifice, but it is not black and white, there is a gray area. He is sacrificing his great name, his resources and many business opportunities to protect the country from Muslims invaders. If he succeeds his sacrifice will be a million times greater than their AMERICAN son, who they utterly DISHONORED and thank Jesus is nothing like them.

Actually, Trump is scamming you guys. Mostly he's using the money he's raising to pay his own companies and family.

Trump is an embarrassment... a racist, a misogynist, a narcissist and you guys made him your nominee. What does that say about you as a party?

Trump is not calling for people to be excluded from the country because of their religion. He is calling for stopping the letting of every tom dick and harry into the country without proper vetting. Since most, if not all, of the exported terrorism comes from Muslim it only makes sense what Trump says.

Spin as you like.
Yes the limp dick liberal parade the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier and tried to say "see we need to allow the so called Muslim refugees into this country, we found a good one." Doesn't matter that he is 1 of 3 million. Doesn't matter studies show 80% of mosques in America preach support of Jihad, antiamericanism, antisemitism and support of Sharia law. Doesn't matter what is happening in Europe, which is our future when Muslims start to make more of our population.

Uh, guy, your racist rant is a bit silly.

First, you need to stop pretending that what the Jews want is good for America...if the Jews have a problem with the Muslims, THAT'S NOT MY PROBLEM.

The only reason why the Europeans are having a problem now is because they aren't used to the kind of daily violence we have in this country. A mass shooting is a new hting for them.

Did the limp dick liberals notice that the disgrace didn't condemn radical Islam that killed his son, nope he went on a shameless and dishonorable attack on Trump. Did anyone notice that he didn't condemn Bill Clinton as a draft dodger. He didn't condemn Hillary who never serve. Why didn't condemn Hillary for destabilizing Libya and allowing the rise of ISIS? He is like all Muslim assholes, they preach propaganda about their dangerous cult that seeks to dominate the West. Brie a figurehead or radical Islam.

Bill and Hillary weren't calling for excluding CITIZENS from the country because of their religion. That is your boy Trump. Trump who dodged the draft in Vietnam, mocked a Vietnam POW, and then called for excluding people from the country based on their race and ethnicity- even though you are going to find a lot of Hispanics and Muslims at Arlington...

And Yea you Muslim ignorant asshole, Trump is sacrificing. No he hasn't made the ultimate sacrifice, but it is not black and white, there is a gray area. He is sacrificing his great name, his resources and many business opportunities to protect the country from Muslims invaders. If he succeeds his sacrifice will be a million times greater than their AMERICAN son, who they utterly DISHONORED and thank Jesus is nothing like them.

Actually, Trump is scamming you guys. Mostly he's using the money he's raising to pay his own companies and family.

Trump is an embarrassment... a racist, a misogynist, a narcissist and you guys made him your nominee. What does that say about you as a party?

Trump is not calling for people to be excluded from the country because of their religion. He is calling for stopping the letting of every tom dick and harry into the country without proper vetting. Since most, if not all, of the exported terrorism comes from Muslim it only makes sense what Trump says.

Spin as you like.

Trump originally proposed...NO MUSLIMS until we figure out what is happening (whatever that means)

When he was universally condemned, he changed to nobody from specific countries (ALL of which are Muslim). Six of one, half dozen of the other
Khizr Khan...

Let a Muslim talk long enough and the arrogant, conquering fascist will leak out of him.
We know what is happening. Islam is not a religion. It is a geo-political totalitarian system of submission. We know that their book, the Koran, specifically states as their modis operandi that you will convert to them or be killed. This is unlike all other faiths. No other ones say such a thing in their source books.
Dont let me hear you guys pretend those killed in Benghazi families deserve respect mmmkay?

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