Khizr Khan is a Shameless Disgrace who DISHONORED His Son AND Trump is a Complete MORON!!!

Yes the limp dick liberal parade the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier and tried to say "see we need to allow the so called Muslim refugees into this country, we found a good one." Doesn't matter that he is 1 of 3 million. Doesn't matter studies show 80% of mosques in America preach support of Jihad, antiamericanism, antisemitism and support of Sharia law. Doesn't matter what is happening in Europe, which is our future when Muslims start to make more of our population.

Did the limp dick liberals notice that the disgrace didn't condemn radical Islam that killed his son, nope he went on a shameless and dishonorable attack on Trump. Did anyone notice that he didn't condemn Bill Clinton as a draft dodger. He didn't condemn Hillary who never serve. Why didn't condemn Hillary for destabilizing Libya and allowing the rise of ISIS? He is like all Muslim assholes, they preach propaganda about their dangerous cult that seeks to dominate the West. Brie a figurehead or radical Islam.

And Yea you Muslim ignorant asshole, Trump is sacrificing. No he hasn't made the ultimate sacrifice, but it is not black and white, there is a gray area. He is sacrificing his great name, his resources and many business opportunities to protect the country from Muslims invaders. If he succeeds his sacrifice will be a million times greater than their AMERICAN son, who they utterly DISHONORED and thank Jesus is nothing like them.

But Trump is a fucking moron. He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time. He could have used this strategically. Thanked them for their son's sacrifice, praised their so and then told preaches why we need to stop radical Islam, why we need to vet ALL Muslims coming to this country and he should have pointed out that radical Islam kills far more fellow Muslims than no Muslims. Nope the man-child took the bait and went on a petty attack and now once again needs to back pelt.
Kahn is a DNC IED. Placed in Trumps path to impede his campaign. Trump shot back with a shotgun...should have used s single slug between the eyes.
Khans son would be horrified that he died for a country that would dishonor his religious freedom

what country would that be? If he was a Shiite----he would be horrified that his parents were from
Pakistan------or if he worried about religious freedom----he would be even more horrified. As to the UAE country in which he WAS born----I wonder if he was horrified that the UAE countries discriminate against Christians---in---and against anyone NOT muslim----and probably even Shiites. I am curious----are you suggesting that he would be horrified that he died by the hand of a suicide pig for "allah"?
Kahn is a DNC IED. Placed in Trumps path to impede his campaign. Trump shot back with a shotgun...should have used s single slug between the eyes.

Uh, yeah, guy, even other Republicans are breaking bad on NaziTrump over this one.
Yes the limp dick liberal parade the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier and tried to say "see we need to allow the so called Muslim refugees into this country, we found a good one." Doesn't matter that he is 1 of 3 million. Doesn't matter studies show 80% of mosques in America preach support of Jihad, antiamericanism, antisemitism and support of Sharia law. Doesn't matter what is happening in Europe, which is our future when Muslims start to make more of our population.

Did the limp dick liberals notice that the disgrace didn't condemn radical Islam that killed his son, nope he went on a shameless and dishonorable attack on Trump. Did anyone notice that he didn't condemn Bill Clinton as a draft dodger. He didn't condemn Hillary who never serve. Why didn't condemn Hillary for destabilizing Libya and allowing the rise of ISIS? He is like all Muslim assholes, they preach propaganda about their dangerous cult that seeks to dominate the West. Brie a figurehead or radical Islam.

And Yea you Muslim ignorant asshole, Trump is sacrificing. No he hasn't made the ultimate sacrifice, but it is not black and white, there is a gray area. He is sacrificing his great name, his resources and many business opportunities to protect the country from Muslims invaders. If he succeeds his sacrifice will be a million times greater than their AMERICAN son, who they utterly DISHONORED and thank Jesus is nothing like them.

But Trump is a fucking moron. He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time. He could have used this strategically. Thanked them for their son's sacrifice, praised their so and then told preaches why we need to stop radical Islam, why we need to vet ALL Muslims coming to this country and he should have pointed out that radical Islam kills far more fellow Muslims than no Muslims. Nope the man-child took the bait and went on a petty attack and now once again needs to back pelt.
crazy wacko rant
Some repubs are all Libtards.

This guy never should have been allowed to be the nominee, so you are right, Republicans are pussies for letting it happen.

Now they are worried about getting flecks of shit on them this guy spews.
Yes the limp dick liberal parade the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier and tried to say "see we need to allow the so called Muslim refugees into this country, we found a good one." Doesn't matter that he is 1 of 3 million. Doesn't matter studies show 80% of mosques in America preach support of Jihad, antiamericanism, antisemitism and support of Sharia law. Doesn't matter what is happening in Europe, which is our future when Muslims start to make more of our population.

Did the limp dick liberals notice that the disgrace didn't condemn radical Islam that killed his son, nope he went on a shameless and dishonorable attack on Trump. Did anyone notice that he didn't condemn Bill Clinton as a draft dodger. He didn't condemn Hillary who never serve. Why didn't condemn Hillary for destabilizing Libya and allowing the rise of ISIS? He is like all Muslim assholes, they preach propaganda about their dangerous cult that seeks to dominate the West. Brie a figurehead or radical Islam.

And Yea you Muslim ignorant asshole, Trump is sacrificing. No he hasn't made the ultimate sacrifice, but it is not black and white, there is a gray area. He is sacrificing his great name, his resources and many business opportunities to protect the country from Muslims invaders. If he succeeds his sacrifice will be a million times greater than their AMERICAN son, who they utterly DISHONORED and thank Jesus is nothing like them.

But Trump is a fucking moron. He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time. He could have used this strategically. Thanked them for their son's sacrifice, praised their so and then told preaches why we need to stop radical Islam, why we need to vet ALL Muslims coming to this country and he should have pointed out that radical Islam kills far more fellow Muslims than no Muslims. Nope the man-child took the bait and went on a petty attack and now once again needs to back pelt.

if a democrat did what dumb donald did, you'd be demanding they withdraw from the race.


you sound as unhinged as your candidate
Some repubs are all Libtards.

This guy never should have been allowed to be the nominee, so you are right, Republicans are pussies for letting it happen.

Now they are worried about getting flecks of shit on them this guy spews.
Says the liberal fucktard....:lol:

We already destroyed the GOP, now we are coming for you....
Mostly those who want Hillary to win. You know, the back stabbers.

Right. None of these Republicans are horrified by NaziTrump's Misogyny, Racism, Narcissism.... None of them are upset this man is attacking a woman who lost a son in a war.

Not a one.

Nope, they are all opportunists who really want Hillary to win.
Yes the limp dick liberal parade the parents of a fallen Muslim soldier and tried to say "see we need to allow the so called Muslim refugees into this country, we found a good one." Doesn't matter that he is 1 of 3 million. Doesn't matter studies show 80% of mosques in America preach support of Jihad, antiamericanism, antisemitism and support of Sharia law. Doesn't matter what is happening in Europe, which is our future when Muslims start to make more of our population.

Did the limp dick liberals notice that the disgrace didn't condemn radical Islam that killed his son, nope he went on a shameless and dishonorable attack on Trump. Did anyone notice that he didn't condemn Bill Clinton as a draft dodger. He didn't condemn Hillary who never serve. Why didn't condemn Hillary for destabilizing Libya and allowing the rise of ISIS? He is like all Muslim assholes, they preach propaganda about their dangerous cult that seeks to dominate the West. Brie a figurehead or radical Islam.

And Yea you Muslim ignorant asshole, Trump is sacrificing. No he hasn't made the ultimate sacrifice, but it is not black and white, there is a gray area. He is sacrificing his great name, his resources and many business opportunities to protect the country from Muslims invaders. If he succeeds his sacrifice will be a million times greater than their AMERICAN son, who they utterly DISHONORED and thank Jesus is nothing like them.

But Trump is a fucking moron. He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time. He could have used this strategically. Thanked them for their son's sacrifice, praised their so and then told preaches why we need to stop radical Islam, why we need to vet ALL Muslims coming to this country and he should have pointed out that radical Islam kills far more fellow Muslims than no Muslims. Nope the man-child took the bait and went on a petty attack and now once again needs to back pelt.

if a democrat did what dumb donald did, you'd be demanding they withdraw from the race.


you sound as unhinged as your candidate

First off, I take it you didn't read the 2nd half. I rip him to shreds.

Second, he is not my candidate. I am pretty much in the never Trump camp (unless of course the IL polls get close and then I will hold my nose and vote for Trump, but fat chance of that happening). I am voting for Gary Johnson, even thought I can't stand his stance on illegal immigration

Third, I wouldn't call for a Democrat who made as many critical errors as Trump to resign. Nope I would tell them to carry one! :)
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You know, lots of Republicans are denouncing what Trump said about the Kahns. Many have even said that it was uncalled for.

Yet....................none of them have denounced Trump, or said anything bad about him.

Why is the GOP so scared to tell Trump he's screwing up?
You know, lots of Republicans are denouncing what Trump said about the Kahns. Many have even said that it was uncalled for.

Yet....................none of them have denounced Trump, or said anything bad about him.

Why is the GOP so scared to tell Trump he's screwing up?

Khan is dirty, this will play right into Trump's hand
You know, lots of Republicans are denouncing what Trump said about the Kahns. Many have even said that it was uncalled for.

Yet....................none of them have denounced Trump, or said anything bad about him.

Why is the GOP so scared to tell Trump he's screwing up?

Khan is dirty, this will play right into Trump's hand

Are you just assuming things like Trump does, or do you have an actual link to prove that Kahn is dirty? And no..............this little dust up isn't playing well for Trump.
You know, lots of Republicans are denouncing what Trump said about the Kahns. Many have even said that it was uncalled for.

Yet....................none of them have denounced Trump, or said anything bad about him.

Why is the GOP so scared to tell Trump he's screwing up?

Khan is dirty, this will play right into Trump's hand

Are you just assuming things like Trump does, or do you have an actual link to prove that Kahn is dirty? And no..............this little dust up isn't playing well for Trump.

You'd be wise to get off your loony left sites and see what's coming out about the dirty filthy lying muzzie. Then get past I take your stupid ass serious
Got it Bitchy Irish don't have a link, so you throw insults and back away.

Besides...............if there was some actual dirt on Kahn, don't you think Trump and his cronies would have dug it up by now?
But Trump is a fucking moron. He is an emotional child that takes simple bait of every god damn time. He could have used this strategically. Thanked them for their son's sacrifice, praised their so and then told preaches why we need to stop radical Islam, why we need to vet ALL Muslims coming to this country and he should have pointed out that radical Islam kills far more fellow Muslims than no Muslims. Nope the man-child took the bait and went on a petty attack and now once again needs to back pelt.
^^^^^ I agree with this part of your post.

Where are Trump's handlers? ..... :dunno:

They let him take the bait every time......and he swallows it whole. ..... :cuckoo:

Glad you are out there man. Love you to death.

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