Kicked Out: Israeli authorities evict Palestinian couple from home they lived in for 53yrs

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Who was thrown out? The Jewish people who owned the house. That part isn't complicated.
Who was thrown out? The Jewish people who owned the house. That part isn't complicated.
The story was not about that. It was an 80 year old Palestinian couple.

The question is WHY wasn't the story about the Jews having their rightful property returned after a lengthy court battle over renters being evicted. Or more like squatters since they didn't pay rent for who knows how long.
The question is WHY wasn't the story about the Jews having their rightful property returned after a lengthy court battle over renters being evicted. Or more like squatters since they didn't pay rent for who knows how long.
Because an 80 year old Palestinian couple who lived there for decades might soon be homeless.

And you have not shown any of that. Learn the difference between a fact and a claim.
The question is WHY wasn't the story about the Jews having their rightful property returned after a lengthy court battle over renters being evicted. Or more like squatters since they didn't pay rent for who knows how long.
Because an 80 year old Palestinian couple who lived there for decades might soon be homeless.

And you have not shown any of that. Learn the difference between a fact and a claim.
Based on past occurrences, Israel will unfortunately compensate them handsomely.
Who was thrown out? The Jewish people who owned the house. That part isn't complicated.
The story was not about that. It was an 80 year old Palestinian couple.

Who have been living in a house that does not belong to them. And now the rightful owners want it back.

Seems legit.
Bullshit, you have some nerve talking about rightful owners. Because an israeli judge said so? The whole thing is part of the continuous land grab and to establish aryan settlements in Palestine. It didn't work for hitler's nazis and it wont work for you.
Who was thrown out? The Jewish people who owned the house. That part isn't complicated.
The story was not about that. It was an 80 year old Palestinian couple.

Who have been living in a house that does not belong to them. And now the rightful owners want it back.

Seems legit.
Bullshit, you have some nerve talking about rightful owners. Because an israeli judge said so? The whole thing is part of the continuous land grab and to establish aryan settlements in Palestine. It didn't work for hitler's nazis and it wont work for you.
I presume you have access to all the property's ownership papers going back 2 centuries or so?
The question is WHY wasn't the story about the Jews having their rightful property returned after a lengthy court battle over renters being evicted. Or more like squatters since they didn't pay rent for who knows how long.
Because an 80 year old Palestinian couple who lived there for decades might soon be homeless.

And you have not shown any of that. Learn the difference between a fact and a claim.

NO a renter lost their lease is all that happened. A property owner had to go to court to evict an unwanted and deadbeat renter.

Its pretty simple, don't pay your bills, lose your lease.
The question is WHY wasn't the story about the Jews having their rightful property returned after a lengthy court battle over renters being evicted. Or more like squatters since they didn't pay rent for who knows how long.
Because an 80 year old Palestinian couple who lived there for decades might soon be homeless.

And you have not shown any of that. Learn the difference between a fact and a claim.

NO a renter lost their lease is all that happened. A property owner had to go to court to evict an unwanted and deadbeat renter.

Its pretty simple, don't pay your bills, lose your lease.
Uhhhh, no.

Law is unjust – Israeli ex-attorney general
The Palestinian family’s claims to their property in Sheikh Jarrah were supported by former Attorney General of Israel Michael Ben-Yair, whose relatives also had to flee the eastern part of the city in 1948.

“The current Israeli law that enables double compensation only for Jews for [lost] properties in East Jerusalem from the times before 1948 is unjust,” Ben- Yair said, as cited by the Jerusalem Post.

The Israeli authorities should let the current inhabitants of the disputed house stay and give them all the necessary rights to it, Ben-Yair added.

Meanwhile, the fate of the Shamasne family as well as others facing eviction has caused grave concern from the European Union missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah.

“The EU calls on the Israeli authorities to reconsider these decisions,” the missions said in a statement on Friday, adding that some 180 households in the area are also facing the threat of eviction.

Brussels and the UN have repeatedly condemned Israel's settlement policy, including evictions and demolitions.

“The settlement policy is illegal under international law, and its continuation undermines the viability of the two-state solution and the prospect for a lasting peace,” the EU missions stated.
'Great injustice': Palestinian family on brink of eviction by Israel from home of 50yrs speaks to RT
The question is WHY wasn't the story about the Jews having their rightful property returned after a lengthy court battle over renters being evicted. Or more like squatters since they didn't pay rent for who knows how long.
Because an 80 year old Palestinian couple who lived there for decades might soon be homeless.

And you have not shown any of that. Learn the difference between a fact and a claim.

NO a renter lost their lease is all that happened. A property owner had to go to court to evict an unwanted and deadbeat renter.

Its pretty simple, don't pay your bills, lose your lease.
Uhhhh, no.

Law is unjust – Israeli ex-attorney general
The Palestinian family’s claims to their property in Sheikh Jarrah were supported by former Attorney General of Israel Michael Ben-Yair, whose relatives also had to flee the eastern part of the city in 1948.

“The current Israeli law that enables double compensation only for Jews for [lost] properties in East Jerusalem from the times before 1948 is unjust,” Ben- Yair said, as cited by the Jerusalem Post.

The Israeli authorities should let the current inhabitants of the disputed house stay and give them all the necessary rights to it, Ben-Yair added.

Meanwhile, the fate of the Shamasne family as well as others facing eviction has caused grave concern from the European Union missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah.

“The EU calls on the Israeli authorities to reconsider these decisions,” the missions said in a statement on Friday, adding that some 180 households in the area are also facing the threat of eviction.

Brussels and the UN have repeatedly condemned Israel's settlement policy, including evictions and demolitions.

“The settlement policy is illegal under international law, and its continuation undermines the viability of the two-state solution and the prospect for a lasting peace,” the EU missions stated.
'Great injustice': Palestinian family on brink of eviction by Israel from home of 50yrs speaks to RT
Maybe that's why he's the former AG.
Bullshit, you have some nerve talking about rightful owners. Because an israeli judge said so? The whole thing is part of the continuous land grab and to establish aryan settlements in Palestine. It didn't work for hitler's nazis and it wont work for you.

So Jewish people who purchased a home in Jerusalem prior to 1948 have no rights to ownership of their own home? Are you mad?

You have no idea what objective, reasoned idea you are actually trying to argue here. Its about elderly people, except its not. Its about tenants, except its not. Its about Jews owning property, except its not. Its about Jerusalem, except its not. Its about land grabs, except its not. Now, apparently its about "Aryans" (FFS). Except really its not.

What it is REALLY about is demonizing Jews.
She's desperate to find some excuse for her hatred of the Judaic people. This is a simple matter of tribal rights. The Judaic people have as much of a right to a homeland as any of the other tribes in the area. The Arabs in the area are nothing more than left over combatants in a failed racial war against the Jews. The Israeli's should follow the geneva convention to the letter and segregate combatants from non combatants and throw the bums out.
Another day in Palestine. Such flagrant disregard for international law. World? Are you watching?

An elderly Palestinian couple who have lived in the same house in East Jerusalem for more than 50 years are about to be evicted by Israeli authorities. They moved into their house in 1964. Israeli law stipulates that Jewish residents can claim the rights to a property if they have proof their family lived there prior to the 1948 war. <-- Tell me this isn't true.

The decision has sparked anger among East Jerusalem’s Arab population. The same fate awaits other Arab residents of East Jerusalem.


And people hate israel and "the jews" because of irrational thinking?

Do you ever post anything that doesnt involve your hatred of Jews?
Only asking so I can clear up space on the active topics first page by putting you on ignore.
Closed for Moderation . MAY re-open..

I remind everyone -- if you have nothing to say about the TOPIC -- don't post in the thread.
Also -- if all you got is repetitive slogans -- that's NOT moving the topic forward or engaging in discussion. It's also not content the 3rd or 4th time it's posted.

USMB is a discussion board -- not a protest march..
You are trying to argue that is acceptable to make an 80 year old couple homeless... who have lived in THEIR HOME for 53 years.

Nobody on earth accept for you fake jew zionists believe that.
Thanks for providing clear cut evidence of Arabs stealing Jewish homes.
Bullshit, you have some nerve talking about rightful owners. Because an israeli judge said so? The whole thing is part of the continuous land grab and to establish aryan settlements in Palestine. It didn't work for hitler's nazis and it wont work for you.

So Jewish people who purchased a home in Jerusalem prior to 1948 have no rights to ownership of their own home? Are you mad?

You have no idea what objective, reasoned idea you are actually trying to argue here. Its about elderly people, except its not. Its about tenants, except its not. Its about Jews owning property, except its not. Its about Jerusalem, except its not. Its about land grabs, except its not. Now, apparently its about "Aryans" (FFS). Except really its not.

What it is REALLY about is demonizing Jews.
What is the names of the Jewish "owners" they must be over 100 years old then or not
When you meet Aryeh King, a man whose raison d’etre is to settle Jews in Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem,

Judaizing Jerusalem': The Man Behind the Plan 'Judaizing Jerusalem': The man behind the plan

"The latest family King wants to evict are the Shamasnehs, who live in the western part of Sheikh Jarrah. Though they have been residents of their home since 1964 when it was under Jordanian control, settlers have used Israeli courts to take advantage of a law that allows descendants of Jewish homeowners to evict the Palestinians currently living there and take it over. But the law doesn’t extend to Palestinians, many of whom have property over the Green Line, including in West Jerusalem."
Meet Aryeh King: The brash right-wing settler bent on evicting Jerusalem’s Palestinians
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What it is REALLY about is demonizing Jews.
What it is REALLY about is demonizing people who lie, thieve, murder and call themselves Jews.

Except in this case its the Arabs who stole homes from Jews. If you are against theft, you should be insisting that this couple be evicted and the house returned to its proper owners.
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