Kid urinates in city reservoir so Portland Ore discards 38 million gallons of water


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
WTF?. I bet the fish are urinating in the water too.

Teen caught urinating in reservoir - New York News

Apr 16, 2014 4:04 PM MDT

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Once again, Portland officials are preparing to flush millions of gallons of treated water because a young person urinated into a city reservoir.

Water Bureau Administrator David Shaff said 38 million gallons will be discarded because a 19-year-old was caught in the act on Wednesday.

The open reservoirs hold water that's already been treated and goes directly into mains for distribution to customers.

The urine poses little health risk, but city officials don't want customers to think the water's tainted.

Apparently the reservoirs are in violation of federal health standards by storing treated water in open areas accessible to live and dying animals and God knows what falling out of the sky not to mention possible nut case terrorism but they draw the line at a pint of piss. It says a lot about Oregon.
I don't know what water costs there but say 10 gallons a penny, that comes out to $40,000. Of course the kid can reasonably say " the city threw away the water, not me. I didn't do any measurable damage".
Oregon is incapable of simply posting highway signs. They have to qualify them with a reason:




Public Safety

You can't pump your own gas:

Do Not Use

For your own
Public Safety

Seen in a very official looking (but very unofficial) sign attached to the door of a toilet stall in an Oregon highway rest stop:


or you
will stink


Makes sense that a state full of aging hippies and other assorted liberal oddities might feel that all necessary.

Last edited:
Oregon is incapable of simply posting highway signs. They have to qualify them with a reason:




Public Safety

You can't pump your own gas:

Do Not Use

For your own
Public Safety

Seen in a very official looking (but very unofficial) sign attached to the door of a toilet stall in an Oregon highway rest stop:


or you
will stink


Makes sense that a state full of aging hippies and other assorted liberal oddities might feel that all necessary.

Aren't you a Canadian?
WTF?. I bet the fish are urinating in the water too.

Teen caught urinating in reservoir - New York News

Apr 16, 2014 4:04 PM MDT

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Once again, Portland officials are preparing to flush millions of gallons of treated water because a young person urinated into a city reservoir.

Water Bureau Administrator David Shaff said 38 million gallons will be discarded because a 19-year-old was caught in the act on Wednesday.

The open reservoirs hold water that's already been treated and goes directly into mains for distribution to customers.

The urine poses little health risk, but city officials don't want customers to think the water's tainted.


Are we sure this reservoir contained fish since the water was already treated?
WTF?. I bet the fish are urinating in the water too.

Teen caught urinating in reservoir - New York News

Apr 16, 2014 4:04 PM MDT

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Once again, Portland officials are preparing to flush millions of gallons of treated water because a young person urinated into a city reservoir.

Water Bureau Administrator David Shaff said 38 million gallons will be discarded because a 19-year-old was caught in the act on Wednesday.

The open reservoirs hold water that's already been treated and goes directly into mains for distribution to customers.

The urine poses little health risk, but city officials don't want customers to think the water's tainted.


Not only that, but animals urinate and defecate on the land surrounding the reservoir and that inevitably ends up in the reservoir.
Actually it is safe to drink your urine with a couple of caveats. Many survivalist instructors will tell you that urine is sterile and it is safe to drink to avoid dehydration.

Survival 101: Is Urine Sterile Enough To Drink?

Don't know if I'd ever do it. But then again, I've never been in such a dire situation where I may have to consider it.
People are quite paranoid about human waste in their environment.

Nationwide, we are in the process of spending tens of billions of dollars to combat the plague of "combined sewage overflow." This expression refers to the fact that in decades past, people thoughtlessly connected gutters and storm sewers to the sanitary sewer system, so that during heavy rains the storm water runoff overwhelms the wastewater treatment facilities, and the overflow runs into the estuary that the wastewater plant dumps into.

In short, shit goes into the river.

Well. People who swim, boat, fish, and Ski-Doo on the river don't like to think that there is shit in the water. And the people living in the next town, knowing that the INFLUENT of their drinking water plant takes its water from the same river don't like the idea of shit being in the river either.

So we are spending billions upon billions to re-route storms sewers around the sanitary treatment plants, to force homeowners to dump their stormwater into the appropriate pipes, and so on.

But it's all for nothing. The shit doesn't remain shit for long. It is consumed by bacteria and fish, and naturally degrades, and the nasties that are not consumed drop to the bottom of the river, where they are harmless.

Consider that before mass treatment of human waste became universal in the relatively recent past, all piss and shit went either into the ground or into the local river. For millions of years. Obviously, mother nature "treats" it and makes it relatively harmless in time, otherwise we would all be dead from the accumulation of millions of years of human and animal waste.

A wastewater treatment plant does a little bit of chemical magic to the "brown water," but basically it just replicates and accelerates the natural biological processes that would take place "in the river" if the wastewater treatment plant didn't exist.

But even so, I would not want to swim in the river, downstream from the WWTP, on the day after a bad thunderstorm. Three days later, maybe.
If their drink water is exposed to the elements that would go a long way to explain what's wrong with Portlandia.
One consumes more traces of urine when performing oral sex than one would drinking from a 38 million gallon reservoir tainted with one person's urine.
How did the Human Race survive all those millions of years before water purification was developed?

Geez......when I was a kid we would spend the whole day off roaming the fields and woods, fishing hunting, and just exploring. We never took water with us. We were taught to check the length of a football field upstream for dead animals in the stream before we drank from it. Never drink less than 100ft. downstream from a dead animal or a cattle crossing was the rule.
Obviously the administrator is a stupid con, and should be fired.

With all the pollution in rain these days(like acid rain), all water should be put through purification treatment.

Funny how a 19 year old is considered a kid, unless it comes to dying for the military industrial complex. The 16 year old that knifed twenty in school is charged as an adult.
Oregon is incapable of simply posting highway signs. They have to qualify them with a reason:




Public Safety

You can't pump your own gas:

Do Not Use

For your own
Public Safety

Seen in a very official looking (but very unofficial) sign attached to the door of a toilet stall in an Oregon highway rest stop:


or you
will stink


Makes sense that a state full of aging hippies and other assorted liberal oddities might feel that all necessary.

Oregon does that.? They have highway signs saying "speed kills".? That's a great idea. They should also have signs say " drunk drivers and text-drivers are murderers".
Since when is a 19 year old a 'kid'?

18 maybe the legal age,
but developmentally 21 is closer to the age of being
able to make decisions independently as an adult.

With the effects of pot on young minds,
the recommended age for that is 25-30.

So if you can imagine what drugs can do to
underaged minds, and the effects on judgment,
it only compounds the issue of managing emotional impulses.
Since when is a 19 year old a 'kid'?

18 maybe the legal age,
but developmentally 21 is closer to the age of being
able to make decisions independently as an adult.

With the effects of pot on young minds,
the recommended age for that is 25-30.

So if you can imagine what drugs can do to
underaged minds, and the effects on judgment,
it only compounds the issue of managing emotional impulses.

You seem to have missed the NEW definition of childhood handed down in Obamacare.

People are children until age 26. Until then, they're children that can be covered under the parents Obamacare Health Insurance Policy.

Now why in the hell we're allowing these children to drink, drive, or even vote remains a mystery.

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