Kidnapper Was As I Predicted A Trump Hater....Probably A Bernie Supporter

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can say that.
I see alot of things that your party does that I don't agree of them is using tax-payers money to murder babies. Another is shiping "peaceful protesters" to every major Democrat city and burning down businesses. Why do Democrats do this? Because your party is intentionally trying to destroy the economy and replace it with socialism.

Very few businesses have been "destroyed". The ones that have have insurance.

More businesses have been put on life support due to Trump Plague.
The earth is flat...
Grass is blue
The sun is dark

That's what the Trump Cult has to do continue to support the clown. Deny the facts that Joe posted. But you're that idiot Hater so it's not like you have an opinion. Just hate and that clouds your judgement. Haters gotta hate. Sad way to go through life, really.
He posted no facts about businesses being destroyed or about the insurance claims.

He only stated it, from nothing.

I posted a video of the Anarchists saying “trump is not his friend “ and had an Antifa flag. Video evidence of facts

I thought you DemonRats supported Antifa?
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

He hates cops and so do you and your leftist friends. Seems like you have more and more in common. Maybe you can become prison pen pals?
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

“Cop-haters” - which side is talking of defunding the police? Which side is throwing bricks and rocks at police during “peaceful protests”?
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

“Cop-haters” - which side is talking of defunding the police? Which side is throwing bricks and rocks at police during “peaceful protests”?

The left always defends their indefensible positions by accusing us of what they are guilty of.
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

This is very likely all a (common) huge diversion from Whitmer's smackdown by the Michigan supreme court. Her reign is nearing its end, thus she must throw a nationwide pity party for herself. Even if there is some validity to a plot to kidnap her, regardless of who planned it, I am disappointed they failed. Last night I watched video of the recent Wisconsin riots. BLM/Antifa very literally took over an entire district of that city and looted businesses, destroyed homes, terrorized motorists and people in their neighborhoods—all without the police or NG lifting a finger to prevent it or aid the residents who live there. Anyone who resists the increasing radical leftist tyranny and mob insanity is a pseudo hero in my opinion.
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

“Cop-haters” - which side is talking of defunding the police? Which side is throwing bricks and rocks at police during “peaceful protests”?

The left always defends their indefensible positions by accusing us of what they are guilty of.

Yes . . . that is the way of the radical American left . . . to commit terror, treason and crimes against their fellow countrymen, and to then blame the political opposition. Mark my words: we've already endured a democrat led global biological weapons attack, which they blame(d) on our President. A nuclear weapon "accident" is definitely not off the table. There's been a whole lot of buzz lately around the internet on the damage and death yields from small nuclear weapons. Almost as if they are preparing the public for something.
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

“Cop-haters” - which side is talking of defunding the police? Which side is throwing bricks and rocks at police during “peaceful protests”?

The left always defends their indefensible positions by accusing us of what they are guilty of.

Yes . . . that is the way of the radical American left . . . to commit terror, treason and crimes against their fellow countrymen, and to then blame the political opposition. Mark my words: we've already endured a democrat led global biological weapons attack, which they blame(d) on our President. A nuclear weapon "accident" is definitely not off the table. There's been a whole lot of buzz lately around the internet on the damage and death yields from small nuclear weapons. Almost as if they are preparing the public for something.

I think Hillary was probably up to something on 911.
Why would the government help the 911 highjackers to get into this country and attend flight training.
An Arab was caught doing the same thing in Florida this year he and his buddies were all deported. That's the difference between a globalist president and one who isn't in on the scam.
Bush, Clinton, and Obama are all part of the conspiracy.....and Trump isn't.
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

Nothing to see re this group of morons; the commie Democrats have absolutely nothing they can run on so they can only make up stupid shit about 'White Supremacists N Stuff!!!' they're left with targeting and motivating their stupid violent racist base, while the Republicans are registering new voters in big numbers in important states like Pennsylvania and Georgia.
He was an most blob supporters. He was a militia member. Like most trump supporters want to be (or are).

Yes, Trump supporters are notorious for hating the police, calling the president they support "a tyrant" and having stretched ear lobes with plugs in them
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Yes . . . that is the way of the radical American left . . . to commit terror, treason and crimes against their fellow countrymen, and to then blame the political opposition. Mark my words: we've already endured a democrat led global biological weapons attack, which they blame(d) on our President. A nuclear weapon "accident" is definitely not off the table. There's been a whole lot of buzz lately around the internet on the damage and death yields from small nuclear weapons. Almost as if they are preparing the public for something.

My bet is the Red Chinese set another virus loose to help Gou Pi Joe and his Party's coup attempt. They're already getting caught perpetrating frauds re the handling of mail in ballots, and we are weeks away from the election.
This kind of scum is encouraged when the whitmers of the world let them out of jail and refuse to prosecute. I'm still trying to figure out what they wanted with that 230 lb. blob of shit.
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

Trump supporters, as everyone knows, support the police.
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

Trump supporters, as everyone knows, support the police.

But the memo went out that Trump is the one spreading hate, not Democrats.
Now Democrats love cops.
Trump hates cops.
Say it....repeat it.....
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

Trump supporters, as everyone knows, support the police.

But the memo went out that Trump is the one spreading hate, not Democrats.
Now Democrats love cops.
Trump hates cops.
Say it....repeat it.....

Tramp hates cops.
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

So BERNIE supporters still don't like the DEM politicians outside of Bernie--

How are the dems ahead in the polls........
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

Trump supporters, as everyone knows, support the police.

But the memo went out that Trump is the one spreading hate, not Democrats.
Now Democrats love cops.
Trump hates cops.
Say it....repeat it.....

Tramp hates cops.

GFY ignorant bafoon
No, moron, the country wide violence, the burning, looting and beatings were organized...the actual peaceful protests were just cover for the attack by the democrat party brown shirts...the joe biden voters in antifa and black lives matter.

There is no "Antifa". Where is Antifa Headquarters? Who is the leader of Antifa? Oh, and how fucked up is it that someone has to actually SAY they are anti-fascist. That should be a given.

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George floydd......not murdered by police....

Jacob blake, not murdered by police.....

Breonna taylor...not murdered by police....

Uh, guy, the police do not have any justification in killing these UNARMED black people.

Silly Darkie, rights are for white people.

If these were Black People, they'd be calling out the fucking SWAT team.

View attachment 399614
The modern martyrs of the democrat party are criminals and thugs and breonna taylor got caught up in the lifestyle of her criminal ex-boyfriend....

No, they were black people who made mistakes. That shouldn't be a death penalty offense because we haven't purged our police departments of the bad apples.
They are Fascists claiming to be anti-fascists. No one is buying their lies anymore. They are the fascist terrorists.

The Nazis were terrorist socialist and fascists as well. They like to claim that they were good guys and weren't what they were are either.
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