Kidnapper Was As I Predicted A Trump Hater....Probably A Bernie Supporter

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Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

Show us your post from the past which showed you thought this guy was a Trump hater.

No problem...

Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

Show us your post from the past which showed you thought this guy was a Trump hater.

Joe Biden Smears President Trump after Trump-Hating Anarchist Arrested in Whitmer Kidnap Plot

8 Oct 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft

The FBI announced on Thursday during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.
Early Thursday morning, federal agencies raided a house in Hartland, Michigan and arrested six men: Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta.
Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
“Hate groups heard the president’s words as a rallying cry, as a call to action,” Whitmer said blaming white supremacists.
But it turns out Brandon Caserta, one of anarchists who was arrested for plotting to kidnap Whitmer, actually hates President Trump and is on video calling Trump a “tyrant.”
“Trump is not your friend dude,” Caserta said.

By this afternoon Joe Biden was blaming President Trump for the anarchist’s plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor.
The FBI arrested six named alleged co-conspirators and seven others on Thursday morning for conspiring to kidnap the governor.​
Though it did not name a specific political ideology, the FBI’s criminal complaint alleges that the members of the group “talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient.” Two apparently met at a Second Amendment rally.​
One member of the group, Brandon Caserta, was seen in an online video in front of an anarchist flag.​
Biden, speaking to reporters in Arizona alongside running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Trump’s rhetoric was to blame:​
There is no place for hate in America. And both of us have been talking about this for some time, about how white supremacists and these militias area a genuine threat. I want to compliment the FBI and the police agencies for what they did, and how they stepped up. But look –the words of a president matter. Whether they can — you’ve heard me say this before. They can cause a nation to have th market rise or fall, go to war or bring peace, but they can also breathe oxygen into those who are filled with hate and danger, and I just think It’s got to stop. The president has to realize the words he utters matter.
Biden later referenced the Charlottesville “very fine people’ hoax, the false claim that Trump praised neo-Nazis in Charlottesville in 2017 (he had, in fact, said they should be “condemned totally”).
Joe Biden doesn’t care about the truth.
Anything to smear Donald Trump.

Wasn't it just a few days ago that DHS classified alleged "right wing groups" as the most dangerous in the USA....with zero mention of BLM and #Antifa after over 100 days of arson, looting, violence and deaths. Something is smells here and it isn't the Fulton Fish Market.
Just like Hitler false flag Reichstag fires, he blamed the fires on communists so he could arrest them all. Christopher Wray and the Deep State Left are blaming the anarchist violence on the "Right Wing".
Did the Deep State and FBI just get their tit in the wringer by getting caught in a False Flag operation, so they can persist with the “White Supremacist threat” lie?
Blaming your opponent for what you are doing. Standard procedure for Propagandist Marxist Socialist Anarchists and the sole the property of the Left.

No rightwinger wears hoops in his ears.
That guy is a leftist anarchist.

I see you didn't predict it yerself, carry on..

Then clearly you can't read.
He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to???
I think its still too soon to jump to conclusions

But maybe you would be wise to remain silent till we know for sure if its one of ours or one of yours
People like this are not really part of anyone's camp but they are a symptom of the mainstream right's rhetoric and refusal to alienate the deplorables.
Hate to break it to you....but these types are what your party is using to cause unrest in America.
My guess is the FBI still has some never Trumpers who knew this bust was on the way, and they leaked it to the media (and the Democrat Party) so they could get a jump on it and give everyone a false impression. The victim of this fake kidnapping even took the time to thank Trump by blaming him for it.

Clearly the left and their media knew about this long before the bust went down.

First they claim they're White Supremacists...then we discover they're really "AN IDEA" (ANTIFA).

I remember how Faux Noise White House correspondent :muahaha:John Roberts and other journalists have been acting like jerks repeatedly asking Trump surrogates the same stupid question over and over. My what a coincidence.
All you have to say is that you don't support domestic terrorism. You do not have to construct a new version of reality. The target gives away the ideology. They were right-wingers. What does that have to do with you? The thing that makes the right look complicit is not the extreme political views of fringe wackos but the mainstream's refusal to disown them in no uncertain terms.

They were not right wingers.......lying about them doesn't destroy the truth. Your shit head democrats tell us "Antifa" doesn't exist, and that black lives matter isn't a racist, marxist movement........that doesn't make you look complicit in their violence and murder, that makes you an open supporter of their violence and murder....
I'm quite capable of condemning bad behavior on the left. You can't even bring yourself to accept that some crazy people might actually believe all your rhetoric and actually seek second amendment solutions to all these phantom fears you people wallow in on a daily basis. Even you know it's a bunch of hogwash on some level because you would never actually do anything besides gripe on the internet. was the democrats who invented Poll Taxes and Literacy tests

And when the Democrats threw them out, the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

The Party of Lincoln has become the party of John Wilkes Booth.


obama who dropped the case against a black racist standing outside a voting location with an axe handle in his hand

it wasn't a federal crime, it was barely a misdemeanor.... the guys were there for about five minutes before the cops ran them off.
He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to???
I think its still too soon to jump to conclusions

But maybe you would be wise to remain silent till we know for sure if its one of ours or one of yours
People like this are not really part of anyone's camp but they are a symptom of the mainstream right's rhetoric and refusal to alienate the deplorables.
Hate to break it to you....but these types are what your party is using to cause unrest in America.
My guess is the FBI still has some never Trumpers who knew this bust was on the way, and they leaked it to the media (and the Democrat Party) so they could get a jump on it and give everyone a false impression. The victim of this fake kidnapping even took the time to thank Trump by blaming him for it.

Clearly the left and their media knew about this long before the bust went down.

First they claim they're White Supremacists...then we discover they're really "AN IDEA" (ANTIFA).

I remember how Faux Noise White House correspondent :muahaha:John Roberts and other journalists have been acting like jerks repeatedly asking Trump surrogates the same stupid question over and over. My what a coincidence.
All you have to say is that you don't support domestic terrorism. You do not have to construct a new version of reality. The target gives away the ideology. They were right-wingers. What does that have to do with you? The thing that makes the right look complicit is not the extreme political views of fringe wackos but the mainstream's refusal to disown them in no uncertain terms.

They were not right wingers.......lying about them doesn't destroy the truth. Your shit head democrats tell us "Antifa" doesn't exist, and that black lives matter isn't a racist, marxist movement........that doesn't make you look complicit in their violence and murder, that makes you an open supporter of their violence and murder....
I'm quite capable of condemning bad behavior on the left. You can't even bring yourself to accept that some crazy people might actually believe all your rhetoric and actually seek second amendment solutions to all these phantom fears you people wallow in on a daily basis. Even you know it's a bunch of hogwash on some level because you would never actually do anything besides gripe on the internet.
I think you have a problem believing the worst of your own party.
Any party that ships rioters all over the country to burn down businesses is capable of doing just about anything imaginable.
And this guy is yet again another ANTFIA dickhead just like all of the other dickheads that committed mass shootings and caused riots all over the country.
They all turn out to be Bernie supporters. Anti-government cop haters that hate Trump.
dear OP lenny,

you should change yer siggy to this:


He was an most blob supporters. He was a militia member. Like most trump supporters want to be (or are).

Do you even know the difference between and anarchist and a Trump supporter?

Anarchist = antifa = leftist = Democrat = socialist = communist = BLM = Marxist = you.
Anarchist come from both sides of the political sphere.

The closest critters we have to an "anarchist" are those goofy "sovereign citizens." They have disdain for the government and law-enforcement, but they're mostly harmless. Most of the time they just harass county agencies with frivolous lawsuits.

We had one in my area a few years ago. he holed up in his house until the cops brought in an armored vehicle and smoked him out. He's still in prison.

The Violent ones usually don't last very long. Until now.
He was an most blob supporters. He was a militia member. Like most trump supporters want to be (or are).

Do you even know the difference between and anarchist and a Trump supporter?

Anarchist = antifa = leftist = Democrat = socialist = communist = BLM = Marxist = you.
Anarchist come from both sides of the political sphere.

The closest critters we have to an "anarchist" are those goofy "sovereign citizens." They have disdain for the government and law-enforcement, but they're mostly harmless. Most of the time they just harass county agencies with frivolous lawsuits.

We had one in my area a few years ago. he holed up in his house until the cops brought in an armored vehicle and smoked him out. He's still in prison.

The Violent ones usually don't last very long. Until now.

Ain't that the truth? Now they're all over the streets protesting, rioting, looting, and burning.
including his "Very Fine People" statement or calling on poll watchers to intimidate people trying to vote.
I am familiar with the lib lie about “very fine people”

but the slander about poll watchers is new to me

Trump said he wants to protect polling places with lawyers and police.....because of the threat of antifa and black lives matter/joe biden voters, threatening people at the polls......

So they are lying about it...again...protecting people from violent, hate filled joe biden voters is now intimidating people from voting....

Voter intimidation has always been part of the Republican playbook. The law banning Republicans from “poll watching” expired recently so they’re right back at it again.

And the call for Democrats to counter that has gone out in Colorado by our Senator. But I don't think it's going to be much of a problem since the majority will be voting by mail. With the mess made of the Postal Service, many of us are going to use the Drop Off boxes. And Rump is just going to lose like he did last time.
He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to???
I think its still too soon to jump to conclusions

But maybe you would be wise to remain silent till we know for sure if its one of ours or one of yours
People like this are not really part of anyone's camp but they are a symptom of the mainstream right's rhetoric and refusal to alienate the deplorables.
Hate to break it to you....but these types are what your party is using to cause unrest in America.
My guess is the FBI still has some never Trumpers who knew this bust was on the way, and they leaked it to the media (and the Democrat Party) so they could get a jump on it and give everyone a false impression. The victim of this fake kidnapping even took the time to thank Trump by blaming him for it.

Clearly the left and their media knew about this long before the bust went down.

First they claim they're White Supremacists...then we discover they're really "AN IDEA" (ANTIFA).

I remember how Faux Noise White House correspondent :muahaha:John Roberts and other journalists have been acting like jerks repeatedly asking Trump surrogates the same stupid question over and over. My what a coincidence.
All you have to say is that you don't support domestic terrorism. You do not have to construct a new version of reality. The target gives away the ideology. They were right-wingers. What does that have to do with you? The thing that makes the right look complicit is not the extreme political views of fringe wackos but the mainstream's refusal to disown them in no uncertain terms.

They were not right wingers.......lying about them doesn't destroy the truth. Your shit head democrats tell us "Antifa" doesn't exist, and that black lives matter isn't a racist, marxist movement........that doesn't make you look complicit in their violence and murder, that makes you an open supporter of their violence and murder....
I'm quite capable of condemning bad behavior on the left. You can't even bring yourself to accept that some crazy people might actually believe all your rhetoric and actually seek second amendment solutions to all these phantom fears you people wallow in on a daily basis. Even you know it's a bunch of hogwash on some level because you would never actually do anything besides gripe on the internet.
I think you have a problem believing the worst of your own party.
Any party that ships rioters all over the country to burn down businesses is capable of doing just about anything imaginable.
And this guy is yet again another ANTFIA dickhead just like all of the other dickheads that committed mass shootings and caused riots all over the country.
They all turn out to be Bernie supporters. Anti-government cop haters that hate Trump.
Fringe groups on the left are no ideological problem for me. Violence and destruction is not anywhere in my political views but you can't say that. Who do you want dead? What about the coming civil war? Who needs to be shot for treason? Second amendment remedies? How would you deal with protesters? Violence is implicit in everything the alt-right talks about.
He was an most blob supporters. He was a militia member. Like most trump supporters want to be (or are).

Do you even know the difference between and anarchist and a Trump supporter?

Anarchist = antifa = leftist = Democrat = socialist = communist = BLM = Marxist = you.
Anarchist come from both sides of the political sphere.

The closest critters we have to an "anarchist" are those goofy "sovereign citizens." They have disdain for the government and law-enforcement, but they're mostly harmless. Most of the time they just harass county agencies with frivolous lawsuits.

We had one in my area a few years ago. he holed up in his house until the cops brought in an armored vehicle and smoked him out. He's still in prison.

The Violent ones usually don't last very long. Until now.

Ain't that the truth? Now they're all over the streets protesting, rioting, looting, and burning.

Rioters and Looters don't Protest. They are too busy Looting and Rioting.
He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to???
I think its still too soon to jump to conclusions

But maybe you would be wise to remain silent till we know for sure if its one of ours or one of yours
People like this are not really part of anyone's camp but they are a symptom of the mainstream right's rhetoric and refusal to alienate the deplorables.
Hate to break it to you....but these types are what your party is using to cause unrest in America.
My guess is the FBI still has some never Trumpers who knew this bust was on the way, and they leaked it to the media (and the Democrat Party) so they could get a jump on it and give everyone a false impression. The victim of this fake kidnapping even took the time to thank Trump by blaming him for it.

Clearly the left and their media knew about this long before the bust went down.

First they claim they're White Supremacists...then we discover they're really "AN IDEA" (ANTIFA).

I remember how Faux Noise White House correspondent :muahaha:John Roberts and other journalists have been acting like jerks repeatedly asking Trump surrogates the same stupid question over and over. My what a coincidence.
All you have to say is that you don't support domestic terrorism. You do not have to construct a new version of reality. The target gives away the ideology. They were right-wingers. What does that have to do with you? The thing that makes the right look complicit is not the extreme political views of fringe wackos but the mainstream's refusal to disown them in no uncertain terms.

They were not right wingers.......lying about them doesn't destroy the truth. Your shit head democrats tell us "Antifa" doesn't exist, and that black lives matter isn't a racist, marxist movement........that doesn't make you look complicit in their violence and murder, that makes you an open supporter of their violence and murder....
I'm quite capable of condemning bad behavior on the left. You can't even bring yourself to accept that some crazy people might actually believe all your rhetoric and actually seek second amendment solutions to all these phantom fears you people wallow in on a daily basis. Even you know it's a bunch of hogwash on some level because you would never actually do anything besides gripe on the internet.
I think you have a problem believing the worst of your own party.
Any party that ships rioters all over the country to burn down businesses is capable of doing just about anything imaginable.
And this guy is yet again another ANTFIA dickhead just like all of the other dickheads that committed mass shootings and caused riots all over the country.
They all turn out to be Bernie supporters. Anti-government cop haters that hate Trump.
Fringe groups on the left are no ideological problem for me. Violence and destruction is not anywhere in my political views but you can't say that. Who do you want dead? What about the coming civil war? Who needs to be shot for treason? Second amendment remedies? How would you deal with protesters? Violence is implicit in everything the alt-right talks about.
I can say that.
I see alot of things that your party does that I don't agree of them is using tax-payers money to murder babies. Another is shiping "peaceful protesters" to every major Democrat city and burning down businesses. Why do Democrats do this? Because your party is intentionally trying to destroy the economy and replace it with socialism.

You probably feel like every other socialist that the ends justify the means. You can't win elections with your ideas so instead you flood the country with illegals and steal elections with illegal election tactics.

Your party thinks it's okay to take over all of the media outlets to pump one fraud after another out in the public. You falsely accused the president of Russian Collusion when in fact your party colludes with Russian spies and colludes with the media and election officials to steal elections.

And your party spends all day, every day, accusing us of spreading hate when your party spreads hate 24/7/365. All we're doing is just reacting to your hatred.
can say that.
I see alot of things that your party does that I don't agree of them is using tax-payers money to murder babies. Another is shiping "peaceful protesters" to every major Democrat city and burning down businesses. Why do Democrats do this? Because your party is intentionally trying to destroy the economy and replace it with socialism.

Very few businesses have been "destroyed". The ones that have have insurance.

More businesses have been put on life support due to Trump Plague.
If Michael Moore went on a killing spree. Killing all Trump supporters. The media and DemonRats would claim that Michael Moore were a far right Donald Trump Supporting extremist.

The left has no sense or credibility in them. They’ve been delusional for quite some time
can say that.
I see alot of things that your party does that I don't agree of them is using tax-payers money to murder babies. Another is shiping "peaceful protesters" to every major Democrat city and burning down businesses. Why do Democrats do this? Because your party is intentionally trying to destroy the economy and replace it with socialism.

Very few businesses have been "destroyed". The ones that have have insurance.

More businesses have been put on life support due to Trump Plague.
The earth is flat...
Grass is blue
The sun is dark

Antifa flag in his background.

Antifa the terrorist organization who claim they are fighting anti facism, when there are no facists to fight except themselves.

DemonRats claim it doesn’t exist, but when they do they say “they’re not an organization, they’re an idiology”
Or they’re good because they fight facism

DemonRats know exactly what Antifa is, but the jackasses they are, they deny it and blame/frame the other side

Antifa has been causing the majority of the riots in conjunction with BLM

Disgusting. More so than a rodent
including his "Very Fine People" statement or calling on poll watchers to intimidate people trying to vote.
I am familiar with the lib lie about “very fine people”

but the slander about poll watchers is new to me

Trump said he wants to protect polling places with lawyers and police.....because of the threat of antifa and black lives matter/joe biden voters, threatening people at the polls......

So they are lying about it...again...protecting people from violent, hate filled joe biden voters is now intimidating people from voting....

Voter intimidation has always been part of the Republican playbook. The law banning Republicans from “poll watching” expired recently so they’re right back at it again.

And the call for Democrats to counter that has gone out in Colorado by our Senator. But I don't think it's going to be much of a problem since the majority will be voting by mail. With the mess made of the Postal Service, many of us are going to use the Drop Off boxes. And Rump is just going to lose like he did last time.

Apparently Dems have successfully block the formation by Republicans of the "special election commission" to "oversee" the voting counting in Philadelphia. They would have had the right to seize ballots and basically toss the results from entire precincts while they investigated purported fraud. There are bright spots everywhere. It feels like the entire nation is rising up to vomit out this cancer of a presidency.

In Canada, Trump would already be gone. Someone would table a non-confidence motion in the House, and his government would fall. And in the election, we would eliminate the Republican Party, just like we've done in the past.

If Canadian politicians forget who they're working for (it ain't the corporations or the billionaires), we punish them. After NAFTA, we burned down the Progressive Conservative Party. They went from the biggest majority in Canadian history to 3 members of the House, and lost party status, and office space in the Parliamentary Block. 6 members are needed for party status. What was left of the party had to amalgamate with the Western rump Reform Party, but the hard right Reform Party was clearly in charge.

10 years later we did it to the Liberals, after a huge financial scandal, but the Liberals took the lessons to heart and came back with Trudeau. Canadian voters are not as gullible as Republicans. We don't keep electing governments that screw over the PEOPLE. We end the party that screws us. Stephen Harper was kept in check and didn't end the Canada Health Act, which he really did want to do, because he knew exactly what would happen to him and his party should he try it.

Canadians may seem like overly polite, hockey loving rubes, but we don't take kindly to those who try to screw us over or who lie to us. The Trump Cult keeps calling Trudeau a "wuss". Trump has fake tough guy videos when he beats someone up, and a WWF "fight" with Vince McMahon. Before being elected PM, Trudeau had a charity boxing match and climbed into a real boxing ring and beat the crap out of his much bigger Conservative opponent. For real. Canada came out of top in the NAFTA 2.0, and when Trump told 3M they couldn't sell PPE to Canada, Trudeau told us not to worry on Friday. He'd been in touch with Washington, and he deal with it. That's all he said. On Monday he quietly announced that the PPE had been shipped to Canada. No big deal.

Its incredible to live in a country where the government works FOR the people. Where the leadership is both competent and sane. And where the Canadian people really do come first.
can say that.
I see alot of things that your party does that I don't agree of them is using tax-payers money to murder babies. Another is shiping "peaceful protesters" to every major Democrat city and burning down businesses. Why do Democrats do this? Because your party is intentionally trying to destroy the economy and replace it with socialism.

Very few businesses have been "destroyed". The ones that have have insurance.

More businesses have been put on life support due to Trump Plague.
The earth is flat...
Grass is blue
The sun is dark

That's what the Trump Cult has to do continue to support the clown. Deny the facts that Joe posted. But you're that idiot Hater so it's not like you have an opinion. Just hate and that clouds your judgement. Haters gotta hate. Sad way to go through life, really.
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