Kidnapper Was As I Predicted A Trump Hater....Probably A Bernie Supporter

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Antifa flag in his background.

Antifa the terrorist organization who claim they are fighting anti facism, when there are no facists to fight except themselves.

That's an anarchist flag in the background. There are Anarchists on the left and right.

Now, for the rest of these jokers.

Pete Musico, 42, the alleged founder of militia group Wolverine Watchmen - Michigan is nicknamed the Wolverine State - posted a series of videos on YouTube claiming the government was 'robbing' taxpayers.

'When are you going to say enough is enough?' he said. 'When are you going to see they are taking our money from us? They are robbing us, wanting us to be like Venezuela?

In a series of memes in 2017 Barry Croft praised Donald Trump as 'inspiring!'

He posted a video of himself in a garage, in a Revolutionary War tricorne hat, talking about how civil liberties were under attack and the government was 'coming for you'.

He ranted against Hillary Clinton, in favor of Second Amendment rights, against vaccinations and in anger the price of his car insurance.

Musico and Morrison were arrested at the home they shared with their wives and children in Munith, 40 miles south of Lansing.

The rundown-seeming compound, with its Confederate flags and trash strewn among the discarded children's toys, was allegedly the scene of 'training camps', Local 4 News reported.

Gadsen Flags? Confederate Flags? These are totally your guys.
He was an most blob supporters. He was a militia member. Like most trump supporters want to be (or are).

Yes, Trump supporters are notorious for hating the police, calling the president they support "a tyrant" and having stretched ear lobes with plugs in them

Not sure what earlobes have to do with anything....

When Roger Stone was arrested, yes, every blob supporter here hated the police for a few weeks.
As for hating the President...they used to love Romney...they used to love McCain--every one of these dick heads voted for both men. Remember Bush 43...yep; they voted for him too. They hate whomever they are told to hate.
For me it is when I feel like I am sold out. And every president can have some indiscretions. With W. we question the war today, but we all know something had to happen after 9/11. Its just whether a war with Iraq was the right thing. To me the worse part was the Patriot Act, the creation of Homeland Security and the airport TSA. Inch by inch we are becoming totalitarian. Both sides are in on this.

Every once in awhile, you say something I can agree with. And Politics get's put aside.
Antifa flag in his background.

Antifa the terrorist organization who claim they are fighting anti facism, when there are no facists to fight except themselves.

That's an anarchist flag in the background. There are Anarchists on the left and right.

Now, for the rest of these jokers.

Pete Musico, 42, the alleged founder of militia group Wolverine Watchmen - Michigan is nicknamed the Wolverine State - posted a series of videos on YouTube claiming the government was 'robbing' taxpayers.

'When are you going to say enough is enough?' he said. 'When are you going to see they are taking our money from us? They are robbing us, wanting us to be like Venezuela?

In a series of memes in 2017 Barry Croft praised Donald Trump as 'inspiring!'

He posted a video of himself in a garage, in a Revolutionary War tricorne hat, talking about how civil liberties were under attack and the government was 'coming for you'.

He ranted against Hillary Clinton, in favor of Second Amendment rights, against vaccinations and in anger the price of his car insurance.

Musico and Morrison were arrested at the home they shared with their wives and children in Munith, 40 miles south of Lansing.

The rundown-seeming compound, with its Confederate flags and trash strewn among the discarded children's toys, was allegedly the scene of 'training camps', Local 4 News reported.

Gadsen Flags? Confederate Flags? These are totally your guys.

Anarchist who hates Trump...and now, a black lives matter supporter...........

Yet another one of the conspirators indicted in the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has turned out to be an anarchist and this time is an identified Black Lives Matter, Inc.™ supporter.

If you’re keeping book, that now means at least three of the six men indicted by the federal government for the frightening conspiracy to kidnap the governor from her vacation home are avowed anti-Donald Trump anarchists and at least one is a BLM protester. When half the conspirators rolled up by the feds are anarchists, this is what you might call a pattern.

The BLM connection comes from no less than The Washington Post, which buried the lede of its own story by headlining its piece, “Accused leader of plot to kidnap Michigan governor was struggling financially, living in basement storage space,” as if living in a basement was the most surprising thing about the conspirator. Indeed, we can be assured that if one of the conspirators had attended a Trump rally that would have headlined the story.

Anarchist who hates Trump...and now, a black lives matter supporter...........

Actually, it says he "attended a BLM rally". It really doesn't say in what context.

He was also a United States Marine for four years...

Oh, yeah, and Whiter than I am.

And a bigger gun nut than you are, if that's possible.

This is definitely one of yours, not one of ours.
He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

Good point. Trump has encouraged people like this by promoting "Deep State" conspiracy theories.
Fuck off

Not that I expect you guys to have any self-reflection, but gun nuts like you and DickTiny wave been whining that you need guns to protect yourself from the government.

The Michigan 13 are just taking that to it's logical conclusion.
Anarchist who hates Trump...and now, a black lives matter supporter...........

Actually, it says he "attended a BLM rally". It really doesn't say in what context.

He was also a United States Marine for four years...

Oh, yeah, and Whiter than I am.

And a bigger gun nut than you are, if that's possible.

This is definitely one of yours, not one of ours.

Yet it’s DemonRat governors who pardon criminals with gun charges so they can buy more guns to run a coup against another DemonRat governor.

I’m starting to think that the Coup was staged/fake. Especially since initial reports were trying to claim these were Trump supporters.

You know these people are the same Antifa/BLM thugs that you support, the same group of people Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself against, but you’re too much of a Jackass to admit it.
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He was an most blob supporters. He was a militia member. Like most trump supporters want to be (or are).
Just like the ones that tried to burn down a federal courthouse, tried to burn down a police station with officers inside, occupied and destroyed a different police station and set up their own autonomous zone in Portland and Seattle ... attacking and injuring government officers at every turn for 100 plus days?



I’m starting to think that the Coup was staged/fake. Especially since initial reports were trying to claim these were Trump supporters.

They were Trump supporters.

I'm not sure why you guys think these deflections work, exactly. Trump called on violence against Whitmer, and these guys answered the call, waving their Gadsen Flags...


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He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to???
I think its still too soon to jump to conclusions

But maybe you would be wise to remain silent till we know for sure if its one of ours or one of yours
People like this are not really part of anyone's camp but they are a symptom of the mainstream right's rhetoric and refusal to alienate the deplorables.
Nope. The left has been allowing the domestic terrorism that emboldened this guy.
I’m starting to think that the Coup was staged/fake. Especially since initial reports were trying to claim these were Trump supporters.

They were Trump supporters.

I'm not sure why you guys think these deflections work, exactly. Trump called on violence against Whitmer, and these guys answered the call, waving their Gadsen Flags...
You’re head is a potato
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LOL, one of the members of this group that wanted to “kidnap” Whitmer was PARDONED by Delaware’s Democrat Governor:

As I stated before, this is a Jussie Smollett level hoax.
LOL, one of the members of this group that wanted to “kidnap” Whitmer was PARDONED by Delaware’s Democrat Governor:

As I stated before, this is a Jussie Smollett level hoax.

Of course he was............
Liberal heads are exploding all over the country because yet again the media has been caught perpetrating yet another fraud on the public:

He also hates cops, and he said all of government are your enemies.

Who was he talking to??? Those who considered tramp their friend.

The ship has sunk....stop rowing you just look stupid. How's that flat tire coming along?

Again, you are really stupid......Rittenhouse was attacked by 3 different joe biden voters....they attacked him violently and he defended the video and the witnesses to the actual event doofus.

It's funny that some punk who shoots three people by you is a hero.

But people non-violently protesting police misconduct are "terrorists".

I know he lives your dream, of actually shooting people, the one you "polish" your gun to every night.
FUnny you like show how STUPID you are on a daily basis asshole. Rittenhouse defended himself from your sides idiots who admitted to trying to kill him idiot. The police did not murder anybody in those instances. Tell your lies walking racist asshole.

It’s YOU who is lying. You’re quoting Donald Trump’s lies about Rittenhouse.

Trump doesn’t know why the crowd was chasing Rittenhouse. The crowd was chasing him. I don’t know why. What he really means is he doesn’t want to tell you why because I’m pretty sure he does know. Rittenhouse had shot and injured a protestor.

When he fell down, he fired into the crowd chasing him, killing two of them. The people held him for police. Who helped him up clapped him on the back and sent him on his way.

Later at home, he was arrested for murder. Crossing state lines to incite violence with an illegal weapon. Shooting three people.

A real patriotic hero you’ve got there. Every white Armed supremacist mob is celebrated as “patriots”. Calling yourself a “militia”, and dressing camdoesn’t make you any less of a terrorist thug.
including his "Very Fine People" statement or calling on poll watchers to intimidate people trying to vote.
I am familiar with the lib lie about “very fine people”

but the slander about poll watchers is new to me

Trump said he wants to protect polling places with lawyers and police.....because of the threat of antifa and black lives matter/joe biden voters, threatening people at the polls......

So they are lying about it...again...protecting people from violent, hate filled joe biden voters is now intimidating people from voting....

Voter intimidation has always been part of the Republican playbook. The law banning Republicans from “poll watching” expired recently so they’re right back at it again.

Stop with the ignorance. You don't see Trump supporters standing outside of voting precincts with baseball bats threatening voters as the libs have done for years now.

Yeah, you do. So much so that Democrats got a court order to bar Republicans from doing it nation wide, against the entire Republican Party. That order expired this year and Donald Trump refused to renew it so it happening againt right now. And Trump has called on his thug army to show up at the polls to "watch what's going on" because "bad things are happening". The lawmakers are now going to court to get injunctions to stop this voter intimmidation at the polls.

In the case of Democrats, it happened once. They 3 Black Panthers were arrested. And it never happened again.
Rittenhouse defended himself against a couple convicted thugs, one a pedophile, get your facts straight. Those thugs were no longer just protesters.
Again, you are really stupid......Rittenhouse was attacked by 3 different joe biden voters....they attacked him violently and he defended the video and the witnesses to the actual event doofus.

It's funny that some punk who shoots three people by you is a hero.

But people non-violently protesting police misconduct are "terrorists".

I know he lives your dream, of actually shooting people, the one you "polish" your gun to every night.
FUnny you like show how STUPID you are on a daily basis asshole. Rittenhouse defended himself from your sides idiots who admitted to trying to kill him idiot. The police did not murder anybody in those instances. Tell your lies walking racist asshole.

It’s YOU who is lying. You’re quoting Donald Trump’s lies about Rittenhouse.

Trump doesn’t know why the crowd was chasing Rittenhouse. The crowd was chasing him. I don’t know why. What he really means is he doesn’t want to tell you why because I’m pretty sure he does know. Rittenhouse had shot and injured a protestor.

When he fell down, he fired into the crowd chasing him, killing two of them. The people held him for police. Who helped him up clapped him on the back and sent him on his way.

Later at home, he was arrested for murder. Crossing state lines to incite violence with an illegal weapon. Shooting three people.

A real patriotic hero you’ve got there. Every white Armed supremacist mob is celebrated as “patriots”. Calling yourself a “militia”, and dressing camdoesn’t make you any less of a terrorist thug.
including his "Very Fine People" statement or calling on poll watchers to intimidate people trying to vote.
I am familiar with the lib lie about “very fine people”

but the slander about poll watchers is new to me

Trump said he wants to protect polling places with lawyers and police.....because of the threat of antifa and black lives matter/joe biden voters, threatening people at the polls......

So they are lying about it...again...protecting people from violent, hate filled joe biden voters is now intimidating people from voting....

Voter intimidation has always been part of the Republican playbook. The law banning Republicans from “poll watching” expired recently so they’re right back at it again.

Stop with the ignorance. You don't see Trump supporters standing outside of voting precincts with baseball bats threatening voters as the libs have done for years now.

Yeah, you do. So much so that Democrats got a court order to bar Republicans from doing it nation wide, against the entire Republican Party. That order expired this year and Donald Trump refused to renew it so it happening againt right now. And Trump has called on his thug army to show up at the polls to "watch what's going on" because "bad things are happening". The lawmakers are now going to court to get injunctions to stop this voter intimmidation at the polls.

In the case of Democrats, it happened once. They 3 Black Panthers were arrested. And it never happened again.
Rittenhouse defended himself against a couple convicted thugs, one a pedophile, get your facts straight. Those thugs were no longer just protesters.

I’m starting to think that the Coup was staged/fake. Especially since initial reports were trying to claim these were Trump supporters.

They were Trump supporters.

I'm not sure why you guys think these deflections work, exactly. Trump called on violence against Whitmer, and these guys answered the call, waving their Gadsen Flags...
Iceberg has it right. Fuck off you proven liar.
Again, you are really stupid......Rittenhouse was attacked by 3 different joe biden voters....they attacked him violently and he defended the video and the witnesses to the actual event doofus.

It's funny that some punk who shoots three people by you is a hero.

But people non-violently protesting police misconduct are "terrorists".

I know he lives your dream, of actually shooting people, the one you "polish" your gun to every night.
FUnny you like show how STUPID you are on a daily basis asshole. Rittenhouse defended himself from your sides idiots who admitted to trying to kill him idiot. The police did not murder anybody in those instances. Tell your lies walking racist asshole.

It’s YOU who is lying. You’re quoting Donald Trump’s lies about Rittenhouse.

Trump doesn’t know why the crowd was chasing Rittenhouse. The crowd was chasing him. I don’t know why. What he really means is he doesn’t want to tell you why because I’m pretty sure he does know. Rittenhouse had shot and injured a protestor.

When he fell down, he fired into the crowd chasing him, killing two of them. The people held him for police. Who helped him up clapped him on the back and sent him on his way.

Later at home, he was arrested for murder. Crossing state lines to incite violence with an illegal weapon. Shooting three people.

A real patriotic hero you’ve got there. Every white Armed supremacist mob is celebrated as “patriots”. Calling yourself a “militia”, and dressing camdoesn’t make you any less of a terrorist thug.
including his "Very Fine People" statement or calling on poll watchers to intimidate people trying to vote.
I am familiar with the lib lie about “very fine people”

but the slander about poll watchers is new to me

Trump said he wants to protect polling places with lawyers and police.....because of the threat of antifa and black lives matter/joe biden voters, threatening people at the polls......

So they are lying about it...again...protecting people from violent, hate filled joe biden voters is now intimidating people from voting....

Voter intimidation has always been part of the Republican playbook. The law banning Republicans from “poll watching” expired recently so they’re right back at it again.

Stop with the ignorance. You don't see Trump supporters standing outside of voting precincts with baseball bats threatening voters as the libs have done for years now.

Yeah, you do. So much so that Democrats got a court order to bar Republicans from doing it nation wide, against the entire Republican Party. That order expired this year and Donald Trump refused to renew it so it happening againt right now. And Trump has called on his thug army to show up at the polls to "watch what's going on" because "bad things are happening". The lawmakers are now going to court to get injunctions to stop this voter intimmidation at the polls.

In the case of Democrats, it happened once. They 3 Black Panthers were arrested. And it never happened again.
Rittenhouse defended himself against a couple convicted thugs, one a pedophile, get your facts straight. Those thugs were no longer just protesters.

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Yes that is truth you drunk lying POS. No matter how much you lie and cry and whine like the bitch you are.
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