Kids of lesbians have fewer behavioral problems, study suggests

Every time I see the thread title, I think it says "Kinds of lesbians" and I think, how many kinds of lesbians are there? before I realize it's KIDS of lesbians.
Every time I see the thread title, I think it says "Kinds of lesbians" and I think, how many kinds of lesbians are there? before I realize it's KIDS of lesbians.


1.) Rosie Types... Angry at God because they weren't Born Male.

2.) Daddy Issue Girls... ^The Above Prey on them.

3.) Experimental Girls who eventually have a Husband and Children and never talk about it again.

Lohan is a Combo of 2 & 3... As was Anne Heche.



What a shocker...some kids don't like their parents...or what their parents do. Now...I suppose that means that gay parents all over are bad, bad, bad...right?

To each his own, just stateing the facts.

Well, facts are usually presented to prove a point. IF I were to bring up some FACTS about some people unhappy with how their hetero parents raised them, what would I be proving?
What a shocker...some kids don't like their parents...or what their parents do. Now...I suppose that means that gay parents all over are bad, bad, bad...right?

To each his own, just stateing the facts.

Well, facts are usually presented to prove a point. IF I were to bring up some FACTS about some people unhappy with how their hetero parents raised them, what would I be proving?

i know this will generate a storm of controversy, but i think it proves some kids don't like their parents sometimes.

To each his own, just stateing the facts.

Well, facts are usually presented to prove a point. IF I were to bring up some FACTS about some people unhappy with how their hetero parents raised them, what would I be proving?

i know this will generate a storm of controversy, but i think it proves some kids don't like their parents sometimes.


OMIGOD!!!! :disbelief:
What a shocker...some kids don't like their parents...or what their parents do. Now...I suppose that means that gay parents all over are bad, bad, bad...right?

To each his own, just stateing the facts.

Well, facts are usually presented to prove a point. IF I were to bring up some FACTS about some people unhappy with how their hetero parents raised them, what would I be proving?

It only proves that we're all human and subject to error.
To each his own, just stateing the facts.

Well, facts are usually presented to prove a point. IF I were to bring up some FACTS about some people unhappy with how their hetero parents raised them, what would I be proving?

It only proves that we're all human and subject to error.

That I can agree long as you weren't trying to prove that Lesbians as a rule make bad parents.
#3 is what society wants. :)

So much so that Hugh can put up Twins and Triplets in his Magazine who are Disturbingly too Affectionate with one another while Nekkid...

Not only is it Homosexual... It's Boardering on Incest.


Well, facts are usually presented to prove a point. IF I were to bring up some FACTS about some people unhappy with how their hetero parents raised them, what would I be proving?

It only proves that we're all human and subject to error.

That I can agree long as you weren't trying to prove that Lesbians as a rule make bad parents.

I think that these stories told by kids forced into situations of gay lovers is wrong for the child to have to deal with.
That I can agree long as you weren't trying to prove that Lesbians as a rule make bad parents.

I think that these stories told by kids forced into situations of gay lovers is wrong for the child to have to deal with.

Forced into situations of gay lovers?????? :eusa_eh:

Sure... Like when a Child is Born it has a Mother and Father...

At some point, those People did the Natural thing...

Then along the Line, one of them Strays...

Instead of being a Consistent Role Model for the Child until it is Raised, they Act Impulsively and Selfishly...

Then they go even Further and try to Force the Lifestyle on the Child, Burdening the Child with the Sexually Deviant Choices of it's Parent and doing so in a VERY Public way.

Children don't Need the Burden of Adult's Sexual Deviancies.

If you have a Child, the Child should be your Focus, not your own Sexual Deviations...

The Child should be #1... Instead, as we see ALL too Often, the Child becomes a Mule for the Agenda.

Then the Homosexuals Complain the Child is being Picked on at School because it's Guardians have Decided to let the World Know that they are Defying their Natural Design and Coupling with the Same Sex...

And Demanding that everyone Embrace it as Equal and Normal.

This is the Shit that Homosexuals who do this Burden Children with.

Stop it... Leave the Children ALONE.


mal's getting stupider by the second. if you can't handle whatever substance you're abusing, you might want to put it down
mal's getting stupider by the second. if you can't handle whatever substance you're abusing, you might want to put it down

My Observations of what is shouldn't Anger you this much, Sweety. :lol:



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