Kids of lesbians have fewer behavioral problems, study suggests

You are Incapable of seeing it...

No amount of Evidence or Proof would Change your View...

You Obviously have a Dog or Two in this Hunt.



incapable of seeing that you don't have the brains god gave a goat?

hell, ray charles can see that and he's blind AND dead. :lol:

Instead of Reacting like a Child, read it again:

Sure... Like when a Child is Born it has a Mother and Father...

At some point, those People did the Natural thing...

Then along the Line, one of them Strays...

Instead of being a Consistent Role Model for the Child until it is Raised, they Act Impulsively and Selfishly...

Then they go even Further and try to Force the Lifestyle on the Child, Burdening the Child with the Sexually Deviant Choices of it's Parent and doing so in a VERY Public way.

Children don't Need the Burden of Adult's Sexual Deviancies.

If you have a Child, the Child should be your Focus, not your own Sexual Deviations...

The Child should be #1... Instead, as we see ALL too Often, the Child becomes a Mule for the Agenda.

Then the Homosexuals Complain the Child is being Picked on at School because it's Guardians have Decided to let the World Know that they are Defying their Natural Design and Coupling with the Same Sex...

And Demanding that everyone Embrace it as Equal and Normal.

This is the Shit that Homosexuals who do this Burden Children with.

Stop it... Leave the Children ALONE.

And Discuss it... Can you, del?...


You are Incapable of seeing it...

No amount of Evidence or Proof would Change your View...

You Obviously have a Dog or Two in this Hunt.



incapable of seeing that you don't have the brains god gave a goat?

hell, ray charles can see that and he's blind AND dead. :lol:

Instead of Reacting like a Child, read it again:

Sure... Like when a Child is Born it has a Mother and Father...

At some point, those People did the Natural thing...

Then along the Line, one of them Strays...

Instead of being a Consistent Role Model for the Child until it is Raised, they Act Impulsively and Selfishly...

Then they go even Further and try to Force the Lifestyle on the Child, Burdening the Child with the Sexually Deviant Choices of it's Parent and doing so in a VERY Public way.

Children don't Need the Burden of Adult's Sexual Deviancies.

If you have a Child, the Child should be your Focus, not your own Sexual Deviations...

The Child should be #1... Instead, as we see ALL too Often, the Child becomes a Mule for the Agenda.

Then the Homosexuals Complain the Child is being Picked on at School because it's Guardians have Decided to let the World Know that they are Defying their Natural Design and Coupling with the Same Sex...

And Demanding that everyone Embrace it as Equal and Normal.

This is the Shit that Homosexuals who do this Burden Children with.

Stop it... Leave the Children ALONE.

And Discuss it... Can you, del?...



i don't conduct discussions with bigots. there's no point to it.

(CNN) -- A nearly 25-year study concluded that children raised in lesbian households were psychologically well-adjusted and had fewer behavioral problems than their peers.
The study, published Monday in the journal Pediatrics, followed 78 lesbian couples who conceived through sperm donations and assessed their children's well-being through a series of questionnaires and interviews.

Kids of lesbians have fewer behavioral problems, study suggests -

The study isn't valid because the sampling was too small to get accurate findings.

Maybe it would be better to sample at least a thousand couples rather then a few hand picked couples. Take a sampling from same sex couples and male/female couples. Don't ask for volunteers but look at statistical data including domestic dispute occurrences in hetero and lesbian families.

The study is biased.
(CNN) -- A nearly 25-year study concluded that children raised in lesbian households were psychologically well-adjusted and had fewer behavioral problems than their peers.
The study, published Monday in the journal Pediatrics, followed 78 lesbian couples who conceived through sperm donations and assessed their children's well-being through a series of questionnaires and interviews.

Kids of lesbians have fewer behavioral problems, study suggests -

The study isn't valid because the sampling was too small to get accurate findings.

Maybe it would be better to sample at least a thousand couples rather then a few hand picked couples. Take a sampling from same sex couples and male/female couples. Don't ask for volunteers but look at statistical data including domestic dispute occurrences in hetero and lesbian families.

The study is biased.

And then some...

(CNN) -- A nearly 25-year study concluded that children raised in lesbian households were psychologically well-adjusted and had fewer behavioral problems than their peers.
The study, published Monday in the journal Pediatrics, followed 78 lesbian couples who conceived through sperm donations and assessed their children's well-being through a series of questionnaires and interviews.

Kids of lesbians have fewer behavioral problems, study suggests -

Dr. Nanette Gartrell, the author of the study, wrote that the "funding sources played no role in the design or conduct of the study."

"My personal investment is in doing reputable research," said Gartrell. "This is a straightforward statistical analysis. It will stand and it has withstood very rigorous peer review by the people who make the decision whether or not to publish it."

Dr. Diane Mosbacher and Dr. Nanette Kathryn Gartrell were married Thursday at the Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort, in Victoria, British Columbia. Sharon Russell, a marriage commissioner in the province of British Columbia, officiated.



Yeah, TOTALLY Fucking Objective Source for this Study!...



Focus on the Family Studies are NOT Biased by Comparison to this one... And they are the FUCK Biased. :lol:


Kids of Christians have fewer behavioral problems, study suggests

(BSN) - A nearly 25-year study concluded that children raised in Christian households were psychologically well-adjusted and had fewer behavioral problems than their peers.

The study, published Monday in the journal Pediatrics, followed 78 Christian and was conducted and funded by Focus on the Family.

Yep, that's about how Absurd this "Study" is:

The Journal of Pediatrics is Exposed for it's Abject Bias for even Entertaining the Idea of Publishing this "Study"...

Had Focus on the Family Approached them with the same, they would have Laughed at them...

And they should have Laughed at the Lesbian who Conducted this and was looking for Validation in her own Life where None existed on it's own.


78 lesbian couples who conceived

And there is NO such thing...

There is a Woman who used a Sperm Donation to Conceive and Deliberately Deny that Child a Father.

It's one thing to Adopt a Child who doesn't have a Home, it's another to Willfully Deny it a Mother or Father.


So this is personal to you, huh mal? The thought that a family can exist without a male living in the household angers you. Got it. :lol:
So this is personal to you, huh mal? The thought that a family can exist without a male living in the household angers you. Got it. :lol: you want to throw sexism into this.

Hardly a convincing argument.

Truth is a Lesbian couple can conceive but only with help. So mal is wrong about that.

But I don't think he is showing hatred just because there is no male in the family. It's a little extreme to assume that.

It doesn't change the fact that the researcher intended on proving a specific finding during her research and the study was geared to wasn't honest. Too many possible factors were left out of the study for it to be representative of the real world. Perfect examples of good parenting by lesbians were matched up with normal hetero families making the study weighted toward a desired finding. Were there any volunteers allowed in the study that were straight couples?

According to the
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