Kiev Planning a Strike on Russia with Western-Made Missiles

Putin and also Russia will NEVER accept an Ukraine being a NATO member - that's what this whole thing is about.
Due to NATO's and Ukraine's continued attempts in this matter - right up to NATO/USA promoting a proxy war, Putin in the meantime does not even accept an Ukraine as such anymore. Things really got far worse after Putin's failed coup and intimidating military move towards Kiev.

The way I see it - as long as Putin and the Russian army has room and $$ to breath - this war or conflict will never stop. Unless due to a major political shift in the USA or some NATO countries, NATO will always be able to match and outmatch Russia's military capabilities. NATO however will make sure that the whole issue won't result into a major issue between NATO and Russia. Thus keep Ukraine to be their playground.

The decisive factor therefore IMO is as to how long will the Ukrainian population (leave aside the woke Kiev community) be willing to endure a miserable and hopeless livelihood?
Time to retire this conflict for it's a no win situation for all involved(except our military industrial complex). This conflict is way too expen$ive in both $$$$$ & human life like humanity can do better than this.

It's a win situation for Russia.

It's a lost sitituation for the Collective West, NATO and The Usurper in Chief Administration of Biden.
Don't you think that the whole fabric of international relations has been threatened by America in at least 35 wars of aggression started by America since the end of WW2?

We need to try to keep the scale of aggression in it's proper perspective, and that includes China's record too, as one of the three major superpowers.

(my bolding)

My biggest concern now is that America's propaganda is started to be penetrated, and that commonly results in the CIA becoming involved with false accusations against America's enemy, with escalations of the war to follow.

Regardless of how the blame is attached to one side or the other, that's not worrying. The escalation to nuclear war is this time.

This is not an enemy of America that can be easily defeated at will. This is the real thing this time.
Don't you think that the whole fabric of international relations has been threatened by America in at least 35 wars of aggression started by America since the end of WW2?

No, just the opposite. When another rogue nation like Russia, Nazi Germany, tore apart the whole system of international relations, it was the US that put a stop to it, and it was the US that US that led the world to build a new system of international relations which is what we have now. Look at almost any important international organization or document or since WWII, and it was begun as a US initiative. Even the EU had its beginnings as the Common Market, which was an American initiative to help end the Europeans nations from making war on one another.

The conflicts the US has been involved in since WWII have all been efforts to preserve and protect this new system of international relations against other rogue nations, and never to acquire that land, people or wealth of other nations. By contrast, all of Russia's conflicts in modern times have been for the purpose of acquiring the land, people and wealth of other nations.

Russia was Hitler's partner in destroying the system of international relations that existed before WWII because of its unquenchable desire for the land, people and wealth of eastern Europe and at the end of the war, Russia again immediately became the enemy of civilization by breaking all of its solemn agreements to allow the eastern European nations to choose their own course after being freed from Nazi oppression.

So while the US was fighting to protect and preserve the fabric of civilization Russia has been clawing at it in its insatiable desire to acquire the land and people and wealth of other nations.

So, to preserve the integrity of the laws and treaties which are the bedrocks upon which the civilized world is built, it is essential that Russia not be allowed to gain anything from its imperialist aggression against the state and people of Ukraine.
Don't you think that the whole fabric of international relations has been threatened by America in at least 35 wars of aggression started by America since the end of WW2?

We need to try to keep the scale of aggression in it's proper perspective, and that includes China's record too, as one of the three major superpowers.

(my bolding)

My biggest concern now is that America's propaganda is started to be penetrated, and that commonly results in the CIA becoming involved with false accusations against America's enemy, with escalations of the war to follow.

Regardless of how the blame is attached to one side or the other, that's not worrying. The escalation to nuclear war is this time.

This is not an enemy of America that can be easily defeated at will. This is the real thing this time.
Russia is not a superpower. It’s not even a regional power anymore. The invasion of Ukraine has proven that for anyone with eyes to see. Russia is like the UK, a minor power with delusions of grandeur fed by past events.
Well the problem with using proxy war is its definition and what is a proxy war.

proxy war definition - a war instigated by a major power which does not itself become involved.

US is not involved in the fighting but they have advisors on the ground, Russia instigated it. Both are major powers.

The war in Donbas is a clearer example that started in 2014. Insurgent groups that was supported by Russia fought to become separate from Ukraine. They were supported by Russia. unfortunately the insurgent groups were ineffective and Russia had to step in. Russia instigated this war in an effort to force Ukraine to reject western help and they did not want Ukraine to join NATO. The Donbas war meets the definition and is considered part of Ukraine. Well deepening on what side of the war your on.

Russian instigated the war by supporting the rebels. Yes it has expanded. Currently there are US and NATO special troops in Ukraine. I do not know what there doing but they are probably not doing the fighting. US and NATO supply Ukraine with weapons.

As you point out, Russa did start a proxy war against Ukraine in 2014 for the purpose of gaining control of parts of Ukraine, but there is no evidence the US had any hand in using Ukraine as a proxy to fight Russia.

We know there are some US troops in Ukraine who monitor the delivery and use of US weapons sent there, largely because of allegations the weapons may not all be delivered to Ukrainian troops, and there may be troops from some other NATO member states in Ukraine for similar purposes, but there is no evidence any US troops have been sent there to take part in the fighting.
Russia is not a superpower. It’s not even a regional power anymore. The invasion of Ukraine has proven that for anyone with eyes to see. Russia is like the UK, a minor power with delusions of grandeur fed by past events.
As Blinken quipped a few days ago, people use to think Russia had the second most powerful army in the world, but now they see it has only the second most powerful army in Ukraine.
Conditions on the ground SUCK for any offensive, the mud is 10 feet deep

Ukraine is a shell of itself, it has no business attacking. The remaining Ukey Army needs to remove Zelen$ky and his WEF Masters and MAKE PEACE!
This is really the best option as it would basically undo the problem right where it started.
See Toomuchbooze remains in a stupor .I expect Russia has contingency plans to take out Washington and London . So what? The US and Ukey Nazi proxy first and second armies had plenty of plans before being obliterated by Dear Uncle and his merry band . What went so desperately wrong?
What's the point in adding that?
Are you trying to say that you have complete confidence in the Ukraine winning the war?

IF you're saying you have confidence in America winning the war against Russia, it would make a lot more sense. I'll take it as your opinion in any case.
Sniveller is looking for options which reduce the chance of his head aches turning him completely doolally
Don't you think that the whole fabric of international relations has been threatened by America in at least 35 wars of aggression started by America since the end of WW2?

No, just the opposite. When another rogue nation like Russia, Nazi Germany, tore apart the whole system of international relations, it was the US that put a stop to it, and it was the US that US that led the world to build a new system of international relations which is what we have now. Look at almost any important international organization or document or since WWII, and it was begun as a US initiative. Even the EU had its beginnings as the Common Market, which was an American initiative to help end the Europeans nations from making war on one another.

The conflicts the US has been involved in since WWII have all been efforts to preserve and protect this new system of international relations against other rogue nations, and never to acquire that land, people or wealth of other nations. By contrast, all of Russia's conflicts in modern times have been for the purpose of acquiring the land, people and wealth of other nations.

Russia was Hitler's partner in destroying the system of international relations that existed before WWII because of its unquenchable desire for the land, people and wealth of eastern Europe and at the end of the war, Russia again immediately became the enemy of civilization by breaking all of its solemn agreements to allow the eastern European nations to choose their own course after being freed from Nazi oppression.

So while the US was fighting to protect and preserve the fabric of civilization Russia has been clawing at it in its insatiable desire to acquire the land and people and wealth of other nations.

So, to preserve the integrity of the laws and treaties which are the bedrocks upon which the civilized world is built, it is essential that Russia not be allowed to gain anything from its imperialist aggression against the state and people of Ukraine.
America's murder of millions in it's 35+ wars of aggression was no different from its Iraq wars which finally exposed the truth.

America could no longer hide the truth.

But America is fighting it's last proxy war now against a worthy opponent (s).

That's the reason why the world could be facing great peril. Life is cheap for Christians who imagine a second chance.
America's murder of millions in it's 35+ wars of aggression was no different from its Iraq wars which finally exposed the truth.

America could no longer hide the truth.

But America is fighting it's last proxy war now against a worthy opponent (s).

That's the reason why the world could be facing great peril. Life is cheap for Christians who imagine a second chance.
The truth is America has fought in these conflicts to preserve and protect the system of international relations that benefits the peoples all nations, whereas Russia has fought its war only to acquire the land, people and wealth of other nations. The new world order Putin and Xi babble about is one in which there are no obstacles to their imperialist aggressions.
The truth is America has fought in these conflicts to preserve and protect the system of international relations that benefits the peoples all nations,
America has murdered an estimated 30 million people in foreign lands to save them from communism.
whereas Russia has fought its war only to acquire the land, people and wealth of other nations. The new world order Putin and Xi babble about is one in which there are no obstacles to their imperialist aggressions.
I'm aware of your opinion.
As you point out, Russa did start a proxy war against Ukraine in 2014 for the purpose of gaining control of parts of Ukraine, but there is no evidence the US had any hand in using Ukraine as a proxy to fight Russia.

We know there are some US troops in Ukraine who monitor the delivery and use of US weapons sent there, largely because of allegations the weapons may not all be delivered to Ukrainian troops, and there may be troops from some other NATO member states in Ukraine for similar purposes, but there is no evidence any US troops have been sent there to take part in the fighting.

Well I did not say they were fighting but only that they were in the country obvious to provide guidance on the weapons that were given to Ukraine and also as "eyes on the ground" in case any of these weapons leave the country (Ukraine).

I wonder what would happen if Russia tried to take NATO or US weaponry that was given to Ukraine.
Would the US response in some fashion? I do not know how the US would respond but only suggest that there might be a response.
Putin and also Russia will NEVER accept an Ukraine being a NATO member - that's what this whole thing is about.
Due to NATO's and Ukraine's continued attempts in this matter - right up to NATO/USA promoting a proxy war, Putin in the meantime does not even accept an Ukraine as such anymore. Things really got far worse after Putin's failed coup and intimidating military move towards Kiev.

The way I see it - as long as Putin and the Russian army has room and $$ to breath - this war or conflict will never stop. Unless due to a major political shift in the USA or some NATO countries, NATO will always be able to match and outmatch Russia's military capabilities. NATO however will make sure that the whole issue won't result into a major issue between NATO and Russia. Thus keep Ukraine to be their playground.

The decisive factor therefore IMO is as to how long will the Ukrainian population (leave aside the woke Kiev community) be willing to endure a miserable and hopeless livelihood?

Well that is the million dollar question. How long will Ukrainian hold out and continue the fight. They have embarrassed Russia but they have also suffered significant casualties and in a prolong war this is a problem. Time is not on there side as long as Putin remains in power. A prolong war favors Russia. Ukraine has fought bravely against a legitimate super power.

Putin needs to go and preferably be ousted by his own people. Jail would be to kind to him. He likes it rough so they should be rough with him.
When people like Macgregor and Ritter say Russia is fighting a very limited war and could, in reality, unleash a devastating firepower on Ukraine I generally take their words with a huge grain of salt because the sheer volume of lies and propaganda generated by both sides is unbelievable.

But when conservatives like Zakaria basically say the same thing I tend to give them more credit:

I think that the Russians have not actually done as much as they could have done. I mean Russia has the largest nuclear Arsenal in the world it has a huge Army that has the capacity to do much more damage in Ukraine proper.

You know most of the damage they've done has been in the parts of Ukraine that they believe should be incorporated into Russia the donbass and that band of Ukraine.

They could unleash much more havoc on Ukraine itself... Now they would pay a huge price but I don't think it's fair to say that the Russians have done everything they can in fact that's what scares me I think the Russians could go up this escalation chain.

17:19 - 17:58
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Originally posted by AZrailwhale
Russia is not a superpower. It’s not even a regional power anymore. The invasion of Ukraine has proven that for anyone with eyes to see. Russia is like the UK, a minor power with delusions of grandeur fed by past events.

Originally posted by toomuchtime
As Blinken quipped a few days ago, people use to think Russia had the second most powerful army in the world, but now they see it has only the second most powerful army in Ukraine.

As Zakaria correctly stated in other words, super patriotic american clowns who keep mocking Russia's military should be careful what they wish for.
When people like Macgregor and Ritter say Russia is fighting a very limited war and could, in reality, unleash a devastating firepower on Ukraine I generally take their words with a huge grain of salt because the sheer volume of lies and propaganda generated by both sides is unbelievable.

But when conservatives like Zakaria basically say the same thing I tend to give them more credit:

I think that the Russians have not actually done as much as they could have done. I mean Russia has the largest nuclear Arsenal in the world it has a huge Army that has the capacity to do much more damage in Ukraine proper.

You know most of the damage they've done has been in the parts of Ukraine that they believe should be incorporated into Russia the donbass and that band of Ukraine.

They could unleash much more havoc on Ukraine itself... Now they would pay a huge price but I don't think it's fair to say that the Russians have done everything they can in fact that's what scares me I think the Russians could go up this escalation chain.

17:19 - 17:58

Russia could kill many more Ukrainian civilians and destroy more civilian infrastructure, but its military is struggling to try to keep up with the Ukrainian military and it appears to be doubtful Russia will be able to keep up this level of conflict for very long, let alone intensify it.

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