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Kill All The Boomers?

he's right.

boomers - get.the.fuck.out.of.our.way.

Not so fast, child! There are just a few things you and the author of that piece of drivel seem to have forgotten. To begin with, not all of us were a bunch of spoiled, tie-dyed, long haired, drug-abusing, hippie, wannabe rebels in the first place. We weren't all raised according to the Doctor Spock permissive school of child rearing, and we weren't mindless followers of this trend or that. Some of us were and are actually achievers and leaders; we served our country, even when it was unpopular; we were too busy doing that, and spending our college days actually going to class and learning, to have time to attend protest marches, go to Woodstock, or drop acid. We left that, and the politics that came with it, up to our angst-ridden, true-believing, "let's all run amok" co-evals, (obviously the sort who raised you). We didn't sell out; we never "turned on, tuned in, and dropped out" in the first place. Instead of wandering about trying to "find ourselves", we found jobs, went to work, and raised our kids in a decent home, not on some free-love commune.

Eventually, some of our hippie brethren figured out that we must be doing something right after all, and decided to grow up and join the real world, too. Of course, being a little behind the curve, many of them are still trying to figure out how to save enough to retire on. As for us, we DON'T eat tofu and bean sprouts, we DON'T wear Birkenstocks, Tilley hats, and Crocs, and we are too busy enjoying life to worry about the futility of trying to live forever; in the words of Jimmy Buffett, "I'd rather die while I'm living, than live while I'm dead!"

As for your generation, most of you seem to be as spoiled, clueless, aimless, and slack as the worst of our generation; hell, some of you are in your thirties, and still living under your parents' roof! Don't fret too much, you will eventually have your turn at being in charge, when (and if) you ever grow up. As it is, the "Greatest Generation" is pretty much gone, we are at the age where people acquire money and power, and it is likely even the older ones of us will be around for a while yet, so I'm afraid you will just have to wait your turn at the levers of power. Meanwhile, enjoy that exaggerated opinion of your self-worth and abilities that Mommy, Daddy, and your professors at college gave you; the rest of us know better, and at this point, Junior, most of you have not actually proved diddly squat.

The "Greatest Generation" made its mistakes, we made our mistakes, and believe me, your generation will make your mistakes; you are NOT perfect, either, nor do you know it all, nor do you have all the answers. In time you will learn that wisdom comes as much from knowing just how much you don't know, as it does from what you do know. In the meantime, I suggest you sit down, shut up, pay attention, and try to learn something from those who have had just a bit more life experience than you; it is just possible we know a few things you do not.

Please tell me you have written a book, that I may purchase it. :clap2:
Social commentary from an unknown angry Canadian poet writing in an unknown Canadian magazine. "Leave my pop culture alone"? Gladly. Baby Boomers are creative geniuses compared to the self indulgent whining spoiled Gen X'ers.
Boomers don't have helicopter parents calling their kids college professors and bosses asking them not to be so mean to their "child", either.

Boomers usually grew up at the normal time and actually made their own lives; they stopped depending on mommy and daddy in their late teens/early 20s, not well into their 30s.
Social commentary from an unknown angry Canadian poet writing in an unknown Canadian magazine. "Leave my pop culture alone"? Gladly. Baby Boomers are creative geniuses compared to the self indulgent whining spoiled Gen X'ers.

You know, that part of it made me raise my eyebrows a bit; just what pop culture is he so worried about boomers destroying? Let me see what sort of "pop culture" that is; hmmm, so far as I can tell, it seems based largely on video games, bad movies based on video games, cell phones, "social media" as a substitute for real, live human contact, "reality TV" which is anything but real, and the aimless, non-committal, scratch-an-itch sex of "friends with benefits" relationships. In short, detached, alienated, self-absorbed, sterile and dysfunctional; lacking warmth, creativity, passion, grand vision, or any sense of adventure except of the vicarious sort; a barren, amorphous, anonymous, socio-phobic, digital hell with icons for emotions, case for tone of voice; synthetic, anesthetic, safe as the womb, lifeless as the tomb, with an off switch or a reset button for when it all becomes too much like...well, living. Shut the TV, the cell phone and the video game box off for a week, and most of them would go stark raving mad from boredom, simply from being denied their "imitation of life" and a sorry imitation it is.

No wonder they screech so loudly, when the real world actually has the unmitigated gall to impinge on their fantasy world of abstract perfection.
I say we hook up some juice to the voting machines, anybody that votes democratic gets fried. Regardless of age, color, religion, gender, that way there's no discrimination and we cull the herd of idiots.
You've had a good run, flower children, longer than anybody else's, but the bloom's off, it's last call at Alice's Café, time to relocate. I hear P.E.I. is nice, and it has a convenient bridge. The kind that locks at night.
:lmao: Man, this guy's got a serious gripe with you Boomers!! Must not have been held enough by his parents!! :lmao:

, or too much??

Social commentary from an unknown angry Canadian poet writing in an unknown Canadian magazine. "Leave my pop culture alone"? Gladly. Baby Boomers are creative geniuses compared to the self indulgent whining spoiled Gen X'ers.

You know, that part of it made me raise my eyebrows a bit; just what pop culture is he so worried about boomers destroying? Let me see what sort of "pop culture" that is; hmmm, so far as I can tell, it seems based largely on video games, bad movies based on video games, cell phones, "social media" as a substitute for real, live human contact, "reality TV" which is anything but real, and the aimless, non-committal, scratch-an-itch sex of "friends with benefits" relationships. In short, detached, alienated, self-absorbed, sterile and dysfunctional; lacking warmth, creativity, passion, grand vision, or any sense of adventure except of the vicarious sort; a barren, amorphous, anonymous, socio-phobic, digital hell with icons for emotions, case for tone of voice; synthetic, anesthetic, safe as the womb, lifeless as the tomb, with an off switch or a reset button for when it all becomes too much like...well, living. Shut the TV, the cell phone and the video game box off for a week, and most of them would go stark raving mad from boredom, simply from being denied their "imitation of life" and a sorry imitation it is.

No wonder they screech so loudly, when the real world actually has the unmitigated gall to impinge on their fantasy world of abstract perfection.

Damn! Why, as a Gen X'er, do I feel like I just got virtually slapped!

Sad thing is, I can't find much to argue with when it comes to our pop culture... Never really paid close attention to it and when I did, it was quite disturbing.

I do find it entertaining when I hear the older generation complaining about the up and coming one though! I can imagine your generation heard it quite a bit from your parents as well...
All I can say is have faith Gadfly, like your generation, we've had unique experiences growing up. Many of us became latch-key kids because women were finally allowed(had) to enter the workforce so this built independence in us at a very early age. Our generation also were the ones to cut teeth on mouse pads and monitors, technology has made leaps and bounds in just the few decades we've been alive. We saw the birth of public access internet which is giving people all over the world limitless knowledge. We also witnessed the worst terrorist act on America's soil... The one positive you could pull from that tragedy is that it was the first time the United States felt, well, united! The list goes on but I'm sure you catch my drift.
As you said, with your generation, the long haired hippy types took awhile to realize that the straight and narrow was actually "groovy." Our pants-sagging, arrogant "peeps" will also come to this conclusion.
Social commentary from an unknown angry Canadian poet writing in an unknown Canadian magazine. "Leave my pop culture alone"? Gladly. Baby Boomers are creative geniuses compared to the self indulgent whining spoiled Gen X'ers.

You know, that part of it made me raise my eyebrows a bit; just what pop culture is he so worried about boomers destroying? Let me see what sort of "pop culture" that is; hmmm, so far as I can tell, it seems based largely on video games, bad movies based on video games, cell phones, "social media" as a substitute for real, live human contact, "reality TV" which is anything but real, and the aimless, non-committal, scratch-an-itch sex of "friends with benefits" relationships. In short, detached, alienated, self-absorbed, sterile and dysfunctional; lacking warmth, creativity, passion, grand vision, or any sense of adventure except of the vicarious sort; a barren, amorphous, anonymous, socio-phobic, digital hell with icons for emotions, case for tone of voice; synthetic, anesthetic, safe as the womb, lifeless as the tomb, with an off switch or a reset button for when it all becomes too much like...well, living. Shut the TV, the cell phone and the video game box off for a week, and most of them would go stark raving mad from boredom, simply from being denied their "imitation of life" and a sorry imitation it is.

No wonder they screech so loudly, when the real world actually has the unmitigated gall to impinge on their fantasy world of abstract perfection.

Damn! Why, as a Gen X'er, do I feel like I just got virtually slapped!

Sad thing is, I can't find much to argue with when it comes to our pop culture... Never really paid close attention to it and when I did, it was quite disturbing.

I do find it entertaining when I hear the older generation complaining about the up and coming one though! I can imagine your generation heard it quite a bit from your parents as well...
All I can say is have faith Gadfly, like your generation, we've had unique experiences growing up. Many of us became latch-key kids because women were finally allowed(had) to enter the workforce so this built independence in us at a very early age. Our generation also were the ones to cut teeth on mouse pads and monitors, technology has made leaps and bounds in just the few decades we've been alive. We saw the birth of public access internet which is giving people all over the world limitless knowledge. We also witnessed the worst terrorist act on America's soil... The one positive you could pull from that tragedy is that it was the first time the United States felt, well, united! The list goes on but I'm sure you catch my drift.
As you said, with your generation, the long haired hippy types took awhile to realize that the straight and narrow was actually "groovy." Our pants-sagging, arrogant "peeps" will also come to this conclusion.
I agree, too.

It's simply silly for any generation to toss a previous or up-coming one in the trash. There is always something, several things, they had or have to offer. And, that is a generalization I feel confident in making right now.
First Thing: Kill All the Boomers

While I don't condone violence, I can condone a reasonable, humane culling of the aging herd. They don't have to actually die, just virtually pass away. And here's how: if you are a boomer, stop. Just stop. Stop working, stop acquiring, stop micro-managing your (and my) universe, stop sucking the life out of popular culture, stop going outdoors in those ghastly Crocs and Tilley Endurable hats, and, please, stop talking about how you're eventually going to stop and, instead, stop. Now.

This guy can kiss my bodacious boomer ass.

Mine too!
hey i'm not saying that the boomers weren't great and all - it's just time for them to get out of the way.

let someone else have a chance and get your wrinkly asses out of the work force.
hey i'm not saying that the boomers weren't great and all - it's just time for them to get out of the way.

let someone else have a chance and get your wrinkly asses out of the work force.

Look Prince Charles, we'll get out of the way when we're dead. Until then, bide your time like a good little aging prince. :lol:
hey i'm not saying that the boomers weren't great and all - it's just time for them to get out of the way.

let someone else have a chance and get your wrinkly asses out of the work force.

Look Prince Charles, we'll get out of the way when we're dead. Until then, bide your time like a good little aging prince. :lol:

but see, you guys never did have to wait your turn. and now you won't share.

so again, i just ask that you get out of the way.

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