Killing Ragheads for Jesus: American Sniper

Drones... cool technology... great idea for limiting our own casualties in a variety of circumstances... but we need to do a better job with pre-strike intelligence, and command and control functions, rather than throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Depends on whose baby's blown to pieces by the drones, doesn't it?
Drones... cool technology... great idea for limiting our own casualties in a variety of circumstances... but we need to do a better job with pre-strike intelligence, and command and control functions, rather than throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Depends on whose baby's blown to pieces by the drones, doesn't it?
It sure does.

Better theirs than ours.

Next batter...
It sure does.

Better theirs than ours.

Next batter...
"A false dilemma, or false dichotomy, is a logical fallacy which involves presenting two opposing views, options or outcomes in such a way that they seem to be the only possibilities: that is, if one is true, the other must be false, or, more typically, if you do not accept one then the other must be accepted. The reality in most cases is that there are many in-between or other alternative options, not just two mutually exclusive ones."
Strike One.
False dilemma - RationalWiki
Your jealousy of those who get up and do is also as obvious as the nose on the face of Loony Nutty's avatar. Your insistence that they must share their wealth with you is typical of whiny, sniveling socialists.

I suspect we're talking about two different sets of "they." The US tax structure places successful small business owners earning $400,000 a year in the same bracket as parasites earning ten or twenty times that much by shipping US middle class jobs to China.

Only for marginal income dollars ... that is, the more one makes over $400,000/yr, the more one pays at the highest rate but I take your statement to mean you are OK with successful small biz owners making as much as they can but not OK with successful large biz owners doing the same. When did the most successful among us become "parasites?"
BTW, all of the 6 richest peeps all came from modest means. The Koch Bros (#7 & #8) inherited their dad's (he also of modest means) money and made it worth much, much more. The Walton's inherited their dad's (he also of modest means) wealth and also made it worth much, much more. Do you see the common thread here? People of modest means becoming fabulously wealthy thanks to America's opportunities and you just green with envy.
Only for marginal income dollars ... that is, the more one makes over $400,000/yr, the more one pays at the highest rate but I take your statement to mean you are OK with successful small biz owners making as much as they can but not OK with successful large biz owners doing the same
Wrong again.
Those engaged in productive enterprises that often require 50-100 hours/week of actual labor should not be paying taxes at the same rate as parasites engaged in speculation. Once the marginal tax rate falls below 50%, top "earners" no longer have sufficient opportunities for productive (job creating) investments. Invariably, the greedy sponges turn to gambling on Wall Street. The fact that you will never be counted among these whores should be a source of pride, but apparently your self-absorption makes you blind to that too.
Consider what Kyle’s publisher wrote after his tragic passing: “He dedicated his life in recent years to supporting veterans and donated the proceeds of American Sniper to the families of his fallen friends” (italics mine). An article in the Blaze definitively proclaimed: “A perfect reflection of his character, Kyle gave all proceeds from his best-selling book American Sniper to the families of soldiers killed in combat” (italics mine). Or this line from a Human Events article: “For American Sniper, Kyle donated the profits from that book to charity.” Kyle himself perpetuated this idea, telling the same proceeds-went-to-charity tale to the Texas News Service and even adding that he regularly received tearful calls and letters of thanks.

And now for the kicker: It isn’t true. Out of the staggering $3 million that American Sniper collected in royalties for Kyle, only $52,000 actually went to the families of fallen servicemen. (Rather than 100 percent of the proceeds, as the public was led to believe, try 2 percent!) While Kyle’s widow claimed, in her testimony, that they never intended to profit from the book, and “wanted” to donate the money to other veterans, she said they were weren’t able to because of — get this! — “gift-tax laws that prevented them from donating more than $13,000 each to two families last year.”.

Justice for Jesse Ventura Was Right in His Lawsuit National Review Online
Stock market speculators would have much more virtue if they instead became communal organic farmers..
For the proletariat comrades !!!!
The Walton's inherited their dad's (he also of modest means) wealth and also made it worth much, much more. Do you see the common thread here?
People who inherit hundred of millions of dollars become billionaires? Sounds like capitalism at its finest.

Indeed it is. They could have just wallowed in their inheritance, lived off the interest and dividends, and accomplished nothing of value. Instead they applied themselves and were rewarded. The point you assiduously avoided (and do so consistently) is that Daddy Koch, like Daddy Walton and all of the wealth list's top 6 came from MODEST MEANS. Regular peeps making good on the American Dream. No wonder you are so jealous.
Only for marginal income dollars ... that is, the more one makes over $400,000/yr, the more one pays at the highest rate but I take your statement to mean you are OK with successful small biz owners making as much as they can but not OK with successful large biz owners doing the same

Wrong again.
Those engaged in productive enterprises that often require 50-100 hours/week of actual labor should not be paying taxes at the same rate as parasites engaged in speculation. Once the marginal tax rate falls below 50%, top "earners" no longer have sufficient opportunities for productive (job creating) investments. Invariably, the greedy sponges turn to gambling on Wall Street. The fact that you will never be counted among these whores should be a source of pride, but apparently your self-absorption makes you blind to that too.

Speculation is merely the way insanely jealous socialists describe that which they haven't the courage or smarts to do ... put ones wealth AT RISK today for the OPPORTUNITY to reap future gain. Those who invest in the market make business growth, new jobs and R&D possible. Even those small biz entrepreneurs you pretend to approve of "speculate" with their wealth in the hope of reaping future gains ... they just invest in themselves. How is it OK for them to do so but not those with hundreds of millions to invest? No matter how much you try to spin your jealousy it still reads like sour grapes.
Consider what Kyle’s publisher wrote after his tragic passing: “He dedicated his life in recent years to supporting veterans and donated the proceeds of American Sniper to the families of his fallen friends” (italics mine). An article in the Blaze definitively proclaimed: “A perfect reflection of his character, Kyle gave all proceeds from his best-selling book American Sniper to the families of soldiers killed in combat” (italics mine). Or this line from a Human Events article: “For American Sniper, Kyle donated the profits from that book to charity.” Kyle himself perpetuated this idea, telling the same proceeds-went-to-charity tale to the Texas News Service and even adding that he regularly received tearful calls and letters of thanks.

And now for the kicker: It isn’t true. Out of the staggering $3 million that American Sniper collected in royalties for Kyle, only $52,000 actually went to the families of fallen servicemen. (Rather than 100 percent of the proceeds, as the public was led to believe, try 2 percent!) While Kyle’s widow claimed, in her testimony, that they never intended to profit from the book, and “wanted” to donate the money to other veterans, she said they were weren’t able to because of — get this! — “gift-tax laws that prevented them from donating more than $13,000 each to two families last year.”.

Justice for Jesse Ventura Was Right in His Lawsuit National Review Online

I didn't see the movie because Kyle was a real-life hero and I have no interest in the soap opera which now surrounds it. It was revealing as well as ENTERTAINING and a part of me hopes there really are still Americans prepared to put their lives at risk to protect and defend this country and to confront evil whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head. Ventura looks like a BOZO trying to reap some free PR. You just look like an angry clown.
We need men like Chris Kyle who put it all on the line so the rest of us can sit back on our couches and watch stupid sit-coms and reality shows and not think about all the people who want to kill us.
Maybe we should watch fewer sit-coms, and pay more attention to those getting rich from killing Muslims for money?

Dayam. You are consumed with jealousy of everyone who has the audacity to get rich. Think of it this way, GP: those who protect this country are even protecting those who slithered out of their military obligation after 10 whole days in uniform. Those who get rich are paying the taxes that keep America solvent even as some simply languish in their failures and rabid jealousy.
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Consider what Kyle’s publisher wrote after his tragic passing: “He dedicated his life in recent years to supporting veterans and donated the proceeds of American Sniper to the families of his fallen friends” (italics mine). An article in the Blaze definitively proclaimed: “A perfect reflection of his character, Kyle gave all proceeds from his best-selling book American Sniper to the families of soldiers killed in combat” (italics mine). Or this line from a Human Events article: “For American Sniper, Kyle donated the profits from that book to charity.” Kyle himself perpetuated this idea, telling the same proceeds-went-to-charity tale to the Texas News Service and even adding that he regularly received tearful calls and letters of thanks.

And now for the kicker: It isn’t true. Out of the staggering $3 million that American Sniper collected in royalties for Kyle, only $52,000 actually went to the families of fallen servicemen. (Rather than 100 percent of the proceeds, as the public was led to believe, try 2 percent!) While Kyle’s widow claimed, in her testimony, that they never intended to profit from the book, and “wanted” to donate the money to other veterans, she said they were weren’t able to because of — get this! — “gift-tax laws that prevented them from donating more than $13,000 each to two families last year.”.

Justice for Jesse Ventura Was Right in His Lawsuit National Review Online

I didn't see the movie because Kyle was a real-life hero and I have no interest in the soap opera which now surrounds it. It was revealing as well as ENTERTAINING and a part of me hopes there really are still Americans prepared to put their lives at risk to protect and defend this country and to confront evil whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head. Ventura looks like a BOZO trying to reap some free PR. You just look like an angry clown.
You seem like some sort of inbred one tooth nut case...Kyle a hero LOL get real he was a braggart and a fool...the latter is why he is dead...he was a clownish fool ...I laugh at you and all the pathetic Right wing galoots that think the dead dude is a hero
Consider what Kyle’s publisher wrote after his tragic passing: “He dedicated his life in recent years to supporting veterans and donated the proceeds of American Sniper to the families of his fallen friends” (italics mine). An article in the Blaze definitively proclaimed: “A perfect reflection of his character, Kyle gave all proceeds from his best-selling book American Sniper to the families of soldiers killed in combat” (italics mine). Or this line from a Human Events article: “For American Sniper, Kyle donated the profits from that book to charity.” Kyle himself perpetuated this idea, telling the same proceeds-went-to-charity tale to the Texas News Service and even adding that he regularly received tearful calls and letters of thanks.

And now for the kicker: It isn’t true. Out of the staggering $3 million that American Sniper collected in royalties for Kyle, only $52,000 actually went to the families of fallen servicemen. (Rather than 100 percent of the proceeds, as the public was led to believe, try 2 percent!) While Kyle’s widow claimed, in her testimony, that they never intended to profit from the book, and “wanted” to donate the money to other veterans, she said they were weren’t able to because of — get this! — “gift-tax laws that prevented them from donating more than $13,000 each to two families last year.”.

Justice for Jesse Ventura Was Right in His Lawsuit National Review Online

I didn't see the movie because Kyle was a real-life hero and I have no interest in the soap opera which now surrounds it. It was revealing as well as ENTERTAINING and a part of me hopes there really are still Americans prepared to put their lives at risk to protect and defend this country and to confront evil whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head. Ventura looks like a BOZO trying to reap some free PR. You just look like an angry clown.
You seem like some sort of inbred one tooth nut case...Kyle a hero LOL get real he was a braggart and a fool...the latter is why he is dead...he was a clownish fool ...I laugh at you and all the pathetic Right wing galoots that think the dead dude is a hero

Evidently your comprehension skills - as well as your humility - could use a bit of work.

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