Killing Ragheads for Jesus: American Sniper

Loyal citizens of every stripe who respond to foreign aggression is what defeats violent enemies, as evidenced by the outcome of WW-II. And while a percentage of these loyal citizens are war-lovers motivated by machismo and homicidal impulse, the vast majority are not.
It's precisely that patriotic response by a majority of citizens to foreign occupation that has generated civil war in every country the US has invaded since the end of WWII. IMHO, as long as few earn massive profits from war without being required to pay for war's externalities, the richest among us will continue exploiting violence for their own benefit at the expense of the majority of humanity.
Generally speaking, American citizens are not war-lovers; quite the contrary.

At worst, many (most?) Americans have become numbed by America's constant 'World Policeman' role since the end of WWII, in which we oftentimes find ourselves the only Cop willing (or, in the first decade or two after WWII, the only Cop able) to confront the Bad Guys, as well as a couple of ill-advised preemptive military adventures.

We do an excellent job of Nation Building when we burn an enemy all the way down to the ground, as may be seen with Germany and Japan, but we have a terrible track record in attempts at Nation Building, when we have not beaten the enemy down into a submissive and prostrate behavior, first, so that we may fill the vacuum with our own mindset.

The Americanization of both Germany and Japan worked fairly well - providing both with a healthy portion of Western or American -style democratic processes and traditions, while preserving the best of their old ways and respecting their uniqueness.

Unfortunately, many of our Interventions since WWII have involved backwards - even savage, sometimes - cultures and populations - who simply aren't ready for the mindset of Individualism and political and personal Independence and who oftentimes simply don't want what we're trying to adapt and foist upon them.

We need to be more selective in our overseas military adventures, and undertake fewer of them, and for better reasons, and we need to avoid even trying to Nation-Build, after a rumble, in most instances.

When we DO decide to commit to military intervention, we need to take the gloves off, go in and slaughter the Bad Guys in huge and decisively punishing numbers, then walk away, and let them fix their own broken country - at least beyond the realm of some very temporary humanitarian relief to avoid starvation or similar catastrophic impact upon the populace.

We do far more Good in the world than we do Bad, in the final analysis, but the ratio has slipped in recent decades, and we need to work on improving that ratio, once again.

Our boys and girls in our military volunteer to do our Nation's bidding, and trust to us, The People, to see that they are not mis-used or mis-spent, from time to time.

So far, in recent decades, we've been doing a pretty shitty job of that.

The American People would be better served if We The People figured-out a better way to hold our leaders' feet to the fire, in ensuring that our Military is better used.

Or so it seems to this observer.
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Generally speaking, American citizens are not war-lovers; quite the contrary.

I agree.

The problem is American citizens are the consistently willing, easily bamboozled dupes of the kind of corrupt leadership and political influences Dwight Eisenhower warned us about in his parting address.

Every shot fired in our military adventures puts a dollar in somebody's pocket, so it's anyone's guess how much profit the bombs produce. With that in mind there is no way to justify what we've been doing in the Middle East for the past decade.

We are the cops of the world and until we hang a few of the scheming bastards who have assigned that role to us it will be the end of us. Because fear is the precursor of hatred and right now we are the most feared nation in the world.

When we DO decide to commit to military intervention, we need to take the gloves off, go in and slaughter the Bad Guys in huge and decisively punishing numbers, then walk away, and let them fix their own broken country - at least beyond the realm of some very temporary humanitarian relief to avoid starvation or similar catastrophic impact upon the populace.

In WW-II, our engagements usually took place on battlefields with clearly identifiable (uniformed) adversaries. Likewise in Korea and mostly true in Vietnam. But the conditions have changed dramatically in our Middle East engagements and we have not been very good at adapting to the changes. In fact our inability to effectively deal with these new circumstances have resulted in our doing more harm than good for all concerned -- except for those who profit from our monumental loss and waste.

The big question is who are the "bad guys?" What we've been doing is a lot of guessing about who the enemy is. And the problem with that is every wrongful death, injury, or loss we inflict inspires another dozen or more committed enemies who have good cause to despise us and to either join or otherwise support the real "bad guys."

In simple terms, we are our own worst enemy.

When we DO decide to commit to military intervention, we need to take the gloves off, go in and slaughter the Bad Guys in huge and decisively punishing numbers, then walk away, and let them fix their own broken country - at least beyond the realm of some very temporary humanitarian relief to avoid starvation or similar catastrophic impact upon the populace.

In WW-II, our engagements usually took place on battlefields with clearly identifiable (uniformed) adversaries. Likewise in Korea and mostly true in Vietnam. But the conditions have changed dramatically in our Middle East engagements and we have not been very good at adapting to the changes. In fact our inability to effectively deal with these new circumstances have resulted in our doing more harm than good for all concerned -- except for those who profit from our monumental loss and waste.

The big question is who are the "bad guys?" What we've been doing is a lot of guessing about who the enemy is. And the problem with that is every wrongful death, injury, or loss we inflict inspires another dozen or more committed enemies who have good cause to despise us and to either join or otherwise support the real "bad guys."

In simple terms, we are our own worst enemy.
There is great merit in what you say here.

We know better than to conduct ourselves in our present manner, in matters of asymmetrical warfare, but we can't seem to put our knowledge into effective practice.

In some cases, a large-scale response is, indeed, appropriate.

In other cases, we seem to be trying to swat a mosquito with an aircraft carrier.

In recent years, we've oftentimes been bold at the wrong times, and cautious at the wrong times.

We're capable of doing sooooo much better, but just haven't been performing up to old standards, insofar as Enemy Identification and Reaction are concerned.
Unfortunately, many of our Interventions since WWII have involved backwards - even savage, sometimes - cultures and populations - who simply aren't ready for the mindset of Individualism and political and personal Independence and who oftentimes simply don't want what we're trying to adapt and foist upon them.
Can you give us an example of a single US intervention since WWII in which we responded to an imminent threat to the US homeland?
...Can you give us an example of a single US intervention since WWII in which we responded to an imminent threat to the US homeland?

We usually act preemptively, on behalf of ourselves and/or our allies, and, from time to time, we act vengefully, as well.

Much easier to smack down the Bad Guys when you hit 'em before they're ready.
So__ you only have joker cards
oh great , a commie opinion piece web site as a source
To which Chris might respond:
"There is no shortage of simpletons whose minds are warped by this belief system.

"We elected one of them, George W. Bush, as president.

"They populate the armed forces and the Christian right.

"They watch Fox News and believe it.

"They have little understanding or curiosity about the world outside their insular communities. They are proud of their ignorance and anti-intellectualism. They prefer drinking beer and watching football to reading a book.

"And when they get into power..."
Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Did you know that President Obama is the first President to make booze in the White House since George Washington? That is what he stated in an interview just prior to watching the Super Bowl and enjoying some of his home brew.
He was of course lying about George, since he died about a year before the White House was built and never did live in it.
So? That mindset is what defeats violent enemies. Why would the warrior culture embrace anything else?
Sounds more like the mindset of a slave without the slightest concern for international law or morality. Anyone who participated in the US invasion/occupation of Iraq is a war criminal, to one degree or another.

Anyone who was physically and mentally able to participate in the invasion/occupation of Iraq is either a coward or a traitor.
Be specific, what International law did we and our coalition violate? Then point out where in anyone in a position of authority is pressing the charge anywhere?
The UN Charter provides only two options for a legitimate war: self-defense from an imminent threat or UNSC authorization and the US had neither.

The US Congress decides what is a legitimate war, and the UN agreed Iraq was in material breech of the cease fire. See how that works.
The Iraq war had the full support of the LEFT as well, and very large coalition of other nations as well, MORON.

Based on lies told by a Republican Administration. I'm not really interested in blame though, I don't find it particularly useful. What is useful though is recognizing the simple fact that the Iraq war was both unjust and a terrible idea.

George Tenet was the CIA Director who was appointed by Clinton in 1997 and served until 2004. He was the primary source of intel for GW Bush and he was appointed by a Democrat.
oh great , a commie opinion piece web site as a source
To which Chris might respond:
"There is no shortage of simpletons whose minds are warped by this belief system.

"We elected one of them, George W. Bush, as president.

"They populate the armed forces and the Christian right.

"They watch Fox News and believe it.

"They have little understanding or curiosity about the world outside their insular communities. They are proud of their ignorance and anti-intellectualism. They prefer drinking beer and watching football to reading a book.

"And when they get into power..."
Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Did you know that President Obama is the first President to make booze in the White House since George Washington? That is what he stated in an interview just prior to watching the Super Bowl and enjoying some of his home brew.
He was of course lying about George, since he died about a year before the White House was built and never did live in it.

Good for him. Too bad he doesn't have time to make the beer himself. He might enjoy it as much as I do.
oh great , a commie opinion piece web site as a source
To which Chris might respond:
"There is no shortage of simpletons whose minds are warped by this belief system.

"We elected one of them, George W. Bush, as president.

"They populate the armed forces and the Christian right.

"They watch Fox News and believe it.

"They have little understanding or curiosity about the world outside their insular communities. They are proud of their ignorance and anti-intellectualism. They prefer drinking beer and watching football to reading a book.

"And when they get into power..."
Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Did you know that President Obama is the first President to make booze in the White House since George Washington? That is what he stated in an interview just prior to watching the Super Bowl and enjoying some of his home brew.
He was of course lying about George, since he died about a year before the White House was built and never did live in it.

Good for him. Too bad he doesn't have time to make the beer himself. He might enjoy it as much as I do.

Are you giving him an attaboy for lying, for not knowing his history? That says more about you than it does him.
oh great , a commie opinion piece web site as a source
To which Chris might respond:
"There is no shortage of simpletons whose minds are warped by this belief system.

"We elected one of them, George W. Bush, as president.

"They populate the armed forces and the Christian right.

"They watch Fox News and believe it.

"They have little understanding or curiosity about the world outside their insular communities. They are proud of their ignorance and anti-intellectualism. They prefer drinking beer and watching football to reading a book.

"And when they get into power..."
Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Did you know that President Obama is the first President to make booze in the White House since George Washington? That is what he stated in an interview just prior to watching the Super Bowl and enjoying some of his home brew.
He was of course lying about George, since he died about a year before the White House was built and never did live in it.

Good for him. Too bad he doesn't have time to make the beer himself. He might enjoy it as much as I do.

Are you giving him an attaboy for lying, for not knowing his history? That says more about you than it does him.

The attaboy was for making beer in the Whitehouse. Your nitpicking was ignored as it should be.
oh great , a commie opinion piece web site as a source
To which Chris might respond:
"There is no shortage of simpletons whose minds are warped by this belief system.

"We elected one of them, George W. Bush, as president.

"They populate the armed forces and the Christian right.

"They watch Fox News and believe it.

"They have little understanding or curiosity about the world outside their insular communities. They are proud of their ignorance and anti-intellectualism. They prefer drinking beer and watching football to reading a book.

"And when they get into power..."
Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Did you know that President Obama is the first President to make booze in the White House since George Washington? That is what he stated in an interview just prior to watching the Super Bowl and enjoying some of his home brew.
He was of course lying about George, since he died about a year before the White House was built and never did live in it.

Good for him. Too bad he doesn't have time to make the beer himself. He might enjoy it as much as I do.

Are you giving him an attaboy for lying, for not knowing his history? That says more about you than it does him.

The attaboy was for making beer in the Whitehouse. Your nitpicking was ignored as it should be.

That is a class act that is hard to follow. LMFAO

Chris Hedges has covered war zones from central America to Bosnia to Palestine, and Iraq for most of his life. His take on Chris Kyle isn't flattering:

"Kyle was given the nickname 'Legend.'

"He got a tattoo of a Crusader cross on his arm. 'I wanted everyone to know I was a Christian.

"I had it put in red, for blood.

"I hated the damn savages I’d been fighting,' he wrote. 'I always will.'

"Following a day of sniping, after killing perhaps as many as six people, he would go back to his barracks to spent his time smoking Cuban Romeo y Julieta No. 3 cigars and 'playing video games, watching porn and working out.'

"On leave, something omitted in the movie, he was frequently arrested for drunken bar fights. He dismissed politicians, hated the press and disdained superior officers, exalting only the comradeship of warriors.

"His memoir glorifies white, 'Christian' supremacy and war.

"It is an angry tirade directed against anyone who questions the military’s elite, professional killers."

Chris Kyle: American psychopath.

Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

What's wrong with reaching out and sending some bad guys to Allah?
Jesus Christ basically says people like you are going to Hell. You might want to think about that.

The "American sniper" is definitely rotting in hell.

A Christian would not join satans imperialist all volunteer army and choose to be a sniper.

A psychopath would. .....

Not a christian.

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