Killing Ragheads for Jesus: American Sniper

As for me, I'm glad Chris Kyle fought for America, and killed hundreds of terrorists. Anyone who complains about his character flaws (drinking, fighting, stretching the truth) needs to understand that special forces men have to be a little bit crazy to do what they do. They are a special breed, like fighter pilots, who go into battle with a high risk of dying. We need MORE men like Chris Kyle, because the war on Islamic terrorism is not nearly over.
Consider what Kyle’s publisher wrote after his tragic passing: “He dedicated his life in recent years to supporting veterans and donated the proceeds of American Sniper to the families of his fallen friends” (italics mine). An article in the Blaze definitively proclaimed: “A perfect reflection of his character, Kyle gave all proceeds from his best-selling book American Sniper to the families of soldiers killed in combat” (italics mine). Or this line from a Human Events article: “For American Sniper, Kyle donated the profits from that book to charity.” Kyle himself perpetuated this idea, telling the same proceeds-went-to-charity tale to the Texas News Service and even adding that he regularly received tearful calls and letters of thanks.

And now for the kicker: It isn’t true. Out of the staggering $3 million that American Sniper collected in royalties for Kyle, only $52,000 actually went to the families of fallen servicemen. (Rather than 100 percent of the proceeds, as the public was led to believe, try 2 percent!) While Kyle’s widow claimed, in her testimony, that they never intended to profit from the book, and “wanted” to donate the money to other veterans, she said they were weren’t able to because of — get this! — “gift-tax laws that prevented them from donating more than $13,000 each to two families last year.”.

Justice for Jesse Ventura Was Right in His Lawsuit National Review Online

I didn't see the movie because Kyle was a real-life hero and I have no interest in the soap opera which now surrounds it. It was revealing as well as ENTERTAINING and a part of me hopes there really are still Americans prepared to put their lives at risk to protect and defend this country and to confront evil whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head. Ventura looks like a BOZO trying to reap some free PR. You just look like an angry clown.
You seem like some sort of inbred one tooth nut case...Kyle a hero LOL get real he was a braggart and a fool...the latter is why he is dead...he was a clownish fool ...I laugh at you and all the pathetic Right wing galoots that think the dead dude is a hero

Evidently your comprehension skills - as well as your humility - could use a bit of work.
Take your opinions of me and stuff it
As for me, I'm glad Chris Kyle fought for America, and killed hundreds of terrorists. Anyone who complains about his character flaws (drinking, fighting, stretching the truth) needs to understand that special forces men have to be a little bit crazy to do what they do. They are a special breed, like fighter pilots, who go into battle with a high risk of dying. We need MORE men like Chris Kyle, because the war on Islamic terrorism is not nearly over.
what was "America" doing in Iraq...why did we invade Iraq and why did we kill hundreds of thousands of its citizens ...we were not fighting evil ...we were Evil...
As for me, I'm glad Chris Kyle fought for America, and killed hundreds of terrorists. Anyone who complains about his character flaws (drinking, fighting, stretching the truth) needs to understand that special forces men have to be a little bit crazy to do what they do. They are a special breed, like fighter pilots, who go into battle with a high risk of dying. We need MORE men like Chris Kyle, because the war on Islamic terrorism is not nearly over.
what was "America" doing in Iraq...why did we invade Iraq and why did we kill hundreds of thousands of its citizens ...we were not fighting evil ...we were Evil...
OK, well, you're entitled to your opinion of course.
Indeed it is. They could have just wallowed in their inheritance, lived off the interest and dividends, and accomplished nothing of value. Instead they applied themselves and were rewarded. The point you assiduously avoided (and do so consistently) is that Daddy Koch, like Daddy Walton and all of the wealth list's top 6 came from MODEST MEANS. Regular peeps making good on the American Dream. No wonder you are so jealous.
No jealousy required. Daddy Koch got rich helping Stalin, and Daddy Walton got rich exploiting his workers. Only a economic system with a prime directive to amass more and more wealth into fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation would produce parasites like those you are hopelessly enamored with. Do you cry yourself to sleep knowing you'll never be rich?
What question is that, pissant?
The number of times you've had a gun pointed at you, Sissy.
People who medical'ed out of Air Force (of all things!) basic training after ten days do not hold the credentials to call other people sissies.

If you are referring to the number of times that I've had a gun pointed at me in combat, the number is zero.

My service is outlined on the 'Attention Veterans' thread in the Military forum.

I volunteered for US Army service during the waning years of the VIetnam War and was lucky enough to be sent to Germany to stare at Russians, instead.

Attn Veterans Page 23 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

While you were still sitting at home, jerking off in your mother's basement over your medical discharge.

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Speculation is merely the way insanely jealous socialists describe that which they haven't the courage or smarts to do ... put ones wealth AT RISK today for the OPPORTUNITY to reap future gain.
That depends on whether one attempts to profit from fluctuations in the market value of a tradable good like mortgage backed securities instead of attempting to find profit in capital gains, interest, or dividends. Speculators who focus solely on price movements instead of the fundamental value of a security provide little benefit to society, and can cost society a great deal when politicians use tax payer dollars to cover the speculators' losses.
Speculation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wow, I'm just getting stupider and stupider reading the garbage that's being posted in this thread.
When was he in South America?

I liked the movie, but the nutters go hog wild with making shit up about him. Like he killed martians on the moon or some such shit..
Speculation is merely the way insanely jealous socialists describe that which they haven't the courage or smarts to do ... put ones wealth AT RISK today for the OPPORTUNITY to reap future gain.
That depends on whether one attempts to profit from fluctuations in the market value of a tradable good like mortgage backed securities instead of attempting to find profit in capital gains, interest, or dividends. Speculators who focus solely on price movements instead of the fundamental value of a security provide little benefit to society, and can cost society a great deal when politicians use tax payer dollars to cover the speculators' losses.
Speculation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Speculators who focus solely on price movements instead of the fundamental value of a security provide little benefit to society

They provide liquidity to the market.

and can cost society a great deal when politicians use tax payer dollars to cover the speculators' losses.

Yeah, politicians suck. You have any examples where they did that?
You tell 'em, tiger...

Maybe tomorrow.

Chris Hedges has covered war zones from central America to Bosnia to Palestine, and Iraq for most of his life. His take on Chris Kyle isn't flattering:

"Kyle was given the nickname 'Legend.'

"He got a tattoo of a Crusader cross on his arm. 'I wanted everyone to know I was a Christian.

"I had it put in red, for blood.

"I hated the damn savages I’d been fighting,' he wrote. 'I always will.'

"Following a day of sniping, after killing perhaps as many as six people, he would go back to his barracks to spent his time smoking Cuban Romeo y Julieta No. 3 cigars and 'playing video games, watching porn and working out.'

"On leave, something omitted in the movie, he was frequently arrested for drunken bar fights. He dismissed politicians, hated the press and disdained superior officers, exalting only the comradeship of warriors.

"His memoir glorifies white, 'Christian' supremacy and war.

"It is an angry tirade directed against anyone who questions the military’s elite, professional killers."

Chris Kyle: American psychopath.

Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Theists are always telling me religion has nothing to do with our wars in the middle east. They don't realize they work our soldiers up with propaganda and religious talk but are too big of pussies to admit to the enemy this war is a gihad.
f there was ever a time, previously, where the left was reduced to foaming at the mouth over one man in one movie I'd sure like to be reminded of it.

This shit is getting WAY outta hand
Do you think the left would be reacting differently if Kyle was still alive and defending himself on Fox?

Or if he was a gay atheist Democrat who came out about his hiding it while in the military?

They hate HIM more than they hate what his job was.

Well, they wouldn't complain if the movie was about Bowe Bergdahl.
That's some of the dumbest shit I've heard in a while.
People like Chris Kyle..and almost all other military and police types...are sheep dogs.
You're half right.
"The culture of war idealizes only the warrior. It belittles those who do not exhibit the warrior’s 'manly' virtues. It places a premium on obedience and loyalty. It punishes those who engage in independent thought and demands total conformity."

Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

So? That mindset is what defeats violent enemies. Why would the warrior culture embrace anything else?
Loyal citizens of every stripe who respond to foreign aggression is what defeats violent enemies, as evidenced by the outcome of WW-II. And while a percentage of these loyal citizens are war-lovers motivated by machismo and homicidal impulse, the vast majority are not.

The "warrior culture" is a manifestation of the homicidal impulse and extreme macho expression, which, within a civilized society, is tolerable only when diligently regulated by rigid military controls.

"Warrior" engagements, as in military combat, are best described as organized insanity which is humanistically justifiable only under unavoidably defensive circumstances. Anyone who derives pleasure or satisfaction from engaging in combat, regardless of the circumstances, is undoubtedly unhappy, probably is suicidal to some degree, and definitely is in need of intensive psychiatric care.
Loyal citizens of every stripe who respond to foreign aggression is what defeats violent enemies, as evidenced by the outcome of WW-II. And while a percentage of these loyal citizens are war-lovers motivated by machismo and homicidal impulse, the vast majority are not.
It's precisely that patriotic response by a majority of citizens to foreign occupation that has generated civil war in every country the US has invaded since the end of WWII. IMHO, as long as few earn massive profits from war without being required to pay for war's externalities, the richest among us will continue exploiting violence for their own benefit at the expense of the majority of humanity.

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