Kim Davis met with pope?

I think ----Yigal will get out of jail someday---------he had two targets----
-----I think he may have chosen the wrong one
for the record------there IS----very definitely,,, a REAL ****ONE RELIGION FOR THE WORLD*** movement on the planet. Generally it bills itself as a proponent of WORLD MONOTHEISM---------and skips and jumps over to
THEOCRACY FOR THE WORLD------it is a movement -----with lots of
people who like it--------it seems to me that most of its adherents are muslims---
then catholics---------OF THE UPPER ECHELONS of those two groups.
POPE FRANCIS does seem to echo some of their concepts------it is damned
dangerous------like all totalitarian ideologies

Yes, his intention is to lead it, Rosie. The most recent development was that Pope Francis had another of his Jesuit agents - Shimone Perez - nominate Francis as the one the United Nations appoints to be the ruler of the One World Religion - with "unquestioned authority" (would Rome have it any other way? After all - Temporal Powers are Temporal Powers!)

Shimone - who is a Jesuit and was elected the President of Israel without the people knowing he was an agent of Rome - is one of Francis's right hand men. I've got articles to prove that too. So this Jesuit plan (Did you know the Jesuits founded the League of Nations and later were behind the formation of the U.N. too? Now you know why Israel was always "outside the loop" on that deal - I've got documentation for that too, Rosie, just ask......) is more far reaching than perhaps you realized.

Peres proposes ‘UN for religions’ to pope at Vatican

Peres is a Jesuit? maybe that's why his wife left him. Remember
the law student YIGAL AMIR? now in jail. He killed RABIN----
but was also hot on killing Peres. He considered them both to be
traitors to Israel. Yigal Amir-----seems to be doing ok-----he got married---
and he and his wife had a baby--------the kid smuggled sperm out in a bottle

Jeri-------that CREEP PRINCE BIN TALAL was there-----he is the engineer of that MONOTHEIST TOTALITARIAN WORLD GOVERNMENT concept------
which is nothing more than ------ A REICH ---CALIPHATE world ------
ie -------a HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE ----- CALIPHATE corporation of the
planet earth. My concept of PERES is that he might be stupid enough to BUY
IN to the idea--------I doubt that he had a Jesuit education. ----he is over 90----his
wife left him and then died-------he is like an autumn leaf in the wind. Good that
he is no longer in a position of power

If he had a Jesuit education? You'd never be able to detect it. They would never use him unless his ability to deceive was above and beyond anything you have ever encountered. If it were possible the Jesuits could deceive the very elect. Listen, it is not a matter of your being dull, you are sharper than most people I've met in my entire life, Rose bud - but these people have a very serious agenda - they want to take Jerusalem - the stakes are high, Rosie - you need to study everything Dr. Alberto Rivera had to say about the Jesuits. You'll be amazed. Listen - the Jesuits had an agent - Katherine Kuhlman - who I had no idea was a Jesuit agent until I saw the photographs of her with the Pope in a private meeting - it all began to come together and I realized what a master of deception the Jesuits truly are. Who would have suspected this woman? I only learned about her recently. Like in the past year. That was a great lesson from the LORD because He reminded me that if I had only kept to examining what she had said according to Scripture she would not have fooled me.
you have anything on MOSHE DAYAN, jeri? His wife also dumped him----
and there is other stuff about him that is very fishy. It was Moshe Dayan who
handed the Temple Mount to Jordan--------seems to me like a MONUMENTAL
DECISION--------but he just DID IT
I cannot find "KATHERINE KUHLMAN" only some nutty chick who died
in 1976 -----KATHRYN KUHLMAN
It doesn't matter, Hobelim. Luddly has posted bad information before on threads and each time it turns out that the discussion brings forth truth everyone benefits from. So all things work together for good..............again.

Luddly posted it to say it sounded unlikely to be true.

I see that your confusion extends to even simple sentences.

Some salvation you got going on there.....
It doesn't matter, Hobelim. Luddly has posted bad information before on threads and each time it turns out that the discussion brings forth truth everyone benefits from. So all things work together for good..............again.

Luddy posted it to say it sounded unlikely to be true.

I see that your confusion extends to even simple sentences.

Some salvation you got going on there.....

Why would someone post an article that they believed unlikely to be true? I see your reaching, Hobie. Not like you really. imo.
It doesn't matter, Hobelim. Luddly has posted bad information before on threads and each time it turns out that the discussion brings forth truth everyone benefits from. So all things work together for good..............again.

EXACTLY what have I posted in this thread that is "bad information"?

I posted an article and my own skepticism. Maybe its true. So far, no one has said but her attorney did say they lied about the big rally for her in Peru.

If you believe the article is "bad information", take it up with the source.
It doesn't matter, Hobelim. Luddly has posted bad information before on threads and each time it turns out that the discussion brings forth truth everyone benefits from. So all things work together for good..............again.

Luddy posted it to say it sounded unlikely to be true.

I see that your confusion extends to even simple sentences.

Some salvation you got going on there.....

Why would someone post an article that they believed unlikely to be true? I see your reaching, Hobie. Not like you really. imo.

Who can say? Ask him.

Maybe he wanted to find out if anyone else smelled bullshit?
It doesn't matter, Hobelim. Luddly has posted bad information before on threads and each time it turns out that the discussion brings forth truth everyone benefits from. So all things work together for good..............again.

Luddy posted it to say it sounded unlikely to be true.

I see that your confusion extends to even simple sentences.

Some salvation you got going on there.....

Why would someone post an article that they believed unlikely to be true? I see your reaching, Hobie. Not like you really. imo.


Are you really saying that posters never post something they disagree with or don't believe?


Again, I am skeptical but no, I have not said I don't believe it. I have said it could be true. I'll wait for more info before I decide.
Here is the young man who died in a sudden accident after delivering Pope Francis message to the Protestants. Charisma news reported it - Charisma magazine and Christianity Today were both exposed as both front organizations for the Vatican in Rome - they advertise themselves to be "Christian Magazines". The deception runs deep, people. Keep in mind everything Rome does is very well planned out and executed.

Bishop Tony Palmer, Champion of Unity, Dies in Motorcycle Accident


Bishop Tony Palmer, a South African Bishop with the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, has passed away after a motorcycle accident.

Palmer gained worldwide media attention in January after Pope Francis sent a special envoy to a Charismatic Evangelical Leadership Conference Kenneth Copeland hosted.

"Tony Palmer, the charismatic young preacher who enjoyed a friendship with Pope Francis, has apparently died in a motorcycle accident," Kathy Schiffer reported on her Seasons of Grace blog. Not a Catholic, Palmer was a bishop in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches.
The article is misleading. Tony Palmer was trained by the Jesuits - I believe it is only 2% of all Jesuits become priests - Tony Palmer first joined Kenneth Copeland's church years ago. He became married - he was still married - he then changed to Episcopal and so on, then later became spokesman for the Pope and told the evangelicals at Kenneth Copeland's church and the Christian guests attending Copeland's evangelical conference -he had come with a message from the Pope. He said the Pope says the Protest is over. You are no longer Protestants, you are all now Catholics. That was the message to Copeland's evangelical conference audience and Copeland never stopped him. Copeland is hireling and another agent of Rome. (so is Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Joseph Prince, TBN, Andrew Womack & others). Tony Palmer told the audience everyone else had already signed the agreement with Rome years ago and the Pentacostals were the only ones who had held out against Rome. Shortly after that speech to the evangelical conference, he died. Apparently he said too much.

You seem to be saying that the pope or the catholic church had this guy murdered.

Is that what you are saying?

IF that is what you are saying, WHY?

And please, don't write a long senseless diatribe. Just say why this guy is so dangerous to the enormous catholic church that they had to do him in.
Last edited:
News just said 'NBC confirmed pope met with Davis', apparently last Thursday.
I've thought it over, and decided that it is OK if Kim does not issue marriage licenses because of her religious beliefs. That is, of course, if the Jewish cashier at her supermarket can refuse to ring up her pork and shellfish, and still keep his job.

Don't hold your breath.

Its only fundie nutters who are paid $80K a year to refuse to do their job. Just like its only fundies who don't have to follow the laws the rest of us do.
you have anything on MOSHE DAYAN, jeri? His wife also dumped him----
and there is other stuff about him that is very fishy. It was Moshe Dayan who
handed the Temple Mount to Jordan--------seems to me like a MONUMENTAL
DECISION--------but he just DID IT

I read an article that questioned some things about him. I do not know, Rosie. I met a billionaire through my husband years ago who dined with Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir and others in Israel years ago. My husband told him about my love of Israel and he asked my husband if he minded if he called me. We became good friends. He has many great stories. He had dined with Kissinger on 5 separate occasions and told me some pretty interesting stories about the Russians. I invited him to dinner to introduce him to a friend who had come to visit us for a few days and I also introduced him to my bull. He was quite impressed as he should have been. My bull is magnificent after all.

His impression of Moshe Dayan was that he was a very great man.
News just said 'NBC confirmed pope met with Davis', apparently last Thursday.
You've been vindicated. Congratulations. Hobelim had you covered either way (just in case).

p.s. it's a great thread, Luddly. Thanks for the interesting discussion.

I still think its bullshit.

If it happened why would the Pope deny knowing about her case and objection to same sex marriage after they supposedly met?
you have anything on MOSHE DAYAN, jeri? His wife also dumped him----
and there is other stuff about him that is very fishy. It was Moshe Dayan who
handed the Temple Mount to Jordan--------seems to me like a MONUMENTAL
DECISION--------but he just DID IT

I read an article that questioned some things about him. I do not know, Rosie. I met a billionaire through my husband years ago who dined with Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir and others in Israel years ago. My husband told him about my love of Israel and he asked my husband if he minded if he called me. We became good friends. He has many great stories. He had dined with Kissinger on 5 separate occasions and told me some pretty interesting stories about the Russians. I invited him to dinner to introduce him to a friend who had come to visit us for a few days and I also introduced him to my bull. He was quite impressed as he should have been. My bull is magnificent after all.

His impression of Moshe Dayan was that he was a very great man.

apparently---his wife and two kids did not think so----some little stories----also ---
neither here nor there----he was one of them early marxist type guys

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