Kim Davis met with pope?

Her church members probably look down on the Pope with righteous indignation.

Probably true.

Jeremiah is fundie and hates catholicism.

I think its weird that the pope would meet with someone from a hate group and tell her to 'stay strong'.

Not if you think about his agenda. He needs the Protestants for his One World Religion, Luddly. Rome sent it's own Jesuit agents (pretending to be Pastors, preachers, evangelists, converts from Catholicism, etc) to infiltrate the Protestant, evangelical, Pentacostal churches long ago but it didn't work on those who were truly born again Christians. Then the Pope sent his own agent whom he called his friend to Kenneth Copeland's church (the young man suddenly died in an "accident" after he fulfilled his assignment from the Jesuit Pope) and he told the audience the only group that refused to submit to Rome and sign the agreement with Rome (it's a written document) was the fundamentalist Christians - the Pentacostals. He came to Copeland's church on behalf of the Pope with a message to those who refused to submit to Rome - he said the Pope said the Protest is over and that everyone present is now a Catholic. (Because the Pope said so). You can see the actual message given on You Tube. The Pope actually had the nerve to tell the Christians to surrender to Rome and call themselves Catholics because the protest was over. Why was it over? Because he said it was over. Sounds like a power hungry Dictator to me.

Those of us who serve Christ refuse to do any such thing. We will never submit to Rome and Pope Francis talking with Kim Davis is not going to change our minds. It means absolutely nothing. He is still the leader of a false church and he has nothing to do with Christianity and the Body of Christ that follows Jesus Christ and calls Him Lord and Savior. The true church are those born again Christians who are worshiping in many different denominations, different churches, throughout the world. The Body of Christ is not a single denomination or church organization. The Body of Christ are born again believers wherever they may be found.

Jesus Christ never appointed a Vicar. We don't need a Pope.
Blah blah blah, boring horseshit, blah blah blah, self righteous nonsense, blah blah.
Keep this name in mind PRINCE (Saudi arabia) TALAL -----he might be
the beast or the anti-Christ or the "Damien" ------in any case----he is no damned
good. That the POPE met with him --------makes me shiver (yes--francis)
you have anything on MOSHE DAYAN, jeri? His wife also dumped him----
and there is other stuff about him that is very fishy. It was Moshe Dayan who
handed the Temple Mount to Jordan--------seems to me like a MONUMENTAL
DECISION--------but he just DID IT

I read an article that questioned some things about him. I do not know, Rosie. I met a billionaire through my husband years ago who dined with Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir and others in Israel years ago. My husband told him about my love of Israel and he asked my husband if he minded if he called me. We became good friends. He has many great stories. He had dined with Kissinger on 5 separate occasions and told me some pretty interesting stories about the Russians. I invited him to dinner to introduce him to a friend who had come to visit us for a few days and I also introduced him to my bull. He was quite impressed as he should have been. My bull is magnificent after all.

His impression of Moshe Dayan was that he was a very great man.


Did you mean the pope and/or catholic church had the episcopalian preacher killed? If not, why did you post it? If that is what you said, why? What made him so dangerous to the biggest, richest and most powerful church on the planet?

"..My bull is magnificent.."

Out of everything you have posted on this board, this is the one phrase with which I wholeheartedly agree.

BTW, I heard a news talking head gush that when the pope heard there were homeless families in Vatican City, he had showers brought in, as well as a once-a-week barber.

What a guy, huh?

Clean short hair and empty stomachs.
Keep this name in mind PRINCE (Saudi arabia) TALAL -----he might be
the beast or the anti-Christ or the "Damien" ------in any case----he is no damned
good. That the POPE met with him --------makes me shiver (yes--francis)

Yabut, he controls programming on Fox and I'm sure RWs would never watch news from an obviously anti-America source.
Keep this name in mind PRINCE (Saudi arabia) TALAL -----he might be
the beast or the anti-Christ or the "Damien" ------in any case----he is no damned
good. That the POPE met with him --------makes me shiver (yes--francis)

Yabut, he controls programming on Fox and I'm sure RWs would never watch news from an obviously anti-America source.

who said "anti American source"------he is very much PRO AMERICAN MONOTHEIST PERSONS. You have not kept up-------solid Christians
of the bible belt club are the BEST FRIENDS OF ISLAM -----monotheist
lovers deep into a bit of theocracy. It was way back-----I think in the
1980s that your good friend Arafart-----went to a church on Christmas eve
and directly addressed "dear lord jesus". Islamic love of jesus was not
news to me-----it was a growing trend. But I knew muslims starting in
the 60s------way back when Jesus was anathema in the mosques-----of course
he was a muslim way back then----but so was alexander the great. A muslim
conversing with "dear lord jesus" in a church would have been impossible
in the 60s-------NOW PRINCE TALAL is on the cassock of Francis----negotiating
a businessman-------he gives the public what the public wants for profit (btw---I never watch fox news-----I have nothing against it-----but CNN seems to reign on my
TV ----and BBC. Fox news is called Zionist propaganda by the proletariat
Keep this name in mind PRINCE (Saudi arabia) TALAL -----he might be
the beast or the anti-Christ or the "Damien" ------in any case----he is no damned
good. That the POPE met with him --------makes me shiver (yes--francis)

Yabut, he controls programming on Fox and I'm sure RWs would never watch news from an obviously anti-America source.

who said "anti American source"------he is very much PRO AMERICAN MONOTHEIST PERSONS. You have not kept up-------solid Christians
of the bible belt club are the BEST FRIENDS OF ISLAM -----monotheist
lovers deep into a bit of theocracy. It was way back-----I think in the
1980s that your good friend Arafart-----went to a church on Christmas eve
and directly addressed "dear lord jesus". Islamic love of jesus was not
news to me-----it was a growing trend. But I knew muslims starting in
the 60s------way back when Jesus was anathema in the mosques-----of course
he was a muslim way back then----but so was alexander the great. A muslim
conversing with "dear lord jesus" in a church would have been impossible
in the 60s-------NOW PRINCE TALAL is on the cassock of Francis----negotiating
a businessman-------he gives the public what the public wants for profit (btw---I never watch fox news-----I have nothing against it-----but CNN seems to reign on my
TV ----and BBC. Fox news is called Zionist propaganda by the proletariat

Talal, Murdoch and Ailes are very openly anti-America. I've written about the documentary, Orwel Rolls In His Grave and highly recommend it. Its available on Youtube.

"your good friend Arafart"

Why is Arafat "my good friend"? Link to even one post where I even mention him.
Keep this name in mind PRINCE (Saudi arabia) TALAL -----he might be
the beast or the anti-Christ or the "Damien" ------in any case----he is no damned
good. That the POPE met with him --------makes me shiver (yes--francis)

Yabut, he controls programming on Fox and I'm sure RWs would never watch news from an obviously anti-America source.

who said "anti American source"------he is very much PRO AMERICAN MONOTHEIST PERSONS. You have not kept up-------solid Christians
of the bible belt club are the BEST FRIENDS OF ISLAM -----monotheist
lovers deep into a bit of theocracy. It was way back-----I think in the
1980s that your good friend Arafart-----went to a church on Christmas eve
and directly addressed "dear lord jesus". Islamic love of jesus was not
news to me-----it was a growing trend. But I knew muslims starting in
the 60s------way back when Jesus was anathema in the mosques-----of course
he was a muslim way back then----but so was alexander the great. A muslim
conversing with "dear lord jesus" in a church would have been impossible
in the 60s-------NOW PRINCE TALAL is on the cassock of Francis----negotiating
a businessman-------he gives the public what the public wants for profit (btw---I never watch fox news-----I have nothing against it-----but CNN seems to reign on my
TV ----and BBC. Fox news is called Zionist propaganda by the proletariat

Talal, Murdoch and Ailes are very openly anti-America. I've written about the documentary, Orwel Rolls In His Grave and highly recommend it. Its available on Youtube.

"your good friend Arafart"

Why is Arafat "my good friend"? Link to even one post where I even mention him.

ok I am in a snotty mood Orwel??? It seems to me that TALAL is
a caliphatist. I don't know anything about Rupert's anti Americanism ---in what way is AILES "anti American"???

Some think Jere is the infiltrator. She may be a pentecostal caliphatist.

Her church members probably look down on the Pope with righteous indignation.

Probably true.

Jeremiah is fundie and hates catholicism.

I think its weird that the pope would meet with someone from a hate group and tell her to 'stay strong'.

Not if you think about his agenda. He needs the Protestants for his One World Religion, Luddly. Rome sent it's own Jesuit agents (pretending to be Pastors, preachers, evangelists, converts from Catholicism, etc) to infiltrate the Protestant, evangelical, Pentacostal churches long ago but it didn't work on those who were truly born again Christians. Then the Pope sent his own agent whom he called his friend to Kenneth Copeland's church (the young man suddenly died in an "accident" after he fulfilled his assignment from the Jesuit Pope) and he told the audience the only group that refused to submit to Rome and sign the agreement with Rome (it's a written document) was the fundamentalist Christians - the Pentacostals. He came to Copeland's church on behalf of the Pope with a message to those who refused to submit to Rome - he said the Pope said the Protest is over and that everyone present is now a Catholic. (Because the Pope said so). You can see the actual message given on You Tube. The Pope actually had the nerve to tell the Christians to surrender to Rome and call themselves Catholics because the protest was over. Why was it over? Because he said it was over. Sounds like a power hungry Dictator to me.

Those of us who serve Christ refuse to do any such thing. We will never submit to Rome and Pope Francis talking with Kim Davis is not going to change our minds. It means absolutely nothing. He is still the leader of a false church and he has nothing to do with Christianity and the Body of Christ that follows Jesus Christ and calls Him Lord and Savior. The true church are those born again Christians who are worshiping in many different denominations, different churches, throughout the world. The Body of Christ is not a single denomination or church organization. The Body of Christ are born again believers wherever they may be found.

Jesus Christ never appointed a Vicar. We don't need a Pope.
Jeri is always projecting her inner confusion on others but will not stop her.

It's been confirmed by the Vatican.

I wonder if the Pope knew how many times she had been married?

And you would think that a woman married so many times would have gotten lucky and had her kids when married. Unless that father isn't any of the guys she was married to. I think she must have laid a mile of pipe. When I was young, they had a name for such a woman. It rhymes with "war".
It's been confirmed by the Vatican.

I wonder if the Pope knew how many times she had been married?

And you would think that a woman married so many times would have gotten lucky and had her kids when married. Unless that father isn't any of the guys she was married to. I think she must have laid a mile of pipe. When I was young, they had a name for such a woman. It rhymes with "war".

And a bastard child.

Apparently, even the pope is a Cafeteria Catholic.
I hope she is not like Zimmerman who just won't go away. I do not need to see her picture all the time. She is not a hero to me.
Keep this name in mind PRINCE (Saudi arabia) TALAL -----he might be
the beast or the anti-Christ or the "Damien" ------in any case----he is no damned
good. That the POPE met with him --------makes me shiver (yes--francis)

Yabut, he controls programming on Fox and I'm sure RWs would never watch news from an obviously anti-America source.

who said "anti American source"------he is very much PRO AMERICAN MONOTHEIST PERSONS. You have not kept up-------solid Christians
of the bible belt club are the BEST FRIENDS OF ISLAM -----monotheist
lovers deep into a bit of theocracy. It was way back-----I think in the
1980s that your good friend Arafart-----went to a church on Christmas eve
and directly addressed "dear lord jesus". Islamic love of jesus was not
news to me-----it was a growing trend. But I knew muslims starting in
the 60s------way back when Jesus was anathema in the mosques-----of course
he was a muslim way back then----but so was alexander the great. A muslim
conversing with "dear lord jesus" in a church would have been impossible
in the 60s-------NOW PRINCE TALAL is on the cassock of Francis----negotiating
a businessman-------he gives the public what the public wants for profit (btw---I never watch fox news-----I have nothing against it-----but CNN seems to reign on my
TV ----and BBC. Fox news is called Zionist propaganda by the proletariat

Talal, Murdoch and Ailes are very openly anti-America. I've written about the documentary, Orwel Rolls In His Grave and highly recommend it. Its available on Youtube.

"your good friend Arafart"

Why is Arafat "my good friend"? Link to even one post where I even mention him.
Thank you , I like Bernie Sanders.
News just said 'NBC confirmed pope met with Davis', apparently last Thursday.
You've been vindicated. Congratulations. Hobelim had you covered either way (just in case).

p.s. it's a great thread, Luddly. Thanks for the interesting discussion.

I still think its bullshit.

If it happened why would the Pope deny knowing about her case and objection to same sex marriage after they supposedly met?

Because Jesuits know how to brilliantly play both sides - how many times has he denied saying what he was quoted saying even in the presence of others, Hobie? I just read a news article earlier that said that the Vatican does not deny that Pope Francis had a private meeting with her. What a clever and subtle way to play this PR move, Hobie. We don't deny they met but we cannot tell you what he said to her. Listen up. She says that he commended her for being "courageous" and told her to "be strong".... what did he tell the world when asked about whether or not Homosexuality was a sin, Hobie? He said, Who am I to judge? Remember that one? Now he is commending Kim Davis privately for being "courageous" and telling her to "be strong"?!

Do you see a contradiction there? If he denies knowing about her case he can save face with his athiest / homosexual fans but how could he tell her to be strong and commend her for being courageous if he didn't know about the case? He's a master deceiver and a very accomplished liar. Again - your answer is right in front of you.

Maybe she's lying.

If the Pope actually did meet with her he probably had no idea about her particular case, as he said, and was used by her attorneys to give the appearance of moral authority and support to her bigotry just like he already tried to do with the fake photo of 100,000 Peruvians praying for her that was an admitted hoax.

If the Pope actually wanted to show support as he did with other people there would have been photographs, videos and news coverage, not some maybe yes, maybe no secret meeting.....
The Pope gave her a blessed rosary. I suspect that she thought it was a necklace and got rid of it right away, since her religion forbids jewelry....
The Pope gave her a blessed rosary. I suspect that she thought it was a necklace and got rid of it right away, since her religion forbids jewelry....

She said she gave them to her parents, who are catholic and that she was raised catholic.

Which is pretty funny for other than the obvious reason:

Remember when the other thumpers said that her all-out, rampant sinning, adultery, bastard kids, etc -- Remember when the thumpers said all that happened before she was a christian?

Does this mean the catholic church has changed their position on adultery and out of wedlock babies?
It means Christians never change their position on forgiveness, even for you LN.

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