Kim Dung Un's Long Ride Home


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
You could tell from the body language and inappropriate smiling during the press events that Dung knew he was screwed. He was about to try to sandbag Trump like his daddy had all the others. And then a few of his smiles toward Trump were met with an icy stare. Trump and Pompeo were going to lower the boom on him. They knew about secret testing locations he had hoped they didn't know about. The last meeting was right to business....he gave it up, all of it, or Trump walked. There was no face-saving or warm handshakes....just a "you've wasted my time for the last time little rocket man" and it was over. No more red carpets, or flowers, or excited Vietnamese trying to snap a picture of him....just a lonely, 3 day train ride home wondering if his generals had plotted his overthrow while he was gone. Well played Mr. President....well-played. :thup:

Our wonderful Pres.Trump is a master negotiator who doesn't suffer fools like little Kim lightly. .... :cool:
You could tell from the body language and inappropriate smiling during the press events that Dung knew he was screwed. He was about to try to sandbag Trump like his daddy had all the others. And then a few of his smiles toward Trump were met with an icy stare. Trump and Pompeo were going to lower the boom on him. They knew about secret testing locations he had hoped they didn't know about. The last meeting was right to business....he gave it up, all of it, or Trump walked. There was no face-saving or warm handshakes....just a "you've wasted my time for the last time little rocket man" and it was over. No more red carpets, or flowers, or excited Vietnamese trying to snap a picture of him....just a lonely, 3 day train ride home wondering if his generals had plotted his overthrow while he was gone. Well played Mr. President....well-played. :thup:


Twice now he has met with Trump as equals and twice he has walked away with all of his weapons and nukes.
Our wonderful Pres.Trump is a master negotiator who doesn't suffer fools like little Kim lightly. .... :cool:

He lets his people eat grass...I never thought he bought in on economic development for the Korean people....only more booze, American cigarettes, and video games for him.....rotten little piggy.
What has the President done or not done regarding NK that you disagree with?

Meeting the little dictator as an equal, something that no previous American president stooped to. That definitely helps the little dictator back home.
Twice now he has met with Trump as equals and twice he has walked away with all of his weapons and nukes.

What has the President done or not done regarding NK that you disagree with?


He has given Un equal standing in the world, he has legitimized an oppressive regime and he gave Un a free pass on the treatment of Otto Warmbier.
What has the President done or not done regarding NK that you disagree with?

Meeting the little dictator as an equal, something that no previous American president stooped to. That definitely helps the little dictator back home.

Helps him his people can eat more grass and ragweed soup? There is no dissent there so why would he need good PR? The Chinese hate his ass because he's apt to drag them into a nuclear war and the Russians know his word means nothing. All he got was a clear view of what he just threw away....If he tests another missile he'll get the whole can of whoop-ass.
What has the President done or not done regarding NK that you disagree with?

Meeting the little dictator as an equal, something that no previous American president stooped to. That definitely helps the little dictator back home.
and moved the needle finally. thank fking god for trump. that fat fk will be begging for another meeting, after additional sanctions limit more of his abilities. yep!!!
What has the President done or not done regarding NK that you disagree with?

Meeting the little dictator as an equal, something that no previous American president stooped to. That definitely helps the little dictator back home.

Helps him his people can eat more grass and ragweed soup? There is no dissent there so why would he need good PR? The Chinese hate his ass because he's apt to drag them into a nuclear war and the Russians know his word means nothing. All he got was a clear view of what he just threw away....If he tests another missile he'll get the whole can of whoop-ass.

Riiight. He will tell the blob he didn’t know about it and the Cheeto will believe him
Riiight. He will tell the blob he didn’t know about it and the Cheeto will believe him

Here's the deal, Candyass......I doubt he did know Otto took a beating in that prison...they have thousands of prisoners in dozens of prisons.....but he'd know if another missile was launched.....that he's real interested in.
We still have the status quo ante, nothing has changed except that Un and his regime have now been legitimatized on the world stage

Nothing has changed except Un and his regime have ceased testing any nuclear weapons or missiles...

And did you forget about our sanctions? How, exactly, has Un been legitimized?


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