Kim Jong Un gets drunk, threatens military leaders until they cry

Not surprising coming from someone who openly mocks the parents of Sandy Hook I guess. You are scum.
The PoS ToS believes that it is (and I quote) "mocking" to link to a video showing what actually occurred. What does that tell you about his limited mentality? As always with progressives, it's ideology over reality with the PoS ToS.
This jack-ass has nuclear weapons. He is a global threat.

Lol without having seen your thread title I would have assumed you were talking about your boyfriend the Donald.

Trump doesnt drink alcohol.
Probably a lie, but regardless he's about to be a jackass with nuclear weapons, and a global threat. I hope whoever carries the nuclear football during Trump's reign has training that involves what to do if a belligerent President attempts to set off WW3 as easy as if it was a tweet.
The good news is we avoided voting for our own version of a drunk woman in power and doing retarded shit. That was a near miss.
Yet we still got a guy with a bad hairdo....
Let me know when he gets too drunk to give a concession speech. I'm pretty sure a hairdo isn't the same as being an unstable pile of shit but I'm going to guess you have a counter for that?
Yes Moonglow go ahead an make up some complete bullshit like Mike did. Let's see who wins the creativity portion of the argument.
Kim is so hung, he lured Melania to his cave before Trump got a bigger club...
Really? That was the best you could do? A fat little asian is so hung. This actually sounds like a bar joke.
I hope whoever carries the nuclear football during Trump's reign has training that involves what to do if a belligerent President attempts to set off WW3 as easy as if it was a tweet.
"Belligerent"?!? Why do you keep attributing Hitlery Clinton's personality to Donald Trump? So bizarre...
Not surprising coming from someone who openly mocks the parents of Sandy Hook I guess. You are scum.
The PoS ToS believes that it is (and I quote) "mocking" to link to a video showing what actually occurred. What does that tell you about his limited mentality? As always with progressives, it's ideology over reality with the PoS ToS.
Off to ignore. Sad, as I used to like you rotty. Never took you for a Sandy Hook conspiracist monster. How wrong I was.
The good news is we avoided voting for our own version of a drunk woman in power and doing retarded shit. That was a near miss.
Yet we still got a guy with a bad hairdo....
Let me know when he gets too drunk to give a concession speech. I'm pretty sure a hairdo isn't the same as being an unstable pile of shit but I'm going to guess you have a counter for that?
Yes Moonglow go ahead an make up some complete bullshit like Mike did. Let's see who wins the creativity portion of the argument.
Kim is so hung, he lured Melania to his cave before Trump got a bigger club...
Really? That was the best you could do? A fat little asian is so hung. This actually sounds like a bar joke.
I tried to warn you MM. Moonglow there literally has the maturity of a 14-year old boy. That is a common trait in people with extremely low IQ's.
Not surprising coming from someone who openly mocks the parents of Sandy Hook I guess. You are scum.
The PoS ToS believes that it is (and I quote) "mocking" to link to a video showing what actually occurred. What does that tell you about his limited mentality? As always with progressives, it's ideology over reality with the PoS ToS.
Off to ignore. Sad, as I used to like you rotty. Never took you for a Sandy Hook conspiracist monster. How wrong I was.
Typical of progressives. Post a video so that there is indisputable fact and progressives have a meltdown.

For everyone here that doesn't know the situation from another thread - I am not a "Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist". At all. I simply pointed out how the left has tried to exploit those poor children for political gain.
Yet we still got a guy with a bad hairdo....
Let me know when he gets too drunk to give a concession speech. I'm pretty sure a hairdo isn't the same as being an unstable pile of shit but I'm going to guess you have a counter for that?
Yes Moonglow go ahead an make up some complete bullshit like Mike did. Let's see who wins the creativity portion of the argument.
Kim is so hung, he lured Melania to his cave before Trump got a bigger club...
Really? That was the best you could do? A fat little asian is so hung. This actually sounds like a bar joke.
I tried to warn you MM. Moonglow there literally has the maturity of a 14-year old boy. That is a common trait in people with extremely low IQ's.
I get that. It simply means fun for me. I enjoy exposing retards.
Let me know when he gets too drunk to give a concession speech. I'm pretty sure a hairdo isn't the same as being an unstable pile of shit but I'm going to guess you have a counter for that?
Yes Moonglow go ahead an make up some complete bullshit like Mike did. Let's see who wins the creativity portion of the argument.
Kim is so hung, he lured Melania to his cave before Trump got a bigger club...
Really? That was the best you could do? A fat little asian is so hung. This actually sounds like a bar joke.
I tried to warn you MM. Moonglow there literally has the maturity of a 14-year old boy. That is a common trait in people with extremely low IQ's.
I get that. It simply means fun for me. I enjoy exposing retards.
For the record...I enjoy watching you enjoy exposing those with very limited IQ such as MG there... :lol:
love the first comment...

John Ka day ago

Hmmm... You'd have to be a brave man or woman to witness this and then risk your life to smuggle out this little snippet of information, for no particular reward....

I'm inclined to agree. How easy would it be to make this story up? I'm sure it's not untrue anyway.
Bwahahahaha! I'm inclined to call you the single most naive person on the planet. You don't think the NSA is listening in 24x7 to everything that Kim Jong Un is doing?!? You don't think they are listening to all of his phone calls (even when the phone is not in use)? You don't think spy satellites are pointed at his HQ's around the clock?

Good God you are one little mindless lapdog. Perhaps you might want to examine the Edward Snowden dump and the DNC dump sometime? Just say'n :dunno:
Really? You really think they can do that? You've been watching too much Johnny English.
The guy is a nut bag and should be assassinated. His brother that was supposed to be given power would have been better, but he lost his chance just for going to Japan to go to Disneyland there... true story.
You know there actually could be something there with that Japan Disneyland angle on things.
I went to Disney on a trip to Tokyo a few years back, I also am not in charge of a country. Coincidence? perhaps, but I think maybe not.
The guy is a nut bag and should be assassinated. His brother that was supposed to be given power would have been better, but he lost his chance just for going to Japan to go to Disneyland there... true story.
You know there actually could be something there with that Japan Disneyland angle on things.
I went to Disney on a trip to Tokyo a few years back, I also am not in charge of a country. Coincidence? perhaps, but I think maybe not.

In 2001, it didn't seem that Kim Jong Un's fingerprints might one day adorn the red button. In those heady days, a different Kim was in line for the throne: Kim Jong Nam (above right), the eldest son of Kim Jong Il. Things went bad for Kim Jong Nam when he was detained at Narita International Airport in Tokyo. The charge: traveling with a fraudulent passport. Specifically, he attempted to pass himself off as a Dominican named Pang Xiong (which translates as "Fat Bear" in Chinese). Japanese authorities, who know a fake Dominican when they see one, deported the heir apparent of North Korea to China.

Kim Jong Nam and his immediate family were attempting to visit Tokyo Disneyland.

Kim Jong Un's less responsible, Disney-obsessed older brother
love the first comment...

John Ka day ago

Hmmm... You'd have to be a brave man or woman to witness this and then risk your life to smuggle out this little snippet of information, for no particular reward....

I'm inclined to agree. How easy would it be to make this story up? I'm sure it's not untrue anyway.
Bwahahahaha! I'm inclined to call you the single most naive person on the planet. You don't think the NSA is listening in 24x7 to everything that Kim Jong Un is doing?!? You don't think they are listening to all of his phone calls (even when the phone is not in use)? You don't think spy satellites are pointed at his HQ's around the clock?

Good God you are one little mindless lapdog. Perhaps you might want to examine the Edward Snowden dump and the DNC dump sometime? Just say'n :dunno:
Really? You really think they can do that? You've been watching too much Johnny English.
Like I said my might want to examine the Edward Snowden dump and the DNC dump. It details our capabilities. You have to stop living like this is 1940 my friend. No, the government doesn't care about you, and yes - they have near unlimited surveillance capabilities.

Just to give you one small idea as to the degree - they had actually worked it out so that specific networking equipment (such as routers from Cisco, among others) were rerouted to NSA facilities where they were outfitted with devices that would copy data packets and send them to the NSA. Then the networking devices were repackaged and shipped to the intended recipients - all without them knowing. This is all available in the Snowden dumps if you actually take the time to read them and educate yourself about what is going on.
love the first comment...

John Ka day ago

Hmmm... You'd have to be a brave man or woman to witness this and then risk your life to smuggle out this little snippet of information, for no particular reward....

I'm inclined to agree. How easy would it be to make this story up? I'm sure it's not untrue anyway.
Bwahahahaha! I'm inclined to call you the single most naive person on the planet. You don't think the NSA is listening in 24x7 to everything that Kim Jong Un is doing?!? You don't think they are listening to all of his phone calls (even when the phone is not in use)? You don't think spy satellites are pointed at his HQ's around the clock?

Good God you are one little mindless lapdog. Perhaps you might want to examine the Edward Snowden dump and the DNC dump sometime? Just say'n :dunno:
Really? You really think they can do that? You've been watching too much Johnny English.
Like I said my might want to examine the Edward Snowden dump and the DNC dump. It details our capabilities. You have to stop living like this is 1940 my friend. No, the government doesn't care about you, and yes - they have near unlimited surveillance capabilities.

Just to give you one small idea as to the degree - they had actually worked it out so that specific networking equipment (such as routers from Cisco, among others) were rerouted to NSA facilities where they were outfitted with devices that would copy data packets and send them to the NSA. Then the networking devices were repackaged and shipped to the intended recipients - all without them knowing. This is all available in the Snowden dumps if you actually take the time to read them and educate yourself about what is going on.

Sure thing, miss moneypenny. *smirk*
The good news is we avoided voting for our own version of a drunk woman in power and doing retarded shit. That was a near miss.

Looks like he's grooming himself and launching a media to take Hillary's place; he has all the qualifications Democrats look for, after all. They could draft him at their next Presidential Convention. Their policies, cultural requirements, and tactics are indistinguishable.

Yet we still got a guy with a bad hairdo....

He has the same fashion sense as Hillary, and they wear the same kind of Maoist pantsuits. What's not to like for Democrats?
This jack-ass has nuclear weapons. He is a global threat.

Lol without having seen your thread title I would have assumed you were talking about your boyfriend the Donald.

Trump doesnt drink alcohol.
Probably a lie, but regardless he's about to be a jackass with nuclear weapons, and a global threat. I hope whoever carries the nuclear football during Trump's reign has training that involves what to do if a belligerent President attempts to set off WW3 as easy as if it was a tweet.
actually, they are trained for such things. I doubt it will be an issue with Trump, but Im pretty sure that the training was bumped up right after the debate when hillary said she would be going after Russia. Now that she is going to be out grazing in the pasture with the other cows, I dont think that threat is as strong as it was.
I doubt it will be an issue with Trump, but Im pretty sure that the training was bumped up
I hope the training was bumped towards adding a second, third, fourth, and maybe many more opinions towards the decision over whether or not to use nukes! B/c Trump is a dangerous lunatic, and whether you're left or right we're all in danger from this maniac. Maybe that's what it will take to reunite the nation.

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