Kimmel can drop dead for all I care

He and the rather spidery Sarah Silverman deserved each other. Apparently they share the same shit-for-brain.
Doubtful. But if you want to ring off a dozen made up achievements that'd be cool.
I can name one that puts me far beyond him right off the top. I served my nation in the Marines in combat. Nuff said right there alone. As for Kimmel...hmmmm...he fucked Sarah Silverman...hmmmmmm...and was Adam Corolla's side kick on The Man Show. Also, in my professional career I changed lives for the good of society.

Is that enough? I mean, if you think all you have to do is serve in the Marines and then be an asshole the rest of your life, you'd be wrong.
Not being an asshole. If you weren't such a fragile little snowflake you would know the difference between a "reality check" and being an "asshole."

Snowflake? Like insulting Jimmy Kimmel because he used to go out with a famous comedian as though that's really any sort of insult? I mean, kind of bitchy, right? Meow.
Only a fool would think that Jimmy Kimble has any credibility... on anything. Lol

Oh, big surprise, Rustic not adding any substance to the conversation.
Technically since we didn't get to impeachment hearings back then maybe I should change my sig.
Or perhaps, and closer to the point, Trump has done nothing wrong.

He's done a lot wrong. Has he committed any high crimes and misdemeanors? We shall see.
We shall see what a waste of time independent counsel has been.

Don't worry, in 8 years you guys can pretend you never liked Trump, like many of you did with W.

Not happening. Trump is an American, W. is a globalist turd.

As for you, hmm, one wonders.

Sure, and I bet you totally didn't vote for him either.
I don't have compassion for people trying to get other people to surrender constitutional rights
You're insane if you think having automatic military style weapons is part of your Constitutional rights.
Our founders devised the 2nd amendment when guns fired one bullet..
YOU and people like you are a major part of the problem.
I might have had nothing to say about his Vegas shooter speech if it wasn't for the fact he was on TV 3 weeks before crying over heath care.

This guy is using his position as a COMEDY talk show host to try to control people, through emotion, into giving up liberties.

He cried on stage over health care, hinting that obamacare shouldn't be overturned , and we should give up our choice to buy health care insurance.
We all going to be better off if the health insurance companies mug us.

Now he's crying on stage hinting at the fact he wants gun control and we should leave ourselves defenseless.
( he used to be sports DJ out here...and he's from back east)
This guy is descending to the lowest rung of human garbage faster than his mysterious clime in entertainment.

Hey everyone, tell the government you don't want free speech anymore because Kimmel's crying on TV
I can name one that puts me far beyond him right off the top. I served my nation in the Marines in combat. Nuff said right there alone. As for Kimmel...hmmmm...he fucked Sarah Silverman...hmmmmmm...and was Adam Corolla's side kick on The Man Show. Also, in my professional career I changed lives for the good of society.

Is that enough? I mean, if you think all you have to do is serve in the Marines and then be an asshole the rest of your life, you'd be wrong.
Not being an asshole. If you weren't such a fragile little snowflake you would know the difference between a "reality check" and being an "asshole."

Snowflake? Like insulting Jimmy Kimmel because he used to go out with a famous comedian as though that's really any sort of insult? I mean, kind of bitchy, right? Meow.
Only a fool would think that Jimmy Kimble has any credibility... on anything. Lol

Oh, big surprise, Rustic not adding any substance to the conversation.

He has added as much to the conversation as you and Kimmel have.

The guy is a comedian, anything else he says is irrelevant to me. I don't look to Hollywood for anything substantive, so far they have not let me down.
Is that enough? I mean, if you think all you have to do is serve in the Marines and then be an asshole the rest of your life, you'd be wrong.
Not being an asshole. If you weren't such a fragile little snowflake you would know the difference between a "reality check" and being an "asshole."

Snowflake? Like insulting Jimmy Kimmel because he used to go out with a famous comedian as though that's really any sort of insult? I mean, kind of bitchy, right? Meow.
Only a fool would think that Jimmy Kimble has any credibility... on anything. Lol

Oh, big surprise, Rustic not adding any substance to the conversation.

He has added as much to the conversation as you and Kimmel have.

The guy is a comedian, anything else he says is irrelevant to me. I don't look to Hollywood for anything substantive, so far they have not let me down.

Rustic never really addressed anything in this thread and I feel pretty confident that if Kimmel or any other celebrity said something with a conservative viewpoint you wouldn't be here telling us how you don't listen to celebrities.
Why should I give a shit what a late night talk show host thinks? He is useless as an American. He builds nothing, creates nothing, and does not, nor ever has, served his nation. He interviews Hollywood types...and I really do not care what they think politically either.
I appreciate you taking the time from your busy schedule to come here and tell us how you don't "give a shit".
Why should I give a shit what a late night talk show host thinks? He is useless as an American. He builds nothing, creates nothing, and does not, nor ever has, served his nation. He interviews Hollywood types...and I really do not care what they think politically either.

I'm going to guess that your life probably doesn't stack up well to his when it comes to achievements.
Mine are far superior.
Thank you again for stopping by to let us know how little you care about the subject of this thread.
I might have had nothing to say about his Vegas shooter speech if it wasn't for the fact he was on TV 3 weeks before crying over heath care.

This guy is using his position as a COMEDY talk show host to try to control people, through emotion, into giving up liberties.

He cried on stage over health care, hinting that obamacare shouldn't be overturned , and we should give up our choice to buy health care insurance.
We all going to be better off if the health insurance companies mug us.

Now he's crying on stage hinting at the fact he wants gun control and we should leave ourselves defenseless.
( he used to be sports DJ out here...and he's from back east)
This guy is descending to the lowest rung of human garbage faster than his mysterious clime in entertainment.

Hey everyone, tell the government you don't want free speech anymore because Kimmel's crying on TV

Kimmel is not even funny. The way he got his job was being a PC stooge.
Why should I give a shit what a late night talk show host thinks? He is useless as an American. He builds nothing, creates nothing, and does not, nor ever has, served his nation. He interviews Hollywood types...and I really do not care what they think politically either.

I'm going to guess that your life probably doesn't stack up well to his when it comes to achievements.
Mine are far superior.

Doubtful. But if you want to ring off a dozen made up achievements that'd be cool.
I can name one that puts me far beyond him right off the top. I served my nation in the Marines in combat. Nuff said right there alone. As for Kimmel...hmmmm...he fucked Sarah Silverman...hmmmmmm...and was Adam Corolla's side kick on The Man Show. Also, in my professional career I changed lives for the good of society.
But....having said all really are here to tell us you don't give a shit about him and what he says, right?
What? No, liberal social policies helped bring the elderly out of poverty and through regulations exploiting child labor is a thing of the past. What the hell are you talking about?

Fuck wants to take us back to the goddamn stone age. Clueless brainwashed drones.

Yep, and with so much anger. I just don't get the anger.

Yeah says the guy that wants to have Water Gate again...

Technically since we didn't get to impeachment hearings back then maybe I should change my sig.
Or perhaps, and closer to the point, Trump has done nothing wrong.
Focus....Kimmel....focus on not giving a shit about what Kimmel is or says......
Every developed nation on earth uses some form of SINGLE PAYER besides the United states. It is the private sector "system" that we use that stands out and has proven not to work for the poor and lower middle class.

Yet, you stick with it no matter how much of a cluster fuck it is.

If "Every developed nation on earth uses some form of SINGLE PAYER besides the United states", perhaps you should feel free to move to another nation and live under that system you crave.

You can argue the merits of single payer, but to claim to wanted because "every" nation has it is not a winning argument.
I might have had nothing to say about his Vegas shooter speech if it wasn't for the fact he was on TV 3 weeks before crying over heath care.

This guy is using his position as a COMEDY talk show host to try to control people, through emotion, into giving up liberties.

He cried on stage over health care, hinting that obamacare shouldn't be overturned , and we should give up our choice to buy health care insurance.
We all going to be better off if the health insurance companies mug us.

Now he's crying on stage hinting at the fact he wants gun control and we should leave ourselves defenseless.
( he used to be sports DJ out here...and he's from back east)
This guy is descending to the lowest rung of human garbage faster than his mysterious clime in entertainment.

Hey everyone, tell the government you don't want free speech anymore because Kimmel's crying on TV

I bet he wouldn't have a problem if Congress outlaw the armed bodyguards.
The DEPLORABLES are obsessed that Jimmy Kimmel is dead on with everything he's saying and has the support of over 75% of the country AND reaches millions of people each night.
That's just a plain old fashioned beat down and the Trump whores are besides themselves.

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