Kimmel can drop dead for all I care

The DEPLORABLES are obsessed that Jimmy Kimmel is dead on with everything he's saying and has the support of over 75% of the country AND reaches millions of people each night.
That's just a plain old fashioned beat down and the Trump whores are besides themselves.

He should've run for president with John Oliver as running mate.
Fuck wants to take us back to the goddamn stone age. Clueless brainwashed drones.

Yep, and with so much anger. I just don't get the anger.

Yeah says the guy that wants to have Water Gate again...

Technically since we didn't get to impeachment hearings back then maybe I should change my sig.
Or perhaps, and closer to the point, Trump has done nothing wrong.
Focus....Kimmel....focus on not giving a shit about what Kimmel is or says......

I really don't get this fascination with celebrities. Most are complete dunderheads.
I might have had nothing to say about his Vegas shooter speech if it wasn't for the fact he was on TV 3 weeks before crying over heath care.

This guy is using his position as a COMEDY talk show host to try to control people, through emotion, into giving up liberties.

He cried on stage over health care, hinting that obamacare shouldn't be overturned , and we should give up our choice to buy health care insurance.
We all going to be better off if the health insurance companies mug us.

Now he's crying on stage hinting at the fact he wants gun control and we should leave ourselves defenseless.
( he used to be sports DJ out here...and he's from back east)
This guy is descending to the lowest rung of human garbage faster than his mysterious clime in entertainment.

Hey everyone, tell the government you don't want free speech anymore because Kimmel's crying on TV

What a colossal loser, crying on national TV. Does anyone actually believe his fakery? Do you know of anyone else who cried in light of the events? What a snowflake/moron.

His emotional breakdown and the subsequent lies and propaganda only tell us that he is not capable of dealing with such issues. Perhaps he should do his job and stick to comedy.
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Everyone can die in their minds...What a savage belief system.
Yes. Fuck them. Die bitches, die. I don't give a rat fuck.

Guns and get the fuck away.

The next mass shooter might very well be....
We've already had two who used to post here.

What were their politics?
One shot up the Holocaust Museum in Wash. DC and the other one shot up an Abortion Clinic in CO.
Not being an asshole. If you weren't such a fragile little snowflake you would know the difference between a "reality check" and being an "asshole."

Snowflake? Like insulting Jimmy Kimmel because he used to go out with a famous comedian as though that's really any sort of insult? I mean, kind of bitchy, right? Meow.
Only a fool would think that Jimmy Kimble has any credibility... on anything. Lol

Oh, big surprise, Rustic not adding any substance to the conversation.

He has added as much to the conversation as you and Kimmel have.

The guy is a comedian, anything else he says is irrelevant to me. I don't look to Hollywood for anything substantive, so far they have not let me down.

Rustic never really addressed anything in this thread and I feel pretty confident that if Kimmel or any other celebrity said something with a conservative viewpoint you wouldn't be here telling us how you don't listen to celebrities.

You would be wrong, I don't care what they say, awhile back someone commented that Bill Maher agreed with me on a subject. I really don't care. Do celebrities have a special insight or knowledge? Is their opinion better than yours or mine?

I may disagree with you but your opinion isn't less valid than a guy that is on a TV and makes a living making jokes about the world. Not sure why you think so highly of them.
I might have had nothing to say about his Vegas shooter speech if it wasn't for the fact he was on TV 3 weeks before crying over heath care.

This guy is using his position as a COMEDY talk show host to try to control people, through emotion, into giving up liberties.

He cried on stage over health care, hinting that obamacare shouldn't be overturned , and we should give up our choice to buy health care insurance.
We all going to be better off if the health insurance companies mug us.

Now he's crying on stage hinting at the fact he wants gun control and we should leave ourselves defenseless.
( he used to be sports DJ out here...and he's from back east)
This guy is descending to the lowest rung of human garbage faster than his mysterious clime in entertainment.

Hey everyone, tell the government you don't want free speech anymore because Kimmel's crying on TV

I support universal healthcare because no healthcare means dying. You don't choose to live or die, you just do.

Having said that, These comedians should stick to comedy. I don't doubt their 1A right to say what they want, but i don't think entertainers should be using their platform to tell people what to think.

I mean, these guys are a joke.

that moment when the audience forgets what the narrative they were given
I might have had nothing to say about his Vegas shooter speech if it wasn't for the fact he was on TV 3 weeks before crying over heath care.

This guy is using his position as a COMEDY talk show host to try to control people, through emotion, into giving up liberties.

He cried on stage over health care, hinting that obamacare shouldn't be overturned , and we should give up our choice to buy health care insurance.
We all going to be better off if the health insurance companies mug us.

Now he's crying on stage hinting at the fact he wants gun control and we should leave ourselves defenseless.
( he used to be sports DJ out here...and he's from back east)
This guy is descending to the lowest rung of human garbage faster than his mysterious clime in entertainment.

Hey everyone, tell the government you don't want free speech anymore because Kimmel's crying on TV
I have great admiration for what Jimmy Kimmel did in making his feelings known about gun control and health care. He used his entertainment platform to espouse his beliefs knowing it will have a negative effect on his ratings and the money he makes. He knows principles are more important than money.

Then you have a loser like Wolfstrike using a fake name on a little seen web site to make his views known, risking nothing.
Kimmel is just another dumb liberal bigot TV talk show host like Colbert....unwatchable
Democrats hate the sort of mainstream middle class white Americans who were murdered in La Vegas.
Left Wingers call them names like deplorable, islamophobic, rednecks, hicks, white trash, hayseeds, trailer trash.......
I might have had nothing to say about his Vegas shooter speech if it wasn't for the fact he was on TV 3 weeks before crying over heath care.

This guy is using his position as a COMEDY talk show host to try to control people, through emotion, into giving up liberties.

He cried on stage over health care, hinting that obamacare shouldn't be overturned , and we should give up our choice to buy health care insurance.
We all going to be better off if the health insurance companies mug us.

Now he's crying on stage hinting at the fact he wants gun control and we should leave ourselves defenseless.
( he used to be sports DJ out here...and he's from back east)
This guy is descending to the lowest rung of human garbage faster than his mysterious clime in entertainment.

Hey everyone, tell the government you don't want free speech anymore because Kimmel's crying on TV

Kimmel is not even funny. The way he got his job was being a PC stooge.

Wait, wasn't he on "The Man Show" ? Yep, that was him.

Why should I give a shit what a late night talk show host thinks? He is useless as an American. He builds nothing, creates nothing, and does not, nor ever has, served his nation. He interviews Hollywood types...and I really do not care what they think politically either.

I'm going to guess that your life probably doesn't stack up well to his when it comes to achievements.
Mine are far superior.

Doubtful. But if you want to ring off a dozen made up achievements that'd be cool.
I can name one that puts me far beyond him right off the top. I served my nation in the Marines in combat. Nuff said right there alone. As for Kimmel...hmmmm...he fucked Sarah Silverman...hmmmmmm...and was Adam Corolla's side kick on The Man Show. Also, in my professional career I changed lives for the good of society.
But....having said all really are here to tell us you don't give a shit about him and what he says, right?
Answering the post...not him. Never watched his late night show. He is a bore.
The DEPLORABLES are obsessed that Jimmy Kimmel is dead on with everything he's saying and has the support of over 75% of the country AND reaches millions of people each night.
That's just a plain old fashioned beat down and the Trump whores are besides themselves.
Lmfao! Obsessed! Like you cum stains and Russia conspiracy? Very rich...funny indeed!
I might have had nothing to say about his Vegas shooter speech if it wasn't for the fact he was on TV 3 weeks before crying over heath care.

This guy is using his position as a COMEDY talk show host to try to control people, through emotion, into giving up liberties.
He made a very good point.

If a Muslim kills some people, "patriots" like yourself are more than willing to give up our liberties.

But when it comes to guns, you say there is nothing we can do.


Just as I have been saying for years:

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

The DEPLORABLES are obsessed that Jimmy Kimmel is dead on with everything he's saying and has the support of over 75% of the country AND reaches millions of people each night.
That's just a plain old fashioned beat down and the Trump whores are besides themselves.

The ATF legalized the add on that the LV shooter used under Obama in 2010. Kimmel would have been correct if he attacked Obama for what happened in LV, but left wing Regressives are dishonest.
I might have had nothing to say about his Vegas shooter speech if it wasn't for the fact he was on TV 3 weeks before crying over heath care.

This guy is using his position as a COMEDY talk show host to try to control people, through emotion, into giving up liberties.

He cried on stage over health care, hinting that obamacare shouldn't be overturned , and we should give up our choice to buy health care insurance.
We all going to be better off if the health insurance companies mug us.

Now he's crying on stage hinting at the fact he wants gun control and we should leave ourselves defenseless.
( he used to be sports DJ out here...and he's from back east)
This guy is descending to the lowest rung of human garbage faster than his mysterious clime in entertainment.

Hey everyone, tell the government you don't want free speech anymore because Kimmel's crying on TV
I have great admiration for what Jimmy Kimmel did in making his feelings known about gun control and health care. He used his entertainment platform to espouse his beliefs knowing it will have a negative effect on his ratings and the money he makes. He knows principles are more important than money.

Then you have a loser like Wolfstrike using a fake name on a little seen web site to make his views known, risking nothing.
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with obamacare, they will never use it and can't afford the shitcare...

Conservative artist in Los Angeles, named Sabo, attacks Kimmel with art, calling him a tool of the Democrats.

(Disclaimer: I'm not Sabo)

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