King Charles on tonight

He is funny. I can't not like him.

With a BUT, He showed himself to be a bit of a LW animal when arguing with Micheal Savage show (2003) about immigration. Go dribble a ball....

The reign of King Charles — the CNN show, not the British monarch — began rather quietly Wednesday. The weekly show, hosted by Gayle King and Charles Barkley, drew just 501,00 viewers for its debut, according to same-day Nielsen ratings (it adjusted up a little from 486,000 in fast nationals).
I missed it
Hahahah!!! See what I mean?

Charles Barkley and Gail King’s new show on tonight. I might give it a shot, because I find Barkley to be entertaining
I'm watching it now. I'm curious to see what they talk about. He's a conservative so I want to hear from a black conservatives perspective.
I'm watching it now. I'm curious to see what they talk about. He's a conservative so I want to hear from a black conservatives perspective.
I’m interested as well. Give me the cliff notes if you can.
I’m interested as well. Give me the cliff notes if you can.
Steve Kerr came on because his dad was murdered trying to bring peace to the middle east. He warned us to stop doing what we are doing now. Either you are on the side of Israel or Hamas. Forget about the nuances. It's black and white. Hamas, or Israel. It shouldn't be this way.

80% of Americans want universal background checks on guns. So why don't we do them everywhere?

70% don't think citizens should have assault weapons yet lobbyists. We need republicans who can run on violence prevention and not get kicked out of the party.

Steve said read Tom Friedman from the NY Times. He's Jewish btw

First, Israel is facing threats from a set of enemies who combine medieval theocratic worldviews with 21st-century weaponry — and are no longer organized as small bands of militiamen but as modern armies with brigades, battalions, cybercapabilities, long-range rockets, drones and technical support. I am speaking about Iranian-backed Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic militias in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen — and now even the openly Hamas-embracing Vladimir Putin. These foes have long been there, but all of them seemed to surface together like dragons during this conflict, threatening Israel with a 360-degree war all at once.

They talked about Taylor Swift

It sucks.
Steve Kerr came on because his dad was murdered trying to bring peace to the middle east. He warned us to stop doing what we are doing now. Either you are on the side of Israel or Hamas. Forget about the nuances. It's black and white. Hamas, or Israel. It shouldn't be this way.

80% of Americans want universal background checks on guns. So why don't we do them everywhere?

70% don't think citizens should have assault weapons yet lobbyists. We need republicans who can run on violence prevention and not get kicked out of the party.

Steve said read Tom Friedman from the NY Times. He's Jewish btw

First, Israel is facing threats from a set of enemies who combine medieval theocratic worldviews with 21st-century weaponry — and are no longer organized as small bands of militiamen but as modern armies with brigades, battalions, cybercapabilities, long-range rockets, drones and technical support. I am speaking about Iranian-backed Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic militias in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen — and now even the openly Hamas-embracing Vladimir Putin. These foes have long been there, but all of them seemed to surface together like dragons during this conflict, threatening Israel with a 360-degree war all at once.

They talked about Taylor Swift

It sucks.
Was it interesting or boring?
Was it interesting or boring?
Boring. It's like all the current event topics we've all been talking about lately, or at least 3 or 4 of them, a slight left leaning take on things, trying not to be too much left, but clearly left.

We need another show like this like we need another hole in our bodies. I have it taped so I'll let you know if it gets better. Like will they weigh in on Trump? They said Washington is dysfuctional, they said we can't pass common sense gun legislation because of politics, but they didn't talk about Trump yet.

I don't like it. After one episode I'd say it's going to be cancelled. They took two popular blacks and decided to give them a show on CNN. Yawn.

I would have liked it if Charles showed his conservative side. Is he only conservative when it comes to paying taxes?
I like Barkley, I'll try to catch the next show. I'd imagine he was playing it close to the vest on the initial show.
Will you be watching the show going forward?
I hit record series. They are going to have to get controversial. Assuming they are democrats I hope they report on all the good things Biden has done and I hope they discuss all of trumps crimes, and how he’s acting like a Nazi. And discuss why it’s scary Kanye said he liked Hitler. Talk about how politicians lie about climate change because they are paid to do so. Talk about Clarence Thomas and abortion. Unions. Illegal employers. Social security and Medicare.

Never discuss trannies in bathrooms. Don’t vote for anyone who brings it up. They aren’t a serious person who wants to talk about the real issues.
Will you be watching the show going forward?
Let’s call the first episode their pilot. Charles seemed nervous and out of his element. The topics were softball current events and their opinions weren’t controversial in any way. Their first guest was Steve Kerr. Everytime there’s A terrorist event they interview him because his dad was killed in the Middle East. His advice is we should worry for the Palestinian people caught in the middle.

They talked about George santos.

I think there are already 20 other shows that discuss this. I think cnn must not have anything better.

Gayle offers the show some credibility.

I give it a C-. Remember a C is 2.0. A C- is a 1.999. That’s not a good grade. One semester I got all Cs and 1 c- so I was on academic probation.
I’m interested as well. Give me the cliff notes if you can.
2nd episode they start off talking about how Normal Lear was all about diversity. They told him he couldn't have a show about black people so he started out by slipping blacks into his white shows. The Jefferson's started out on All in the Family.

Anthony Blinken is on talking about Israel. It's a safe interview. He's condemning Hamas but says Hamas has embedded itself with civilians so it's challenging for Israel to go after Hamas.

The show started out with Charles asking someone on the street "do you think America should have to police the rest of the world?"

Talking about Trump saying he'd be a dictator on day one. Trump says the quiet word out loud.

A black political comedian from TDS is on. Roy Wood Jr.

Taylor Swift person of the year

Dion Sanders and Jim Harbaugh are who Charles would have picked.

Gayle would have picked internet Beyonce and Taylor Swift together.

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