King James Version Bible Under Attack by Jesuit Illuminati

Good page here illustrating the various accuracies of popular versions of the Bible,
Translation Comparison Charts

image004.jpg Haitian Arawak Movement H.A.M.

Before his execution, a Spanish priest tried to convert him [a native leader] to Christianity - by force, which is how most of our ancestors became Christians. The priest explained to him that if he agreed to be baptized, that he would be cleansed from all sins against the Christian God. Hatuey asked the priest: 'After being baptized, where do people go after death?'

The priest replied: 'To Heaven', to which Hatuey asked: 'And the Spaniards, where do they go?' The priest answered: 'If they are baptized, of course they shall go to Heaven like all good Christians.' As soon as the honorable Cacique heard that response, he bravely uttered: 'If the Spaniards will go to Heaven, then I certainly do not wish to go there! So, do not baptize me, I'd rather go to Hell!'
There is no question that there is a very vicious attack on the King James Version bible going on today and this video will break it down for you even showing you how the people behind these new translations being put out - are removing entire scriptures from the Bible. You won't want to miss this report. If you are studying from an King Jame New International Version (NIV) Burn it. It's useless. If you are studying from a New King James Version (NKJV) Burn it. It's useless. If you are studying from an ESV translation again - destroy it - it's useless. You need to watch this report and realize the King James Version Bible is under major attack people. The Jesuits behind this attack on the King James Bible have been trying hard to make it obsolete and you need to be aware of why they are doing this. They could not destroy the Protestants so they are trying to destroy the Written Word of God. Watch this:

All the new versions of the King James are like reading comic book bibles.
James bastardised the scriptures far worse than these more modern translators. Currently I am reading Tyndale's translation. Takes a bit of work though.

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