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King james was gay!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
How can so many historians be wrong!

How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

Later, James fell in love with a poor young Scotsman named Robert Carr. "The king leans on his [Carr's] arm, pinches his cheeks, smooths his ruffled garment, and when he looks upon Carr, directs his speech to others." (Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, in a letter, 1611)

James's sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying "King Elizabeth" had been succeeded by "Queen James."
- Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne

King James 1 was a known homosexual who murdered his young lovers and victimized countless heretics and women. His cruelty was justified by his "divine right" of kings.
- Otto J. Scott, James the First


Although the title page of The King James Bible boasted that it was "newly translated out of the original tongues," the work was actually a revision of The Bishop's Bible of 1568, which was a revision of The Great Bible of 1539, which was itself based on three previous English translations from the early 1500s. So, the men who produced the King James Bible not only inherited some of the errors made by previous English translators, but invented some of their own.

A physical weakling, as an adolescent James had shown himself to be a coward, who liked only to hunt, to read (which he did, prodigiously) and to talk. To protect himself he wore thick quilted doublets, so padded that they provided a kind of armor against any assassin who might attack him with a knife. When he revealed a sexual preference for men, falling in love with his cousin Esmé Stewart and elevating him to a position of authority on the royal council, some of his nobles kidnapped James and held him captive, banishing Stewart and controlling James's every move. After nearly a year James escaped, but continued to resent his jailers; after he began to rule on his own behalf, at seventeen, he made it a priority to bring the turbulent Scots nobles under control.

As he aged James indulged his preference for handsome men, living apart from his wife. His doting fondness was part paternal, part erotic; he called his favorite George Villiers "sweet child and wife" and referred to himself as "your dear dad and husband." But to his courtiers, the sight of the aging, paunchy, balding monarch, who according to one court observer had a tendency to drool, leaning on his paramours was utterly repellant.

Another little known fact: After King Jame's death, the Bible named after him was changed to specifically include homosexuality as a sin, although earlier bibles, dating back to ancient times, didn't.
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There are a handful of Scriptures (five or eight depending upon how one counts) that specifically speak of same-sex intimacy as unacceptable to God. Conservatives or traditionalists see these as reflecting God’s timeless will for human relationships. Progressives look at these same scriptures in much the same way that progressives in the nineteenth century looked at the Bible’s teaching on slavery. They believe that these verses capture the cultural understandings and practices of sexuality in biblical times, but do not reflect God’s will for gay and lesbian people.

In my own life, it was both reading the Bible’s passages on same-sex intimacy in the same light as passages on slavery (and violence and the place of women) and coming to know gay and lesbian people that led me to see this issue differently, particularly children who grew up in my church who loved God and sought to serve Christ. As I listened to their stories I saw that they did not fit the stereotypes I had been taught about gay and lesbian people. The love they shared with others looked very much like the love I share with my wife –a deep friendship and companionship. And their faith was as authentic as that of anyone else in my congregation.

For many Christians today, particularly young adults, the handful of Bible verses related to same sex intimacy seem more like the 100 plus verses on slavery than they do the teachings of Jesus and his great commandments to love God and neighbor. Their gay and lesbian friends are people, just like them, in need of love and community. I believe that in the years ahead an increasing number of Christians, not only progressives, but also conservatives, will read the Bible’s passages regarding homosexuality as all Christians today read the Bible’s passages on slavery. And the sermons preached from America’s pulpits decrying the rights of homosexuals today will sound to future generations much like the pro-slavery sermons sound to us today.
And the Catholic Pope made lust a very special topic of suppression since Paul was never lucky..nudge nudge, know what I mean?
Here's the views of another biblical scholar:

"The bible says" is often the excuse employed by homophobic Christians who believe scripture requires a condemnation of homosexuality. The bible is a neutral object. It only "says" something when we act upon it. This is why we as actors must use this prop in a Shakespearean manner and not improv it as so many do today.

In the last several decades, the use of classical rhetoric as a tool to examine the Pauline epistles has become something of an institution among New Testament scholars. Because of this, we are able to wield scripture more effectively. Equally so, there is push back from fundamentalists and conservatives who would read scripture as if they were the ones writing it, divorced from its first century Greco-Roman-Hellenistic context. It is because of this insistence we read scripture as a modern how-to guide that those who use it are likely to do so not only in error but to the harm of others as well.

A case in point is the often (mis)used passage, Romans 1.18-32. It does not take long in a discussion on scripture and homosexuality for the more traditional defender to take this out of his or her arsenal, as if it is the "nuclear option." Jesus may not have spoken directly about homosexuality, but Paul did, we are assured. However, and I relish this role as the bearer of bad news, this passage is not about condemning homosexuality, but about condemning those who condemn others.
Another little known fact: After King Jame's death, the Bible named after him was changed to specifically include homosexuality as a sin, although earlier bibles, dating back to ancient times, didn't.

I checked and the 1611 King James Bible mentions Homosexuality as a sin.

Show some evidence because I don't believe you.
Another little known fact: After King Jame's death, the Bible named after him was changed to specifically include homosexuality as a sin, although earlier bibles, dating back to ancient times, didn't.

I checked and the 1611 King James Bible mentions Homosexuality as a sin.

Show some evidence because I don't believe you.

That's the Bible you read today. That Bible was modified in 1792 and in the mid 1800's to more closely align with the prudent culture of the days, and again in the mid 20th century, yet still has the date of 1611.

Here's another good read:

Clobbering "Biblical" Gay Bashing - The God Article

In summary of my look at the Christian Church's use of the clobber verses, if you want to call homosexuality a sin, go ahead. But you are going to have to admit that it is not biblically a sin. Which means you are also going to have to admit that you are calling it a sin simply because that's what you want to do. Because of that, you are going to have to admit that you are a sinner for using God's name for false pretenses (it's a little thing we like to call using God's name in vain). And then, Paul has something to tell you, “...you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.” (Romans 2:1).
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How can so many historians be wrong!

How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

Later, James fell in love with a poor young Scotsman named Robert Carr. "The king leans on his [Carr's] arm, pinches his cheeks, smooths his ruffled garment, and when he looks upon Carr, directs his speech to others." (Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, in a letter, 1611)

James's sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying "King Elizabeth" had been succeeded by "Queen James."
- Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne


Although the title page of The King James Bible boasted that it was "newly translated out of the original tongues," the work was actually a revision of The Bishop's Bible of 1568, which was a revision of The Great Bible of 1539, which was itself based on three previous English translations from the early 1500s. So, the men who produced the King James Bible not only inherited some of the errors made by previous English translators, but invented some of their own.

A physical weakling, as an adolescent James had shown himself to be a coward, who liked only to hunt, to read (which he did, prodigiously) and to talk. To protect himself he wore thick quilted doublets, so padded that they provided a kind of armor against any assassin who might attack him with a knife. When he revealed a sexual preference for men, falling in love with his cousin Esmé Stewart and elevating him to a position of authority on the royal council, some of his nobles kidnapped James and held him captive, banishing Stewart and controlling James's every move. After nearly a year James escaped, but continued to resent his jailers; after he began to rule on his own behalf, at seventeen, he made it a priority to bring the turbulent Scots nobles under control.

As he aged James indulged his preference for handsome men, living apart from his wife. His doting fondness was part paternal, part erotic; he called his favorite George Villiers "sweet child and wife" and referred to himself as "your dear dad and husband." But to his courtiers, the sight of the aging, paunchy, balding monarch, who according to one court observer had a tendency to drool, leaning on his paramours was utterly repellant.

Another little known fact: After King Jame's death, the Bible named after him was changed to specifically include homosexuality as a sin, although earlier bibles, dating back to ancient times, didn't.

That's because the word "homosexuality" wasn't invented yet. The practice of homosexuality was addressed in all ancient Biblical texts “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination", “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination"
Another little known fact: After King Jame's death, the Bible named after him was changed to specifically include homosexuality as a sin, although earlier bibles, dating back to ancient times, didn't.

I checked and the 1611 King James Bible mentions Homosexuality as a sin.

Show some evidence because I don't believe you.

That's the Bible you read today. That Bible was modified in 1792 and in the mid 1800's to more closely align with the prudent culture of the days, and again in the mid 20th century, yet still has the date of 1611.

Here's another good read:

Clobbering "Biblical" Gay Bashing - The God Article

In summary of my look at the Christian Church's use of the clobber verses, if you want to call homosexuality a sin, go ahead. But you are going to have to admit that it is not biblically a sin. Which means you are also going to have to admit that you are calling it a sin simply because that's what you want to do. Because of that, you are going to have to admit that you are a sinner for using God's name for false pretenses (it's a little thing we like to call using God's name in vain). And then, Paul has something to tell you, “...you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.” (Romans 2:1).

I skimmed the article. It is kind of weak and don't see how it proves anything you said.
I checked and the 1611 King James Bible mentions Homosexuality as a sin.

Show some evidence because I don't believe you.

That's the Bible you read today. That Bible was modified in 1792 and in the mid 1800's to more closely align with the prudent culture of the days, and again in the mid 20th century, yet still has the date of 1611.

Here's another good read:

Clobbering "Biblical" Gay Bashing - The God Article

In summary of my look at the Christian Church's use of the clobber verses, if you want to call homosexuality a sin, go ahead. But you are going to have to admit that it is not biblically a sin. Which means you are also going to have to admit that you are calling it a sin simply because that's what you want to do. Because of that, you are going to have to admit that you are a sinner for using God's name for false pretenses (it's a little thing we like to call using God's name in vain). And then, Paul has something to tell you, “...you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.” (Romans 2:1).

I skimmed the article. It is kind of weak and don't see how it proves anything you said.

King James Homosexual, From Earliest Teens to His Death & Burial Tomb!
According to liberals, every one in all of history was gay. It's how they justify themselves.
How can so many historians be wrong!

How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

Later, James fell in love with a poor young Scotsman named Robert Carr. "The king leans on his [Carr's] arm, pinches his cheeks, smooths his ruffled garment, and when he looks upon Carr, directs his speech to others." (Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, in a letter, 1611)

James's sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying "King Elizabeth" had been succeeded by "Queen James."
- Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne


Although the title page of The King James Bible boasted that it was "newly translated out of the original tongues," the work was actually a revision of The Bishop's Bible of 1568, which was a revision of The Great Bible of 1539, which was itself based on three previous English translations from the early 1500s. So, the men who produced the King James Bible not only inherited some of the errors made by previous English translators, but invented some of their own.

A physical weakling, as an adolescent James had shown himself to be a coward, who liked only to hunt, to read (which he did, prodigiously) and to talk. To protect himself he wore thick quilted doublets, so padded that they provided a kind of armor against any assassin who might attack him with a knife. When he revealed a sexual preference for men, falling in love with his cousin Esmé Stewart and elevating him to a position of authority on the royal council, some of his nobles kidnapped James and held him captive, banishing Stewart and controlling James's every move. After nearly a year James escaped, but continued to resent his jailers; after he began to rule on his own behalf, at seventeen, he made it a priority to bring the turbulent Scots nobles under control.

As he aged James indulged his preference for handsome men, living apart from his wife. His doting fondness was part paternal, part erotic; he called his favorite George Villiers "sweet child and wife" and referred to himself as "your dear dad and husband." But to his courtiers, the sight of the aging, paunchy, balding monarch, who according to one court observer had a tendency to drool, leaning on his paramours was utterly repellant.

Another little known fact: After King Jame's death, the Bible named after him was changed to specifically include homosexuality as a sin, although earlier bibles, dating back to ancient times, didn't.

Just shows how hypocrtical you fags are, just like gay faggot priests.
Another little known fact: After King Jame's death, the Bible named after him was changed to specifically include homosexuality as a sin, although earlier bibles, dating back to ancient times, didn't.

I checked and the 1611 King James Bible mentions Homosexuality as a sin.

Show some evidence because I don't believe you.

That's the Bible you read today. That Bible was modified in 1792 and in the mid 1800's to more closely align with the prudent culture of the days, and again in the mid 20th century, yet still has the date of 1611.

Here's another good read:

Clobbering "Biblical" Gay Bashing - The God Article

In summary of my look at the Christian Church's use of the clobber verses, if you want to call homosexuality a sin, go ahead. But you are going to have to admit that it is not biblically a sin. Which means you are also going to have to admit that you are calling it a sin simply because that's what you want to do. Because of that, you are going to have to admit that you are a sinner for using God's name for false pretenses (it's a little thing we like to call using God's name in vain). And then, Paul has something to tell you, “...you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.” (Romans 2:1).

If that were true then whomever did all of that modifying, also had to:
Discover the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Not tell anybody.
Modify them also, using ancient ink and parchment.
Then re-hide them.

Nebuchadnezzar was nuts, but he still played a role in God's plan. God is Lord over all people, not just those who are inclined toward Him. He uses them for His pleasure. The King James is the closest of all Bibles to the original writings. Compare it to the Dead Sea Scrolls and then compare them to the original writings, and those modifications don't exist.
So while James was snuggling with his boyfriends, the very best of scribes were translating God's word with amazing accuracy. They did a good job. It is a trustworthy Bible.

side note:
If you take God's name and produce no Godly behavior, you have taken His name in vain.
Vain- Not yielding the desired outcome; fruitless: a vain attempt. 2. Lacking substance or worth:
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I checked and the 1611 King James Bible mentions Homosexuality as a sin.

Show some evidence because I don't believe you.

That's the Bible you read today. That Bible was modified in 1792 and in the mid 1800's to more closely align with the prudent culture of the days, and again in the mid 20th century, yet still has the date of 1611.

Here's another good read:

Clobbering "Biblical" Gay Bashing - The God Article

If that were true then whomever did all of that modifying, also had to:
Discover the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Not tell anybody.
Modify them also, using ancient ink and parchment.
Then re-hide them.

Nebuchadnezzar was nuts, but he still played a role in God's plan. God is Lord over all people, not just those who are inclined toward Him. He uses them for His pleasure. The King James is the closest of all Bibles to the original writings. Compare it to the Dead Sea Scrolls and then compare them to the original writings, and those modifications exist.
So while James was snuggling with his boyfriends, The best of scribes were translating God's word with amazing accuracy. They did a good job. It is a trustworthy Bible.

side note:
If you take God's name and produce no Godly behavior, you have taken His name in vain.
Vain- Not yielding the desired outcome; fruitless: a vain attempt. 2. Lacking substance or worth:

Yep. What Ram said.

You don't understand something. There were four manuscript families that went into four different geographic parts of the world that no one person or group controlled. If someone changed something, we would know by comparing the manuscripts. The Bible was originally written in Greek and Hebrew; not King James.

Besides, the ESV comes out strong against Homosexuality and it came from the Revised Standard Version which isn't King James.

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