King Obama Turns Around and Lectures Heckler, Squashed His Right to Speak

Hecker got put in place?

Can't interrupt free speech?

Tough luck, reactionaries.
I'm not an Obama fan, but I'll give him credit for being rather permissive in tolerating the interruption, and then even attempting to address the speaker's concerns. The crowd was preparing to drown the protester out, and it appeared as though someone was about to remove him, and Obama intervened.
Im a republican and I find nothing wrong with the way Obama handled himself. He let the guy speak and then he answered him HONESTLY, which is a nice change of pace. Attacking the other side for no reason is fucking stupid and childish. Get a grip people. Why does everything have to be so partisan?
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Obama will not tolerate 2009 town-hall meeting styles but will work with concerns.

Good job.
If I could have done it without cheating and lying I would have damn it! Yeah he was so put in his place lol.
I thought Obama was incredibly patient and exhibited extraordinary restraint. He even called off the SS.
Obama will not tolerate 2009 town-hall meeting styles but will work with concerns.

Good job.

Fake's Obama love:smiliehug:

Jake the /fake doesnt love anything more than his own right hand, for free anyway.

As to the heckler incident, it was likely staged to heighten the message that these poor criminals who have violated our immigration laws (and who would be in prison in Mexico had they broken their immigration laws) these poor desperate criminals just have to speak out, even if it is being rude to the Dictator-in-Chief.
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I'm not an Obama fan, but I'll give him credit for being rather permissive in tolerating the interruption, and then even attempting to address the speaker's concerns. The crowd was preparing to drown the protester out, and it appeared as though someone was about to remove him, and Obama intervened.

Only because it was a public event.

Obama isn't that nice in private witnesses have said.

If you wonder why Obama always gives his speeches on college campuses it's because he doesn't like hecklers.
I'm not an Obama fan, but I'll give him credit for being rather permissive in tolerating the interruption, and then even attempting to address the speaker's concerns. The crowd was preparing to drown the protester out, and it appeared as though someone was about to remove him, and Obama intervened.

Only because it was a public event.

Obama isn't that nice in private witnesses have said.

If you wonder why Obama always gives his speeches on college campuses it's because he doesn't like hecklers.

Who does?

I thought the President handled that guy pretty well, probably saved him from an ass-beating by the crowd.
Where in the first amendment does it say you can't tell someone to shut up?
Gee, I'm sorry I find it hilarious that the wingnuts suddenly see a guy who thinks that deportations of illegals should be stopped is suddenly a hero because he heckles Obama.

So let's see who the new Right Wing Heroes are.

Putin when he undermines Obama.
Terrorists Al-Alawawi and his Son when Obama kills them with drone strikes.
France when they sabotage the Iran deal
Some heckling punk who wants to stop the deportations they are usually for.

I suspect that if the Devil himself popped up and denounced Obama, they'd all learn to praise Satan!
I'm not an Obama fan, but I'll give him credit for being rather permissive in tolerating the interruption, and then even attempting to address the speaker's concerns. The crowd was preparing to drown the protester out, and it appeared as though someone was about to remove him, and Obama intervened.

Only because it was a public event.

Obama isn't that nice in private witnesses have said.

If you wonder why Obama always gives his speeches on college campuses it's because he doesn't like hecklers.

Who does?

I thought the President handled that guy pretty well, probably saved him from an ass-beating by the crowd.

Yeah, that would go over real well. Matter of fact, unless there was some New Black Panthers in the crowd I seriously doubt any of those sheeple would start a fight with somebody using their right for freedom of speech.
Obama will not tolerate 2009 town-hall meeting styles but will work with concerns.

Good job.

Fake's Obama love:smiliehug:

Jake the /fake doesnt love anything more than his own right hand, for free anyway.

As to the heckler incident, it was likely staged to heighten the message that these poor criminals who have violated our immigration laws (and who would be in prison in Mexico had they broken their immigration laws) these poor desperate criminals just have to speak out, even if it is being rude to the Dictator-in-Chief.

Very insightful...

Obama’s Traveling Circus now includes hecklers on script


For Barack Obama’s orchestrated public appearances, first came ‘The Faint’. Now it’s ‘The Heckler’

Video exists proving that no matter how slick Obama’s act, people do not faint dead away just at the sight of ‘The One’.

The Barack Obama Traveling Circus was on full display in San Francisco at the Betty Ann Ong Chinese Recreation Center yesterday. The event, staged to promote his stalled immigration reform—complete with phony hecklers—took place on the same day it was announced that Obama gave Iran his $6-billion blessing to continue building its nuclear weapon.

“These days, President Obama even gets heckled by his supporters,” according to the New York Post.

But before shouting out “Oorah!” you should consider the convenient propaganda provided Obama by these made-to-order ‘hecklers

In the cunning world of Obama Marxism on display, it is easy to tell the real hecklers from the phony, White House-arranged ones. Real hecklers, who will be out in full force in 2014 and beyond, chant “USA!” “USA!”

Obama?s Traveling Circus now includes hecklers on script
"In the cunning world of Obama Marxism on display, it is easy to tell the real hecklers from the phony, White House-arranged ones. Real hecklers, who will be out in full force in 2014 and beyond, chant “USA!” “USA!”

That's believable. You'd never hear a fucking Libberhoid chanting anything pro-USA.

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